System Wont Pass The Login Screen: Getting Multi Boot Options?

Jun 19, 2006

I have a friend, seriously - it's a friend not me, that had to do the windows genuine updgrade. She paid the $150 and instead of just plugging in the new product key she inserted the CD they mailed her and started a new install of windows. It seems it had trouble locating files and now she gets a option to select which operating system at start.The setup won't continue (it can't locate files on CD - maybe bad disk) and when she selects the original XP pro setup it won't let her past the login screen.

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen And Hangs ?

May 26, 2006

I am trying to fix a new hp computer. the problem is when you start it up and it goes to log onto windows it starts up the typical light blue screen but an hour glass just sits in the middle and it does nothing, you can move the mouse bbut nothing else. to be more decritive, it the welcome screeen listing the users name to log on but it doesnt get that far, right before that but it just stalls and does nothing.

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System Will Not Boot Pass Dell Welcome Screen

Jun 1, 2010

System will not boot pass Dell welcome screen. Does not respond to F2/F12/F8 and this all began after i clear cmos. Original problem was BSOD so now i wish to do a clean install but unable to enter the bios to set PC to boot from CDrom. Got into safe mode once but it freezes. I piggy back the HD to another pc, did a virus/malware clean then defragged and clean the hd. Now i am ready for a fresh install but cannot get pass the dell screen. I tried 4 keyboards but still the same. The dell screen shows the F2=SETUP, f12 = Boot menu and Bios revision 1.0.10.

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PC Wont Pass Boot Screen Or Correctly Run In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2008

I first noticed a problem when a command prompt window popped up during startup.1.exe. After some searching I discovered it was a trojan located on c root directory. I decided to try and scan to remove it. I used Adaware and AVG free and didnt get it. (only found a few low risk tracking cookies) I then tried SpyBot but during the update process it decided it needed to install the new version so it went ahead and did this then informed me i needed to reboot. I selected not to right away. I scanned with System Mechanic to remove junk and obsolete files and got rid of them all. I then did a registry scan and deleted everything system mechanic found.

I then deleted the installation .exes and shortcuts that had been added to my desktop by Adaware and Spy bot.I also have zone alarm running all the time.When i came to restart my pc, it passes the windows XP main screen but then freezes on the Acer brand screen. It also will not boot into safe mode. I just get the normal safe mode screen but with the operating system details printed across the top and no start menu/input options etc.Ive removed and reseated the RAM and the battery.Im really stuck as to what to try next!Its an Acer Aspire laptop about 2 years old.Ive done something to kill it but nothing massively different to what i have done in the past.Im fairly good with these things but im feeling a little lost for ideas!

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Lsass.exe Won't Let System To Pass Boot Process?

Sep 13, 2005

Just bought a pre-owned Dell Inspiron 6000D, running XP. On first power-up, after what appears to be a normal boot-up, it displays a message window headed "lsass.exe System error". The error description says, "When trying to update a password this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is incorrect." It never asks for a password to be entered, so this is puzzling.

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Multi Partition Boot / Multi OS Install

Jan 11, 2006

Recently I reinstalled the OS on my computer. It was shipped with Windows XP HE SP2, but I formatted and put Win98 onto the system. Needless to say, it froze up at the Windows splash screen. So, I uninstalled it and put XP back on. My question here is, is there any possible way to put Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows XP all on one hard drive, and it work? I know how to partition the hard drive accordingly for the deed, it's getting the computer to actually run 95, 98, and 3.1. I'm cheating fate here, since I know 3.1 probably won't run on my 32-bit structure system, but it's worth a try. My system is a Dell Dimension 4700 with 3.0 gHz CPU, 256 mb of RAM, and an nVidia 64 mb video card.

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System Crashed After Installing Updates / Unable To Pass Boot Process?

Aug 31, 2005

I clicked on the Icon for windows updates on my PC, and after the updates were done, my PC will not boot up.I keep getting one of those blue screens with one of those wonderful error messages.I have tried doing a system restore, several times, but it will not even let me do that

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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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LCD Screen During Boot Up Has Multi-colored Static Verticle Lines 1/3rd Of LCD

Aug 18, 2005

The LCD screen during boot up has multi-colored static verticle lines 1/3rd of LCD My OS was re-installed on this past Monday. There were not any noted problems. Today I installed Norton SystemWorks Premier 2005 without ant noted problem. I then installed Norton Internet Security 2005 and during the installation it detected that a previous version of Norton AntiVirus was installed and requested that it be removed. I did that and followed the correct steps. And rebooted. I then installed Norton Internet Security with AntiVirus without any noted problem. I was requested to download Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 and I did and then I was requested to install Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 HotFix (KB886903

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Installed Norton 2009 And System Wont Pass Startup Screen?

Dec 1, 2008

I installed Norton 2009 and I have noticed my computer was different. Now I cannot even get passed the startup screen.It is like its frozen,the on/off button at the front doesn't work,only the restart. When I click on my user account to log in, nothing at all happens.I am on my husbands laptop right now. It is an old computer,but can it just die like that?

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System Restore In Multi-boot Environment?

