Run Script Before Starts (before Welcome Screen)

Apr 29, 2007

I am planing to reformat my laptop and I am going to partition it so that I have one maybe 5 GB windows partition and another partition for everything else. When I say everything else I mean Program files, documents and settings, everything not in the windows folder basically. I want to do this so that if I were to defragment the windows for faster booting it wouldn't take too long. Also if i were to reformat then all i have to do is reinstall windows on this partition without loosing anything. Anyways so I figured in order for me to do that i would have to mount Program files and Documents And Settings from my 2nd partition to the folder c:program files and c:documents and settings.I would have to do this before i see any gui of windows I suppose. (Not sure if the welcome screen looks at logins based in documents and settings or not) but either way i would need it to be mounted and ready for use by windows.

So how would i execute a script before windows starts? Also how do i use mountvol to do this (no matter what parameters i try nothing happends(doesn't even give me an error just gives me the "help" display))I for some reason cannot mount a folder to another folder on another drive but i'm thinking i can use the subst utility to mount a folder to a drive and then use diskpart to mount that drive to a folder but i don't want to use diskpart so much because it needs me create a separate script file for me to run it with a script, so i want to use mountvol which supposedly does the same (according to microsofts website)

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Computer Starts Up In MS Dos Then Just Black Screen

May 17, 2007

I have a friend who is using windows xp.When they boot the computer up.They encounter a black screen with some wording.He tells me that the wording is to do with ms dos.Then the screen goes black,with just the cusor showing in the top hand left corner.
I have an idea of what the problem is,and think that someone has gone into his settings and asked the machine to boot up in dos.

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Computer Starts Up After The Black Screen

Nov 4, 2008

I have Microsoft Windows XP and once I turn it on it appears as it is restarting but as soon as it starts up after the black screen that says Microsoft Windows XP the screen goes black and says monitor going to sleep and then it restarts over and over and over!

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PC Starts, Goes To The Black Startup Screen Where I Can Hit Del

Dec 16, 2004

So My roommate's computer just decided to up and die on us today. She's been running XP all along, and then today she woke up, tried to start it up, and it just stopped working.The PC starts, goes to the
black startup screen where I can hit del. to enter setup then to another black screen that cycles through the list and the last thing is says is 'verifying dmi pool data' Then the little white bar scrolls across the bottom from left to right Then the Windows screen comes up and the little blue progress dots cycle through

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Little Starts Up Screen In Middle Of Monitor

Sep 15, 2005

I currently installed XP Professional on my computer. Now everytime i boot my computer up it comes up in system bios. It tells me "Please select the operating system to start. So I choose XP Professional, then instead of coming up in the normal windows screen I have this little start up screen in the middle of the monitor. The color is all jacked up and so is the images.

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Screen Froze After Cpu Cooling Fan Starts

Mar 22, 2008

My laptop comp always froze everytime the cpu cooling fan starts making noises. I think the problem is related to an program/appliocation or server that catched a virus through it. I had the laptop fixed once from the shop and the problem still exist with continuing usage of the same applications/programs. Can somebody help me check and get rid of the virus or at least prevent the comp from freezing again?

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System Starts With A Sound But Then Just A Black Screen

Jul 5, 2010

Yesterday while surfing on my mother's laptop all of a sudden it just froze. I just turned it off because after hitting control/alt/delete nothing happened. I was stuck. Then I restarted the laptop - the windows logo came on along with sound and then it went to a black screen with just a blinking cursor at the upper top left. It will not take me to her desktop.

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Starts To Black Screen Alongwith The Cursor

Dec 13, 2008

This morning I was on the internet on my Gateway MP8708 notebook when internet explorer started acting weird. It sounded like it was constantly trying to reload a page over and over. So I closed IE and upon trying to reopen it would immediately shut down (Firefox wouldnt even open at this point). I did some searches around the net and after running Malwarebytes anti malware and removing a few items, IE still wouldnt stay open. I found a posting on the net saying that if you go into Internet Options and uncheck "enable third party browser extensions", which I did. IE seemed to stay open after this but would not load the home page. Also my PC seemed a bit laggy, so I did a restart. This is where the system took a dump. It loads up past the bios screen, and the windows obligatory splash screen then just loads to a black screen with the mouse cursor and stays that way. I tried booting in safe mode (with command prompt, with networking, and without) all I get is the safe mode information on the top and bottom of the black screen, along with the cursor, but nothing else. Tried last good configuration, but still a no go. It seems to me that windows was somehow corrupted by whatever infected me

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Blue Screen Every Time System Starts Up

Sep 20, 2008

I've been getting an error/blue screen message when ever i start up my Acer Aspire 5650 laptop. It is a couple of years old now and,my last laptop died after about the same time so hopefully someone can shed some light.The system will start up and i can use the it with out any trouble but it is anoying to have to sit for up to 5 - 10 minutes while it runs the check every time.

