Reformatting The Computer / Installing Programs After Format?

May 18, 2006

i wanna no is how to reformat my computer, what needs to be reinstalled after reformatting (besides windows and the programs i want) and any other piece of info that might be helpful please. my computer has a whole lot of crap on it and i just want it all gone and start fresh.

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Reformatting The Computer : Setup Wont Allow To Format?

Mar 31, 2005

i got windows xp installed on comp but i wanna reformat them so i put the cd in and press enter to boot from cd and then press enter to make new installation then i come to the page agreement with win xp policies.... press F8 if u accept press ESC if u do not accept and press page down to scroll down to next page well scroll down works esc works except F8 it wont work i keep pressign it but nothing i try rebooting and doign it from start again i press F8 to accept and nothing

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Installing Programs After Format: Hidden Files Are Not Hidden?

Dec 14, 2006

i had to reformat my computer and when i was reinstalling my programs suddenly my hidden files where not hidden anymore if i clicked properties it said hidden but they just appear translucent.

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Format Or Reformatting Xp Pro With NTFS File System?

Dec 9, 2004

Can anyone advise me on formating or reformating my hard drive. I am running windows xp pro and have a 20 gb maxtor hard drive. This is formatted as NTFS as one partition. I tried from windows explore and from my computer. I also tried to change to 32 bit partition. Can I do this with fdisk, if so how?

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Cleaning & Speeding Up Computer After Installing Lots Of Programs?

Sep 19, 2006

i have a new sony vaio and i just installed a bunch of stuff onto it for school and it can be a bit sluggish at times. i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to speed up everything overall. thanks for your time.

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Reformatting The Hard Drives Without Installing Operating System?

Feb 10, 2006

i have 2 HDD one with the os and the other one for data.I reformatted my data drive by deleting and re-creating partition via windows xp boot cd. Afterwards it went through the whole windows instillation thing.How can i reformat this drive without installing windows xp afterwards?

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Reformatting Laptop: Removing Norton Antivirus & Unwanted Programs?

Mar 21, 2008

This is prob an oldie you get sick of answering, but I've tried to use my windows xp discs to reformat my sony laptop to get rid of everything. The problem is things like Norton antivirus and other programs stay on there. How can I get rid of everythingand start from scratch?

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Re-format - Programs Tend To Get Bogged Down

Mar 11, 2007

Windows programs tend to get bogged down on themselves and scatter all kinds of files on the hard drive. The Windows registry also gets full of entries and the startup outines get bogged down, some of which get left behind even after a program is uninstalled. A reformat and reinstall once or twice a year is advisable to keep a system free of the various bits of garbage and useless entries in the registry.

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Unable To Erase/ Format Old Operating System And Installing New?

Jan 31, 2006

I think I need to change my operating system! I have a Compaq Armada E500 laptop, 4GB, 2.81 GB of used space, 1.18 GB of free space, running on "Windows 2000 Professional" ("Built on NT technology"). I'm having problems downloading certain softwares, it seems "Windows 2000 Professional" just doesn't let me do it. Plus, I've found there's other things I just can't do with it. I've been told Windows 98 is the best way to go for me + it'll free up some more space (you can see my laptop has very little space) + it'll let me download the softwares I need with no problem.

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Format Drive For Speed Up System Programs

Jul 7, 2005

Seeing a decrease in performance in my PC after a few months(as expected from wear and tear over time), I have decided to reformat my PC to bring it up to the new PC feel and speed. Before formatting, is there any programs that might give my PC the older performance that it once had? If not any one have any suggestions on methods of keeping performance high as long as possible, as in portioning the hard drive, or keeping my startup programs at a low, Um some one of constant clean program, keeping in mind I mainly do development with 3d max, flash combustion, and gaming.

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Installation Disk Keeps Reformatting Disk Not Installing Program

Jun 24, 2010

I am having to reinstall XP - the setup starts and then reformats the hard drive. After it has done that it won't start the program installation it just keeps looping and reformatting the hdd

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Reformatting Of Computer Due To Virus

Dec 28, 2006

I've come across a virus that i am not able to get rid of & reformatting my computer is the only option. Problem is, i don't know how to reformat my computer

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Reformatting Computer Freezing At 20% / Getting Error?

May 6, 2006

I started reformating by brother's computer, and in the reformat phase, it froze at 20%. I restarted the computer and I kept getting the message, "The file I386/Ntkrnlmp.exe could not be loaded. The error code is 7".I searched on google and found the Microsoft Knoledge Base article on it. I followed the solution but still got the same error.

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Reformatting The Computer But Forgot The OS Product Key?

Apr 30, 2006

I want to reformat my computer, but I forgot my product key.I have the windows xp cd, but I lost the cd case.Would anyone have an answer on how I can recover it?

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Reformatting The Computer / Cleaning Unwanted Things?

