Server Environment Causes Any Problem For Files Sharing?

Jan 25, 2005

Has anyone experienced any problems with using windows XP in a server environment? I have a small office of about 7 pcs that use the server for file sharing and printing.

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Configure A 2000 Server In An Active Directory Domain Environment?

Apr 17, 2008

I am trying to configure a 2000 server in an active directory domain environment and have a simple question.

I have several accounts and would like to configure them to be administrators on the local workstations, but not a domain admin. I can't quite figure this out. It'd be nice to be able to do this all from the server. I'm assuming it's a domain policy.

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Problem Importing SQL Server 2000 - Bak Files Into SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

The procedure is as follows:

Right-click databases -> Restore Database

I mark 'from device', click the '...' button & select 'File' in the dropdown, then brows to the file itself. Under 'select the backup sets to restore' I check the only checkbox there, then in the 'To Database' I select the name of the database in the file (a new DB name appears there as you select the file).

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Batch Files Environment Variables

Jan 10, 2008

I've been trying to get something working with batch files and been running into a problem with env variables. First off, I have a batch file which is launched by cruisecontrol and this batch file would set a couple environment variables. then it will call a second batch file which would setup some more environment variables and exit.

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Cannot Sharing Files

Jan 27, 2009

I recently came back to cable modem, and set up my linksys router. hardwire to desktop, wireless to laptop. internet works great on both, but can not share. checked the share settings on both, checked computer and workgroup name, and no luck. I am not real savvy on computer knowledge but open to try. By the way, this used to work when it was initially hooked up.

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Set Up Sharing Files On Wireless Network

Jun 27, 2006

I have a home wireless Linksys network, with 3 computers. Its intended purpose was to allow all 3 computers to connect to the Internet via an 11.0 Mbps internet connection via cable TV, which has been successful. However, I have never learned how to have one computer send info to another within my little wireless home network, a feature I would like to have, but which I have never explored. I have recently been messing with shared folders, placing two of the three computers on the wireless network, but have found it elusive as to how to put info in a folder to allow it to be shared by the other computer. I am unsure as to whether I have properly put each computer on the network. (Yes, I know I could put files on a disk in the A or D drive, which I have done, but I was of the impression that I could do things more efficiently this way, instead. Indeed, I would like to be able to download entire programs from one machine to the other. But lets keep it simple.) What I have done so far simply doesn't work.

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Sharing Files Results In Access Denied?

Jul 25, 2005

I have Xp pro workstation that i set up as a server to share files and folders. I grant specific users both the shared permissions and advanced permissions. they can see the folder and access the folders. but they cannot modify them. It says "access denied". I verified that the permissions were not propogating from the parent folder also. Everything that i see says it should work, but it doesnt. iThe only thing i got to work was giving the user full rights to the above folder..which is for all to share but not to modify.

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Sharing Files And Folders On Local Network

Aug 26, 2005

When I right click on a file or folder the menu shows the item sharing and security - if I then left click the item - nothing happens - why? I can set sharing by disabling simple sharing and then using computer management console - but I would like the simple sharing to work - is there something missing from the system? It did work OK but now does not.

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File Sharing Not Working On Moved Files

Mar 13, 2008

I have a PC that had numerous defunct users, some from old defunct workgroups. I thought I'd consolidate. I moved a bunch of files and folders to a current users folder and deleted the defunct files and folders. I did this in Explore, loged in as Administrator, because these defunct users were from a previous defunct workgroups and did not show up in User Accounts/ControlPanel. As administrator I can read and wrtie to these files, but the user can't. I have marked these folders as shared and given permission to do everything to them, but the user that need them still can't write to them. As Administrator, I have assigned him to the powerUsers Group in the Users account/ControlPanel.

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PC Hangs - Play Games - Sharing Files

Aug 1, 2007

I'm using Windows XP, amd athlon XP2.5, 1.83 Ghz with 512 RAM and kindda old graphic card. ok ok .. its GeForce 4. My PC hangs quaite often and i dont play any games. We are using intranet in my campus and i'm not sharing any files either.

