System Recommending To Try A 7-pass Erase Performed?

Feb 15, 2007

I'm having some problems with my new pc and someone recommended that I should try a 7-pass erase on my HDD because just normal reformatting doesn't seem to be helping so I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to perfom a 7-pass erase on a HDD with XP Pro.

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Erase Everything That Is In System Restore?

Apr 5, 2006

I wanted to see what was in some of the restore points of 2005 so I restored back to a previous date and found software, photos and things that I thought had been completely erased. Is there a way to completely erase everything that is in system restore?

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Erase And Reinstall Operating System

Sep 3, 2005

Completelly erasing EVERYTHING from my computer and then reinstalling windows xp. I have too many viruses and want to start from scratch.

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Unable To Erase/ Format Old Operating System And Installing New?

Jan 31, 2006

I think I need to change my operating system! I have a Compaq Armada E500 laptop, 4GB, 2.81 GB of used space, 1.18 GB of free space, running on "Windows 2000 Professional" ("Built on NT technology"). I'm having problems downloading certain softwares, it seems "Windows 2000 Professional" just doesn't let me do it. Plus, I've found there's other things I just can't do with it. I've been told Windows 98 is the best way to go for me + it'll free up some more space (you can see my laptop has very little space) + it'll let me download the softwares I need with no problem.

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Performed System Restore: All The Programs Missing?

Jan 5, 2009

I recently had to do a recovery that refreshed the Windows files. The only problem is that even though all the previously installed programs are still in the Program files, Windows does not know they are there. If I click on Start and then go to all programs, they do not show up on that list nor do they show up if I go to Add/Remove programs.Is there a way to fix this without having to reinstall all the programs?

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System Will Not Boot Pass Dell Welcome Screen

Jun 1, 2010

System will not boot pass Dell welcome screen. Does not respond to F2/F12/F8 and this all began after i clear cmos. Original problem was BSOD so now i wish to do a clean install but unable to enter the bios to set PC to boot from CDrom. Got into safe mode once but it freezes. I piggy back the HD to another pc, did a virus/malware clean then defragged and clean the hd. Now i am ready for a fresh install but cannot get pass the dell screen. I tried 4 keyboards but still the same. The dell screen shows the F2=SETUP, f12 = Boot menu and Bios revision 1.0.10.

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Lsass.exe Won't Let System To Pass Boot Process?

Sep 13, 2005

Just bought a pre-owned Dell Inspiron 6000D, running XP. On first power-up, after what appears to be a normal boot-up, it displays a message window headed "lsass.exe System error". The error description says, "When trying to update a password this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is incorrect." It never asks for a password to be entered, so this is puzzling.

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Performed A System Recovery: Kazaa Wont Connect?

Mar 24, 2008

I have performed a system recovery, all seems alright but for my Kazaa Lite 241 it wont connect, it apears to download alright the web page appears and it says connecting,I wait but nothing happens.The three programes My Kazaa Lite Theatre and My Shared Folders Seem to be highlighted and working, but the other two Seach and Traffic are not. I have down loaded hppt:// to conect to the link Download K-Lite Connection Fix (7.7KB) I get an error message HTTP404 Not Found

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Performed System Restore: Computer B Wont Recognize A?

Sep 8, 2005

I have two almost identical (one of them has only 40Gb drive) Dell 8400 computers that worked very well together networked till yesterday. Both of them have same OS version including updates.I had to do a PC restore on computer A and since then Computer B doesn't recognize computer A. I went through Network Wizard, made sure the computer names are unique and the workgroup name is identical on both machines. Computer B doesn't even show local shared directories anymore.Computer A finds computer B without any problems.BTW, Computer B works fine otherwise; I can access Internet, a network drive without any problems. I did hardware ping test and board test and they all pass.

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen And Hangs ?

May 26, 2006

I am trying to fix a new hp computer. the problem is when you start it up and it goes to log onto windows it starts up the typical light blue screen but an hour glass just sits in the middle and it does nothing, you can move the mouse bbut nothing else. to be more decritive, it the welcome screeen listing the users name to log on but it doesnt get that far, right before that but it just stalls and does nothing.

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Performed System Restore: Internet Explorer Wont Work?

Aug 4, 2005

I couldn't install sp2, because of a problem I don't know... so it indicated that I had to download it again, but I could only download it by erasing it.
It all came wrong! I erased a file that restarted the computer and I had to restore the system.Now I have a computer that does not allow to me be in the internet, because it restarts itself while Im'm navigating.... it also appears a message of corrupt registry that had never appeared before, but if I install messenger

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Got Virus Attack / Performed System Restore And Removed Data?

Apr 16, 2009

i got a series of really bad viral infection on my computer. My virus programs took care of the viruses but also deleted some of the start up software that is used to boot up my computer correctly. as a last ditch effort I used the system restore function on my computer to reboot it back to a previous configeration. The computer booted back to its original out of the box configuration and I lost all my computer files (but on the flip side my computer was working perfectly now that this was done)

I take the computer to the repair shop so that they can do a deep memory scan to recover my files. They find some of the files and put them in a file folder located on my desktop. i am told by the techie working on my computer that there is a series of .dll errors at the start of windows and that they are the result of a viral infection (Obviously the system restore i did did not do its job of ridding me of the viruses. I did not notice the .dll errors when i initially did the system restore, but that doesn't mean that they weren't there)

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen: Getting Multi Boot Options?

Jun 19, 2006

I have a friend, seriously - it's a friend not me, that had to do the windows genuine updgrade. She paid the $150 and instead of just plugging in the new product key she inserted the CD they mailed her and started a new install of windows. It seems it had trouble locating files and now she gets a option to select which operating system at start.The setup won't continue (it can't locate files on CD - maybe bad disk) and when she selects the original XP pro setup it won't let her past the login screen.

