Possible Corrupted Pagefile.sys?

Dec 31, 2008

I had a virus for the first time in absolute yonks the other week, no idea how it got there but it appeared to not have caused any damage. Got rid of it and all appeared well. So I turned on my computer yesterday morning, went to log on and was presented with a BSOD.Run the driver verifier against any new (or suspect) drivers. If that doesn't reveal the corrupting driver, try enabling special pool. Both of these features are intended to catch the corruption at an earlier point where the offending driver can be identified.If you need to use safe mode to rmeove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Startup Iotions and then select Safe Mode.If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer.

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How Do I Delete Pagefile.sys

Mar 5, 2006

Can't find a way to delete the virtual memory pagefile for Windows XP. I've turning off page filing and turning it back on, and now it's eating up like 20 gb of my drive space.

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Place Pagefile.sys On My C

Jan 18, 2006

the pagefile.sys isnt on my c: its always on another drive d: or something how do i place it back on the c: to stay there

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Cannot Create Pagefile In XP

Nov 30, 2009

it's not about changing pagefile size or moving it - all of a sudden I can't create it on my machine.
2 HD (plenty of space one each) Win XP SP3, Athlon xp2400 - 2 gig RAM.Did all the appropriate things like defrag and set all the permissions of the admin and users in Safe Mode.Doesn't matter which of the 2 drives I select, doesn't matter what size or even system managed - allocated memory is always 0. Every reboot the error 'you have no pagefile or it's too small' still comes up.I tried to use Recovery Console from my CD - but I get the message your version of Windows (SP3) is newer than the version on the CD - you will overwrite it if you re-install. So I cancel out.

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Right Pagefile Settings

Mar 29, 2008

I was wondering what my page file settings should be. At present I have it on C:, which is the windows drive, set at 2000-2200. I can't quiet remember what the default settings were, but they seemed fairly low to me, and so I changed them.Also, if the rule of thumb is 1.5 of ram, does that include or exclude the video card?

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How Do I Set Up My Pagefile For Best Performance?

Apr 11, 2007

Ok I have an AMD 4200x2 dual core system with 2gigs of ram and I have two harddrives, one 74gig WD RAptor which I have XP pro and all my programs installed on then I have a 300gig Maxtor drive I use for storage of music, movies, pictures, text ...etc. My question is which drive should I set up my pagefile on and how large should it be? Ive read the best thing is to keep the pagefile on a seperate disk from XP, but in my case since the Raptor is considerably faster then the Maxtor drive, is this still true?? Also is there any benefit from putting half on each drive? Instead of say 3gig max on one drive put 1.5 on each of the two?? I know years ago when 256mb of ram was common they told you to make the page file 1.5x your ram for the initial size and 3x the ram for the max size. Is this still true of modern systems with 2gigs of ram?? Please help mest wanna make sure i have it setup for best performance. Although with 2guigs of ram in XP i doubt the pagefile is going to be used very often I usually have over 1gig free even with a few programs running.

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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Exploring Drive E - Pagefile Set Up

Feb 13, 2007

When "exploring" drive E: I see pagefile.sys at 1532 Mb. but drive C: has no pagefile.sys. I've tried setting up the pagefile several times on drive C: but still don't see anything. I've read that I may need to do brain surgery on the registry to set up my pagefiler on C: but I'm kinda nervous about that.

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Number Of Pagefile.sys Required?

Oct 9, 2006

I have 3 physical disks and work from the D drive with XP pro disk 1 has partitions C and N disk 2 has partitions D, E, F and G disk 3 has partitions H, I, J and K Just wondering how many Pagefile.sys files I need to have, as I did a search and found 3, on C, N and D. I thought one was enough ?

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Pagefile.sys In C Drive - Hidden Files

Jan 24, 2007

What is the file "pagefile.sys" in the C: drive (Yes I do have show hidden files and all that on)But here is why i'm wondering what this file is.Mine says it is 3.99GB and my friend checked hers and hers said 768MB

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How To Determine Optimum Pagefile Size In XP?

