Nortons Ghost 10 Live Update Problem

May 20, 2007

I am running Nortons Ghost 10 as my backup onto a Seagate Barracuda 160GB HD.
All is fine except for my attempt to have Live Update Express version install 2929.3KB downloads recently offered. All is downloaded successfully, but I get two error messages within Live Update as follows: Fatal error installation failed. LU 1812 - Part update not applied, update failed. LU 1806 - Error, all failed to install. In Event Viewer there are the following two errors also:
Product: Norton Ghost 10 MisInstaller error, LinkID 23127 (error code 1603) NortonsGhost Update error.

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.NET Framework SP1.1 Update Won't Install - Run Live Update

Jun 28, 2005

I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed

View 1 Replies View Related - Norton Won't Run A Live Update

Feb 10, 2007

When my computer is loading something flashed on screen. The next time it appeared I hit pause. It's called American Megatrends Did a search found nothing . What is it? Also the clock is set back to Jan 1 2001. Norton won't run a live update and under programs it shows new progams added which have been on the computer for a few years

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Cant Update Msn Messenger Live

Dec 26, 2009

I see this question everywhere.

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Installed WinFax - Live Update

Jul 12, 2005

Installed WinFax from the CD. Ran Live Update. It seems to proceed normally, but the files are the old files, not the new files.

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Cannot Logon To After Norton Live Update

Apr 16, 2007

I did a live update to Norton AV. The next day I cannot get into my or my wifes user. The system coms up with only the Admin user available. I put in the Admin password and I get the following message. "The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively"

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Live Messenger - Update Version

Jun 9, 2009

In windows xp I have tried to repair windows live messenger. Corrupted files rendered it useless. I tried to reinstall-would not without uninstalling present version.....tried to update but said the version I had was newer than the one I was trying to install (not!)-try uninstalling and reinstall. Will not uninstall on this computer (Dell Dimension E520). I have tried add and remove programs, brute force, and creating a new administrator account.

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Update Not Updating On A Norton Ghost Image

Apr 8, 2008

i created a norton ghost image of a machine, which i deployed onto a new pc. my problem is that when i go to run windows update, it runs through the process, finds a lot of updates, but then fails to run the update. the pc i took the image off would have had the latest updates, but on the new pc it looks like the windows update wont work.

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Virtual Memory - Norton AntiVirus Live Update

Apr 19, 2005

I am having a error message when I try to run my Live Update on Norton AntiVirus. The message is the following:"Your system is low on Virtual Memory. Windows is increasing the size of your virtual memory paging file. During this process memory requests for some applications my be denied. For more infomation, see help." have seen the help dialoge; however, it isn't doing the trick. What does this whole virtual memory warning mean? Can I do something to prevent this low virtual memory problem?

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Norton Antivirus 2004 Never Live Update The Definition Files

Aug 27, 2005

Norton Antivirus 2004 never Live Update the definition files. Last month downloaded a definitions file from directly Symantec web site. By now it is already one month old and I have to download again the LARGER definition file. I have a slow dial-up connection.

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Automatic Live Update - Initialization Com Subsystem Failed 0x8007041D

Sep 18, 2009

About 7 days ago PC startup time went to an average of 6-7 minutes from just a few minutes. The event viewer seems to point to an 'Automatic LiveUpdate Scheduler' entry with description: "Initialization of the COM subsystem failed: Error code: 0x8007041D". It is the only 'error' entry in the log upon startup. I Googled this to death and tried various things:

1. checked HD for errors
2. multiple tools used to cleanup/repair registry
3. reinstalled Windows Automatic Updater
4. defrag the HDs (grasping at straws)....

