Track Down Computer Lockup - Reboot System

May 23, 2008

I am making one final attempt to avoid re-loading Windows from scratch. Your help is always appreciated.I am running Windows XP Media Center version. Of late, it has taken to simply locking up after sitting idle for some time. Because it does this while sitting idle, I thought it might be related to powering down to stand-by or screen saver. I turned both of those of, ie, system is always on, no screen saver. It still happens.When it happens, nothing works. The mouse moves, but does not work. The keyboard does not work. It matters not if any programs are running or not. I am forced to cold boot.

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EVERYTHING Lockup In System -

Dec 9, 2006

To try to make a long story short...this is a Micro-Star MB with Energy Star BIOS.I had to buy a new Xp Home edition CD and do a clean install.Before I did this though,..I could go to MSI and they would search my PC for updates concerning the mother board for intergrated hardware and so on.I messed up the operating system(XP Home) so I bought a new one (XP Home) and did a clean install twice.The second clean install on a different hard drive cause I thought there was a problem with the other one.Called Microsoft and went through all that stuff to.NOW,...before I did ANY of this stuff,..I could go to and get updates automatically with a program they have for their products.BUT now when I try to get updates,...when I click on the "Search my computer now for hardware updates" tab,..the whole PC locks up,...clock and all.On the first clean install

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Computer Lockup Random Timings - BSOD

Aug 22, 2008

For the past week my computer has been locking up at random times, now I am pretty dang sure I know the general cause, which would be my own fault -.- I just moved to a new place, long story short, mixed up my surge protector with my standard power bar, rolling power outage hit, turned my computer back on and wham, it randomly locks up...I restored it back to about a week ago, and it seems to work fine (sans a few random freezes upon booting up) Of all the times it has frozen, it only gave me one BSOD

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Computer Randomly Lockup - Words Stop Displaying

Jul 6, 2010

I'm not exactly sure what is causing this issue so I don't exactly know where to put it. If one of the staff here has a better suggestion and can move it there I would be greatly appreciative. Now on to my problem.I have a computer here that randomly seems to lock up. What I mean by that is, you can be typing an e-mail and the words stop displaying, a few seconds later the screen will flash and your text will start filling in (it isn't suddenly there, you can actually watch it fill in the letters). Nothing moves on the screen at all until the flash.
The machine itself is a fairly robust machine (Dell Precision WorkStation T3400 with E7300, 2.66, 3MB Wolfdale Processor, 2 GB of RAM, and a NVIDIA Quadro NVS290 graphics card

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Computer Reboot During System Restore

Aug 24, 2005

My grandfather has given me his computer to fix. The only problem is, he doesn't want to lose everything, though I think he's going to have to (or already has). He was doing a system restore (unnecessarily, may I add) and switched off the computer because it was taking too long (!). Now, Windows XP Home will not boot. The XP loading screen is displayed, then a blue screen for a split second, then it reboots. Safe mode does the same, and last known good configuration does not go past about 1/6 of the white loading bar at the bottom of the screen.So I thought I'd reinstall XP over the top. The problem is that the partition is now 'unknown', according to the Windows XP Setup, so it would appear the partition data is messed up. Thus, I cannot install XP without formatting.

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Turn Off System Beeps - No Reboot Computer

Aug 24, 2004

f those beeps annoy you there is a way to turn them off
Start Regedit.  If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelSoundOnce there, locate Beep on the list on the right.Right click on it and select ModifyChange the value equal to noReboot your computer and the beeps will be gone!

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Bitsflap.exe - Computer Freezes - Reboot System

Mar 21, 2005

Sometimes my PC becomes very slow, and then I do the alt-control-del move to bring up the Windows Task Manager (I'm using XP), and under Processes in the Image Name column there's a thing called "bitsflap.exe" that's using 98, 99 percent of the CPU. I then end the process, and sometimes I'm lucky that it stops, and other times the PC freezes, and then I have to re-boot. I'm a 56k dial-up user.

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Operating System Activation - Reboot Computer

Sep 16, 2008

i am on a mac but recently used bootcamp to install win xp professional 2002. when i installed it i used my product key and it worked fine and everything ran smoothly. but when i went to activate windows it said i had used all of the uses of the product key. i remembered i had used it three times and understood that but now i am wondering do i have to reformat to use a new product key or just enter a new one where it tells me to enter it. also if i can like take a product key off another computer or do i have to buy it. if i do have to buy and reformat should i get home or professional

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Computer Reboot - Remove Lsass.exe - System Error

Sep 23, 2006

How to Remove cn_api60.dll?