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Computer Starts And Then Stopped By Itself / Getting Black Screen?

Sep 12, 2007

Just switched of pc,Switched it back on and I get a page with,safe mode etc and to choose a setting.Which ever setting I pick the computer goes to the widows xp window then goes back to the black screen then to the xp startup screen again.It does this all the time.It was all working well until switching off.I am on laptop now as unable to access pc.

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Computer Starts, Gets To Loading Screen Then Restarts, And Does

Dec 13, 2007

Computer starts, Gets to Windows XP loading screen then restarts, and does this forever.I tried booting in every mode, Safe mode with networking with bios?Last known settings None boot Windows, all do the same thing.I reset bios battery, didn't help.I'm hoping I don't have to reformat as my 27 page coursework is on there and if i lose that im gonna cry.

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Boot Up Screen Starts Scanning File

Jun 10, 2005

so I'm ready to upgrade this thing to pro from ME. when i get to the boot up screen it starts scanning files or something along those lines. n/e ways, eventually it says that the ohci1394.sys file is corrupt then it has to restart. i have no clue what to do, i've never had this menu pop up when trying to install and i've used this cd before. any ideas on what to do?

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Splash Screen With The Scrolling Dots Starts

Apr 18, 2006

Had been running XP Home for 2 years with NO UPDATES. Daughter brought it home and DAD decided to allow all the updates using Windows Update.Everything through SP1 installed fine, but SP2 choked.Computer was running well with SP1, so I forced my luck and allowed SP2 to be added.What a mistake.Now, when I boot it, after the Windows Splash screen with the scrolling dots starts, it chokes back to a black screen, an error message appears that is so transient that I can't read it - mostly 0x000000, but there's a 0x000008 in the bunch.

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Blue Screen Of Death Crash - Windows Starts Up Normally

Oct 20, 2007

windows starts up normally, i just log on and do nothing at all, everything is normal for about an hour or so ,then BOOM, screen goes black and the system crashes with a nasty blue screen it clearly indicates a registry error, i've been told not to mangle with the registry, i have made a registry backup prior to upgrading to WMA 11 though.

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BIOS Starts To Load After That Black Screen Appears

Feb 6, 2009

A few weeks ago it started freezing and restarting randomly. Sometimes, on restarting, I would get the "Serious error" pop-up, which I always sent, and always got different results. Sometimes it would say it was an unknown driver error, sometimes an anti-virus error, once a RAM error. I had just upgraded the RAM when this started, so I ran the M$ testing tool several times, no errors. I also removed the new RAM, which didn't solve the problem, and put it back in

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Can't Even Start Up Computer / Get Blue Screen As Windows Starts Up

Apr 10, 2007

What happens for me is I can't even start up my computer because i get the blue screen as windows starts up. I don't know if my hard drive is still going to work or not. Anybody know what to do?

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Cannot Install - Cd Drive Starts Off But The Screen Stays Black

May 25, 2005

Well i am trying to install a fresh copy of XP and the CD is bootable and the CD drives all work ok, i have tried 3 different CD Drives but when i goto start the boot sequence i get an message saying:

Searching boot device
No emulation

Press any key to boot from CDrom....

I press a key and the cd drive starts off but the screen stays black and does not do anything.

I have never seen the message No Emulation under searching boot device before

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At Repair Blue Screen Appears And The Process Starts

Mar 22, 2007

I was having some problems with windows xp media centre 2005 on my dell dimension 9150 so i decided to do a repair, i put in the xp cd and booted from it at start up, then the blue screen appears and the process starts, i then get the choice to install windows or repair using the recovery console, i chose install windows and then pressed r for repair on the os that was already there.It now has gone to the installation off the os where it installs the files and finalizes the process, it is getting to the third option where it installs devices but it is getting about three quarters of the way and then the driver box pops up saying that microsoft does not athorize the use of the driver would you like to continue but the thing is i cant, my mouse will not move on the screen so i am unable to click continue.

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Laptop Screen Broken & Only Starts In Safe Mode?

Aug 12, 2010

my laptop screen is broken and i added a monitor to startup on , only problem is it loads ok in safe mode and only goes to loading in normal mode and slows down cosiderably

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VAIO Laptop Starts - Screen Doesn't Seem To Power Flash

Apr 11, 2005

My Sony VAIO starts. It's plugged in normally. The power lights flash, it checks the CD-RW drive, and then remains on with the main power light on and the fan on, but the screen remains black and nothing else happens. Windows XP doesn't load. No Sony logo, no "Operating system not found," nothing. It's like it's had a lobotomy.I haven't installed anything new, and the notebook has just been sitting around unplugged for a few days. The last thing I used it for was to burn a CD with Windows Media Player. The only change I can think of is that my USB tablet isn't plugged in.

