Batch Files Environment Variables

Jan 10, 2008

I've been trying to get something working with batch files and been running into a problem with env variables. First off, I have a batch file which is launched by cruisecontrol and this batch file would set a couple environment variables. then it will call a second batch file which would setup some more environment variables and exit.

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Deleted Path In Environment Variables

Jul 1, 2005

I was adding a path to the environment variables today and deleted the path line. Now I'm having some system problems. Does anyone know how to fix? Is there an easy way to rewrite the Path line? I'm running Windows XP and have zero knowledge of C Shell or executing shell commands, BTW.

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Server Environment Causes Any Problem For Files Sharing?

Jan 25, 2005

Has anyone experienced any problems with using windows XP in a server environment? I have a small office of about 7 pcs that use the server for file sharing and printing.

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Need Some Batch Files Information

Apr 19, 2007

I am trying to setup a small program so that I can login to client computers across the internet, using winvnc.I am trying to write a batch file that will start the program and then issue a command to the program to tell it what to connect to.My problem is that the program comes up and then the batch file just stops, it does not goto the next line until the program is closed.What do I need to enter to force it to read the next line without having to close the program? simple little batch file will read as follows.

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Delete All The Batch Files

Aug 8, 2009

I want to delete all the files in some of my directories before I do backups of my office PCs.To do this I'd like to use a batch file. I've tried one with these commands but it fails.I hope to add other directories once I get this working (ie. Recent).

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Write Batch Files In Pro

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to write a batch file that would make a specific program a default over Windows Picture and Fax viewer.Reading on other forums, I've input the following into Notepad:ftype jpegfile="C:Program FilesNeroNero 7Nero PhotoSnapPhotoSnap.exe" "%1" When I right-click on any .jpg file after that, under properties, I see that Nero PhotoSnap is now the default program, but when I open the file it opens in Windows Picture and Fax viewer still.What am I doing wrong? Do I need to add registry changes to complete this process?

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Command To Run A Batch Files I Want To Run On A Remote Com

Jul 23, 2005

If I'm on computer Jack but I want to inititate a batch file I want to run on computer Jill, how do I get the batch file? I'm not talking about a remote desktop or anything, I want to use a command line to make a batch file run on a remote computer.

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Batch Files Not Running The Command

Jul 14, 2005

I have Windows XP SP2 and all the updates. I have recently been fooling around with Batch files. I have been having problems with them not running the command. What happens is I will have a correct command set up in the batch file but when i run it a cmd window opens and the command it is supposed to run continously repeats the command over and over. The command function never actually initiats anything.nothing ever runs from the batch file command. It will just keep repeating for ever and ever untill i close it. Now here is the thing. If i rename the batch file or move it from where i was editing it to another folder it will run just fine. But see the issue is. I dont want have to rename it or move it. I want it to just run like it is supposed to.

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Ms-dos Batch Files Disappears When Try To Open

Aug 16, 2005

whenever i try to open a batch file an ms-dos window opens up and then it disappears in less than a second. No program will run. I've tried to run lqfix.bat and smitRem's runthis.bat. I need to know how to make this stop happening because i need to run smitrem to rid myself of a virus.

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Copying Files Using A Batch File

Jan 28, 2005

Im trying to copy a file from one folder to another but the batch file is not working, it says incorrect syntax. the command line im using is: COPY C:TEST *.* C:BACKDIR Does anyone know why this isnt working?

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Automate Batch Files When Loading

Aug 12, 2005

I have a batch file (used to autoexec.bat in earlier Wins) that cleans temporary folders and gets rid of a couple of files that Paradox creates.I've tried the run command in Win.ini - any other ideas ?

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Copying Files In A Batch File

Jan 3, 2008

I'm trying to write a batch file that will copy files from a folder on the desktop to various files on the C drive. From what I understand it should be like this: copy c:documents and settings\%userprofile%desktopinstallfilename.txt c:windowsfilename.txt
with %userprofile% in place of the actual user profile name because it will be different each time I run this batch file.This, however, is not working.