Aug 7, 2007

how System Restore works in a multi-boot environment? (I am not concerned with Vista, but with WinXP only).If I have O/S A and B, and I perform a System Restore in O/S A, is there any possibility that O/S B will also get rolled back to the same date? In O/S A, should I allow System Restore to monitor the O/S B partition, or should I switch off System Restore on that drive?

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Multi Boot System - Cant Access Partition

May 9, 2005

up to recently I had a Multi boot system, i have a 120gb HD it had 20gb for XP for my Famliy, 70gb for me, and 20 for backup. I Decided to make a pc for everyone else and once i copied there files with Partition Magic formated there partition which was C:, now i cant access my partition

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Lost Space On Physical Memory / System Asking For Login Options?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a memory problem, I have 248 MB of physical memory and only 88MB free. That is better than it was last night -- last night I had only 33MB free. My virtual memory is 606 MB with 244MB free.I cannot access certain things all of a sudden -- for instance, when I click in the system tools to do a disk defrag it never comes up. When I click on the Set Program Access and Defaults it never comes up. In control panel when I click on any of the icons in Administrative Tools -- none of them open.when the computer boots up it has the screen where it is asking for a password

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Screen Blackout Then Appear With A Black Screen A Blue Box Giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS?

Jan 19, 2007

My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.

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Computer Wont Boot, Black Screen Before Login Screen?

Jul 15, 2007

my computer would give me a few problems while booting up. I would start the computer, it would run through BIOS, run through the Windows loading screen, and after that it would run the CHKDSK to make sure my disks are fine. CHKDSK doesn't work, it just freezes right before checking the disks, so I restart and generally it will boot up. Most of the time it would boot up perfectly, but rarely would it go to the xp loading screen and then flicker as if it as going to go to the windows login screen but wouldn't. The screen would just stay black and I'd have to restart.

Next time, generally it would work perfect.So this brings me to the current day. After the windows xp loading screen, it goes black. The computer is on, but I don't see any activity for the HDD via the LED. SO i go into safe mode, i finally get CHKDSK to run, I had to really mess with some stuff to get that working. Windows says the volume is fine, and the only way I can boot my PC is in safe mode, but even that will freeze sometimes while loading some of the files.

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2 OS Options On Boot Screen: Fresh Copy Rather Than Upgrade?

Jun 7, 2008

I recently upgraded my laptop from XP Home to XP Pro. But, I absent-mindedly started to install by booting from the CD like I was doing a fresh install/reformat rather than doing it from inside the OS to do an upgrade. I caught myself, however and restarted without the CD and upgraded Windows from inside Windows. It worked, but now when I boot my computer, it gives me two options to choose from: "Windows XP Home Edition" or "Windows XP Professional Setup." When I pick the Home option, the computer boots up fine and goes to Windows.

However, when I go to Start>Control Panel>System, it shows that I have XP Pro even though I chose the XP Home option at boot. If I choose the XP Pro Setup option, it asks for the SP2 CD, even though the OS is bundled with SP2 on the same CD. I hit Enter, and it keeps asking for the SP2 CD even though the CD is in there. I tried to go to the Disk Management screen and delete the XP Pro Setup partition (which was only 1Gb), but that didn't work. So, I figured that boot.ini was still confused as to what to boot to.

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How To Remove Options Before Boot Screen In Home Edition?

Jul 4, 2005

I am using a new Windows XP home edition. i wanted to know how do i remove the two options i get before booting my system 1. Start Windows With Boot screen And 2. Start Windows Normally (Although Both Boot up similarly)

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Boot Loader For Dual Boot: Numbers To Use In Multi, Disk, And Rdisk?

Jun 24, 2005

I Installed a 2nd HD and cloned my first HD to it as a backup and would like to be able to dual boot. This is XP Pro. I would like to know what numbers to use in multi, disk, and rdisk.

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Stuck In A Boot Cycle - Black Screen With Options To Start In Safe Mode

Aug 25, 2008

My main pc is stuck in a boot cycle giving me the black screen with options to start in safe mode etc etc and when selecting one of those options it reboots to the same point. When I press return the system tries to start it attempts it, clicks then goes back to boot cycle. The Windows XP system disk won't cut in like it should so I cannot gain control of the pc.

System is a Dell, 2years old and has had various viruses despite having the usual protection. I am currently using my old trusty Advent Pentium 3 for this message (which has never had the same degree of virus prob's curiously). After the first virus Dell talked me through using Ghost - brilliant. Within a couple of days it was hit again and usinng Spybot got rid of the virus but PC kept displaying the message rundll.dll file damaged. So I used XP Recovery seemingly with no problem only to find it won't reboot.

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Making The System Workable In Dual Boot Options?

Apr 13, 2009

I want to be able to dual boot XP on my Vista laptop and I want to know if there would be any difference if I bought an OEM version of XP as opposed to the more expensive retail version. Would the OEM version cause problems? What are the downsides to OEMs?

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Cannot See Login Options

May 16, 2005

Every time I turn my computer on, it goes to the blue welcome screen, but does not show any log in options. Usually my name comes up and I can click on it to log on, but only the blue screen with the windows logo appears. It's not frozen because the mouse still responds, but I can't click on anything and the keys don't appear to have any effect.