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Unable To Install McAfee Antivirus Because Of Nortons

Apr 24, 2007

I am trying to intall McAfee Antivirus supplied by Comcast as a perk for using their services but I get an error code saying it will not install because I have Norton Antivirus 9 still installed on my PC. I removed that software over a year ago

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Icons Load Up On Desktop - Nortons Internet

Dec 16, 2004

We have recently sorted out my `windows installer`problem but now when I start up windows it takes about 3mins for all the icons to load up on my desktop There is nothing there just the wallpaper and then after about 3mins the icons for my programs load up I thought it was something to do with the start up in msconfig`so I ticked them all to load up but its still happening and also my Nortons internet 2005 is disabled on start up even though its ticked to load up on start up.Yet my antivirus from norton loads up and its connected to the same program

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Live Installer Can't Install MSN Live

Jun 9, 2008

I really hope someone can help me with this one. I don't know what's going on. I never had any problems installing MSN Live before and now, it's a real pain. I just got my PC back from the tech guy. He formated my computer and reinstalled Windows XP including the Updates, I'm trying to install Windows Live Messenger (MSN) and it's not working. It's giving me errors like, to check that I have enough hard disk space (I have 176 GB free space), If my computer has a firewall , and that I make sure that my computer meets the system requirements I do meet the requirements

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Ghost In Machine Or Something Else?

Apr 27, 2005

I use Windows XP home edition SP2 but when I shut down the computer, it will shut down but after a while it reboots itself, what is wrong with the thing?

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Can You Ghost HDD Onto DVD Disk?

Nov 16, 2005

I have a laptop computer with no back up hdd disk (drivers/XP), so can I ghost 3.5Gs of into onto cd's.... by using Symantec Ghost etc.

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Ghost Installation?

Mar 29, 2008

I built a new computer, amd 9600 phenom 64 bit processor, gigabyte mobo, 4 gigs ram lots of fans, nivida geforce 8500 gt video card, 750 watt atx power supply. Twp hard drives, 160 gb maxor ide and 500 gb sata western digital wd 500, 2 cd/dvd burners, 1 blue ray burner. I am uning windows xp pro 32 bit os and all my other programs on my western digital hard drive and everything works perfect including high definition blue ray reading and writing. However I want to install windows pro 64 bit operating system on the 160 gb maxor drive and I have tried and tried to install it and I just can't. I am no brain when it comes to compters rather an idiot. I do not want to dual boot the 500 gb hard drive I want a new and fresh installtion of windows 64bit on the ide maxor harddrive and keep what ever programs (so few) and 64 bit drivers and any thing else related to the 64 bit on this 160 gb ide drive.

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True Image Vs. GHOST

Feb 10, 2006

what is difference between True Image and GHOST

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Desktop Icon Hag Given Up The Ghost

Nov 12, 2006

sorry about the title i have so many problems i didnt know what to put

ok problem 1 my show desktop icon has given up the ghost , ive tried everything including enetering this






myself and saving it as ShowDesktop.scf , but click it and nothing? the keyboard shortcut works (win key + D) but the script wont

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Ghost Images On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

My HD crapped out on me so I bought a new one. My brother gave me a copy of Windows Black for my new OS, so I installed it. Everything was running smooth, (installing drivers, hardware and such) until I DL'ed Steam. I noticed a weird box on my screen. I'd scroll up or down and it would multiply. "Oh great" I thought. Un-installed Steam then re-installed my video card. Back to normal. Re-installed steam, same problem. GRRRRR.Finally gave up on Steam and just started browsing for other software to get. Out of nowhere the boxes show up again, so I know it's not a Steam problem. Maybe a video card problem? Maybe a Windows Black bug? I have no idea, but this is what I see on my desktop.

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Ghost Second Hard Drive

Oct 10, 2005

Comp is running Windows XP Pro. From the begining, I put a HDD w/ 40GB as master an other w/ 40GB as slave. Everything was fine until one day HDD D: was gone, no in ''MY Computer'', ether on BIOS, files associates to drive D: can't be opened. Opened computer, unplug data cable of drive D:, plug again, restart, and drive D: come again, everything is fine, working as usual. One week after, drive D: has gone one time again. What can I do to keep seen drive D:? Thank all.Pentium 4, Intel Mother B., drive D: storage only, no OS.

