3 Beeps After Memory Upgrade - Nosignal On Screen

May 15, 2008

Intel celeron 10g hard drive(very small almost full) compaq evo compact desktop.
My wife uses this for game play etc.It had 1 512m & 1 256 card in it & worked ok.
I removed the 256 card & put a second 512 in.When i boot up i just get 3 beeps all of the same length & the monitor light goes green & then back to orange & the screen says no signal.We bought the tower cheap about 12 months ago at 256mb so i put another 512 in it which made a great improvement.Just wondering why when i try to upgrade further this is happening.If i remove the second 512 & put the 256 back in it works fine.

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Cannot Upgrade Memory - Blanck Sceen Appears After Installing Memory

Jan 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade the RAM memory on my Gateway MX3230 notebook. It presently has 256 MB and I would like to upgrade to 1 GB. I have checked the Gateway website and and upgrade to 1 GB is acceptable. I purchased a memory module from Kingston which was listed as being compatible with my laptop. When I tried installing the module, the computer will not start, nothing but black screen. It's as thought there is no memory at all. I tried re-installing the module making sure it was inserted in as far as it will go, still no luck. There is no settings in bios that I can see that would prevent the acceptance of this module

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Memory Size I Can Upgrade Upgrade

Nov 18, 2006

me how much memory i can install on my pc and also what size sticks i should buy

Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (build 2600) Compaq Presario 5405EA 470032-640 MODEL1
System Serial Number: 4D23KQNTB02G

Enclosure Type: Mini-Tower

Processor a Main Circuit Board b

1.40 gigahertz AMD Athlon XP

128 kilobyte primary memory cache

256 kilobyte secondary memory cache Board: Compaq 073Ch

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Beeps At Start-up Screen

Jun 10, 2010

A Dell Optiplex GX280 running Windows XP Pro. It has been sitting a while and I brought it up and started running updates. I am now getting beeps at start-up and no screen etc. The beep pattern is two long beeps followed by two short beeps and then a pause and two more short beeps. I am assuming it has something to do with the Video, but wanted to check here first.

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Computer Screen Splash And Beeps

Jul 26, 2005

I switch on my PC, it starts ok till the Windows Welcome screen. I hear the XP intro music then there's a 3 second pause, then a short beep, another 3 second pause, then another short beep, and then another 3 second pause followed by another short beep. Then the PC continues on to the desktop, and it seemingly runs ok. I regularly run Adaware, Spybot, Spyware blaster, CWShredder, and Microsoft Antispyware. everything comes up fine. I have PC-cillin 2005 on my system and that is checked regularly. Now I don't know if this is a coincidence or just what, but when I first heard the beeps, I thought to do a system restore back a month or so, but the system restore had been turned off. Now I know that I didn't do it, and no one else uses my system, so I don't know if that has anything to do with the beep problem.

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Upgrade The Memory?

Apr 24, 2006

my laptop is nearly out of disc space can someone tell me how i can upgrade it the specs are windows xp home edition hi grade

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Memory Upgrade?

May 2, 2007

My computer is 2 years old and after adding many games for the grandkids my computer has started slowing down. I now have 512MB of memory would it speed up my computer to add memory? If so how much should I add and how do I do this? Is there a site that shows step by step instructions?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Memory Upgrade - Need To Add An Extra Fan?

Jul 10, 2008

I have a custom pc with 512Mb of memory and want to add 1Gb to that.Ive already
check at Kingston,Crucial and Gigabyte sites and know I need a DDR-333 memory.
I have some questions though.

1.Will I need to add an extra fan to avoid higher temperature anywhere?

2.How can I know if my existing memory stick will work with the new one?

3.Do I need to change any configuration in my computer?

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Memory Upgrade - Asking For Password?

Apr 9, 2005

I have 512MB of RAM with a 1.9GB processor. I installed another 512MB into the computer... Now my computer wont work properly... I get a message saying that some file is corrupt and I need to repair it.
I did what I needed to do but when I boot up and get to the logon screen, it is asking me for a password for my logon name.I never had a password for any of my logon names.By this, I cant get onto my computer. I even tried to go into Safe Mode, samething. It is asking me for a password at the Administrator logon name

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Upgrade Memory/speed ?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a Dell computer with XP Home edition.It has Service Pack 2, Pentium 4 CPU 1.6 GHz 1.59GHz, 512 MB Ram. I wanted to purchase a new computer but will lose many of my programs that will be very expensive to replace, some that are no longer compatible with new 64 Bit machines. Can I upgrade The memory and speed of my computer?

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Looking For Good RAM For Memory Upgrade?

Jan 20, 2006

I am looking for good memory and not some cheap, crappy memory. I was looking for some advice on this.

