Can Update Product Key And Buy Fully Licensed Version
Nov 11, 2006
If I purchase a new xp from Microsoft using the online genuine advantage purcashe options, Do I have to reinstall all of xp or can I just update the product key and buy a fully licencsed version without reinstalling all of my applications? I dont want to have to install all of my apps again at it takes days! however I am more than happy to buy a licence but I need to know if this works first
I have a machine with an 120 day Evaluation version of XP Pro. I am now getting the - You have 30 days to Upgrade this Evaluation version warning message.The System is fully tuned and honed to perfection, so what I would like to know, now that I do have a full version is - how can I do this without re-installing everything?Can I change the ProductKey number? Is there a way to overlay the Full version? Can I change a file or files which will allow me to keep the installation I have now?If I use a couple 'a diskettes can I at least transfer the current settings to another installation?
Windows Update keeps trying to update Office 2003.I have a trial version of Office 2003 that came with my computer.I do not want it at this time, but I may want it at some point in the future.I don't know if it can be hidden from the Windows update but if not, I am not sure how to fully get rid of it. It has never been "installed."Windows update fails every time, of course, because it isn't now nor has it ever been installed.The biggest problem is that it keeps trying to apply the same updates over and over and over. It slows down the shutdown as it repeats the attempt(s) 3 times before each shutdown and also it keeps downloading the same and or other Windows Updates for Office 2003
AFTER APRIL 11TH, WILL YOU BE ABLE TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL INDIVIDUAL COMPONENT UPDATES FOR MICROSOFT PRODUCTS FOR XP?) Let's say for example that it is now April 12th, and a security patch is released for OE 6. Could we just do the following: 1) Go to 2.) Individually select the product to update or patch to install (I.E my hypothetical OE 6 question) than download and install the patch? IS EVERYONE RUNNING XP GOING TO BE PROMPTED WITH SOME MESSAGE SAYING: "ATTENTION: SP-2 IS REQUIRED FOR ALL XP UPDATES." OR, DOES THIS SP-2 MANDATORY APPLY ONLY TO RUNNING WINDOWS UPDATE OR AUTOMATIC UPDATE, meaning that we can still download individual product enhancments by going to and selecting by product or service?
I am using windows messenger version 4.7 (wow thats old). How do I update ? will I have to uninstall the old version then install the newest. Or will it install over the current version on my system?
I would like to update Java. I deleted Java 2 RunTime Env, SE v1.4. I delete Java(TM) 6 update 3 contained in ADD or Remove Programs, keep it or delete it? What Java do I keep as there still remains Java Control Panel in the Control Panel folder.
In windows xp I have tried to repair windows live messenger. Corrupted files rendered it useless. I tried to reinstall-would not without uninstalling present version.....tried to update but said the version I had was newer than the one I was trying to install (not!)-try uninstalling and reinstall. Will not uninstall on this computer (Dell Dimension E520). I have tried add and remove programs, brute force, and creating a new administrator account.
I have a desktop PC running XP Home SP2. Yesterday, I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything (always a fun chore.) After installing my ethernet driver, I went to Windows Update and discovered that a new version was installed, version 6. It has some minor cosmetic changes, but nothing dramatic. I noticed that downloads were extremely slow. A few months ago, Microsoft announced they were going to replace Windows Update with Microsoft Update, which would incorporate updates for their operating systems AND Office products. But that apparently hasn't happened yet because I still needed to visit the Microsoft Office home page to get the various critical/security patches.
have a laptop running windows xp sp1 and i recently for the first time tried to run windows update. The page it loads says "Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website
The website uses ActiveX controls to determine which version of the software your computer is running. If you see an ActiveX warning, make sure the control is digitally signed by Microsoft before installing it or allowing it to run."
My computer has been ok until I downloaded an update version of my Video Card. Now it is very slow and it freezes up until I press Alt/Control/Del. Then I have to close a window. I will work then.
Just bought Windows (XP Pro) SP Pro OEM Software ($135. I bought it thinking I could install it in my just built desk top computer but after reading the info I wonder. Do I need to be a licensed builder?? Im not building it for someone else, just for me. Whats with the OPK. Can I just install it as a OS? I may have bought the wrong one but the comment in NewEgg from people who bought it gave me the impression it was for a single licensed user. I called Microsoft but they didn't know. The rep suggested I return it just in case it won't work. My fear is that when I go to OPK they will want a builders license which I don't have.
Volume Licensed WinXP Pro is obviously the official name as has been pointed out ad nauseum. "Corporate Edition" doesn't exist (allegedly, actually I personally don't care if it exists or not), is seemingly subject to more demands for proof of existence than God himself and of couse the term "Corporate" means its a pirated version of the said Volume Licensed WinXP Pro which has also been screamed about like its in the bloody constitution or something. I call Volume Licensed WinXP Pro "Corporate" because its easier to say and write for that matter than "Volume Licensed WinXP Pro". Thats it it, just works better nothing more.
In all the time XP has been on release and I have been working with it in the industry I have never yet heard anybody at all refer to "Volume Licensed WinXP Pro" or anything remotely similar; they all from IT managers to shop floor builders call it "Corporate" or similar....