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Login Screen - Reimage System

Jul 6, 2005

User logs into the PC fine and after a few minutes the Windows log on screen
reappears but all white. You can move the bock around and still use all
function of the PC. Reboot the system the screen will go away but sometimes
reappears in the same manner. Can anyone shed some light and provide a fix.I have re image a system and all is ok but would like to see if anyone else
is have this issue

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System Haults On Login Screen

Nov 23, 2009

my curser frozen and now i can't login on user screen? I shut computer down and restarted it but still won't move!! what do I do? My computer is windowsxp home edition/microsoft?

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Multi Boot Home

Aug 20, 2005

I have had some XP problems, which have involved me installing several versions of XP.(all of them are gone now except the one Im using.)The problem is, When I start my computer, It gives me the option to start in all 3. (only 1 of which works)I thought the file to edit to get rid of this was boot.ini, but I cant find it anywhere. I have searched my whole computer

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System Logging Back Out To Welcome Screen After Login

Jun 9, 2006

Could anyone shed any light on my problem. Every time I try to log on to XP from the Welcome screen, it logs on for a split second, before logging back out to the welcome screen. Been in in safe mode, and ran Spybot S&D, Adaware 6.0, and AVG 7.0, incase it should turn something up, but to no avail. I reinstalled XP in the same partition, and deleted the old copy, and now the new install is doing the same thing. If anyone has any ideas, I'd like to hear them before I pull out the rest of my hair.

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System Recommending To Try A 7-pass Erase Performed?

Feb 15, 2007

I'm having some problems with my new pc and someone recommended that I should try a 7-pass erase on my HDD because just normal reformatting doesn't seem to be helping so I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to perfom a 7-pass erase on a HDD with XP Pro.

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Accessibility Options Prevent Login

Apr 9, 2006

A co-worker turned on _all_ of the accessibility options on my PC as a gag and turned off the computer. Upon being presented with a logon screen, any keypresses made result in an audible 'bong' noise, the title bar of the 'press ctl+alt+del to login' window flashes and the keystroke appears to have done nothing. At this point, I cannot press ctl+alt+del to be able to log in.

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Creating And Installing Dual (multi) Boot

Jul 23, 2008

I have Hp media center with 1 Tet. dirve (this was installed) lateron. I had installed meida center 2004, 2005(winXp pro) when Vista Came I Installed Vista unfortunately clean install. so I lost xp.Now I am tinking to install win98,2000,vista and linux if possible then Media center winxp pro ver.How I should procede. If I go by installing with win98 and partitioning and installing os.

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Complicated Multi-operating System

Apr 4, 2006

I have a compact laptop bought second hand but has problems.

1) Firstly when it is switched on it asks to choose between either windows 98 or windows 2000 pro (the one i want to use)

2) On loading up windows 2000 it works fine however when i try to use many options such as; volume control, disk cleanup, msconfig, majority of .exe files etc it says "access to file denied" or "cannot find the file "xxx". make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available" - this is despite the file it is looking for being the one I want to use.

3) On searching futher I noticed that in my computer along with the usual WINDOWS directory. I have 2 other operating system folders in their entirity. WindowsNT and Windows 98 - I think that having all systems on my computer must be reason for it not working

4) I have tried to uninstall windows 98 using its own uninstall program however get the message "cannont find "xxx" etc

5) I have a feeling the windowsNT is just cd contents and ahs not been setup properly and could therefore simply deleted but I ahve not done so just in case

6) If i begin the laptop ion windows 98 much more works, including sound etc, however the uninstall still does not.

7) Misc problem - I cannot install any more programs when running windows 2000.

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Computer Can't Able For Multi Task - System Restore

Nov 23, 2006

Out of no where my computer ceases to be able to multi-task. For example. I am playing a game while listening to music. When I hold down a button in the game to walk the music becomes choppy. I have also noticed that when I am using one program something the CPU usage is usually 88-95% usage on the program which makes it impossible to do anything else while using the program. This all started happening about 2 days after I re-installed my OS.

Also system restore doesn't seem to work. It always says "System restore failed: nothing on your hard drive was changed." but I know that the restore point is different from what I have on my computer right now.

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Gets To Login Screen But After Login It Slows Down

Nov 21, 2006

I'm using Win XP sp2 and I usually leave my computer on 24/7. This morning I tried to open a file but it never opened. I went into the task manager to see if its even processing and it was there but the ccapp was taking all the cpu. So i tried to shutdown and restart. After that windows boots up to the login screen just fine but when i click on my account it take a long time to show my wallpaper. I can pull up task manager and the cpu isnt being used. the hdd is only accessed in little bursts. After a while the start menu pops up. any keyboard commands like to bring up win explorer takes a long time and all the commands pop up in a big burp of of command executions. I'm trying to reach system restore but cant. I'm not sure how to get into safemode with this system because just after post when f8 is usually used to bring up the menu the system opens a boot drive selection screen. During the RAM tests during post theres text stating press del to enter bios and f8 to enter boot drive selection so im not sure how to get to safemode now.

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