Mar 9, 2005

Okay, I did a search but there are just too many results to sort through. I need some help reformatting my computer. I want to start fresh with everything except for some school work, which I can save on floppys.So I just want to know, what is everything I need to reformat a Dell computer running XP Home edition? I know I need the system disc and thats about it. What do I do with it?

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Reformatting Entire Computer: Asking For Username & Password?

Aug 28, 2005

I need to reformat the entire computer. It's an old laptop that was used for business and therefore has all of these programs on it that I do not want anymore. Things like asking for a username and password at startup. I know you guys may say "boot from the XP CD" but will this erase EVERYTHING? By the way, I do want to erase everything.

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Installing SP3 Wil Remove All The Installed Programs

May 6, 2009

If I install SP3, will it remove all my installed softwares and my files?

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Re-installing Without Losing Files / Programs

Aug 9, 2005

Im completely useless with Windows and I was wondering is it even possible to reinstall Windows XP(Home Edition) without losing my programs and files? I have over 50GB of files/program's and it would be a pain to lose any of them(I dont have the discs). I have the XP installation disc that came with the computer. If anybody knows if its possible, or how to do it.

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PC Restarts Or Gives Errors When Installing Programs

Jul 18, 2005

When I try and install programs (and I've tried a few different ones to make sure it's not just the installers) my computer will either reboot or give me errors saying that the .exe for that particular program cannot be accessed.I think the whole problem is related to permissions, I've tried giving administrators full control over program files, but this doesn't seem to have helped.

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Installing New Copy Of Xp To Destroy Unwanted Programs?

Aug 22, 2006

I hate all the unwanted software that comes with this computer, and I don't even use any of the media stuff. Tell me, is it possible to just use dban and then install XP Home from a boot disc that I have? Could anything go wrong?

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System Has Slowed Down: Installing & Running Programs Much Slower?

Jun 19, 2005

I have noticed that my system has slowed down considerably since I got it. I know when you install programs it slow down.But mine is has really really slowed down. I was wondering if I reinstalled Windows Xp would it maybe be a bit faster? what can I do to make it a bit faster?

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Finding / Installing Software To Permanently Remove Programs?

Aug 13, 2007

Is there software that will further delete files so they can't be recovered after they've been emptied from the Recycle Bin?

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Getting Blue Screen And Code 1606 Error After Installing Programs?

Oct 20, 2005

tried to install a couple of programs..... all of the sudden I get the below screen with the 1606 error on it..

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I Can't Format My Computer

Mar 4, 2007

When I start from the CD at start up, it says cannot find CD-ROM drive.

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How To Format A Computer ?

Oct 26, 2007

can anyone tell me how to format the computer ????

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How To Format My Computer?

Oct 6, 2008

i don't have any windows disc's and i can't format from DOS apparently, so..?

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Extremely Slow Computer Uing XP - Format My HD

Jun 24, 2005

My computer using Windows XP operating system has become extremely slow. It takes around 30 seconds to bring up Microsoft WORD and EXCEL. It is similarly slow on my other programs. I frequently run Spy-Bot and Ad-Aware which have detected no problems.

On turning on my computer, it takes about 2 minutes for Windows XP to start up and no MS audio is heard during the start up phase. Audio is working on other programs, however, such as MS Windows.

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Computer Will Not Reboot - Need To Format Hard Drive

Oct 13, 2008

I have a gateway running windows xp. I had a virus and ran mcafee. It told me to reboot so I did and now nothing happens. hte gateway screen comes up and nothing after that it just stays on the gateway screen. I can't enter safe mode and it will not read my recovery disk. I called gateway and they told me that because my computer is out of the warranty, they would be happy to help me and then gave me three payment options. I have come to grips that I will need to format the hard drive, but I just don't know how to get it to that point. the only thing that happens is the gateway screen and the fan runs really loud.

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After A Format And Opening My Computer / Have Set To Open AXp Folders

May 25, 2005

After a format and opening My Computer which i have set to open as Explorer and selecting the view to List, i click tools>folder options>view > apply to all folders, then i change the my computer folder to view details but the thing is My computer shows detail but all other folders remain in icons. Why won't they be in List? I uploaded a 2 screens First one of how one of how everyother folder looks like the Second My Computer looks like when clicking on My Computer.Now after setting the option in My computer for view clicking tools>folder options>view tab>apply to all folders. The folder view only changes for My Computer all other folders remain unchanged.

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Right Click Format Option Gone In Computer Management

Oct 24, 2008

When I go to 'manage' computer to format an extra dive [magicjack], that option is grayed out. How can I get that option to be notgrayed out anymore? I've spent about 3 hours with Magicjack's customer service & they can't help me with this.
Also my 'removable drive' is gone. How can I add it back?I have windows xp model 2400, service pack 2.

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Should Format Hard Drive Using Quick Format Or Not

Oct 8, 2005

I need to get my HDD reformatted with the help of a paid technician.Couple of weeks ago he used the quick format method & asked him if that would make any difference & he said really not.I have the doubts though. I kind of wonder why would Windows then give a choice if there really wasn’t any difference?

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