Ghost Installation?

Mar 29, 2008

I built a new computer, amd 9600 phenom 64 bit processor, gigabyte mobo, 4 gigs ram lots of fans, nivida geforce 8500 gt video card, 750 watt atx power supply. Twp hard drives, 160 gb maxor ide and 500 gb sata western digital wd 500, 2 cd/dvd burners, 1 blue ray burner. I am uning windows xp pro 32 bit os and all my other programs on my western digital hard drive and everything works perfect including high definition blue ray reading and writing. However I want to install windows pro 64 bit operating system on the 160 gb maxor drive and I have tried and tried to install it and I just can't. I am no brain when it comes to compters rather an idiot. I do not want to dual boot the 500 gb hard drive I want a new and fresh installtion of windows 64bit on the ide maxor harddrive and keep what ever programs (so few) and 64 bit drivers and any thing else related to the 64 bit on this 160 gb ide drive.

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Norton Ghost 10.0 Fatal Error During Installation

Nov 17, 2006

Norton ghost was on this personal computer when bought and now expired.When I go into add remove program to remove it ,it won't remove and say fatal error during installation.This program is 85.75 mb and want to remove it.

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Ghost In Machine Or Something Else?

Apr 27, 2005

I use Windows XP home edition SP2 but when I shut down the computer, it will shut down but after a while it reboots itself, what is wrong with the thing?

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Can You Ghost HDD Onto DVD Disk?

Nov 16, 2005

I have a laptop computer with no back up hdd disk (drivers/XP), so can I ghost 3.5Gs of into onto cd's.... by using Symantec Ghost etc.

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True Image Vs. GHOST

Feb 10, 2006

what is difference between True Image and GHOST

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Desktop Icon Hag Given Up The Ghost

Nov 12, 2006

sorry about the title i have so many problems i didnt know what to put

ok problem 1 my show desktop icon has given up the ghost , ive tried everything including enetering this






myself and saving it as ShowDesktop.scf , but click it and nothing? the keyboard shortcut works (win key + D) but the script wont

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Ghost Images On Desktop

Jul 29, 2009

My HD crapped out on me so I bought a new one. My brother gave me a copy of Windows Black for my new OS, so I installed it. Everything was running smooth, (installing drivers, hardware and such) until I DL'ed Steam. I noticed a weird box on my screen. I'd scroll up or down and it would multiply. "Oh great" I thought. Un-installed Steam then re-installed my video card. Back to normal. Re-installed steam, same problem. GRRRRR.Finally gave up on Steam and just started browsing for other software to get. Out of nowhere the boxes show up again, so I know it's not a Steam problem. Maybe a video card problem? Maybe a Windows Black bug? I have no idea, but this is what I see on my desktop.

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Ghost Second Hard Drive

Oct 10, 2005

Comp is running Windows XP Pro. From the begining, I put a HDD w/ 40GB as master an other w/ 40GB as slave. Everything was fine until one day HDD D: was gone, no in ''MY Computer'', ether on BIOS, files associates to drive D: can't be opened. Opened computer, unplug data cable of drive D:, plug again, restart, and drive D: come again, everything is fine, working as usual. One week after, drive D: has gone one time again. What can I do to keep seen drive D:? Thank all.Pentium 4, Intel Mother B., drive D: storage only, no OS.

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HOME SP2 About Norton Ghost

Sep 3, 2006

I was just wondering, if you had norton ghost 9.0 can you copy your harddrive Operating system and all and if you had an older computer and you bought a new harddrive for it could you then copy your xp operating system and all onto the older computer? Like say you had an old computer with windows 98 on it. and you have a computer with windows xp. can you use norton ghost to copy the windows xp operating system and all the stuff on the xp computer and then if you formatted that win98 harddrive so it was empty then put the xp system on the old win98 computer harddrive and have it work?

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Need Information On Norton Ghost 9.0

Aug 19, 2005

I need some info on Norton Ghost 9.0. I have a 40 GB hard disk where I have installed Windows XP with SP2 and all the updates and will put all the necessary software like office 2003, Norton antivirus and bla bla bla I might need.Can I take an image of this hard disk and save it on a DVD or something and then can I restore the entire DVD on the same hard disk or any other hard disk (this is important to restore the image to another hard disk).