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Not Work With Home Network For Sharing Files And Printers

Apr 1, 2006

I am running a Windows XP SP2 with 768 Ram and a 2.66 GHz Pentium 4 CPU. I recently purchased a 20GB Maxtor OneTouch II USB hard drive and it came with Retrospect HD to back up my comptuer. The program will not do anyhting if i click setup so I can set it up to back up my computer. It also says ''updating status'' the whole time. Ihave left it at this screen for a long time and still nothing happened. I downloaded and installed the updrade for this from Maxtor's website, and it is still doign the same thing. Any suggestions on how to get this prgram working so I can back-up my computer?

If I use this to back-up my computer, and I use its restore feature, will I get problems on my computer that I currently have? (the main problem is with Windows Firewall, becuase i cannot enable it. My ocmptuer got infected a couple months ago and ever since is says it is controlled by Group Policy. For more detals on my problem click here I am using ZoneAlarm, but it will not work with my home network for sharing files and printers even though I have the IP address unblocked).

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Server 2000 Locks Up On Files

May 29, 2008

i am running server 2000 in my home as and server. i just recently put it in. sense i have put it in i have not been able to run my backups for all of my stuff. have a drive that i call apps on my server and it has all my setups and other stuff. when the backups start copying from that they lockup on files it seems some what random on the file although now that i am thinking more on it i seem to rember seeing the same files over and over. when it lock up it locks up the whole computer. and my backups are run by a batch script

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Network Places Manage Files - HD Server

Sep 26, 2006

I use Network Places in xp prosp2 to manage files on my website via FTP. I can rename and delete files on the server and copy files from the HD onto the server. However I can not move or copy files from within the server. Nor can I save a file directly onto the server from within another application.

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How To Clear Offline Files - Server List?

Sep 15, 2005

I recently switched servers, with the new server having a different name than the old. I deleted all my old offline files and re-synched with the new server, but the old server name keeps reappearing in the Synchronization pane during Offline Files synchronization. How can I delete all references to the old server?

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Unable To Sync To Time Server - RPC Server Is Unavailable

Aug 8, 2007

XP Pro SP2, all latest updates. When I reboot, I can correctly sync to a time server, but after an unknown amount of time it goes back to saying "The RPC server is unavailable" instantly after clicking Update Now, regardless of what server I tell it to sync to. I also noticed that if I view my nForce Networking Controller status, then click Properties and go to the Authentication tab, everything is greyed out. If I hit OK without changing anything (I can't change it even if I wanted to), a message pops up saying "An unexpected condition occured. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made" and just goes back to that window. I have to hit cancel to close it

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Set Up An Application Server To Run Office From A Central Server?

Aug 1, 2005

I am currently working on a project and I am in need of a way to run applications off of a central server from an XP client. The applications that need to be run are from the Microsoft Office package. This is for a school project, if more information is needed I can try to provide it

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Build NT 4.0 Server On Primary Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I tried the net but couldn't find the info so I am turning to you guys. How do I make nt server in to a promary domain server?

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Terminal Server License Server?

Dec 21, 2006

I'm looking at setting up windows 2003 terminal servers all over the place to replace the awful thing people are currently doing here - vncing servers with one small shared password among everyone <holding my hands over my ears for the backlash>. Don't blame me, it's another awful legacy I have to get rid of...

1. I've got to set up a Terminal Server Licensing server and was thinking about putting this on my second domain controller. I was wondering what would happen in this server dies, though. Is there some way of having resilience in this scenario? Perhaps a second Licensing server or something, the way you have 2 or more Domain Controllers?

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Setting Environment Variable For A Program?

Sep 6, 2007

in my "program files" dir... i have a folder name "putty" in this folder is :putty.exe pscp.exe psftp.exe plink.exe i would like to run these programs from the command line... as thats the only way a few of them will run since they have no gui. anyways.. i know where to set the variable My Compuer > Properties > advanced > environment variables. i named it putty and thought it should be set to something like:c:Program Filesputty i think Im missin something... its not workin out so far.

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Using The Environment Variable To Open .bat File?

Nov 22, 2009

I try to use the environment variable to open .bat file in particular directory. However, cmd state that " cant find the specified path". FYI, i still can open other file like txt, etc in the same dir.

