In windows xp I have tried to repair windows live messenger. Corrupted files rendered it useless. I tried to reinstall-would not without uninstalling present version.....tried to update but said the version I had was newer than the one I was trying to install (not!)-try uninstalling and reinstall. Will not uninstall on this computer (Dell Dimension E520). I have tried add and remove programs, brute force, and creating a new administrator account.
I am using windows messenger version 4.7 (wow thats old). How do I update ? will I have to uninstall the old version then install the newest. Or will it install over the current version on my system?
My daughter is having problems with a Intel web cam cs630 w/the XP drivers loaded. She is trying to use Win Live Messenger.When she tries to open the messenger, even without the camera on, her system slows down or completely stops. Is Win Live Messenger compatible with XP? Is the old Intel cs630 web cam compatible (even with the drivers for XP)? It does tell her to have service pack 2 or above and she has service pack 3 installed.
How get rid of Microsoft Live Messenger? We have Windows XP & it seems to have been part of automatic Microsoft Uodate last night. I want to uninstall Microsoft Live Messenger.
I am desperatly trying to access windows live messenger. I am a real beginner with computers so please, if possible make it so I can understand, thank you. I have installed windows live messenger from the free download (the one with the picture of the two women chatting) 8.0..8.1? I also installed sweetim extra 'winks'etc. My problem is when i go to open 'messenger' i get an error message that reads'live messenger temporarily unavailable , try again later error code 810003od'.
im having trouble with my windos live messenger, i had a virus a few weeks back got rid of it via combofix and smitfix, then i couldnt sign in to the messenger, so i uninstalled it tried to install the new one but it fails everytime?
I have a weird login prob. I cant log into windows live chat under one user name, but all others work for loggin in. I can get into hotmail with this ID and can also log into the web messenger with this id. I have been also able to log into windows live on other computers with this ID. It just wont let me in on this one computer! The error id is 81000306. Most repair suggestions assume that NO logins can occur. I've tried so many and still no success. (have even uninstalled and reinstalled, deleted folders and still no luck
i have MSN (Windows Live Messenger Plus) and sometimes it doesn't work. i type in my username and password then it logs in. but it doesn't do anything. and then i have to close it with the task manager otherwise i can't do anything on my computer at all. can anyone help me with this? 2: my rightclick doesn't work. i don't think it's the mouse cause i'm very good in reparing mouses. sometimes my computer restarts when i'm in the middle of something, without me actually clicking restart.
I have been receiving emails from my contacts saying they are getting links to porn sites from my computer as 'instant messages'. I know it isn't me and the program hasn't been used/opened for weeks.Googled around and found this is not uncommon but cannot find any real answers as to how to stop this. Maybe this has been brought up here before but didn't find what I was looking for.
Want to create a desktop shortcut for Windows live messenger but I don't have it in all programs so I can't create shortcut from there.I don't want it to load on startup & I don't want to have to open a browser to open messenger,hence the desire for a shortcut.
I am operating XP media edition, Dell dimension E510, I have installed and uninstalled and installed Live messenger again and it loads very slowly and then won't respond to the mouse, acually locks up. Is there some patch or driver I am missing?
Now I have a new problem...I can't click on my desktop icon to start Windows Live Messenger. I can't even right click-->Open the program. The icon appears on my task bar, as if it was running, but I know it is not. I've of late had this same problem with other programs, so I know it's not just Windows Messenger. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed
Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it. It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003
When my computer is loading something flashed on screen. The next time it appeared I hit pause. It's called American Megatrends Did a search found nothing . What is it? Also the clock is set back to Jan 1 2001. Norton won't run a live update and under programs it shows new progams added which have been on the computer for a few years
I did a live update to Norton AV. The next day I cannot get into my or my wifes user. The system coms up with only the Admin user available. I put in the Admin password and I get the following message. "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively"
I am running Nortons Ghost 10 as my backup onto a Seagate Barracuda 160GB HD. All is fine except for my attempt to have Live Update Express version install 2929.3KB downloads recently offered. All is downloaded successfully, but I get two error messages within Live Update as follows: Fatal error installation failed. LU 1812 - Part update not applied, update failed. LU 1806 - Error, all failed to install. In Event Viewer there are the following two errors also: Product: Norton Ghost 10 MisInstaller error, LinkID 23127 (error code 1603) NortonsGhost Update error.
I am having a error message when I try to run my Live Update on Norton AntiVirus. The message is the following:"Your system is low on Virtual Memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process memory requests for some applications my be denied. For more infomation, see help." have seen the help dialoge; however, it isn't doing the trick. What does this whole virtual memory warning mean? Can I do something to prevent this low virtual memory problem?
Norton Antivirus 2004 never Live Update the definition files. Last month downloaded a definitions file from directly Symantec web site. By now it is already one month old and I have to download again the LARGER definition file. I have a slow dial-up connection.
About 7 days ago PC startup time went to an average of 6-7 minutes from just a few minutes. The event viewer seems to point to an 'Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler' entry with description: "Initialization of the COM subsystem failed: Error code: 0x8007041D". It is the only 'error' entry in the log upon startup. I Googled this to death and tried various things:
1. checked HD for errors 2. multiple tools used to cleanup/repair registry 3. reinstalled Windows Automatic Updater 4. defrag the HDs (grasping at straws)....
I'm slowly going out of my mind with my ageing laptop...! Im running windows xp home and recently upgraded to sp3. Im not sure if the update caused it but since since then I cant:
1) Install any updates from microsoft either singularly or multiple... 2) Log into messenger.... keep getting error code 800706ba scoured the net for solution and tried most of them..(install-uninstall-cleard/deleted cache etc) 3)Some weird display characters/lines. on startup a lot of characters have been replaced with others.... 4) Word documents start with a warning that document could not be registered
Im running zone alarm security suite v8.0.059.000 up to date Not sure if this helps but.... on my search for answers, I have found a number of issues my windows installer was not correctly installed (trying to sort out updates when I found this out) so is now fixed dcom server process launcher is missing presumed lost in Services.msc
I would like to update Java. I deleted Java 2 RunTime Env, SE v1.4. I delete Java(TM) 6 update 3 contained in ADD or Remove Programs, keep it or delete it? What Java do I keep as there still remains Java Control Panel in the Control Panel folder.
If I purchase a new xp from Microsoft using the online genuine advantage purcashe options, Do I have to reinstall all of xp or can I just update the product key and buy a fully licencsed version without reinstalling all of my applications? I dont want to have to install all of my apps again at it takes days! however I am more than happy to buy a licence but I need to know if this works first
I have a desktop PC running XP Home SP2. Yesterday, I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything (always a fun chore.) After installing my ethernet driver, I went to Windows Update and discovered that a new version was installed, version 6. It has some minor cosmetic changes, but nothing dramatic. I noticed that downloads were extremely slow. A few months ago, Microsoft announced they were going to replace Windows Update with Microsoft Update, which would incorporate updates for their operating systems AND Office products. But that apparently hasn't happened yet because I still needed to visit the Microsoft Office home page to get the various critical/security patches.
have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website
The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."
My computer has been ok until I downloaded an update version of my Video Card. Now it is very slow and it freezes up until I press Alt/Control/Del. Then I have to close a window. I will work then.