Dec 4, 2008

I have a 5-year old Compaq laptop now running XP SP3. As sold it came with 256MB RAM, but I had it upgraded to 512MB at the time of purchase.I have recently upgraded it to 1GB RAM, replacing all the existing RAM with 2 x Kingtson 512MB chips. At the same time I changed the SP pagefile setting from 'custom' to 'system managed', and when rebooted the system created a larger page file.Sadly I have seen little if any improvement in boot or loading speed, nor does there seem to have been any reduction in the amount of disk paging which seems to go on in the background while the screen hangs. How can I determine the best settings for the pagefile please? I've read the MS knowledge base etc, but I'm really no clearer as to what to do - and a query to MS "support" merely pointed me back to the knowledge base.

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C Drive Is Running Out Of Space - Size Of Pagefile

Apr 16, 2006

I am using windowsXP.My c drive is running out of space. So I need to delete some files. These are my questions.(1 The size of my pagefile.sys is 1.1G and the hiberfil.sys is 776,692kb.I this normal. (2) Is it safe to delete files from c:I386. Within this directory, Can I delete the file driver.cab (74MB) and sp2.cab (18mb)

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System Will Not Create Pagefile.sys For Virtual Memory

Jan 2, 2007

At bootup, I get the message that windows can't create a virtual memory page or it is set too low.I have tried resetting the virtual memory in the Control Panel>System (Nothing works-Windows recommends 768M but only reports 256M. Setting the Min/Max has no effect.I have checked security in Explorer's Security Tab (in Safe Mode) and it is set for Everyone > Full Control.I have tried "spf /scannow" - no effect.I have no "pagefile.sys" in the C drive root directory (the "Show hidden files and folders" is checked.)I have looked and followed the various links that have been suggested and nothing seems to help. The various register cleaners all report tons of errors. Are any of these worth the $20 to $40? Will they fix my problem? If the only solution is to reinstall Windows, should I wait for Vista and start over with it? Will Vista run on a 4 year old laptop?

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Increase Pagefile Size - Game Sacred Locking

May 10, 2006

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I was told to increase my pagefile size to 1.5GB because I was having problems with the game Sacred locking up whenever I exported a character from bronze to silver mode. How do I do this???? I have never changed this before and if I do change it what effect will it have on my computer????

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Pagefile.sys - Hiberfil.sys - Safe To Delete From Clear Space

Jul 27, 2005

I was just browsing through my C drive trying to clear some space andcame across two rather large files whose function I do not know. Theyare Pagefile.sys & hiberfil.sys, both located in C and togethertake up over a gig. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whatthey do, and if they are suppose to be that large? Also, is it safe to delete them to clear some space?

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Vga.sys Is Corrupted

Nov 13, 2008

This follows on from a previous discussion that is now closed, except my problem is a little different. I have an ACER laptop and am trying to install Windows XP Home on a brand new hard drive, but shortly after the drivers start to download/install I get an error that says that "the file vga.sys is corrupted" and then I get kicked out of the install. I assumed it was a problem with the disc, so I tried 2 more and had the same problem. What can I do to get past this point?

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Asms SP2 Is Corrupted

Jul 5, 2010

I was having difficulty reinstalling my OS, it seems that the asms win XP SP2 is corrupted, wht should i do?

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Some Cmd.exe Command Are Corrupted

Jan 13, 2008

I have created a command file called Runinstall.cmd in C: I put these lines in Runinstall.cmd to call another command file (Install.cmd) in different location,the Runinstall.cmd can call the Install.cmd in different location , but some silly things occur.I use Install.cmd to install software programmes.As the installers or items are in the same directory as the Install.cmd, I can just specify the file names without specifying the path of the files in the Install.cmd.

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupted

Jul 5, 2005

I restored a partition with Drive Image and am getting this message. It's worked fine for over a year but now a problem. I might have marked the partition active or not, I'm not sure. Older versions of the partition don't work. I think the boot.ini is ok. I checked it and can't find a problem. I copied HAL.DLL to all of my drives under windows/system/32 to see if booting was going to another drive and a different error message would appear. The first time it booted to the first choice in the boot screen and after that gives the same missing or corrupted HAL.DLL I've downloaded stuff from Microsoft but thought Symantec doesn't have good tech support any more; not like PowerQuest or whatever their name was.

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Corrupted Ntfs.sys?

