Upgrades Installation Fails

Jan 26, 2008

I needed to do (and did) some repairs to XP. Most things work, but limited sound.
I tried to upgrade XP using help and support. I need 87 upgrades and they all FAILED.?

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Win SP1 Installation Fails

Jan 11, 2005

Sequence of events: Win XP Home SP 0 problem began with spyware, which I removed [ using spybot 1.3, ad-aware SE, HiJackThis 1.99, CWShredder, About:buster I tried to update to SP1, from the Windows update site, as well as from a Win XP SP1 update disk, but received an error. In Event Viewer, Windows Update Agent, Event ID 20, so I renamed C:Windowssystem32catroot2 to c:windowssystem32old_catroot2, & retried the SP1 installation. Re-ran SP1 setup / installation, which results in this error: Service Pack 1 Setup Error The file c:program filescommon filessystemole dbmsdasql.dll is open or in use by another program.Start > run > javascript:navigator.appMinorVersion results: Q823353;Q832894;Q867801

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Update Installation Fails - IE7

Aug 1, 2007

I have a peculiar problem. I can download windows updates, But the installation fails. I did everything what i could do. But no success. I am using IE 7 with Norton internet security suite 2007 (Automatic windows update option enabled in it).

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Installation Fails - No Harddrive Found

Feb 25, 2007

I want to clean my computer and decided to install XP. After booting from cd I chose 'install XP' and enter. After a moment I got a blue screen saying windows failed to discover a hardrive. My computer works perfectly.When I go to my comp's bios my primary IDE master is my dvd drive. I have no primary slave, or secondary master/slave. I see no SATA options.I have a Maxtor 64160m0 SCSI hardrive.

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Installation Fails When Copying Files Over

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to install Windows XP Prof. and it keeps failing to copy over files right after a format. It never is the same files, it has been about 15-20 different files on about 5-6 tries of installation.It asks you if you want to retry and sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes you have to skip. It says it could be the windows disk, but the windows disk works fine in my test machine and I can install windows perfectly over there.

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HardDisk Fails Due To Installation Corrupted

May 4, 2007

Some of my system files are corrupted, so I tried to repair Windows XP SP2 by reinstalling. But it was corrupted in the middle because of error "The file 'asms' on the Windows Professional XP CD-Rom is needed". I couldn't go on. The installation is halted. And I couldn't login to Windows any more. I have a very big problem that I'd like to ask you all here. the HD now is readonly, it's NTFS so very few File manager app is used to see it (only Volka in Hiren's Boot CD could do that.

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WinPro SP2 Installation Repeatedly Fails On New I7 Build

Jul 22, 2009

1) While I originally started with XP SP2, now I have a XP SP3 CD, with the SATA drivers successfully incorporated via nLite. SAME PROBLEM, even with the BIOS and XP Setup recognizing the HDDs on SATA ports instead of IDE channels.
2) I downloaded the Windows 7 Beta 64 bit, got thru the install to the point of "Updating Registry" and then the system lost power as with XP and did a soft restart.I am currently downloading to Ubuntu Linux to see if that also fails, at which point I definitely know I have a hardware issue. The question is: Which component? I am leaning towards PSU, with mobo in second. Please any insight from the pros would help.

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NET 3.0 Installation Fails - Digital Slege Hammer

Dec 18, 2007

Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with this update? I have a XP Pro machine that won't take this update. I tried un installing all the .net stuff and installing the updates one at a time from .net 1 up to .net 3. I have got the machine to take up to the .net 2 sp1. It doesn't seem to like the .net 3 though. Anyone have a quick fix, reg hack or digital slege hammer to make this .net 3 to install properly?

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Installation Of Printer Fails - Admin Privileges

May 17, 2010

I am trying to install a network printer with ip address but STANDARD TCP/IP PORT is not available in the windows xp to add.But when I try to install any local printer also I am getting the error postedOperating system windows xp sp3
User has admin privileges

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Installation Fails - Blue Screen - Prevent Damage Computer

Nov 22, 2008

right i have laptop the windows is not english so i want to install new windows by booting when i try to do that the following errie comes up p#Blue screen, white text, following message (in summary): A problem ha been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGE_AREA Suggestions: Restart computer, if problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing.Tech Info: ***STOP: 0x00000050 (0xBF32E9E4, 0x00000001, 0x805F87F4 0x00000002)[/COLOR][/COLOR]

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Home Repair Installation Fails - Text Based Stuff

Dec 29, 2005

Due to several fundamental errors in my Windows installation, today I decided to make a repair install of my Windows XP Home installation. I booted into my Windows disc, did all the normal stuff, and it seemed to go fine. At the end of the text-based stuff, it gave me the instruction to reboot, having moved the files it needed to the HDD, I believe. Anyway, the jist is that the text-based stuff seemed to go fine, I rebooted as instructed, and then did NOT click to boot from the CD (which, I believe, was the right choice). I let Windows load normally but... no GUI based stuff came up to finish off the repair installation, and consequently, what I've done seems to have had no effect whatsoever.

