Computer Reboot - Remove Lsass.exe - System Error

Sep 23, 2006

How to Remove cn_api60.dll?

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Computer Won't Reboot - Error Lsass.exe - System Error

Feb 16, 2006

I went to bed 2 nights ago with a statistical program running on my computer. I woke up the next day to find a black screen with a small window with an error message. It said: "lsass.exe - System Error" "Object Name not found." When I click OK, the computer tries to shuts down, but then when trying to reboot it comes back to the black screen with the error message.

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Lsass.exe "object Not Found" Error - Reboot

Aug 16, 2005

I have a friend who has a problem with his laptop. It has no floppy drives, has a DVD RW drive, and plenty of storage space.Enough background; the pr Running XP Home edition SP1 his computer will not boot far enough for one to log on, Any safe mode or other wise. The error message is that lsass.exe System Error: "Object not found." He can click on OK or the X and the system reboots to run through the loop again. I've read that an executable has to be run to enable a service needed... however I can't run that from the command prompt offered on the recovery console of the XP Home cd. (someone else's CD since his version is OEM and there is no cd that he has).

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Lsass.exe Invalid Paramters Passed System Error

Nov 29, 2009

Recently I had a BSOD problem 0x000007b after running ComboFix and so I ran a repair XP SP2/3 and the Blue Screen is gone but now during the Repair steps screen (The light blue screen with Step 1, Step2 and the Ads on the right for the various programs) I get lsass.exe Invalid Parameters Passed and a prompt "Ok" which reboots my computer.

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Lsass.exe System Error - The Endpoint Format Is Invalid

Jan 25, 2007

I'm running xp home edition on my dell system. When I tried to boot up, the screen went black and I got the system error message. From there you can only click ok, the system reboots and goes thfough the same process. It also does it in safe mode. I've tried to use "the last known working configuration" from the f8 screen, same thing.I was going to try a repair install, but for some reason I have a xp pro disk, not home edition. Can I do a repair using this disk (it's a dell disk)? Or am i going to have to wipe everything out and install xp pro to get the system to work.

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Lsass.exe Application Error - Cannot Boot Disk

Mar 18, 2010

I have an XP machine that while booting, after the Windows XP Logo with the blue bar under it shows, receives a message box titled "lsass.exe - Application Error" with the message "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc00000ld). Click on OK to terminate the application." This occurs twice and then just sits on an empty black screen. It never reaches the login screen. I have tried booting to safe mode and the last good configuration and they both experience the same thing...

BACKGROUND: Got the computer with the problem from brother in law who lives hundreds of miles away. He had fixed it and was selling it. It was clean and in good working order except for the following: No boot disk provided. DVD & CD drives wouldn�t initialize automatically. Had to manually go find what you want to play and work with it til it played. Audio CDs would play. DVD never played dvds. Windows Media Player would not play FLV videos or MPEG4, MP4 videos, only avi. An error would come up saying there were not the correct codecs. By choice, this computer & our home does not have internet access, so I couldn�t go d/l drivers or fixes directly to computer. Using my laptop and a flash drive, I d/l GOM Player and installed it on his computer, and it would say the same thing. So I d/l codec packs using the same method. I ran Trend Micro scans on all files before putting them on the flash drive. They were either clean or cleaned. (It said this was cleaned : Locked successfully Troj_Gen.C33L9) Another something came up and quickly said something was successfully ignored.) This was before there was a problem. Began to install Klite_Codec_Pack_580_Mega. Checked all the boxes so all the codecs could run. It started installing lots, then toward end it got an error message saying it couldn�t register some big long numbers. I assumed it needed the internet to continue. It gave the choices to Abort, Retry, or Ignore (recommended). Each button produced the error message above and when you pushed OK it just looped. My husband restarted the computer thinking it would fix it and it began the problem stated at the beginning....

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WLDAP32.dll File Missing And Lsass.exe Getting Error?

Jan 20, 2009

When the computer tried to load into Windows I get a message saying that the WLDAP32.dll file is missing and that I need to install it. The computer will not load into any mode, including the Safe Mode. I then tried to load the file from the XP install disc and was told on a blue screen that Windows had to shut down due to not wanting to damage the computer. So, I cannot load into Windows in any mode and I cannot get the file from the Install CD.

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Laptop-getting Error Message Will Reboot With System CD?

Jul 3, 2006

My friend goes to college and is home for the holidays and asked me if I could find out what is wrong with his laptop.First you turn it on and there is a constant clciking noise but that I don't think is the main problem. when you turn it on it doesnt boot it goes right to a black screen with whitle letters and says this Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key Could I person put in an xp pro system disk and boot with that? He isn't home right now and I don't know if it is xp home or pro but I have a pro disk, it has not got a floppy drive so can't use floppies to boot with, So can I set the BIOS to boot from the cd-rom and try the xp pro disk? and if so what do I do after it boots? or can I click on I think it is F10 when starting and see if I can get to system recovery? and if so what do I do after I get there?

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Computer Reboot - Recovered From Critical Error

Sep 30, 2009

When i logon my pc reboot it self. A message comes up. PC recovered from a critical error.