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How To Installed 256 Ddr Memory Upgrade

Dec 21, 2004

I installed 256 DDR in my nephews computer and when I click on the system info..it still says he only has 116 of RAM left (He started out with 128 before I installed the memory upgrade). I assumed it would automatically install.

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System Crashes After Memory Upgrade

Aug 15, 2004

I recently purchased additional memory, 2 sticks of 256mb PC133, for my HP computer. I currently have 2x128mb and this has worked since I bought my computer about 3 years
ago. My problem is that when I install both the new sticks, 512 total, the system refuses to boot into Windows and gives a FATAL SYSTEM ERROR. I don't get this
error with the 128mb memory, or even when mixing for a total of 384. The memory is from Crucial.com and I have run diagnostics on all sticks with no problems. I have
all the lastest Windows, BIOS, and hardware updates available, and still it crashes

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Memory Upgrade Will Delete Previous Data?

Sep 4, 2005

i want to increase the memory on my computer, at present it is 512. Is it just a case of buying new memory and un pluging the old and pluging in the new if so what happens to all the stuff on the old memory.

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Monitor Stop Working After Memory And Usb 2.0 Upgrade

Jun 14, 2010

After I installed a usb 2.0 card and triple my memory size. my monitor after about an hour stop working. I tried everything (or almost everything that I know). I reseat the battery on the motherboarb, disconnect and reconnect almost every wire, use different monitors` that I know works, still their is no signal going to my monitor when I boot.

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Memory Upgrade / Nessessary To Update BIOS Settings

Nov 25, 2008

I have Windows XP OS installed on my HP Pavilion 753n Desktop. I currently have 512MB SDRAM loaded, and want to upgrade with another 512MB. Is it necessary to update my BIOS settings (current BIOS on computer is dated 11 September 2002) prior to upgrading the memory?

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Slow Pc - Upgrade Memory - OLD CRAPPY Settings - Svchost.exe's

Aug 21, 2008

I NEED urgent help, not THIS computer but the person I live with's computer is EXTREMELY slow, things take up to 10-20 minutes to open sometimes, it takes at least 15 minutes to start up or shut down, everything lags, we've tried EVERYTHING, virus scanning, spyware, malware, cleaning the registry, defraging the registry and harddrive, cleaning up, EVERYTHING, anytime you shut down after applying some sort of setting it says it's saving the settings and then you start it back up and it acts like it never saved it, it goes back to the OLD CRAPPY settings, puts every error back on that the program found, recently the boot.ini has become corrupt or invalid, there are two hard drives with plenty of space and we've had this problem for a couple of years! We can't figure out what to do, we both have the same computer, bought it at the same time, mine runs like a charm but their's does not at all, the cpu usage is sky high when you aren't doing anything and sometimes it is 0% when you ARE doing stuff. There is about 10 or more svchost.exe's running, two under a seperate username and none of which we can stop. There are diagnostic lights on the back BUT anytime there is anything wrong with the lights we look in the manual and on the offical website and NO ONE HAS THE LIGHT COMBONATION THAT WE DO!! It's a Dell Dimension 2400, right now it has both 512MB and a 128MB RAM memory stick, we can't upgrade the memory or it fails and starts beeping, Windows XP Home Edition,

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Screen Resolution Set Too Low After SP2 Upgrade?

Apr 8, 2008

I just upgraded my Dell 4300 XP Home Edition to SP2. When it rebooted, the welcome screen was in blue and white instead of its usual color rich format and the background resolution was really poor quality.A window popped up and informed me that my settings were set too low and asked whether I wanted Windows to auto correct the problem. I clicked "yes", but nothing was resolved.

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IE 7.0 Upgrade - Loused Up IE Screen - Taskbar

Dec 13, 2006

I took the IE 7.0 upgrade. Now I have a very loused-up IE screen. Is there somewhere that I can reset the IE 7.0 settings? I'm using WINXP and am new to it also. The main problem I'm having has to do with the taskbar and a line above the taskbar. That area just above the taskbar seems to be covering up anything that ought to be showing. There's doesn't seem to be an option for that line like the ability to hide the taskbar. Also, the top of the IE screen is all messed up. Is there any way to get rid of the upgrade if I can't reconfigure it?

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Tried To Upgrade From Home To Pro Blue Screen Of Death

Mar 31, 2007

Today I tried to update a notebook (Gateway W3223-Ul1) from Xp Home To Xp Pro. Now the computer wont even start I get this blue Screen (look at photo).I can only get the system to start in safe mode, trying to start it normally puts me in an endless look of blue screens.

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2 OS Options On Boot Screen: Fresh Copy Rather Than Upgrade?

