Start Cmd Command Is Corrupted

Aug 6, 2005

In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?

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Some Cmd.exe Command Are Corrupted

Jan 13, 2008

I have created a command file called Runinstall.cmd in C: I put these lines in Runinstall.cmd to call another command file (Install.cmd) in different location,the Runinstall.cmd can call the Install.cmd in different location , but some silly things occur.I use Install.cmd to install software programmes.As the installers or items are in the same directory as the Install.cmd, I can just specify the file names without specifying the path of the files in the Install.cmd.

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DOS And Command Prompt Corrupted

Jul 7, 2005

I have Windows XP Home and for some reason, all of a sudden I am unable to run any kind of commands in the Command prompt under Start - Programs - Accessories. I used to be able to run things like system file checker and ipconfig but for some reason I cannot now. Could DOS be corrupted or am I just accessing things wrongly. Last time I tried to run IPCONFIG I received a message that said "IPCONFIG is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program"....Also when I open up the command prompt it says C:Documents and Settings Username.

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Corrupted Registry File - Type Md Tmp Command And It Says Access Denied

Apr 25, 2006

I have a buddy that cannot start his computer because he has a corrupte system32 registry file. i have fixed this problem before on computers but i cant do this one. when i insert the xp cd and go to the recovery console i can not proceed with typing in the commands. usually when you go to the recovery console it asks for the administrator password, but when i do this to his computer it doesnt ask for it. it just goes to the c:> command line. then i try to type md tmp command and it says access denied..

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Start Cmd Command Error Message >Windows Cannot Find Or Start

Aug 6, 2005

In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?

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Does Not Work Start Cmd Command

Aug 6, 2005

I have a program that uses the startcommand, and when I thy to use my program in updated windows it dosntwork! I need to find a way to use the start command directly.

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Start Run Command To Control Computer?

Sep 10, 2009

I used to know a start>run command that would open up a program that every person using windows XP has. It allows you to control another persons mouse and view their screen if they have the same program up.I can't remember what the command was

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Log Off Command Pinned Start Up - Can't Get Into Desktop

Nov 25, 2007

When I get to the welcome screen and put in my password, windows starts to load my settings, then once it reaches the desktop, it logs off. It acts as if there's a log off command pinned to start up. I did have a spyware/adware problem right before this started. I scanned and had the spyware program (Spyware Doctor) clean the disk. Things after were running fine and had even rebooted both hard and soft a couple of times without any problem. I turned off the computer before leaving home for a few hours, came back, turned on the computer and the behavior described above started. I called a tech in town and he suggested to try booting in under the last known configuration used and if that didn't work, to try booting in safe mode. If that didn't work, then he'll need to see the computer. Unfortunately, neither worked and they aren't open again until Monday. I'm using a friend's laptop to find tech support between now and Monday morning, hoping to save a trip.

The computer I have doesn't have a familiar brand name like Compaq or Dell and I cannot remember the name. However, it is a typical IMB compatible like Compaq with Windows XP Home Edition, has a Pentium 4 processor and 1.something gigs of memory.

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Recurring Problem With Registry Becoming Corrupted -cant Start Window

Jan 28, 2009

I have been having an ongoing problem with the dreaded "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt...". This has been happening for many months now and each time I have tried a different solution. Here is what I have tried in the past

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System Wont Start Because File Sym_hi.sys Is Corrupted?

Mar 25, 2006

For the past few weeks everytime I restarted my computer, I would get a message saying that windows "did not start because file sym_hi.sys is corrupted." Then i would press enter and windows would start.I decided to reinstall windows.... at the beginning during copying installation files an error pops up that says:An error occured copying file sym_hi.sys to C:$WIN_NT$.~BTsym_hi.sy_.-data error (cyclic redundancy check)-

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Config System File Corrupted / Unable To Start OS?

Jan 19, 2008

I have a Toshiba Protege laptop, at boot up I get the error message'Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:windows system 32configsystem It suggests trying a repair from windows CD.When I boot to windows xp pro cd, there is no option to repair, only option is new install I also have bootable cd with a load of tools on, I have tried running chkdsk and it says the disk is RAW.