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Computer Starts To Bios Screen - Checked BIOS Settings

Apr 7, 2007

When I turn on my computer, it does the bios check, then goes into the bios screen on its own. I have checked all of the bios settings, and see nothing set wrong. The only way I can get itno my xp pro system, is to use "F8" during the bios check, the select my hd from there, then it seems only half of my programs work, and it also seems to be randomly changing the programs that do not work, when I do this.

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Starts Up / Crashes Right Away

Oct 21, 2005

my system has been acting up today. I got home from class and tried to install my Microsoft Visual Studio, it asked me to restart after the installation. When I did, right when it got to the desktop it said something about a registry problem has been restored and the system has been recovered. Something along those lines. Getting back on the subject, 5 seconds after it reaches the desktop it crashes. Not a hard crash, just a restart, but it crashes none-the-less. Is there a way to get around this without reformatting?(I even tried running in Safe Mode, same problem.) I can't seem to find a way to fix it if I can't even get to my desktop.

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PC Starts Itself And Crashes XP

Apr 16, 2007

A couple of weeks ago I downloaded latest windows update and rebooted as instructed. Only the PC kept rebooting itself continuously. When I stopped it with F8 and set it not to restart on errors I got a critical windows error message. I reformatted drive and reinstalled windows, all was fine for a couple of days, then here is the really wierd thing. I heard the fan spinning but neither I nor Lady Walsh had turned the PC on. I once again found it rebooting itself in a continuous loop. Seems it turned itself on from standby and corrupted windows again. I totally wiped the disc, reformatted both partitions and reinstalled windows. Did a full Norton antivirus scan which came up clean. But the same happened again yesterday. Anyone heard of a virus that can start your PC up from standby and reinstall itself ? And that can survive a disc fomat and windows re-installation? I'm running XP Sp2 on an AMD64 with 1 Gb RAM 120 Gb disc.

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Computer Starts On Its Own

Dec 30, 2004

ever since I installed xp I've been having this problem .When I'm done useing my computer I shut it down and walk away.I saw it shut down I heard it shut down it is shut down.When I return into the room the computer is up and running and I've seen it turn on by it self.Is there something somewhere that i need to set?

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Everything Starts Up Except That The Yahoo And Msn

Apr 25, 2008

when my windows xp boots up...everything starts up except that the yahoo and msn messengers as well as the broadband connection dialin link doesnt works till like a minute or so after windows has got seems like the windows waits for something to load for about a minute and then after a minute the hard drive shows some activity and yahoo,msn and the broadband link comes up and i can only dial the link then...this 1 minute wait for the connection to be connected is really annoying me...from the task manager i c that 2 services imapi.exe,alg.exe and wmiserve.exe starts up after the freezing time of the windows and then net connection gets connected...if u want any more details i will let you know.

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Computer Has No Starts

Jan 23, 2006

I have a Computer problem i couldnt solve.When i push the power button on my case, the fans and the Bios beep are noticed. After that it just stops, it wont go past that point.

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PC Automatically Starts Up

Oct 17, 2006

My PC automatically starts up at exactly 12:00 every night. It starts up and shows the login window. Really annoying. Does anyone have an idea on how to turn this off?

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Everything Starts Hesitating

Oct 17, 2007

well it does not hesitate when i first start the pc but after about a half hour everything starts hesitating. programs wont respond as quickly as they should. not just one program but everything i try to do is just overall slower than normalive run virus scans and no viruses. any ideas? its a windows xp pc with amd 3400+ prossesor and 512 mb ram.

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System Never Starts Up

Feb 5, 2008

I have a Gateway laptop that will not start up. All it says is Gateway and gives the F2 and F10 option that don't work.

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Computer Starts Automatically

Feb 8, 2009

When I switch on the main power, the computers starts automatically ie. without switching the CPU. The following message is displayed on the screen 'CMOS settings wrong.Press F1 to restore defaults and continue' Upon pressing F1 the machine starts. I do'nt know how to set CMOS settings right Time/Date settings change automatically.

I cannot install any software.Messages like file missing.Cannot open installer pkg.Contact your vendor etc. I do'nt have the installation cs availablewith me.However when I try to repair/reinstall with the help of my other win xp cd, i get the message 'key no. is wrong.I cannot format the c: drive from within.

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System Not Starts Properly - Cant Run Cd

Oct 27, 2009

I turned my pc on today which runs on Windows XP Pro. Every time the computer starts I get four or five options Safe Mode, Safe mode with Prompt, Last well know configuration, etc (most ppl know what I mean here.)

Every time I click on any of the modes my computer restarts. Just before the pc restarts I see a blue screen quickly flash (i know this is know as the 'blue screen of death'.)

I have put in my XP cd but i cant get it to run so i use recovery not even when I run it from my BIOS Screen

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