System Beeps Once Every 3 Minutes

Nov 13, 2009

I looked at past beeping problems on C-Net and also on Google but I can't find the situation I have. Once exactly at 3 minute intervals my computer gives a short (1 second) beep. Everything works fine so at first I ignored it but I know something is wrong and if possible I would like to fix it before I have a disaster. My Bios is Phoenix and when I checked beep codes there is nothing listed for 1 beep every 3 seconds. My HDD temp is 100 degrees F which is normal for my computer. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas which might explain and cure this beep. My profile lists computer info if needed.

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Pc Making Beeps 5 Or 6 Times Quickly Every 5 Or So Minutes?

Dec 2, 2006

I didnt do anything, no new programs installed, but all of a sudden my pc beeps 5 or 6 times quickly every 5 or so minutes. i ran a virus check and a spybot check and a adaware check. nothing found.

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Turn Off System Beeps - No Reboot Computer

Aug 24, 2004

f those beeps annoy you there is a way to turn them off
Start Regedit.  If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelSoundOnce there, locate Beep on the list on the right.Right click on it and select ModifyChange the value equal to noReboot your computer and the beeps will be gone!

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Turn Off System Beeps - Change Value To Reboot

Aug 12, 2002

If those beeps annoy you there is a way to turn them off Start Regedit.  If you are unfamiliar with regedit please refer to our FAQ on how to get started.Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelSound Once there, locate Beep on the list on the right. Right click on it and select Modify Change the value equal to Reboot your computer and the beeps will be gone!

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Computer Take About 10 Minutes To Load 5 Minutes To Get To The User Screen

Aug 18, 2006

my computer take about 10 minutes to load. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the user screen, and another 5 from there. This computer uaully would boot in around 1 min.

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System Haults After Few Minutes

Jul 1, 2005

I need your help. My EpoX motherboard sent me a new replacement MoBo. I've assembled
and returned everything and including my old BIOS setting. PC bootup win-xp ok BUT it
will not run continuously because hard drive LED stop. All program just stop
functioning after few minute of running. Cold boot has no effect except to Reset and
always did checking files on all drives. I deleted one Trojan Horse virus on popup
warning BUT couldn't completely scan the whole hard drive because AV program stop also.
I also tried in Safe Mode to clean-up AV, Spyware & Malware BUT not successful because
it stop also.

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System Reboot Itself Every 20 Minutes

Sep 8, 2006

Hello All, this is my first time here and I have a big problem. Last weekend, my computer began acting very slow, etc. Not too long after, the computer began to reboot itself about every 20 minutes without warning. It would just suddenly reboot, as if I'd hit the reset button. This obviously made me suspect it was a virus infection, so I restarted in Safe Mode and ran AVG. It gave me results and I hit the "Heal" button, deleting the entries.I assumed this was the end of it, but as soon as I restarted, the 20 minute reboots began to occur again. For the past few days, I've been trying to find out exactly what is wrong, but have been unable to do so. When I restart in normal mode, a message appears that says "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error". I'm hoping that you'll be able to help me out because I REALLY need that computer right now.

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System Lock Automatic After Five Minutes

May 30, 2006

Windows XP pro and now every 5mins or so the system will just lock up and I can not do anything. I dont have much running when it happened and its only started happening these last couple of days. Its not overheating either. Its strange thou, when the computer locks up it seems like it hasn't, like msn will keep poping up with people and winamp still plays music, I just can't do anything.

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5 To 10 Minutes Starting System - Pc Completely Shut Off

Apr 13, 2006

I havent a clue what the problem can be. I went downstairs for 5-10 minutes after recently starting up my pc came back to the pc completely shut off. It seems to do it either sporadically when im away from it or using it for long periods of time. I recently installed a brand new power supply Ultra 400 watts ATX power supply. It seems to be getting worse with time. Im currently running disk defragmenter hoping this issue can be resolved soon. I have a bad feeling it may be my motherboard

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System Error Message After A Couple Of Minutes

Aug 16, 2005

When I logon to the computer I keep getting a windows error message. I keep clicking on OK and it does not come right back but after a couple of minutes or even a couple of hours it comes back. Listed is the error message that I keep getting.