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Ghost Frame On Desktop

Feb 14, 2010

I have a ghost image on my desktop that i cannot seem to get rid of.

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Using Ghost To Deploy Computers

Sep 7, 2005

I posted earlier regarding this topic, but can't find the NG I posted to. Essentially, we deployed a few identical machines (and hence identical HALs) individually. Now I'd like to save a ghost image, and use that to image each machine, then change their domain and workstation info. My only concern is this system ID thing - I was informed to use SysPrep, but what does that do? What happens if there's two SID's on the network - I was able to clone one desktop using ghost (didn't run sysprep), then just changed the computer name and joined it onto the domain after (had to reboot obviously for that, but I don't mind).

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Ghost Clone Not Working

Sep 2, 2005

I am working trying to get my XP OS switched from the current C: to a new WD hard drive I just got. I tried the Maxtor backup get it to restore to this new drive with no luck. My thoughts on Maxtor's backup software are not printable on this forum anyway, I used my copy of Ghost 2003 to clone the current C: to the new drive. It transferred with not problems. I disconnected the old C: and changed the jumpers on the new hard drive (I also changed the cable so that drive is now the primary drive). It will boot into XP but hangs on the Windows XP window. It doesn't even go to start. I can boot into safe mode but hell, I don't know what to do there! I have tried using Norton Recovery disk but it gets almost loaded and then reboots.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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Ghost Lines When Dragging An Image

Apr 14, 2005

When I try and drag an image off of my CF or any other card, I get ghost lines that trail the images into My Pictures. They dissappear if I minimize the screen and then re-maximize it. Just downloaded updated Nvida Video drivers. I have Windows XP Prof. with Service Pack 1

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Ghost Image On Desktop After Repair Of OS

Nov 5, 2006

I am having this odd graphics glitch on my desktop after I recovered the OS from a system32 file corruption. I used the recovery console to repair the corrupted .dll file, and everything is working properly now except that every once in a while when I right click to bring up an options window on anything (desktop or program icon) and then left click on one of the available options, a ghost image of the option I clicked will remain on the desktop. It doenst interfere with program functionality, but is just more of an eyesore. I have updated all my drivers I can think of and run scandisk on the RAID setup.

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Create Self Installing Ghost Image For XP?

Mar 31, 2005

I currently use Norton ghost to make backup images. Can I use it to create self installing backup images so that a user can just pop in a disk and sit back and let it install

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Bootable Dvd From Norton Ghost Image

Aug 10, 2007

I've created a Norton Ghost (v10.0) image of my winxp os disk. Whan I want to do is to make it to a bootable dvd, so whenever I want to reinstall it all I need is to boot from the ghost image and it recovers my os partition. But I can't figure out how to do that.
the files I've got from Norton Ghost: winxp_image.v2i NG Recovery Point Storage.ini computer_name.sv2i

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New Drive Partitions Using Ghost 2003?

Dec 16, 2005

I tried ghost 2003, the cloning of the larger drive to the smaller one didn't work (too big it said), I cancelled the operation, however, I now have a new partition on my drive, by looking at disk management, I now have cpavilion) D: recovery and this new drive G:VPSGHBOOT. I don't want it anymore. PC's 200 gigs, now it's divided into D:5.32 fat32 c:181.07 ntfs g: 7.00 fat, and also an unallocated 159.97 gigs All these fall under Disk 0: Basic 346.28GB online doesn't make any sense.

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Ghost Laptop Gateway 400VTX

Jan 17, 2008

I bought a new 80 Gig HD for my laptop along with 2 of the adapters to connect the HDs to an EIDE cable in a desktop so I could Clone the Laptop HD to the new larger one. It goes through the motions and says completed successufully. But when I install the new HD in the laptop, I get an error "disk read error".Is it possible the new hard drive is bad even though the copy was done or am I doing something wrong? I have backed up my desktop HD many times using Ghost with no problems but this Laptop will not go.

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Best NTFS Ghost Over Recovery Program?