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Installed Norton 2009 And System Wont Pass Startup Screen?

Dec 1, 2008

I installed Norton 2009 and I have noticed my computer was different. Now I cannot even get passed the startup screen.It is like its frozen,the on/off button at the front doesn't work,only the restart. When I click on my user account to log in, nothing at all happens.I am on my husbands laptop right now. It is an old computer,but can it just die like that?

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System Crashed After Installing Updates / Unable To Pass Boot Process?

Aug 31, 2005

I clicked on the Icon for windows updates on my PC, and after the updates were done, my PC will not boot up.I keep getting one of those blue screens with one of those wonderful error messages.I have tried doing a system restore, several times, but it will not even let me do that

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Auto Update Recommending Outdated Video Driver?

Mar 25, 2010

I have the XP Auto Update feature set to notify me of available updates but not to download or install. After installing the latest driver, the 93.71 version I'm getting the Notification Icon on the task bar telling me an update for the Nvidia Card is available, version 52.16, I guess the basic update that was downloaded as part of the SP3 update.Is there a way to dismiss this update so that it doesn't continue to appear? For some reason the auto update doesn't recognize there is a newer driver available, the WHQL 93.71.

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Used Pc Erase All But OS?

Feb 2, 2007

I bought a used PC as I am sure many have, it had WinXPpro on it allready. It has a 40 gb harddrive that is almost full. Is there anyway to delete everything on it but the operating system? It came with the serial number for xp but not the disk.

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How Do Erase Everything And Start All Over

Oct 12, 2005

I am terrible with computer so i need all the help i can get! my programs arent working. they wont even start, the only thing i can use is mozilla. my norton ghost wont even work. i have a windows xp. how do i erase everything and start all over

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Can't Erase .mpg File, What's Going On?

Mar 15, 2007

So I downloaded a .mpg file and it randomly won't delete. When I right-click I can't chose an option to erase nor can I use the menu to erase. I can't rename it and I can't send it to another folder, I've checked it with NOD32 antivirus and it doesn't show any anomalies, I'm completely baffled and I do not know what to do. I tried restoring my system to another date and it won't do so either, I tried various different dates and it just won't.I have one peculiar thing though, I tried to maybe replace it so I figured how to get it's name so I copy-pasted onto another .mpg to see if I could overwrite the file but it mentioned how the name was too long, maybe that's why I can't erase it but their must be a way?The only options I get with right-clicking is "Play, add to windows media player list, open with., and send to."

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Erase Registry Keys?

Oct 25, 2007

Firefox stopped working after the latest update and reinstalling latest and previous versions doesn't repair.Using the control panel I uninstalled again. A utility program says I have some 80 entries in Registry with "Mozilla." FF is my one and only Mozilla product so I'm guessing something in one of the80 is the problem. The utility, JV16PT, will erase them. Is this safe? I will reinstall FF and let it make new, and hopefully good entries.

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Save To Erase Temp Files?

Aug 12, 2002

On the old computer Window 98, I always delete the Temp Files. When I went to see how many files are in this new computer by typing *.tmp,. One file is big 1.000 kb. It is safe to erase those files?

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Totally Erase Hard Disk

May 10, 2008

I have a formatted hdd and I install it with win xp. My question is, why is't my files still exist there after I format my hdd. I use recovery file software. Is there a way to totally destroy my files in hdd.

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Erase Information On Hard Drive

Mar 15, 2005

how do i erase information on my hard drive?

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By Pass My Admin Password?

Jul 28, 2010

Could anyone tell me how to bypass my admin password? I know it's not the keyboard because I've already tried a new one.

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The Request Could Not Be Performed Because Of An I/O Device Error?

Oct 16, 2006

I was trying to back-up a file to CD using the CD Writer on my computer when I kept getting the message: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. Does anyone know what this means and how I can correct this situation?

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Start Registry Editor - Erase Data Trail

Sep 22, 2003

Start the Registry Editor by clicking Start, Run, and type "regedit" (without quotes). Go to this key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management On the right, locate the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value. Right-click the value, select modify, and change the data value of the registry key to 1. If the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value doesn't exist, add it. Right-click the right side of your specified key and add it as a DWORD value. Then change the data value to 1. Restart for your changes to take effect. Note: Your shutdown time may slightly increase.

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Win. XP, Log In/log Out Problem, + Forgotten Admin Pass.

Oct 16, 2009

I can't log in to windows, if i try it just logs out right away.
Same in "safe"mode.

I found instructions how to solve this here:
(Under : Logon - Logoff loop, also caused by BlazeFind )
But as i said in topic, i have forgotten my admin password so i cant use the " Recovery Console"
What to do?

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Did Not Pass Genuine Windows Validation

Jan 23, 2009

How to get rid of this pop up? Widows did not pass genuine windows validation.

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Pro Software Did Not Pass Genuine Validation

Aug 21, 2009

My Windows XP Pro (after 3 months use by me) has come up with a notice that my software validation is invalid. The Notice states "This copy of Windows did not pass genuine validation.The product key found on this computer is not valid for use in your region. How can I find out if any software I buy is valid for my region prior to purchase? Surely if Microsoft software is purchased anywhere in the world it should be valid no matter where you are.

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Copy Did Not Pass Genuine Validation

Jun 27, 2008

Trying to start my desktop but keep getting the message that says 'reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot device in selected boot device' The trouble is floppy disk is the only boot device selected and i do not have it.

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Laptop Running Slow: Performed Hi-jack Log?

Apr 18, 2007

My Laptop seems to be running pretty slow...especially for the 1gig of RAM I have and the 10Meg cable service..I have done a Hi-jackthis log

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