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Regedit Changes To Environment Variable Not Taken Into Action?

Jul 27, 2005

I uses command line > regedit /s myhome.reg where the file myhome.reg is: myhome.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USEREnvironment]
"HOME"="G:\Recherche_ST\Charles\textes\" then I open a cmd.exe shell and try: > echo HOME it seems that the environment variable is not set.BUT if I go to the env var panel of the advanced / system dialog, I see that the HOME env var is set. If I press OK in this panel, then it is available in a cmd.exe shell.

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Deleted Path In Environment Variables

Jul 1, 2005

I was adding a path to the environment variables today and deleted the path line. Now I'm having some system problems. Does anyone know how to fix? Is there an easy way to rewrite the Path line? I'm running Windows XP and have zero knowledge of C Shell or executing shell commands, BTW.

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Java Runtime Environment Problem

May 27, 2007

hello, i am from Turkey-istanbul. i am using xp (sp2 - ie7). i have got some problems with Java Runtime Environment. because of my job, i am using java applications on explorer. this applications dont run with Java Runtime Environment. they want to remove Java Runtime Environment on my pc. they works with Microsoft Virtual Machine. other programs works with Java Runtime Environment. what shall i do? how can i run all my programs together?

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Deleting Files - Lost A File From My File Server

Oct 3, 2005

I lost a file from my file server yesterday that was extremely important by accidentally deleting it when on my local computer. I am running win2k. When I delete a file from my computer it goes to the recycle bin. When I delete a file from my file server, which is using win2k as well, it does not go to the recycle bin on either computer. Is there any I can tell the file to go to the recycle bin when they are deleted

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Java-j2se Runtime Environment 5 Update 10

Jan 6, 2007

When I first downloaded initially no problem. Now I go to a webcam it says click to view then it shows only an advert then a grey screen and not the Java controls but java is installed and internet options marked correctly -any ideas of problem. I use xp 2002 service pack 2 internet explorer 6

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Setting Environment Variable In A Shortcut Icon?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a Windows program that reads an environment variable and depending on its state the program is configured differently. Where I can set the environment variable in the system properties and at the command line, what I really want to do is create multiple Windows shortcut Icons on the desktop, one for each possible environment variable setting. I can then select the desired runtime configuration by selecting the corresponding icon.I have tried the following on the Windows command line and it works, however when I put the same in the Icon properties->Target it complains"set ENVIRO_SETTING=1 && program_name.exe"

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Setting Up A Default User Environment Variable?

Jun 20, 2005

Does anybody knows how or where to setup a default user environment variable ?We want to create this variable for each user that logon in to the same pc?

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System Restore In Multi-boot Environment?

Aug 7, 2007

how System Restore works in a multi-boot environment? (I am not concerned with Vista, but with WinXP only).If I have O/S A and B, and I perform a System Restore in O/S A, is there any possibility that O/S B will also get rolled back to the same date? In O/S A, should I allow System Restore to monitor the O/S B partition, or should I switch off System Restore on that drive?

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Multi-IP Bridge Environment With Router And Adapter 802.1

Aug 30, 2005

I use a an Asus WL-330g wi-fi 802.11g wireless ethernet adapter to connect to a 802.11b wireless router, the SMC7004VWBR. The wl-330g works fine when directly connected to the computers ethernet port.However, I want to use a hub.

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Setting The Environment Variable ClientName To Store Some Information?

Jul 15, 2005

I have an application that uses the environment variable ClientName to store some information. It looks like this env. variable is set in the registry in the hkcu hive. It is set for console, is this some sort of default and can I change it? Do I have to change it here or is there a control panel somewhere that handles this setting? I first looked in the System control panel, under Environment Variables but didn't see it there at all. I want to set this to the machine name cause I have a number of identical systems and they are currently all set the same, I'd like them unique.

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Accidentally Deleted An Environment Variable Bringing Back?

Jul 26, 2010

I didn't see which one it was, but its silly that it gives you no warning and I accidentally clicked the delete button on the system variables than the user variables.I've restarted my computer and so far its fine, but does anyone know what I can do to get it back? Do I need it?

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