Jun 7, 2008

I recently upgraded my laptop from XP Home to XP Pro. But, I absent-mindedly started to install by booting from the CD like I was doing a fresh install/reformat rather than doing it from inside the OS to do an upgrade. I caught myself, however and restarted without the CD and upgraded Windows from inside Windows. It worked, but now when I boot my computer, it gives me two options to choose from: "Windows XP Home Edition" or "Windows XP Professional Setup." When I pick the Home option, the computer boots up fine and goes to Windows.

However, when I go to Start>Control Panel>System, it shows that I have XP Pro even though I chose the XP Home option at boot. If I choose the XP Pro Setup option, it asks for the SP2 CD, even though the OS is bundled with SP2 on the same CD. I hit Enter, and it keeps asking for the SP2 CD even though the CD is in there. I tried to go to the Disk Management screen and delete the XP Pro Setup partition (which was only 1Gb), but that didn't work. So, I figured that boot.ini was still confused as to what to boot to.

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RAM Upgrade - Blue Screen - Installed New Hardware - Software

Dec 2, 2007

I know this seems like I lot to read, but bear with me please, it needs explaining (or at least I think so.)in all seriousness, here's the situation: I'm running Windows XP SP2 on a Dell Dimension 3000. Prior to this problem, I had been getting blue screened rather frequently with some page about a DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error (or something along those lines). It told me that I should uninstall any new software/hardware to resolve the problem, and something about sysaudio.sys and another audio-related file at the bottom. I can't remember exactly, I haven't had the problem for a couple days now. Below that, it said "Beginning dump of physical memory to disk" with a timer counting up, as most blue screens do. I just ignored this screen any time I ran into it and rebooted, seeing as I hadn't installed any new hardware or software that I could think of.

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Boots To Splash Screen - Reboots Never Ending Cycle - Upgrade VISTA CD

Apr 12, 2009

My windows XP Sp3 system is giving me grief! It tries to boot, get to the Windows splash screen and the gas gage starts running across the bottom of the screen and then it hard reboots.I have tried this hard drive on a system that is up and running as the secondary drive, just to get my data off Well the system tells me that the drive is not formatted and wants to format it. I tell it NO and shutdown.
I could use an upgrade VISTA CD and upgrade my broken system disk and preserve the data?I'll go out and purchase what ever software I need to get this up and running, I am getting desperate

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Ups Doesnt Start And It Beeps Always

Oct 2, 2010

My ups doesnt work now i switch on as usual but it always give beep sounds it doesnt give any power to pc.

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My Computer Won't Turn On And Beeps

Oct 11, 2007

I woke up this morning and left the computer on from last night.The screen had red stripes going threw it and windows logo. So I push the power button to try and restart it and turn it off.So I turned it off the waited a few seconds and turn it back on.The lights came on and the fan came on but the computer never came on, it just kept beeping every five seconds.If some one could help I have no idea why its doing this.

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Turn Computer On It Beeps

Dec 10, 2007

I'm working on an HP Pavilion 513n. When I turn the computer on it beeps 1-3-3-1. I recently upgraded the memory module. The screen is black and does nothing. I went to a few different sites that talk about beep codes and that code is 28 Autosize DRAM. What does that mean? Also how can I get into the bios?

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Series Of 6 Or 7 Beeps The First 2 Times

Aug 23, 2005

When I tried to power on my personal computer this morning, I got a series of 6 or 7 beeps the first 2 times and my personal computer didn't turn on. The third try did turn it on. What does this mean? Is it indications of serious problems?

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System Beeps Once Every 3 Minutes

Nov 13, 2009

I looked at past beeping problems on C-Net and also on Google but I can't find the situation I have. Once exactly at 3 minute intervals my computer gives a short (1 second) beep. Everything works fine so at first I ignored it but I know something is wrong and if possible I would like to fix it before I have a disaster. My Bios is Phoenix and when I checked beep codes there is nothing listed for 1 beep every 3 seconds. My HDD temp is 100 degrees F which is normal for my computer. I would appreciate it if anyone has any ideas which might explain and cure this beep. My profile lists computer info if needed.

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Bios Beep: Get 2 Beeps A Pause And Then Another?

Oct 19, 2008

I have a MSI ms-7369 1.0 board with a ami v2.4 bios and at boot up I get 2 beeps a pause and then another 1 all of the same duration. what they mean and how to check and fix it

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Computer Giving Beeps While Turning It On?

Mar 4, 2008

Recently, my computer has started beeping when I don't want it to. I have turned all the sounds off and have muted everything on the computer. Its not a windows sound mp3 file playing but the generic beep your computer gives of.

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On Startup, Xp Beeps 4 Times, Goes Into Advanced Options

Aug 10, 2005

I have apparently inadvertantly changed a setting.

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