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HOME SP2 About Norton Ghost

Sep 3, 2006

I was just wondering, if you had norton ghost 9.0 can you copy your harddrive Operating system and all and if you had an older computer and you bought a new harddrive for it could you then copy your xp operating system and all onto the older computer? Like say you had an old computer with windows 98 on it. and you have a computer with windows xp. can you use norton ghost to copy the windows xp operating system and all the stuff on the xp computer and then if you formatted that win98 harddrive so it was empty then put the xp system on the old win98 computer harddrive and have it work?

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Need Information On Norton Ghost 9.0

Aug 19, 2005

I need some info on Norton Ghost 9.0. I have a 40 GB hard disk where I have installed Windows XP with SP2 and all the updates and will put all the necessary software like office 2003, Norton antivirus and bla bla bla I might need.Can I take an image of this hard disk and save it on a DVD or something and then can I restore the entire DVD on the same hard disk or any other hard disk (this is important to restore the image to another hard disk).

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Ghost Frame On Desktop

Feb 14, 2010

I have a ghost image on my desktop that i cannot seem to get rid of.

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Using Ghost To Deploy Computers

Sep 7, 2005

I posted earlier regarding this topic, but can't find the NG I posted to. Essentially, we deployed a few identical machines (and hence identical HALs) individually. Now I'd like to save a ghost image, and use that to image each machine, then change their domain and workstation info. My only concern is this system ID thing - I was informed to use SysPrep, but what does that do? What happens if there's two SID's on the network - I was able to clone one desktop using ghost (didn't run sysprep), then just changed the computer name and joined it onto the domain after (had to reboot obviously for that, but I don't mind).

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Ghost Clone Not Working

Sep 2, 2005

I am working trying to get my XP OS switched from the current C: to a new WD hard drive I just got. I tried the Maxtor backup get it to restore to this new drive with no luck. My thoughts on Maxtor's backup software are not printable on this forum anyway, I used my copy of Ghost 2003 to clone the current C: to the new drive. It transferred with not problems. I disconnected the old C: and changed the jumpers on the new hard drive (I also changed the cable so that drive is now the primary drive). It will boot into XP but hangs on the Windows XP window. It doesn't even go to start. I can boot into safe mode but hell, I don't know what to do there! I have tried using Norton Recovery disk but it gets almost loaded and then reboots.

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Microsoft Service Pack 3 Update - Norton Can't Update Feature

Oct 13, 2008

i have an icon from microsoft.saids it has updates to install for microsoft office, update service pack 3.the only thing is it won't update.and the icon won't go away until it gets updated .plus norton keeps giving me a box saids norton can't update uninstall norton than my son did up my whole computer so i am afraid to really touch anything.

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Live Camera Possible?

Jul 10, 2005

What equipment and software do I need to place multiple live cameras in a house I plan to renovate and have the ability to view the screens from my residence in an adjoining county? I have a Dell 8300, 2.6ghz clock speed, 1 gig RAM, 80 gig hard drive. There are two lesser machines in my residence connected through a home network; cable modem, router, hub, then PC's.

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Microsoft Update: Can't Install The ActiveX Update Required

Jan 3, 2009

"Install the ActiveX control required to view the website," but I don't get the bar saying to install it. None of the troubleshooting tips were relevant.

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Cant Update MSE Or Auto Update - Unable To Get Through To Microsoft Websit

Mar 4, 2010

After installing and running MSE I have been unable to update definitions either manually or automatically. At the same time I noticed that microsoft automatic updates are getting to around 28 percent and then stopping - not fully downloading or installing. I cannot get through to any microsoft websites now - but all other sites are fine. wuauserv and bits are missing from services also. Have I been sneakily virused by something which MSE hasnt picked up. I tried to run malicious software removal tool - it downloads alright but wont install - says its not a valid win32 application. I correctly downloaded the 32bit app. Can anyone shed some light on any of this. I dont want to rebuild again and again.

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Turning On Laptop Keeps Showing Update 3 Of 3 But Wont Update ?

Sep 1, 2010

wen i turn on my laptop it keeps goin on 3 of 3 updates but does not install updates .then turns of an repeats all over again .an wont recignise cd/reboot factory instalationhelp

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