Dec 16, 2006

Windows XP Pro SP2. Was all the way updated, but I think the last update may have hosed me.When I turn on the PC, it fails to load successfully...eventually it comes up with an error that says that NTFS.sys is corrupt.I tried the last known good...didn't help.I can boot from the installation CD. If I go into the recovery console, it comes up to the c: prompt but it fails to read the directory if I run DIR. When I tried to copy the NTFS.sys from the installation CD, it doesn't allow it.I tried going through the install, but when I get to the point of installing it on the existing partition, it wanted to reformat rather than repairing the Windows installation...I would REALLY like to avoid reformatting the drive before I retrieve data if at all possible.

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Corrupted .NET Framework 3.5 Sp1

Dec 1, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to repair or uninstall a corrupted .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 installation? I have tried Add/Remove on Control Panel, Windows Install Cleanup (file no longer showing), and downloading and re-installing the application - none work, 3.5 SP1 still shows in Add/Remove with earlier versions (back to 1.1)

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ALL Downloaded Files Are CORRUPTED?

Feb 22, 2006

Just reformatted my system and every game that i download ...when i open it it says file corrupted ....possible file transfer error.

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Data Becoming Damaged Or Corrupted?

Dec 13, 2007

I was having a problem with a lot of my Data becoming damaged or corrupted. At first i expected a virus (I run Nod32), but now i'm not sure. I reformatted, and repaired the MBR. When I run Nod32, it usually tells me one or more files have been damaged.

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All Downloads Are Damaged/Corrupted

Oct 9, 2005

I have used this website several times in the past to find solutions to some of my problems. I have normally been able for find what I need, without asking for help. Not for this problem, though. So, I am one of your newest members to this really cool site. I donated $20 to support this valuable resource. All files that are downloaded are corrupted

I noticed that my AntiVirus was not up-to-date (I got the MS security warning that virus prot was not running). I tried the "Live Update" feature and it didn't work (Live update could not uncompress the list of available updates. The update list somehow got corrupted. You need to run LiveUpdate again to get a new update list. I just shrugged it off and figured I would fix it later. Then I realized that I could not download other stuff, like updates to SpyBot S&D,iTunes, Typhoon Rising, MS Office

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Crashed Computer Corrupted

Apr 9, 2006

I decided to run a defrag on my computer before going to bed one night. When i woke up the next day my computer continued to reboot itself. It would reach the windows logo screen and run that for a while then i would stall for a little bit and restart. I then would shut it off cause i didnt want to mess with it and it would continually boot itself up and start this process over again. I'm running Windows XP Pro with an Athlon XP processor. I have 2-120 gig hard drives on a RAID. I have tried to do a repair with the Windows XP disk but the disk doesn't recognize the version of Windows already on the drive like it would usually do.

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Configure In BIOS Corrupted

Nov 22, 2007

I am looking to configure in BIOS, so my computer starts back on, if there is a power failer.Please let me know where I have to configure in BIOS.

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DOS And Command Prompt Corrupted

Jul 7, 2005

I have Windows XP Home and for some reason, all of a sudden I am unable to run any kind of commands in the Command prompt under Start - Programs - Accessories. I used to be able to run things like system file checker and ipconfig but for some reason I cannot now. Could DOS be corrupted or am I just accessing things wrongly. Last time I tried to run IPCONFIG I received a message that said "IPCONFIG is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program"....Also when I open up the command prompt it says C:Documents and Settings Username.

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Start Cmd Command Is Corrupted

Aug 6, 2005

In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?

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Clean Up - Corrupted With Things?

Feb 4, 2008

It's a good computer, corrupted with things that it doesn't need, and I'm afraid to remove anything. Is there a program or someone who can clean things up for me and speed it back up again? I have an 80gb hard drive, 256 MB of Ram, and a great Graphics card. (NVIDIA GeForce If i'm not mistaken.), but I really need to clean this up, because before it was really fast, now on loading up, and just anything it's so slow nowadays.

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Mountmgr.sys Is Corrupted / Repairing Pro

Sep 13, 2008

I'm dual-booting Vista (Vista came pre-installed) and XP, but in order to finalize it I need to get back into XP, booting off the CD. Can't do that anymore. I get a "mountmgr.sys is corrupted" "Setup Failed" error and the computer restarts. It didn't always do this, I've used it 5 times before.I paid $90 for this CD, and unfortunately I don't hvae access to another Installation CD right now.

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Installing Corrupted -Repair

Jun 7, 2005

My windows installing corrupted.

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