Apr 29, 2005

I have a user who had tons of sensitive data not backed up. She was running windows XP and its NTFS. The problem is the Error told her to try to recover so she grabbed the factory recovery CD which in turn wiped evwerything out (though I bet it prompted her on that she won't admit it said anything about it all being wiped out). Needless to say her PC is back to factory defaults with NONE of her data she had on it. What is a good program that can go in there and try and recover this information right now she is crying and I have about 5 people wanting me to "do something". Main criteria - recovers from underneath a ghosted image, must work with NTFS and allow for file extraction.

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Norton Ghost Recovery On NTFS?

Sep 4, 2005

I've just go through some of the issues on group and found that i might face this problem so i bought out for to get opinions. I've an old pc pointing to one of my drive using incremental drive backup(networked). And i'm using Norton Ghost 9 which claims to support bootup. Now i'm worried bout file system, does any of you had experience with ghost where it only able to read from FAT32? cause the drive keeping the backup is in NTFS. I'm sorry if discussion anything related to sysmantec is not welcome. But i tot i might get more experts idea here.

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Symantec Ghost Transfer Process

Aug 23, 2005

I am using Symantec Ghost to image new computers. I have a computer that is running windows 2000 and I am going to a new computer with windows xp pro. I need to move the software programs but not take a complete image of the win 2000 computer.

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Does Not Show Up As Ghost 2003 Image

Jul 3, 2005

I am trying to clone my work machine to use on a dual boot system on my new machine. My old works machine has to run win 98 for some of the works programs to be able to run. When I use ghost 2003 and try to clone to an
external drive it goes ok but does not show up as a ghost image there fore cannot restore on new machine partition running win 98. What am I doing wrong.

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How To Restoring When Using Symantec Ghost Enterprise?

Aug 22, 2005

I am using Symantec Ghost Enterprise Edition 8.0 to create an image that I can use to clone about 100 computers. All the computers have the exact same hardware configuration. I have used SysPrep to erase the licensing so that the user can type the license number from the sticker on their PC, and their user name. The problem arises when some of the computers locks up after the restoration, and on the first boot. After pressing the Reset button, it boots up, and asks for the license agrrement

When you finish with the license agreement part of the boot process, it then asks some users about the VGA, and NIC drivers. The problem is that not all the users gets asked about the NIC, and VGA drivers. Some of the users do not get asked these driver questions, but the screen resolution changes. Please remember that all the hardware are exactly the same, and they all have the same BIOS and firmware version.

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Trying To Remove Norton Ghost On Win 2000

Sep 4, 2006

how can i remove norton ghost from my hd its wasting disk space with partitions how can i just free my hard drive?

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Ghost Disk Backup With USB Keyboard

Dec 19, 2006

I have ghost 2003 and I have heard that it will not do a disk backup if I have a USB keyboard.

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Ghost Image Complications- I Need To Transfer Data

Mar 26, 2005

I need to transfer data, settings and programs from one notebook to another. Should I expect trouble if I make a ghost image of the hard drive on the original notebook, image it on to the new notebook and install all the drivers for the new notebook? There are a few large programs and alot of critical data and settings, so if this method works, I would like to do it this way. The old notebook will have Mandrake installed, so the XP license will continue to only be used on one computer.

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How To Take A Ghost Image Of My Entire Show It In Sceenshots?

Mar 31, 2010

how i take the image of my Xp

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Slipstream Applications / Super Ghost Image

Sep 7, 2005

I'm interested in creating images for my XP workstations, however I would like to maintain 1 images for multiple machines. Does anyone know of any process of slipstreaming, applications such as Office, IE, ...etc into an XP install? Or how about using Ghost to create 1 image that can be applied to machines with different hardware configurations

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Go Back Or Ghost Or Acronic True Image Or ?

Sep 29, 2006

solution to a System Restore that will no longer do so on my pooter a two year old XP Home sp2. Used to, doesn't now and used so rarely don't know what might have caused the problem. I was able to complete "cured" the problem-still no Sys Restore.
So began to try a different approach to recover in time of problem. But have become confused about which is the better approach. Something like Go Back or something like Ghost or Acronis True Image. I am not locked into any of those-but they seem to be most often mentioned.

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