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Run Command Option Missing In Start Menu?

Jul 6, 2010

I am using Windows xp. In 'Start' menu, the 'Run' and 'Search' options are not being shown. When I try keys 'Windows + R' it shows a message reading " This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your System Operator."

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Unable To Use Run Command And Recyclebin In Start Menu?

Jan 30, 2009

I have a problem with run command in start menu. I have struck some worm last week. Due to this the name of recycle bin is changed to W.Bush and run command button from my start menu is missing. I am able remove the worm. these to things remained. Please give me solution to restore my run command button in start menu so can use it. At the same time suggest me to change the recycle bin name from W.Bush to recycle bin

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Cant Start After Checking Safe Mode Box In Run Command

Nov 29, 2009

I was trying to fix my brother's computer because I kept getting a website redirect and I know something's wrong with his computer. I ran Malwarebyte's, Ccleaner, and AVG and they didn't catch anything. I came here after googling and seeing some advice to another person with the redirect issue, and did the run: msconfig: checked the safemode box in the BOOT tab. So I restarted his computer (it's running XP) and kept trying to restart in safe mode but it kept taking me back to the screen that gives the option to start in safe mode or normal. No matter which mode I chose, it kept coming BACK to that screen so I finally just manually shut it down.

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Command To Start Operating System In DOS Prompt

Sep 15, 2005

At DOS prompt, I am being asked for a command to start windows xp. example: C:windows\.com.

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Clear Unwanted Entries From The Start Menu's Run Command?

Aug 12, 2002

Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT). 1)Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer RunMRU. 2)Delete all of the values that you dont want in this key (everything in the right pane, except for (Default)). 3)Close the Registry Editor when finished. You'll probably have to refresh the Desktop or restart Windows for this change to take effect.

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Corrupted Operating System Wont Start: Files Missing Or Corrupt?

Aug 5, 2007

I am havinga very big problem with my PC. When I try to start it up normally, I get the following message; "Windows could not start because the following fileis missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM. You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair" When I try this, it opens repair console, but then I have to select OS, and when I do this, it just comes up with the previous error. If I try to reinstall it comes up with a blue screen error and crashes.

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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Filter A Folder - Special Command To Type At The Command Prompt?

Nov 21, 2009

I would like to know if this can be done in win xp environment. say I have a folder, A, of pictures only and they all have file extensions jpg eg abc.jpg, xyz.jpg. say I have a second folder, B, which contains all the files of A(if you ignore extensions) and more(but all are pictures.) But all the files in B has extensions NEF instead of jpg eg abc.NEF, efg.NEF, xyz.NEF. My idea is to extract all the files from B that has the same the name as A(ignoring extensions) and either move or copy to a separate folder ie if A contains abc.jpg, xyz.jpg then abc.NEF and xyz.NEF will be extracted and moved/copied to a new folder. I'm not sure where to start. is there a program out there that can do this? or there's a special command to type at the command prompt?

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Config System File Missing Or Corrupted /system Wont Start OS?

Oct 14, 2007

The system can be restored by using the Startup CD and pressing R for recover, but I do not have any cd. The only one I have it the recover cd, but it is my understanding that if I use the recovery cd that I will erase everything from my computer and I can not do this.I tried to read the other threads about the same problem, but to be honest I do not understand them and I just do not have the startup cd - maybe it is the same as the recovery cd?

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Command Line Interface - 'ipconig' Is Not Recognized Command

Jun 28, 2005

When I try to run command line utilities such as ipconfig, netstat etc.. on
the command line interface I get message such as like that:


'ipconig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

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Ping Command Does Not Work Properly In Command Promote?

Jul 19, 2010

'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

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Keyboard Laptop: "windows"-R Shortcut To Start A Run Command?

Jul 1, 2005

How do you key a "windows"-R shortcut to start a run command?On Swiss French keyboard layout, the usual key immediately on the right of the shift is missing; how do you type a backslash is this keyboard config?