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Installation Operating System - Disc Fails To Recognize SATA Hard Drives

Aug 5, 2009

I've got this old mobo Abit VT7. I want to install XP on it. However, the XP disc doesn't recognize SATA hard drives. So I downloaded official SATA driver from the Abit website http://tinyurl.com/kua5qz and tries to slipstream my XP disc following the instructions set forth here http://tinyurl.com/37anvn . I am not too clear how to incorporate the drivers from the official drivers, but Nlite seems to be able to find the drivers once I pointed it to the top unzipped driver directory, and I selected the XP folder for it. However, the newly created XP disc still fails to recognize the SATA hard drives. Alternatively, I believe I could have a boot floppy which would load the drivers in, then I launch the setup in the XP installation CD via command line. But I don't know how to create a boot disc which has those SATA drivers in.

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Dell Offer Memory Upgrades?

Apr 7, 2007

is it possible to upgrade the memory (RAM) on a 2004 Dell Dimension XPS. What is compatible with this computer and where is the best place to get it? Does Dell offer memory upgrades?

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Double Click Button Fails After Awhile And Mouse Window Fails To Open

Oct 8, 2010

My intellimouse works correctly for awhile then double click fails. When this occurs the mouse control panel fails to open. Shutting down and restart corrects the problem-but only for awhile and then the same thing happens over again. I reloaded software to no avail. any help?

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Corrupted - Repair Fails - Parallel Install Fails

Jul 23, 2008

i have a HP Pavilion laptop [dv5117ci] with factory load XP Pro SP2and factory restore discs. the system became corrupted by a failed Win update.
it had multiple files showing bad, so rather than chase them one at a time for an unknowable number of days, I decided to create a new directory and install fresh copy of WinXP Pro
That looked like it was going to work but after being up on the initial boot, wobbly, for about 45 minutes, something caused a freeze, and I was toasted after that. Same routine again: bootup, get error "Windows failed to start because the following file is missing or corrupt"

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Graphics Card Upgrades For Dell Dimension 8400 Desktop PC?

Dec 17, 2009

I would like to upgrade my Dell 8400's graphic card.I am not a gamer.I just purchased a 21" HP widescreen monitor that is capable of 1920x1080 to replace the original (4:3 aspect ratio)Dell monitor that came with the computer.I just want a good quality,name-brand card that will provide the 1920x1080 resolution for the new monitor. The card that came with the computer is not capable of that resolution. My operating system is Windows XP.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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Win SP3 Install Fails

Aug 28, 2008

I'm running Windows XP Pro SP2 and wanted to upgrade to the SP3 that's out. It showed up in Auto Updates, and I ran the install, but it failed. The system still runs ok, but I can't figure out how to get past the error. It tries to install the update KB946648, but fails with an access denied error. The SP3 install then back everything out and quits. How do I get past this error? I checked my update history, and it says that update KB946648 is already installed. Additional info: Tried running the update without the ZoneAlarm Fire wall off and Windows firewall on I also have Norton's AV. Any possibility of a conflict with one of these

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Upgrade Always Fails, Why?

Apr 15, 2005

I was given an old Gateway laptop computer with a 400 MHz Pentium processor and 256 kb of RAM, running Windows 98SE. I decided to upgrade it to Windows XP Home. The upgrade starts out fine, it checks the system, gives no error messages, and then begins to copy files. The hard drive and CD indicator lights flicker to indicate files are being copied, and there's the dotted scroll bar that scrolls from left to right on the screen to show you that there's activity going on. the hard drive and CD indicator lights stop flickering, it seems that files are no longer being copied from the CD to the hard drive. However, the dotted scroll bar on the screen keeps on scrolling from left to right. I have left it doing this for several hours; that scroll bar keeps on scrolling, but the installation process stops. The system doesn't hang, the file copying just stops. Win XP is never installed, and after reboot it reverts back to Win 98SE.

Instead of an upgrade, I tried wiping the hard drive, reformatting, and doing a clean install of XP, but it doesn't help. It gets to the same point in the setup, and just stops copying files. No error messages or any indication that anything is wrong. I have tried installing Win XP on at least 10 different occasions, but no success.

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Using The Backup Is Fails

Aug 24, 2005

When using "backup" it fails if the shadow copy option is ticked. I'm using XP SP2.

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Fails To Boot

Jul 19, 2008

I'm running windows XP a dell desktop that's a few years old. I was away from home for six months, and before i left i powered my computer down--and now that i'm home, it fails to boot. When i power it on, a few seconds after it will begin to continually beep. they're long, but spaced apart.. after a while, it will just hold the beep as a solid tone. It will normally get loading screen of windows XP (the black one that has the bar and shows the windows logo), and that's when the screen will just go blank and it holds the beep.
I don't get any errors or messages during the startup, and if i enter the bios settings as it's beginning to boot, it will not begin to beep or turn off.

