Lsass.exe Won't Let System To Pass Boot Process?

Sep 13, 2005

Just bought a pre-owned Dell Inspiron 6000D, running XP. On first power-up, after what appears to be a normal boot-up, it displays a message window headed "lsass.exe System error". The error description says, "When trying to update a password this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is incorrect." It never asks for a password to be entered, so this is puzzling.

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System Crashed After Installing Updates / Unable To Pass Boot Process?

Aug 31, 2005

I clicked on the Icon for windows updates on my PC, and after the updates were done, my PC will not boot up.I keep getting one of those blue screens with one of those wonderful error messages.I have tried doing a system restore, several times, but it will not even let me do that

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System Will Not Boot Pass Dell Welcome Screen

Jun 1, 2010

System will not boot pass Dell welcome screen. Does not respond to F2/F12/F8 and this all began after i clear cmos. Original problem was BSOD so now i wish to do a clean install but unable to enter the bios to set PC to boot from CDrom. Got into safe mode once but it freezes. I piggy back the HD to another pc, did a virus/malware clean then defragged and clean the hd. Now i am ready for a fresh install but cannot get pass the dell screen. I tried 4 keyboards but still the same. The dell screen shows the F2=SETUP, f12 = Boot menu and Bios revision 1.0.10.

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen: Getting Multi Boot Options?

Jun 19, 2006

I have a friend, seriously - it's a friend not me, that had to do the windows genuine updgrade. She paid the $150 and instead of just plugging in the new product key she inserted the CD they mailed her and started a new install of windows. It seems it had trouble locating files and now she gets a option to select which operating system at start.The setup won't continue (it can't locate files on CD - maybe bad disk) and when she selects the original XP pro setup it won't let her past the login screen.

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Loading Error During System Boot Process?

Aug 17, 2007

I'm getting a loading error when system starts.This is what it shows....c:windowssystem32spooldriversw32x863LXBTtime.dll

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System Wont Boot And Getting Error Message During Process?

Jan 21, 2009

I am getting the message "C:WINDOWSAppPatchdrvmain.sdb is corrupt or missing. Insert the original Windows XP cd and type r for recovery console." Safemode operations or copying the drvmain.sdb file from the original cd doesn't work. Is there any other way to disable this file or is there any other solution?

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Lsass.exe Application Error - Cannot Boot Disk

Mar 18, 2010

I have an XP machine that while booting, after the Windows XP Logo with the blue bar under it shows, receives a message box titled "lsass.exe - Application Error" with the message "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000ld). Click on OK to terminate the application." This occurs twice and then just sits on an empty black screen. It never reaches the login screen. I have tried booting to safe mode and the last good configuration and they both experience the same thing...

BACKGROUND: Got the computer with the problem from brother in law who lives hundreds of miles away. He had fixed it and was selling it. It was clean and in good working order except for the following: No boot disk provided. DVD & CD drives wouldn�t initialize automatically. Had to manually go find what you want to play and work with it til it played. Audio CDs would play. DVD never played dvds. Windows Media Player would not play FLV videos or MPEG4, MP4 videos, only avi. An error would come up saying there were not the correct codecs. By choice, this computer & our home does not have internet access, so I couldn�t go d/l drivers or fixes directly to computer. Using my laptop and a flash drive, I d/l GOM Player and installed it on his computer, and it would say the same thing. So I d/l codec packs using the same method. I ran Trend Micro scans on all files before putting them on the flash drive. They were either clean or cleaned. (It said this was cleaned : Locked successfully Troj_Gen.C33L9) Another something came up and quickly said something was successfully ignored.) This was before there was a problem. Began to install Klite_Codec_Pack_580_Mega. Checked all the boxes so all the codecs could run. It started installing lots, then toward end it got an error message saying it couldn�t register some big long numbers. I assumed it needed the internet to continue. It gave the choices to Abort, Retry, or Ignore (recommended). Each button produced the error message above and when you pushed OK it just looped. My husband restarted the computer thinking it would fix it and it began the problem stated at the beginning....

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PC Wont Pass Boot Screen Or Correctly Run In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2008

I first noticed a problem when a command prompt window popped up during startup.1.exe. After some searching I discovered it was a trojan located on c root directory. I decided to try and scan to remove it. I used Adaware and AVG free and didnt get it. (only found a few low risk tracking cookies) I then tried SpyBot but during the update process it decided it needed to install the new version so it went ahead and did this then informed me i needed to reboot. I selected not to right away. I scanned with System Mechanic to remove junk and obsolete files and got rid of them all. I then did a registry scan and deleted everything system mechanic found.

I then deleted the installation .exes and shortcuts that had been added to my desktop by Adaware and Spy bot.I also have zone alarm running all the time.When i came to restart my pc, it passes the windows XP main screen but then freezes on the Acer brand screen. It also will not boot into safe mode. I just get the normal safe mode screen but with the operating system details printed across the top and no start menu/input options etc.Ive removed and reseated the RAM and the battery.Im really stuck as to what to try next!Its an Acer Aspire laptop about 2 years old.Ive done something to kill it but nothing massively different to what i have done in the past.Im fairly good with these things but im feeling a little lost for ideas!