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Command Prompt Error - 'command' Is Not Recognized?

Oct 22, 2007

Previously I have been doing work that requires me to unplug my network connection and I need to check my IP address each time I plug it in again. I guess it's not set for static IP.Anyways to do this I usually go into Command Prompt and type 'ipconfig'Now however I just get "'ipconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file".The directory is the same as its always been, I can change it but it doesn't seem to matter what it is.I've checked many other posts and is there something possibly wrong with my PATH variable? I used the command 'echo %PATH%' and it works, the list it gives is very garbled however.

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Unable To Access The "Run" Command From The Start Menu?

Feb 13, 2007

I can't access the "Run" command from the start menu. When I click on it windows bring up a message box saying "Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?" Even if I click yes, the shortcut doesn't do anything. I can still access the run command by hitting the windows button + r. But it is annoying not having that function when needed... No virii or spyware involved. I believe it's a registry issue, but I've no idea were to correct the issue and I can't find any info on the net[which is a first].

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Start Menu "Run" Command: Message Box "Windows Cant Create A Shortcut Here?

Feb 13, 2007

I can't access the "Run" command from the start menu. When I click on it windows brings up a message box saying "Windows can not create a shortcut here. Do you want the shortcut to be placed on the desktop instead?" Even if I click yes, the shortcut doesn't do anything. I can still access the run command by using the windows button + r on the keyboard. This affects the "Search" and "Help & Support" commands too.

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Running "tasklist /svc" Command In The Command Prompt Show Unknown Services?

Nov 19, 2008

I noticed a lot of services running under one of my svchost.exe processes when I ran the "tasklist /svc" command in the Command Prompt.Here's what I got: AudioSrv, BITS, Browser, CryptSvc, DHCP, dmserver, ERSvc, EventSystem, FastUserSwitchingCompatibilty, helpsvc, HidServ, lanmanserver, lanmanworkstation, Netman, Nla, RasMan, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SharedAccess, ShellHWDetection, srservice, TapiSrv, Themes, TrkWks, W32Time, winmgmt, wscsvc, wuaserv, WZCSVC I'm not at all sure if any of those are real threats

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Vga.sys Is Corrupted

Nov 13, 2008

This follows on from a previous discussion that is now closed, except my problem is a little different. I have an ACER laptop and am trying to install Windows XP Home on a brand new hard drive, but shortly after the drivers start to download/install I get an error that says that "the file vga.sys is corrupted" and then I get kicked out of the install. I assumed it was a problem with the disc, so I tried 2 more and had the same problem. What can I do to get past this point?

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Asms SP2 Is Corrupted

Jul 5, 2010

I was having difficulty reinstalling my OS, it seems that the asms win XP SP2 is corrupted, wht should i do?

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Hal.dll Missing Or Corrupted

Jul 5, 2005

I restored a partition with Drive Image and am getting this message. It's worked fine for over a year but now a problem. I might have marked the partition active or not, I'm not sure. Older versions of the partition don't work. I think the boot.ini is ok. I checked it and can't find a problem. I copied HAL.DLL to all of my drives under windows/system/32 to see if booting was going to another drive and a different error message would appear. The first time it booted to the first choice in the boot screen and after that gives the same missing or corrupted HAL.DLL I've downloaded stuff from Microsoft but thought Symantec doesn't have good tech support any more; not like PowerQuest or whatever their name was.

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Corrupted Ntfs.sys?

Dec 16, 2006

Windows XP Pro SP2. Was all the way updated, but I think the last update may have hosed me.When I turn on the PC, it fails to load successfully...eventually it comes up with an error that says that NTFS.sys is corrupt.I tried the last known good...didn't help.I can boot from the installation CD. If I go into the recovery console, it comes up to the c: prompt but it fails to read the directory if I run DIR. When I tried to copy the NTFS.sys from the installation CD, it doesn't allow it.I tried going through the install, but when I get to the point of installing it on the existing partition, it wanted to reformat rather than repairing the Windows installation...I would REALLY like to avoid reformatting the drive before I retrieve data if at all possible.

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