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Lsass.exe And Svchost.exe Using 100% Of System Resources

May 13, 2007

Hardware: Compaq Presario x1000, Win XP Home SP1, 1.4 Ghz, 512 Ram.

Symptom: Lsass.exe is using about 60%, and svchost.exe is using about 40% (they move around up and down but are always using 100% together). Recently the computer semi died (after the login screen it would blue screen). I repaired to OS (the reinstall option for windows that leaves data and programs intact). Have chkdsk the HD (found and repaired errors), ran a defrag, ran diagnostics on the HD and RAM (all clean), and the computer still moves at a crawl. I've found a lot of articles about LSass.exe causing problems with win 2k domain controllers, but this is not win 2k, is not a domain controller, and is in fact not even on a domain. HijackThis log is clean as a whistle

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.0 (BETA)

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Invalid System Disk Reboot I Would Get To The Same Screen Error

Jan 9, 2009

I left my computer on for about 3 hours, when I returned the screen was black with the a message First time this happened INVALID System Disk Replace Disk and then press any key There is or was no 3 1/2 floppy disk in the computer. Every time I hit any key nothing would happen. When I would reboot I would get to the same screen with the same message and nothing would happen. Then I would reboot again and when that screen would come our I would insert a 3 1/2 Floppy into the computer and the computer would start up. So now the only time I can get the computer to start up I must insert a 3 1/2 floppy.

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Computer Reboot - Blue Screen Error 0x00000050

Aug 28, 2007

I have a friend who has a Dell Dimension 2400. She had a blue screen error with the following parameters 0x00000050 (0xfa3bedeb, 0x00000000, 0xfa3beded, 0x00000000). She was able to reboot at the time of the error but now she's getting a black screen and can not do anything at all.

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Lsass.exe Eating System Resources On Startup

Nov 30, 2006

Ive read a million topics on this but almost all of them deal with OBVIOUS solutions to the problem. Well I've already updated my OS (newest security patches, service packs, etc...), Antivirus,adware removal...etc... and for about 30mins after a restart, the lsass.exe system process eats all my cpu power. Once its done my system runs like a charm, but those 30min restarts are a waste of time. It is really starting to annoy me. No this is not a virus (according to AVG, McAfee, etc...) problem, or an Adware (spybot,adaware) problem. It is the legitimate system process eating my resources.

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Lsass.exe Won't Let System To Pass Boot Process?

Sep 13, 2005

Just bought a pre-owned Dell Inspiron 6000D, running XP. On first power-up, after what appears to be a normal boot-up, it displays a message window headed "lsass.exe System error". The error description says, "When trying to update a password this return status indicates that the value provided as the current password is incorrect." It never asks for a password to be entered, so this is puzzling.

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Getting Rpc Server Error / Keeps Rebooting System / Continual State Of Shutdown And Reboot

Sep 5, 2007

hi i'm very untechy, i am getting an rpc server error and cannot figure out how to fix it. it keeps rebooting my system. so it's in a continual state of shutdown and reboot. RPC Server Unavailable, hres: 0x800706BA Register Class Objects Fail when i try to do anything it shuts down before i can complete it.. and i try to type command, but i have to go through ctrl/alt/delete to get to the run function because the taskbar isn't there?

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Computer Reboot During System Restore

Aug 24, 2005

My grandfather has given me his computer to fix. The only problem is, he doesn't want to lose everything, though I think he's going to have to (or already has). He was doing a system restore (unnecessarily, may I add) and switched off the computer because it was taking too long (!). Now, Windows XP Home will not boot. The XP loading screen is displayed, then a blue screen for a split second, then it reboots. Safe mode does the same, and last known good configuration does not go past about 1/6 of the white loading bar at the bottom of the screen.So I thought I'd reinstall XP over the top. The problem is that the partition is now 'unknown', according to the Windows XP Setup, so it would appear the partition data is messed up. Thus, I cannot install XP without formatting.

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Lsass.exe Causing System To Shut Down / Websites Wont Load?

Sep 12, 2005

Ok I'm getting this message now saying that something called lsass.exe is causing my pc to just shutdown while I'm right in the middle of something. And, earlier today I deleted some registries by mistake and computer just went haywire. I think for the most part I got them fixed but now pc freezes up and some sites take forever for me to load or certain programs like musicmatch radio and

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Turn Off System Beeps - No Reboot Computer

Aug 24, 2004

f those beeps annoy you there is a way to turn them off
Start Regedit.  If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelSoundOnce there, locate Beep on the list on the right.Right click on it and select ModifyChange the value equal to noReboot your computer and the beeps will be gone!

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Bitsflap.exe - Computer Freezes - Reboot System

Mar 21, 2005

Sometimes my PC becomes very slow, and then I do the alt-control-del move to bring up the Windows Task Manager (I'm using XP), and under Processes in the Image Name column there's a thing called "bitsflap.exe" that's using 98, 99 percent of the CPU. I then end the process, and sometimes I'm lucky that it stops, and other times the PC freezes, and then I have to re-boot. I'm a 56k dial-up user.