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Copy Files Via Batch File

Jan 1, 2009

I'm running Win XP Pro SP 3, I have a file that I periodically copy to several different computers on a LAN. The exact destinations of the file change occasionally and I want to minimize the amount of maintenance involved when there is a change.
In the folder containing the file I have a shortcut to each of the destination drives. When one of the destination folders changes I update the shortcut in that folder.
If I drag the file to each of the shortcuts using the right mouse button one of the options is to copy the file to the target of the shortcut, so one way to copy the file is to manually drag it to each shortcut. Is it possible to achieve similar functionality with a batch file? It is easy enough to write a batch file that copies the files to each destination by coding the destinations into the batch file but is it possible to use a batch file to copy the file to the target of each shortcut? I suspect that parsing the .lnk files is complex but I don't know if there is another way to do this.

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Can't Get The To Work Runas In Batch Files

Jan 20, 2009

i cant seem to get runas to work in a batch file runas /env /user:domainadminuser cmd
exit it works when manually entered into a command window, just not in a batch script. all that happpens is the command is echoed in a continuous loop.

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Batch Files To Create Registry Entries

Jul 22, 2005

I need to create a batch file to resolve a backup issue I'm having. I need a batch file to run before and after backup to correct the issue between Veritas and Backup Exec.

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Batch File - Modify Attributes To Files

Sep 2, 2005

Is it possible to make a batch file to modify the attributes to files within a folder without typing out every single file in the batch file? (Needed for recovery console use).

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Batch Files How To Check Time / Run Specific Program?

Feb 21, 2009

I was wondering if you gurus can give me some direction.I run a Specials Menu on a large LCD TV at a restaurant using powerpoint. There are two specials files (lunch.pps and dinner.pps)When this system reboots, i want a batch file to determine which powerpoint file to open based on what time it is.ON BOOTUP: For instance, if it's anywhere between 11am and 3pm, open the lunch file. If its any other time, run the dinner.pps file. Make sense?

Im already running a scheduled tasks application that shuts down one and starts up the other based on what time. This works very well. Problem is, i frequently Remote Desktop into this machine and make changes. Once those changes are made, i have to reboot the system. I then want this batch file to start the appropriate presentation since the scheduled task application only works when it sees 11am or 3pm (as in the example above)I figured since you can determine time and date within a batch file, can't you do an if /then/else type script within a batch? (if its *this time* then load THIS application)

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Read Write Text Files - Batch File

Jul 19, 2005

i would like to know if there's a good place to learn about makingbatch file because i don't know about the syntax. I only program in c,delphi and Java.What i would like to know is if it's possible to do a "while", "if"(Conditions) and "read/write" text files so i can do a several testlike ping few computer in my buisness and be sure that they are wellconnected by creating a file that after it read the name of the computer it will ping and it pings it, write a file with the name of this computer with a "ok" next to it if it worked and "Not connected"
if it can't ping it!

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Batch Files Accept Only Truncated Folder And File

Jun 17, 2005

I have a batch file which copies key folders and files between hard disks - It would seem that although it will accept only truncated folder and file names (e.g. progra~1) for the source, sub folder and file names are written to the target drive full length. Am I right in thinking that source names have to be written in the truncated form (after all it is, basically a DOS command)? if not how can this be done?

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Moving Files To Specific Folders - Software Or Batch?

Nov 13, 2008

I'm searching for a good solution of archiving scanned documents. The problem: Recently we bought a new copy-machine from toshiba. It includes the feature of scanning a bunch of documents on its own harddisk. To keep up a structure (Law-firm) we give the files structured names: {casenumber}{client}{typeofdoc}{dateofdoc}.pdf

So, by now we created a structured list of files in the scan-folder of the machine. The next step is to move the files into subfolders on a different pc. These subfolders have 6 digits, simply the case numbers. It should be very easy for a program to move these files paying attention to the case number and sorting them into the right case folders..................