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System Recommending To Try A 7-pass Erase Performed?

Feb 15, 2007

I'm having some problems with my new pc and someone recommended that I should try a 7-pass erase on my HDD because just normal reformatting doesn't seem to be helping so I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to perfom a 7-pass erase on a HDD with XP Pro.

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Lsass.exe And Svchost.exe Using 100% Of System Resources

May 13, 2007

Hardware: Compaq Presario x1000, Win XP Home SP1, 1.4 Ghz, 512 Ram.

Symptom: Lsass.exe is using about 60%, and svchost.exe is using about 40% (they move around up and down but are always using 100% together). Recently the computer semi died (after the login screen it would blue screen). I repaired to OS (the reinstall option for windows that leaves data and programs intact). Have chkdsk the HD (found and repaired errors), ran a defrag, ran diagnostics on the HD and RAM (all clean), and the computer still moves at a crawl. I've found a lot of articles about LSass.exe causing problems with win 2k domain controllers, but this is not win 2k, is not a domain controller, and is in fact not even on a domain. HijackThis log is clean as a whistle

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)

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System Wont Pass The Login Screen And Hangs ?

May 26, 2006

I am trying to fix a new hp computer. the problem is when you start it up and it goes to log onto windows it starts up the typical light blue screen but an hour glass just sits in the middle and it does nothing, you can move the mouse bbut nothing else. to be more decritive, it the welcome screeen listing the users name to log on but it doesnt get that far, right before that but it just stalls and does nothing.

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Lsass.exe Eating System Resources On Startup

Nov 30, 2006

Ive read a million topics on this but almost all of them deal with OBVIOUS solutions to the problem. Well I've already updated my OS (newest security patches, service packs, etc...), Antivirus,adware removal...etc... and for about 30mins after a restart, the lsass.exe system process eats all my cpu power. Once its done my system runs like a charm, but those 30min restarts are a waste of time. It is really starting to annoy me. No this is not a virus (according to AVG, McAfee, etc...) problem, or an Adware (spybot,adaware) problem. It is the legitimate system process eating my resources.

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Computer Reboot - Remove Lsass.exe - System Error

Sep 23, 2006

How to Remove cn_api60.dll?

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Lsass.exe Invalid Paramters Passed System Error

Nov 29, 2009

Recently I had a BSOD problem 0x000007b after running ComboFix and so I ran a repair XP SP2/3 and the Blue Screen is gone but now during the Repair steps screen (The light blue screen with Step 1, Step2 and the Ads on the right for the various programs) I get lsass.exe Invalid Parameters Passed and a prompt "Ok" which reboots my computer.

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Lsass.exe System Error - The Endpoint Format Is Invalid

Jan 25, 2007

I'm running xp home edition on my dell system. When I tried to boot up, the screen went black and I got the system error message. From there you can only click ok, the system reboots and goes thfough the same process. It also does it in safe mode. I've tried to use "the last known working configuration" from the f8 screen, same thing.I was going to try a repair install, but for some reason I have a xp pro disk, not home edition. Can I do a repair using this disk (it's a dell disk)? Or am i going to have to wipe everything out and install xp pro to get the system to work.

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Installed Norton 2009 And System Wont Pass Startup Screen?

Dec 1, 2008

I installed Norton 2009 and I have noticed my computer was different. Now I cannot even get passed the startup screen.It is like its frozen,the on/off button at the front doesn't work,only the restart. When I click on my user account to log in, nothing at all happens.I am on my husbands laptop right now. It is an old computer,but can it just die like that?

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Lsass.exe Causing System To Shut Down / Websites Wont Load?

Sep 12, 2005

Ok I'm getting this message now saying that something called lsass.exe is causing my pc to just shutdown while I'm right in the middle of something. And, earlier today I deleted some registries by mistake and computer just went haywire. I think for the most part I got them fixed but now pc freezes up and some sites take forever for me to load or certain programs like musicmatch radio and

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System Idle Process - Should End Process

Aug 23, 2005

System Idle Process is at top of processes tab in windows task manager. I've read in an earlier post this causes cpu spikes. should I just highlight it and click end process? or is there something else I need to do.

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Slow Boot Process: Boot Up Taking Nearly 24 Hours?

Feb 23, 2008

pc was very stable until I introduced new replacement tv card After a system freeze caused by a new pinnacle tv tuner I had to do a hard reset ( press power button for 4 secs ) When the system rebooted it stuck on the post screen, it auto detects my hardware and then stops.After about half an hour it moves on to the next bios screen (which would normally only show up for a second or two during boot up) and then stayed on that screen for 16 - 24 hours.I gave up, left it running & went to sleep (still displaying the same screen in the morning) & then work the next day. I came home from work to find the windows welcome screen on my monitor!!?? But on rebooting it takes nearly 24 hours to start up

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Computer Won't Reboot - Error Lsass.exe - System Error

Feb 16, 2006

I went to bed 2 nights ago with a statistical program running on my computer. I woke up the next day to find a black screen with a small window with an error message. It said: "lsass.exe - System Error" "Object Name not found." When I click OK, the computer tries to shuts down, but then when trying to reboot it comes back to the black screen with the error message.

