Just bought Windows (XP Pro) SP Pro OEM Software ($135. I bought it thinking I could install it in my just built desk top computer but after reading the info I wonder. Do I need to be a licensed builder?? Im not building it for someone else, just for me. Whats with the OPK. Can I just install it as a OS? I may have bought the wrong one but the comment in NewEgg from people who bought it gave me the impression it was for a single licensed user. I called Microsoft but they didn't know. The rep suggested I return it just in case it won't work. My fear is that when I go to OPK they will want a builders license which I don't have.
hi im trying to install yahoo sitebuilder is there such a thing as FULL installer with this package like 26mg rather than 10.5mg version cause ive tried to install this program so many times now ive lost count Unable to launch yahoo sitebuilder i do have java update 6 installed
If I purchase a new xp from Microsoft using the online genuine advantage purcashe options, Do I have to reinstall all of xp or can I just update the product key and buy a fully licencsed version without reinstalling all of my applications? I dont want to have to install all of my apps again at it takes days! however I am more than happy to buy a licence but I need to know if this works first
Volume Licensed WinXP Pro is obviously the official name as has been pointed out ad nauseum. "Corporate Edition" doesn't exist (allegedly, actually I personally don't care if it exists or not), is seemingly subject to more demands for proof of existence than God himself and of couse the term "Corporate" means its a pirated version of the said Volume Licensed WinXP Pro which has also been screamed about like its in the bloody constitution or something. I call Volume Licensed WinXP Pro "Corporate" because its easier to say and write for that matter than "Volume Licensed WinXP Pro". Thats it it, just works better nothing more.
In all the time XP has been on release and I have been working with it in the industry I have never yet heard anybody at all refer to "Volume Licensed WinXP Pro" or anything remotely similar; they all from IT managers to shop floor builders call it "Corporate" or similar....
A friend is running xp home edition and cannot boot his pc due to corrupted files. He hasn't got his set up disc and adding the hard drive to another pc as a slave drive didn't work. I have used Bart's PE Builder to save files from a pc before but the disc was made from XP Pro. My question is can a Bart's disc made from XP Pro work on a pc running home edition?
How does windows system builder licensing work? I need to understand how it works before I decide to buy into it. Lets pretend i'm buying this Here are my questions: How many times am I allowed to install this on the same pc (same hardware)? Does it allow upgrading major parts within the PC without requiring a new license each time? Can I install it on multiple PC's without requiring a new license each time? I don't care much about MS support not being included, but is it still available if i chose to pay for it? If I sold my PC I could sell the license with it (transferrable) is this true? Would I need to re-purchase a license when I build a new PC if I transferred it already.
I'm building a new machine for a friend using WinXP Pro system builder's edition. It is my understanding that this edition can only be installed on a single machine - and even changing the hard drive or major hardware component will de-activate it. In the process of trying to fix a BIOS issue, the dang thing reset the SATA controller from the RAID 1 I had setup back to normal SATA. I finally got that fixed - but it somewhat hosed the Windows install - it wants to do diskcheck every time it boots and always find some errors - but if I bypass the diskcheck it boots fine - but there are other problems. if the system builders edition can be reinstalled on the exact same machine with the exact same hardware - or would I have to buy yet another copy?
Article New Windows XP Service Pack (SP2c) To Fix Product Key Shortage. Microsoft says Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2c is the result of "the longevity of Windows XP Professional", which has made it necessary to create more XP product keys for system builders, who will be permitted to sell the operating system through January 31, 2009. For all of Microsoft's other channels, Windows XP Professional will no longer available after January 31, 2008 " just over five months from now.
Just built my first computer and cannot install Windows XP Home successfully. It will boot from the CD, copy setup files, partition the drive, and then Windows does it's automatic restart which it will do fine, but when it is restarted it says " Resuming setup...." and then the screen goes black and stays that way. This is an OEM Windows XP home CD from another Dell tower, is this the problem? Do I need a new windows XP CD?
I'm looking to install a remote connection on the systems i build. As i'm constantly having to walk people through basic tasks i would like to be able to just tell them to start a specific program then let me connect and do all the work. I have tried with windows own remote assistance but half of the time i can't even connect. I have over 150 sytems built and running, hence this software can't cost a lot. I want to install the server side on all these sytems then i can connect remotely from my Client side and carry out basic tasks... ie editing startup registry etc Anyone know of any good free software for this... i've looked at some software but to install on so many machines would cost a fortune.
I am trying to restore an HP PC that shipped with XP Home OEM. The restore disk is damaged and a few files in the i386 folder are unreadable. My ultimate goal is to reinstall XP home without purchasing another license because technically I still own the license, but the CD is damaged.
My question is. Is there a difference between the OEM version the HP used and the OEM version that I purchased with hardware? Is it possible to install my OEM version with the serial number on the PC?
I was also pondering trying to recreate the disk by replacing the damaged files in i386 folder with files from another version of home OEM using nlite.
Hoping to find someone who will help me with building 3 or 4 barts PE plugins most of them dont require installation into the windows registry >>> they are small exe programs / example= orthos, core temp monitor, S&M stress tester,
Everest Home Edition PC Wizard Sensorsview Pro
once I can get the bootable ISO made with these programs I will make available to anyone for downloading >>>>> should be an awesome computer builders too and overclocking assistant
Im trying to copy a licensed copy of software to another cd. The software is on a 700 meg cdr.However there happens to be 1.5 gigs of files on the cd. How can i transfer the files to another cd the same way. Im trying to make a backup copy of my Microsoft office 2003 cd just in case anything happens to the original.