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Computer Freezes - Reboot System - Blue Screen Shows

Feb 23, 2005

I am using a Gateway Tablet PC. XP PRO; 2Gig ram; 80 gig hd; Within the last few days it has fallen apart. I have added nothing new. I boot it on and all seems well. I can run an app, work in it and then close it. Then the mouse freezes or slows to a crawl. I can not open any thing else. I registered several DLL's such as urlmon.dll,etc. because of a Micrsoft fix listed elsewhere but this did not work. All spyware and virus checks have been negative. CTRL-ALT-Del gives me an error that the taskmgr.exe could not be initialized. Now the only way to shut down is to totally power off and if reboot I get the blue screen while the disk is checked and it is always negative

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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More Lockup And Freezes

Oct 6, 2006

I have a two-year old Sony VAIO (big memory, fast).I have a new problem which started recently:When I click a desktop icon, I get a Windows Explorer error message. I can open the desktop icon by right-clicking and using "open", but after I receive this error message the machine eventually crashes.

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How To Reboot Computer - Requirements To Reboot Computer

Feb 10, 2010

I have pentium 4 desktop.and windows xp is the operating system is now required to reboot.would you please suggest me How to reboot and what would be requirements for it?

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Strange Lockup At Boot

Jul 17, 2010

I have a strange problem, everytime that I boot my machine, for the first 15 mins or so it is kinda frozen. Let me explain, If I open any program, it appears to open and then freezes.I have close it with task manger. I can open folders but I cannot open any items in them. I can open control panel but none of the tools, if I click say printers and faxes, an hourglass shows, then nothing. Now 15 mins or so later, magically everything works, printers and faxes pops up and i get notices about force closing the programs. The computer will run fine after the first 15 mins, I have left it on for 2 days straight with no problems. This has been happening for 6 months.I have tried msconfig to try and narrow the problem down, the problem did not occur until i got to services. I went through each and everyone of them and I got to a "Server" service ,this is a Microsoft Service, i disabled it and rebooted, the issue stopped! So I am thinking maybe this is related to the issue. I believe I need this particular service because I share files and printers between the computers in my home and this is my primary desktop.

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Cant Have The Track List

Aug 29, 2005

A little while ago I transferred some of my CD and vinyl collection on to my PC using Windows Media Player 9+, all in all about 1500 songs transferred
randomly, everything went fine.

I then copied these tracks over to my music folder in my Documents, from there sorted them into year or artist by making folders.

So for example, I might have 50 track's of various artists from the Fifties
so I created a Fifties folder the same for the Thirties, Forties Sixties and
so on. Where I have 50 tracks by the same artist, Buddy Holly or the Trogs I have created a folder called Buddy Holly or the Trogs and so on and I have no problem listening to any track on my PC via WMP

My questions are, when I open WMP, click media library, then click all music,
in the left-hand column I can see all my tracks either under artist, album,
genre but it's not how I want it.

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Computer Won't Reboot - Error Lsass.exe - System Error

Feb 16, 2006

I went to bed 2 nights ago with a statistical program running on my computer. I woke up the next day to find a black screen with a small window with an error message. It said: "lsass.exe - System Error" "Object Name not found." When I click OK, the computer tries to shuts down, but then when trying to reboot it comes back to the black screen with the error message.

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Track Down Deleted Reg Hives?

Feb 12, 2007

Firstly we have a custom built C program which uses the Borland Database engine and at random intervals users will recieve an error pointing to the fact that the BDE cannot be initialised. After a bit of investigation I have found that the whole HKLMSoftwareBorland hive is missing from the registry. I can rule out user because even to get into the registry as admin is a chore due to group policy. It seems that on machines that also have Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat Writer that the latter 2 programs freeze after this error happens in the C app All of the above can be fixed by reinstall of the appshow can I try and track down just what is deleting these reg keys?

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OS Randomly Lockup - Freeze Screen Saver

Jul 6, 2009

This issue just started this weekend. I am the tech guy in the house (programmer / web dev so naturally im a great troubleshooter right?). My dad's PC just developed a most irritating issue. It will seemingly randomly freeze. When he told me of the issue he said that 9 times out of 10 it locked when running the web browser. I had him update to firefox 3.5 and IE8 and get any windows updates he can. Problem seemed to go away for a few hours but it came back. Most recently it has frozen at the screensaver which I then disabled and set the screen to turn off after 10m. Thinking that there might be an issue with the video driver I updated those as well to 186.11 (i think). Haven't had an issue since that I am aware of, but I doubt that the issue was with the screensaver

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Lockup - Freezes Randomly - Blue Screen In Middle

Sep 12, 2009

My XP desktop locks up/freezes randomly. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans run in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up. It sometimes gives the blue screen if im in middle of using it but most times it will just lock up. Other times it will reboot itself. Started happening a few weeks back but seems to have gotten progressively worse. I used to last for a few hours but now it can happen seconds after I log in ...other times it will let me use for 15-20 mins.

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Track Titles On Mp3 Player And File Attributes?

Aug 11, 2005

They are all files that I copied from my own cds, not from the internet, and do not have 'tag'information. All 750 of them, except for 8, show up as'Track 01', or 02, 03, etc. When I looked at the file properties of the 8 files that *did display their titles on the mp3 player, under the 'summary' tab, in the 'track title' field, it was BLANK. Under the 'general' tab, the actual title of the file was listed correctly.