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Operating System Activation - Reboot Computer

Sep 16, 2008

i am on a mac but recently used bootcamp to install win xp professional 2002. when i installed it i used my product key and it worked fine and everything ran smoothly. but when i went to activate windows it said i had used all of the uses of the product key. i remembered i had used it three times and understood that but now i am wondering do i have to reformat to use a new product key or just enter a new one where it tells me to enter it. also if i can like take a product key off another computer or do i have to buy it. if i do have to buy and reformat should i get home or professional

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Track Down Computer Lockup - Reboot System

May 23, 2008

I am making one final attempt to avoid re-loading Windows from scratch. Your help is always appreciated.I am running Windows XP Media Center version. Of late, it has taken to simply locking up after sitting idle for some time. Because it does this while sitting idle, I thought it might be related to powering down to stand-by or screen saver. I turned both of those of, ie, system is always on, no screen saver. It still happens.When it happens, nothing works. The mouse moves, but does not work. The keyboard does not work. It matters not if any programs are running or not. I am forced to cold boot.

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Computer Freezes - Reboot System - Blue Screen Shows

Feb 23, 2005

I am using a Gateway Tablet PC. XP PRO; 2Gig ram; 80 gig hd; Within the last few days it has fallen apart. I have added nothing new. I boot it on and all seems well. I can run an app, work in it and then close it. Then the mouse freezes or slows to a crawl. I can not open any thing else. I registered several DLL's such as urlmon.dll,etc. because of a Micrsoft fix listed elsewhere but this did not work. All spyware and virus checks have been negative. CTRL-ALT-Del gives me an error that the taskmgr.exe could not be initialized. Now the only way to shut down is to totally power off and if reboot I get the blue screen while the disk is checked and it is always negative

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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To Remove A Program On Reboot

Dec 25, 2007

Recently reinstalled xp and one of the first installations were various drivers. I notice that a vga driver icon for asus gamer osd starts every time i boot up and appears in my task bar which has to be removed. The settings do not have any preferences on not to start this at windows start. When i click on start all programs start up it does not appear there.

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How To Reboot Computer - Requirements To Reboot Computer

Feb 10, 2010

I have pentium 4 desktop.and windows xp is the operating system is now required to reboot.would you please suggest me How to reboot and what would be requirements for it?

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List Of Hotfix In Add / Remove Section - Can Remove Safely Without Corrupting System?

Jan 17, 2006

I have a list of Windows XP Hotfix in my ADD/REMOVE section, can I remove these safely without corrupting my system?

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Remove Progrom From System Registry Add/remove List?

Oct 28, 2006

A program wouldn't uninstall properly for some reason. So, after several tries, I finally decided to just delete the directory. How do I remove that program's information from system registry and Control Panel add/remove list?

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Error Message Before Reboot

Aug 12, 2005

I got this blue screen error message which came up when I was usingmy PC.The details are: *** STOP: 0X00000001 (0X005C007F, 0X00000002, 0X00000000, 0XF2E312AC)*** LF30XQ.SYS - address F2E312AC base at F2E2C000, DateStamp 403C6159 beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.It also said to turn off BIOS Memory Caching or shadowing. There is only Video BIOS Caching enabled on BIOS. No other shadowing or caching is stated anywhere.

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Error Message On Reboot

Aug 1, 2007

Each time I re-boot my Windows XP sp2, I get an error message on a blue screen: "AU program not found Skipping AUTOCHK". In the control panel, the Security Center shows Automatic Updates is ON. Doing a support search on the Microsoft website, a Repair Reinstall of XP will cause problem's in- it- self.

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System Reboot Even After Formated And Reinstall Operating System

Aug 15, 2006

My machine keeps rebooting, I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled xp pro and still the problem persists. what could cause a problem like this?

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Reboot Loop / Error Message

Apr 22, 2007

This is kind of a long one, so please bear with me. In the last week I've been getting a lot of pop ups (almost every time i clicked a link or visited a new site) which i never used to get before. Many of them were things saying my computer was at risk and i should download such and such software, but i didn't know if they were legit so i didn't do it.Then one morning a couple days ago i woke up with the computer running the windows loading page. It took me to the password screen, i entered my password and windows started. But then once all the programs had loaded, it flashed a blue screen error, too quick to read, and then went black. Then it started loading windows again and took me back the password screen. I logged on and the same thing kept happening over and over.I started it in Safe Mode and did a full scan with my virus protection software (Symantec). It found six threats and i deleted them all. Restarted the computer but the same thing happened. I tried the disk defragmenter in Safe Mode but that didn't work either.

Finally i changed the System Config Utility in Safe Mode to diagnostic which allowed me to open windows outside of Safe Mode, but not use any programs. So i went back to the system config and turned off all the programs that i could recognize as unnecessary (AIM, Kodak, winAmp, etc) and restarted. This time windows started fine and stayed up for awhile. Just to be on the safe side i disabled the automatic restart so that if it happened again i could write down the blue screen error. After about a half hour of working fine it went to the blue screen error again.

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