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Fails To Boot Up

Apr 26, 2008

I am a new user to this site and I am moderately computer literate and have a basic knowledge of my system.
It's a Gateway PC running on Windows XP with a Pentium 4 Processor, as for the base specs I'm not quite sure, but I know they are lower than my laptops specs are.Just today when I got home from work my parents had started to worry about the PC, they would start it up and then wait for it to boot as usual, but this time it started to turn on and wouldn't do anything from there, it would just sit at the loading screen and not even get to the loading bar or welcome screen it's self.So I tried a couple of reboots to see if that would help and it did not, so I picked up my OS install disc to force a reboot or to repair the system, I can restart it but it does the same thing even with the OS disc inside the tower, it doesn't even read it at all.I'm not too sure what else to do at this point, if there are any other suggestions please provide them, if you have further questions to ask me, I'll try and answer them to the best of my ability.

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Fails To Setup

Apr 10, 2008

I'm currently trying to install a fresh copy of windows xp. everything goes smooth until windows enters its setup and the computer stalls at "approximate Time Remaining: 39 Minutes" then turns completely off. It did this to me the last time i reinstalled windows but removing one of my sticks of ram fixed it. This time that hasnt worked nor swapping out any pieces, only ones i havent are my hd, mb, and psu. No error is displayed before shutting off.

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Corrupt Installation & Repair Installation Hangs?

Jul 4, 2006

I started up the computer, watched the BIOS detect the RAM, hard drive, etc, and then was greeted by a blank screen instead of the Windows boot screen. It proceeded though, and after a few seconds flashed to another black screen, this time displaying the cursor. I'm guessing this is the logon screen, but nothing displays but the cursor. (Note that the video card and monitor are both fine...I tried swapping them out just in case.)

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Usb Keyboard Fails During Win Xp Reinstall

Sep 1, 2010

Hello, I have a very screwed up Win XP computer and am trying to reinstall XP from the CD. I changed the boot order to boot from CD and everything goes fine, files load etc. It asks a few questions during the loading which I answer and all goes fine. Then after it loads the files it finally asks 'are you sure you want to proceed' but at that point everything USB fails including the keyboard, so I can't tell it Yes to proceed. There is no other port to plug in an input device other than the 6 usb ports. Is there a way to get around this?

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Startup Fails Because Of Missing DLL

Oct 13, 2006

Somehow or other I've deleted two DLLs that prevent Windows XP from booting up.These are ODBC32.DLL and MSGINA.DLL - I get two seperate error messages saying they are missing and then the PC tries to reboot again.
I have tried booting in safe mode and get the same problem.I have a recovery CD but wish to avoid reinstalling windows and all that entails. I have found reference and source elsewhere to booting from startup floppy discs but have no access to a PC with a disc drive to create them.Is it possible to create a boot CD for windows XP or can anyone suggest another solution?

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Hang Up What Fails To Operate?

Aug 9, 2005

Is there some way to understand what fails and why xp hang up on the latest closing screenù?

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Trying To Log In Using The HelpAssistant Account - But Fails?

Dec 26, 2006

I have tried to use the Remote Assistance facility between two Virtual PCs. Both the virtual PCs can connnect & share files - indeed the remote desktop facility works well. Both are set up in a peer-to-peer setup. When I try a remote assistance, the expert computer tries to log in using the HelpAssistant account - but fails. (The remote assistance request is a file placed in a shared folder.) The expert machine waits on a response from the novice (the novice machine doesn't show any please connect dialog boxes) befor eautomatically closing the connection.

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2000 SP4 Or SP3 Setup Fails

Jul 15, 2008

Installing either Windows 2000 SP4 or SP3 on my Windows 2000 SP2 pc results in error that the Windows Installer is not digitally signed. Clicking the "OK" button results in "An unexpected error occured" and the setup fails. Thinking maybe it's an oudated Windows Installer - "Msiexec.exe" is the cause, installing Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable (v2) results in error saying it needs SP3 and thus also fails. Downloading from Microsoft SP4, SP3 sites, saving it on my pc and then executing them results in "SP4 (or SP3) Setup determined that the following downloaded SP4 (or SP3) files are corrupt"- showing a whole list of of them.

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Computer Fails To Upgrade

Nov 6, 2008

I recently went to upgrade my computer and it keeps failing when it comes to the following updates:These are all windows media player related (going by the update description) and i tried reinstalling the media player with no joy.My system is Lenovo T60centrino duo 1.83 GHz504MB RamWindows XP with service pack 3. Any info would be great. The updates installed fine on my other computers so I'm not sure what the problems are. I have searched the web and not found a similar situation anywhere...

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Try To Update Windows Its Fails

Aug 7, 2007

When i try to update windows its fails!! what i do is i run windows update and when its done/time to restart it says the updates failed what do i do ?

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