The files that did *not have their correct titles listed on the mp3 player, under the 'summary' tab in 'file properties' in XP, had a title like 'Track 01' listed. Under the 'general' tab of file properties however, the actual title of the song was listed correctly. Is there a way I can go in and mass edit out the 'Track 01' title from all those files? Does this indicate some other problem?

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Mp3 Files Info - Original Track Number

Feb 28, 2006

i made some mp3 files from some of my own cd's i have tehn changed the file names form track 01, track 02 and so on the the artist name and correct song title but when i look in windows explorer on the propeties/ summary page they all have the original track number and it will not change.

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Slow Startup Track Loading Times For Processes?

Apr 13, 2007

I recently bought an ASUS A8JP Notebook PC (WinXp MCE, 1Gig RAM, 2.0Ghz Core 2 Duo) and I guess it ran well the first day, but as soon as I installed all the needed software (and cleared out some factory installed bloatware), I noticed that the time for my Desktop to load after logon takes up to 2 minutes.Here's what I've done to try fix this

1. Defragmented HD
2. Turned off unwanted startup items and about 1/3 of the services at startup.
3. Tweaked and cleaned up the registry.
4. Flashed my BIOS to the latest Revision.

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Iso Or Nrg - Multi Track Information Lost - Standard Format

Aug 10, 2005

I'm using a utility called ultraiso and when trying to rip some data cds to iso, it says "Multi-track information will be lost if using standard iso format". I then rip it with nrg and rips ok. Can anyone explain what this means? if nrg just as much of widely used standard?

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Folder Setting - Music Logo Doesn't Appear Each Track

Jul 16, 2005

I am using Music Match as default media player. Anyone know how can I change my folder settings so that their music logo doesn't appear before each track in my mp3 music folders.

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File Explorer Wont Display Track Title?

Apr 4, 2010

When I open Windows file explorer, for my .mp3 files, I cannot get track title, number, artist, etc. It only displays file name, size, type, date created and date modified. When I right click on the file and select properties, summary, advanced, the information is not there either. This only happened in the last month or so because before I did get this missing track info for the same files on the same disk using the same Windows file explorer.

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System Reboot Even After Formated And Reinstall Operating System

Aug 15, 2006

My machine keeps rebooting, I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled xp pro and still the problem persists. what could cause a problem like this?

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How Often Should Reboot Computer

Mar 6, 2007

How often should you reboot your computer? I've noticed that my memory usage gradually climbs the longer I have my computer on. I generally put it on standby every night before I go to sleep? Is this a good idea? Or should I just get in the habit of shutting it down at night?

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System Halts - Need To Reboot

Jan 10, 2005

A friend of mine is having a really hard time figuring out why her computer keeps freezing so I said I would ask you knowledgable people here. She hardly ever uses it and has almost no programs on it but just surfing the net or even poking around the desktop will freeze the computer. Nothing to do but reboot Ctrl-alt-del won't even work. She's tried spybot, adaware, hijack this, housecall etc and I checked it out myself. I'm sure there is nothing like that on her computer. So we can rule that out. She's installed a couple of RAM and HD testers all came back fine. She does have a firewire card installed and if she attempts to use it (for transferring movies) it will freeze for sure. This could be lack of RAM even though you only need 64MB (she has 256MB) as per the box requirements. Could the firewire be affecting everything else even when not in use? Could a windows file be missing? A setting somewhere perhaps? Hardware or software conflict?

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System Spontaneously Reboot

Feb 4, 2007

It has happened about 8 times. My computer will just . Is there anything I can do to try and figure out why it's doing this? All of my fans are spinning inside of my computer. I am running Windows XP Pro

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HDD Format - Reboot System

Jul 5, 2005

I had some problems with my C: drive, and a friend who knew a lot about CPU's helped me a bit, here's what he did. He came over with a restore disk from his CPU, (even though we have different cpus) and it had Norton Ghost on it....when it booted up, it acted like a normal boot disk, and asked if I wanted to restore Windows XP, right along with Formatting my disk, we clicked yes and the Ghost program started. Only, it got done with about 16% of the format, the CD itself looked like crap, with a bunch of scratches on it...nothing really serious, but serious enough to stop the format. I tried cleaning it off the best I could, but to no avail. So thinking that the format failed, we could try something else, but the drive C: was already formatted, and when I tried to start it, this is what it said, "NTLDR is missing, press control+alt+delete to reboot.

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5 Reboot On Power On Then System Is Ok

Oct 12, 2007

Daughters PC hangs ever time you boot it up , but if after approx 3 - 5 restarts it is rock solidI suspect it is a motherboard failuer on the memory but not 100% su All so the fact that it is a 1GB ram but Windows only reports 512 seems odd
OS = Windows XP with all updates I have treid memtest86 V3.3 as a boot CD and it did not report any error's at all.Tried various other diag's tools but all so no error's OS has been re-installed but again no joy.

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