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Computer Keeps On Restarting Soon After Boot Process?

Sep 30, 2007

I just turned on my destop today and after i click my login and windows begins to start up the computer restarts. I let it restart and do the same thing and just about at time during the windows initial loading process the computer restarts..... i open up my computer clean it out and then restarted it.As windows comes up i get all these this msg saying windows has recovered from something serious and i should send in an error report which i try and do.. as i do it the application that sends the error report doesnt respond and fails then my computer freezes.

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System Manager Initialization System Process Terminated - 0x000026c

Dec 27, 2006

after copying win xp setup files n re-starting i get this message "system manager initialization system process terminated unexpectantly with a status of 0x000026c, the system has shut down" need explanation and help to resolve this issue thanx.......also note, winxp was installing on the same hard drive just fine on another motherboard so.........could the M/B be the prob?

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Getting Strange Desktop Icons After Boot Process?

Sep 14, 2007

When I boot up my computer, the icons look very strange, almost like they're being highlighted.And sometimes I get an error message from Linksys saying Bitmap images may not be displayed correctly. I'm almost sure the two are related some how.

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System Idle Process Taking Up 80-99%: System Getting Slow?

Feb 19, 2007

I ALT+CTRL+DEL to bring up my processes and i noticed at the bottom of that window that SYSTEM IDLE PROCESS is taking up 80-99% so i watch it for awhile and it doesnt go down at all, the lowest i seen it was 77%.Now i have about 30-40 things running in the Background not a problem for my computer. I have 2 Gigs of RAM should be more then enough. but this process is really slowing me down.

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Disk Boot Failure: Pc Reboots During Uninstallation Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I was uninstalling Norton Antivirus 2005 and during the uninstallation process, the PC rebooted (without warning me) and then the computer sat at a black screen. The screen said "disk boot failure insert system disk and press enter". Can you please let me know what might be causing the problem? I haven't made any recent hardware or software changes to the computer (other than attempting to uninstall Norton Antivirus 2005).

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Installed Service Pack 2 Results In Getting Slow Boot Process?

Jun 11, 2005

I've been battling it out with a filth ridden computer for days,appear to be almost on top of it. It is completely clean of virii/malware/spyware I just installed SP2 on it, and since then it has been exceptionally slow to boot.Following the initial boot screen, the screen goes blank for over 2 minutes It then gets to the black screen with the grey progress bar along the bottom. It takes at least 5 minutes to get through this progress bar.

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Computer Facing Random Freezes Occur During Boot Process?

Apr 16, 2008

XP Pro SP2 with current critical updates.Computer began freezing 1 week ago. Freezing might occur during boot process; might occur 30 to 60 minutes after booting. Problem began after someone other than regular user did something with iTunes.Occurs in safe mode. Occurs when connected and when not browsing internet. Occurs during boot; prior to Windows XP logon screen. I have been unable to run Panda and HouseCall because it has frozen during each attempt.

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System Idle Process Using 99% Of System Resources?

Apr 22, 2007

Whenever I pop in a CD, my computer freezes over, and if I happen to get into the Windows Task Manager screen, it tells me that the System Idle Process is using 99 of my computer. What is happening here? This also happens when I leave the computer on for too long

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Computer Running Very Slow: Taking Long Time In Boot Process?

Aug 1, 2009

I have a main WIN XP Home Edition based computer with an Intel 3118 chip, 2GB RAM,190GB Hard drive with 126GB free, additional drive via USB with 470 GB and 399GB free and networked with a laptop and Dell computer all able to read each other. On the main computer I have 60+ icons on the desktop and have Zone Alarm Security Suite and Forcefield running updated.I have cleaned all computers with Crap Cleaner and Esaycleaner have defragged and deleted all unwanted files but still it takes some 9-10 minutes to boot from hot or cold and the close down of programs also takes between 1-2 minutes.

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System Idle Process 28k - Is Too Low?

Nov 10, 2005

In task Manager System Idle Process is always at 28k. Is this too low? Win. xp2 One user..Also have 6 Sychost.exe running. eMachine W3400 I have [3 startup programs] on start-up in msconfig.

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System Idle Process 48 - 61 Cpu

Jul 27, 2010

iv'e been searching around for 30 minutes of what the problem could be but i have not found anything. iv'e been looking through msconfig startups and there is nothing wierd there, iv'e also been looking up my programs through ad or remove program if there is some random programs that is installed on my computer and i didn't find anything. When i open my task manager it is System Idle Process that is jumping around between 48-61 cpu usage, i don't know what SIP is for or what it do, so it would be nice if someone could tell me little about SIP and give me some tips over how to solve this problem with the cpu usage. I also found out that rundll32.exe is using about the same cpu usage as SIP 50-55 what is rundll32.exe?

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