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Batch Files / Change The Date Last Modified Through Command Line

Aug 17, 2008

I am wondering if there is a way to change the date last modified through command line. The reason for this is because I want to update the date last modifed as part of a backup solution.

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Rename A Group Of Files Or Folders (Batch Rename)

Jun 22, 2003

To rename a group of files or folders in WinXP, open the explorer folder that contains the files and do the following:
(be careful not to include any critical windows system files or folders when applying this technique.  back up with system restore first if you're not sure.  also, it only makes sense to apply it to files of the same type.)
1. Highlight the files and/or folders to be renamed (remember to hold down the CTRL key to select non-adjacent files); or hold  CTRL-A to select all the files and folders in a given folder
2.  Let the mouse hover over the file that you wish to be the first in the series

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Setting Environment Variable For A Program?

Sep 6, 2007

in my "program files" dir... i have a folder name "putty" in this folder is :putty.exe pscp.exe psftp.exe plink.exe i would like to run these programs from the command line... as thats the only way a few of them will run since they have no gui. anyways.. i know where to set the variable My Compuer > Properties > advanced > environment variables. i named it putty and thought it should be set to something like:c:Program Filesputty i think Im missin something... its not workin out so far.

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Using The Environment Variable To Open .bat File?

Nov 22, 2009

I try to use the environment variable to open .bat file in particular directory. However, cmd state that " cant find the specified path". FYI, i still can open other file like txt, etc in the same dir.

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Regedit Changes To Environment Variable Not Taken Into Action?

Jul 27, 2005

I uses command line > regedit /s myhome.reg where the file myhome.reg is: myhome.reg Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USEREnvironment]
"HOME"="G:\Recherche_ST\Charles\textes\" then I open a cmd.exe shell and try: > echo HOME it seems that the environment variable is not set.BUT if I go to the env var panel of the advanced / system dialog, I see that the HOME env var is set. If I press OK in this panel, then it is available in a cmd.exe shell.

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Java Runtime Environment Problem

May 27, 2007

hello, i am from Turkey-istanbul. i am using xp (sp2 - ie7). i have got some problems with Java Runtime Environment. because of my job, i am using java applications on explorer. this applications dont run with Java Runtime Environment. they want to remove Java Runtime Environment on my pc. they works with Microsoft Virtual Machine. other programs works with Java Runtime Environment. what shall i do? how can i run all my programs together?

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Java-j2se Runtime Environment 5 Update 10

Jan 6, 2007

When I first downloaded initially no problem. Now I go to a webcam it says click to view then it shows only an advert then a grey screen and not the Java controls but java is installed and internet options marked correctly -any ideas of problem. I use xp 2002 service pack 2 internet explorer 6

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Setting Environment Variable In A Shortcut Icon?

Jul 11, 2009

I have a Windows program that reads an environment variable and depending on its state the program is configured differently. Where I can set the environment variable in the system properties and at the command line, what I really want to do is create multiple Windows shortcut Icons on the desktop, one for each possible environment variable setting. I can then select the desired runtime configuration by selecting the corresponding icon.I have tried the following on the Windows command line and it works, however when I put the same in the Icon properties->Target it complains"set ENVIRO_SETTING=1 && program_name.exe"

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Setting Up A Default User Environment Variable?

Jun 20, 2005

Does anybody knows how or where to setup a default user environment variable ?We want to create this variable for each user that logon in to the same pc?

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System Restore In Multi-boot Environment?

Aug 7, 2007

how System Restore works in a multi-boot environment? (I am not concerned with Vista, but with WinXP only).If I have O/S A and B, and I perform a System Restore in O/S A, is there any possibility that O/S B will also get rolled back to the same date? In O/S A, should I allow System Restore to monitor the O/S B partition, or should I switch off System Restore on that drive?

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Multi-IP Bridge Environment With Router And Adapter 802.1

Aug 30, 2005

I use a an Asus WL-330g wi-fi 802.11g wireless ethernet adapter to connect to a 802.11b wireless router, the SMC7004VWBR. The wl-330g works fine when directly connected to the computers ethernet port.However, I want to use a hub.

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