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Laptop Wont Boot After Reformatting / System Run For 15 Minutes?

Nov 10, 2008

A friend gave me her Compac Presario 2100 to wipe clean to be sold.I reformatted the hard drive and now the computer will not boot. The machine runs for about 15 seconds and dies. Running XP Home.

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Ups Doesnt Start And It Beeps Always

Oct 2, 2010

My ups doesnt work now i switch on as usual but it always give beep sounds it doesnt give any power to pc.

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Beeps At Start-up Screen

Jun 10, 2010

A Dell Optiplex GX280 running Windows XP Pro. It has been sitting a while and I brought it up and started running updates. I am now getting beeps at start-up and no screen etc. The beep pattern is two long beeps followed by two short beeps and then a pause and two more short beeps. I am assuming it has something to do with the Video, but wanted to check here first.

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My Computer Won't Turn On And Beeps

Oct 11, 2007

I woke up this morning and left the computer on from last night.The screen had red stripes going threw it and windows logo. So I push the power button to try and restart it and turn it off.So I turned it off the waited a few seconds and turn it back on.The lights came on and the fan came on but the computer never came on, it just kept beeping every five seconds.If some one could help I have no idea why its doing this.

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Turn Computer On It Beeps

Dec 10, 2007

I'm working on an HP Pavilion 513n. When I turn the computer on it beeps 1-3-3-1. I recently upgraded the memory module. The screen is black and does nothing. I went to a few different sites that talk about beep codes and that code is 28 Autosize DRAM. What does that mean? Also how can I get into the bios?

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Series Of 6 Or 7 Beeps The First 2 Times

Aug 23, 2005

When I tried to power on my personal computer this morning, I got a series of 6 or 7 beeps the first 2 times and my personal computer didn't turn on. The third try did turn it on. What does this mean? Is it indications of serious problems?

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Bios Beep: Get 2 Beeps A Pause And Then Another?

Oct 19, 2008

I have a MSI ms-7369 1.0 board with a ami v2.4 bios and at boot up I get 2 beeps a pause and then another 1 all of the same duration. what they mean and how to check and fix it

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Computer Giving Beeps While Turning It On?

Mar 4, 2008

Recently, my computer has started beeping when I don't want it to. I have turned all the sounds off and have muted everything on the computer. Its not a windows sound mp3 file playing but the generic beep your computer gives of.

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Computer Screen Splash And Beeps

Jul 26, 2005

I switch on my PC, it starts ok till the Windows Welcome screen. I hear the XP intro music then there's a 3 second pause, then a short beep, another 3 second pause, then another short beep, and then another 3 second pause followed by another short beep. Then the PC continues on to the desktop, and it seemingly runs ok. I regularly run Adaware, Spybot, Spyware blaster, CWShredder, and Microsoft Antispyware. everything comes up fine. I have PC-cillin 2005 on my system and that is checked regularly. Now I don't know if this is a coincidence or just what, but when I first heard the beeps, I thought to do a system restore back a month or so, but the system restore had been turned off. Now I know that I didn't do it, and no one else uses my system, so I don't know if that has anything to do with the beep problem.

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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3 Beeps After Memory Upgrade - Nosignal On Screen

May 15, 2008

Intel celeron 10g hard drive(very small almost full) compaq evo compact desktop.
My wife uses this for game play etc.It had 1 512m & 1 256 card in it & worked ok.
I removed the 256 card & put a second 512 in.When i boot up i just get 3 beeps all of the same length & the monitor light goes green & then back to orange & the screen says no signal.We bought the tower cheap about 12 months ago at 256mb so i put another 512 in it which made a great improvement.Just wondering why when i try to upgrade further this is happening.If i remove the second 512 & put the 256 back in it works fine.