This update won't install and I had trouble once before...a long time ago... installing this update. I went to Google for a fix and on some forum a tech told me to un-install the ver. 2.0 that I have on there now...reboot...and then d/l the new update. I didn't bookmark the forum unfortuneately. Now, my system won't even allow me to un-install the old ver. 2.0 so I'm at a loss as to what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this
My son moved out of town and now wants his copy of Windows XP Pro that he left behind. I have two copies that are idententical except for the product keys. Is there somewhere in Windows that would tell me which copy to send and which to keep? will he be able to reuse this disk to put on a new HD in a new computer? Can he put his old HD in a new computer?
I'm struggeling to get an new "my own" version of XP installed to my old working laptop. My old working had anther XP installed, but I tried to remove it before installing my own. The problem is; while installing it comes with an error saying that the my version doesn't fit to the original do I clean the laptop fully? I'm using a tool called fdisk, aefdisk, but probably not correct
I have bought in Hong Kong a Asus netbook, wrongly I was given one which hasnt been uploaded with the English support version.I cant read Chinese, so I cant get through to the stages of the Chinese windows xp menu to use the Asus xp support dvd version. But I need to know, at which stage I have to use the Asus xp support dvd version. Without being able to do so, I cant use my net book.Could anyone give me a foolproof stage by stage guide how to overcome this problem, without getting the netbook locking me out.
Probably a stupid question but it's bugging me. I just bought a new computer with xp mce 2005 installed. I noticed though that when I right click on my computer it says it's version 2002 service pack 2. Is that normal?
Does anyone know when the 64 bit version of XP will be coming out? I know there is a beta test version floating around, but I was wondering about an official release.
Im trying to copy a licensed copy of software to another cd. The software is on a 700 meg cdr.However there happens to be 1.5 gigs of files on the cd. How can i transfer the files to another cd the same way. Im trying to make a backup copy of my Microsoft office 2003 cd just in case anything happens to the original.
there is a GENUINE XP PROFESSIONAL CD with it's case. But neither the case nor the CD has the product key on it. So I am not able to install it on my new HD. Is there any way to install this XP PROFESSIONAL without the product key or get the product key somehow?
My sister has given me her used laptop, telling me if I can make it work, it's all mine. The problem is, it never fully loads the desktop. You can't click anything or do anything else. She has lost her XP disk so I can't restore the system. I tried booting up in Safe Mode, but it still freezes on the desktop I am completely clueless on what to do. Is there any software available that could boot from a disk and do something?
The Laptop is in power saving mode: turn off monitor after 10 min,turn off hard disk after 10 min, system standby after 10 min. Hibernatedisabled. 'Allow modem to bring the cmputer out of standby ' option is checked.Nevertheless, when the modem receives a call it doesn't fully wakes up the laptop: the screen is blank. To fully wake up the computer after modem receives a call, I have to move the mouse or hit a button. It creates a problem when I dial into the laptop remotely and can't physically activate the screen by pushing a button or moving the mouse. The modem should remotely fully wake up the laptop when it receives the call
Formated the drive, installed XP, it re-booted to continue the installation and then it hangs on a BSOD saying that my BIOS is not fully ACPI compatible. I am using an SATA drive. Specs: ASUS A8n-SLI 16 Deluxe, AMD 4200+X2 64 Dual Core, 250GB WD SATA drive, 2GB corsair 3200c2. I am thinking of just turning acpi off and then putting it back on once xp is on.
1. I have two versions of 'Hijack This' on my computer, though every time I click either one of them, its like my computer closes them before they fully load. It happens in both safe mode and regular mode. It's as if the computer knows that Im about to take care of what is wrong and closes them.
When I open Control panel and then printers, the properties window will not open fully. Part of the info is cut off. There is no maximize button and I can not drag any corners. Reloaded print driver, no help.
My System Information Tool not fully working, display will be blank in some categories and display in others. Will not display anything in Hardware categories, will display everything in Components, it will not display Signed Drivers in Software Enviroment but will display other categories.
I have a new ECS 755-A2 board with a new Sempron CPU and a evga FX5200 AGP card. Nothing exotic or cutting edge. Everything seems to work OK, I can do all my normal tasks, everything looks great. New HDs, new PS, new install of XP Pro SP2. I can work for a couple of hours with no problems of any kind.At some point after just a few minutes of user inactivity, however, anything on the screen that happens to be moving, such as an animated "progress" bar, freezes for a second or two, then the screen goes black and the system crashes hard until reset/reboot. It's not merely the monitor going black, it's a full system lockup. If I have streaming audio going, say, it will stop at the same time. The system is fully crashed. IDE light is on permanently until reset. Keyboard input is ineffective.
Not real sure what we've got going here but this computer seems to be getting more and more unstable. I'm running Win XP Pro, SP2 and over the last couple of weeks we've gone from freezing up once every/every other day to freezing up multiple times a day and often not even getting fully through the start up process. The only things I can think of that we've changed is re-installing the printer and upgrading Front Page 2000 to 2003. (That doesn't mean that's all that's been done, just what I remember right now!
When I press control, alt, delete, the screen that comes up looks like this:Why can't I see the rest of the control, alt, delete screen? (I'm running windows xp home edition version 5.1.2600)
Im trying to FULLY restore my Toshiba Satellite laptop. It came with Satellite RECOVERY discs, but I didn't think those were what I was supposed to use to FULLY restore my laptop. Are they? Normally, on the boot up screens on my desktops, you can press f8 or whatever, and reformat like that. I guess thats because their desktops.
I installed Norton's 360 now my pages don't open fully, I have to manually maximize them. I know there is a setting somewhere to make this right but can't remember where it is.