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Beeps On Startup Delay - Reset Button

Mar 13, 2005

I just put a computer together, and had a little trouble getting it started. When turned on, it starts to show the post check on the screen, then it stops and beeps once, followed by 9 more beeps. After a minute or so, it seems to warm up and start. Sometimes I have to hit the reset button. Once running, it is fine, but it is driving me crazy to figure out the beeps. I know that once upon a time, in DOS, different numbers of beeps meant something, but I can't remember or find a reference.It is irritating to have this sequence when starting the computer.

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Dell Dimension 8400 Getting Series Of Six Beeps?

Feb 22, 2010

When I fire up my dell the fan turns on full blast and there is a series of 6 beeps. Not sure what to do.

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Press F8 But No Boot Menu/ Short Beeps On Startup?

Aug 8, 2010

When I restart the computer it POSTs fine (counts the memory, displays "the" table... etc). When It's about to start Windows it starts beeping. Continuous short beeps. The cursor just blinks on the screen and it beeps. When I press F8 to get to the boot menu, nothing happens. No boot menu appears.I did a repair install from my XP install CD - same thing happens, nothing has changed. I tried to restore MBR record through recovery console but again same thing, no change.

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3 Short Beeps On A Dell Computer Signify - DVD Writer

Aug 2, 2006

I have put a DVD write drive in a dell computer now I am getting 3 short beeps when I try to boot up and it does not boot up. But if I leave it off for a few minutes it does boot up and works normal. I did put another memory stick in but it was beeping before this. Could it be anything to do with the power supply atx psu 250? I am not on it at the moment I dont know what type of bios it has. I have checked the two drives both seem ok when singly attached I did not need to but I have checked the memory 1 stick at a time seems ok. the other drive is a dvd rom plays but wont burn. Could it be a faulty EIDE cable I got a new one with the new drive but I did not use it.

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Hard Drive Beeps And Computer Restart After Pressing Keys

Oct 11, 2004

Hey guys i play games online that use alot of fast repeatly use of teh keyboard. When i start pressing keys really fast my hard drive beeps and the computer restarts, but before it restarts and closes teh game, a message comes up about sticky keys, but then it closes out really fast and i have no time to read it and then the computer restarts. I tried goign to my keyboard setup in control panel but i dont see nothing that can help this problem.

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Cpu 100% For 10 Minutes 0n Start Up

Feb 4, 2008

windows xp. when i go on an online course sometimes but not all the time the cpu will run at 100%. I have had a look in task manager and under process(es) under cpu it tells me that runa5w32.exe is running at 100%........this will last for 10 minutes or so then it will drop to a normal 5%, where i can then carry on with my course with out any problems. this also happens alot when i even start the computer up, when i am just on the desk top it will run at 100% for 10 minutes or so, and that come's down to svchost.exe

I have 3 svchost.exe.....1 svchost .exe network service.....and 1 local service. AS i say this doe's not happen every time but it can be a pain some times as i carn't do much with either off these when one of them is running at 100%. just thought i would post to see if there is anything i could do.

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Getting Popup After Five Minutes

Dec 14, 2009

About every five minutes or so we get a pop up for our hp 1300 all in one. The main box pop up is as if we just installed new software for a printer, which of course we have not, and then a box pops up that has 1300 trb in the header and then says windows is configuring, and then another box pops up that says 1300 help in the header and then says it is also configuring. Nothing will print and we have one doc in que that we cannot cancel.

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Slow Start For About 5 Minutes

Jan 19, 2007

After Windows installed, the hardisk keep working for about 5 minutes.For those first 5 minutes, the computer is very slow and after that thing become OK.
1- Is this normal.

2- Can I see what cause this slow down.

3- What do you suggest I do to stop that.

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Downloading IE7 2 Minutes To Respond

Nov 3, 2006

Downloading it now. You have 2 minutes to respond.

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PC Shut Down Slowly Take 5 - 10 Minutes

Oct 19, 2008

anyone knows how to solve this? and my pc also shutdown so slowly? it takes like 5-10 minutes.

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