Cleaning & Speeding Up Computer After Installing Lots Of Programs?

Sep 19, 2006

i have a new sony vaio and i just installed a bunch of stuff onto it for school and it can be a bit sluggish at times. i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to speed up everything overall. thanks for your time.

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Speeding Up And Cleaning Pc Besides The Disk Cleaner

Oct 1, 2008

Is there any good ways of speeding up and cleaning your PC besides the Disk Cleaner and Fragmenter..

Are there any pieces of software that can help?

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Opening Programs Takes Lots Of Time?

Mar 22, 2008

it enters a kind of loading spasm which can go on for several minutes, making this repeating, rhythmic pattern of loading noises, before everything goes back to normal. Foxit Reader and McAfee Security Center are the worst, but right after booting most programs cause it, as does merely logging on which now takes about ten minutes. It doesn't exactly make the computer unusable but it's incredibly frustrating. Outside of the spasms it's perfectly normal.

I haven't installed anything recently, except for a demo of Penumbra: Black Plague which I've since uninstalled . I have very little free hard disk space (1.5 GB of a 60 GB disk) but that's been the case for some time, while this only began a few days ago. I've done full scans with Ad-Aware, Spybot and McAfee which turned up nothing more than a few tracking cookies. I'll paste a HijackThis log if someone reckons it'd be of use, but I'm uncertain whether this is a malware problem (hence my not posting this in the malware section). It's occurred to me to just format and reinstall windows, but perhaps there's a likely simpler solution?

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Trying To Clean Up The System: PC Showing Lots Of Unused Programs?

Feb 17, 2005

I am trying to clean up my computer.. I use tonIARTS thingy and that works great for me but I do have an awful lot of programs that came with the computer that I don't know if I can get rid of safely.. some I have down loaded myself.

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Speeding Up The Computer: Updated Drivers / System Wont Boot?

Jan 24, 2008

Computer is getting on a bit, athlon 3500+ (about to put an opty 180 in to speed things up) So, i run device detective, that shows a whole stack of old drivers So, then i buy it, and update the drivers. Then, windows wont boot, so i have to go back to a previous one that did boot. Problem is, my boys favourite game, "Star wars knights of the old republic" wont boot. Well, it starts, but then says it has to close. I didnt do a system restore point, and dont know how to roll back the driver to its previous one. Even if i knew how, i did about a dozen drivers at once.

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Reformatting The Computer / Installing Programs After Format?

May 18, 2006

i wanna no is how to reformat my computer, what needs to be reinstalled after reformatting (besides windows and the programs i want) and any other piece of info that might be helpful please. my computer has a whole lot of crap on it and i just want it all gone and start fresh.

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Cleaning Or Re-installing The Operating System?

Feb 22, 2008

Im planning a spring clean and of my hard drive including a re-installation of XP by creating a Bart PE disk,slipstreaming it with SP3, critical updates and my current drivers.At the moment my My Documents folder and sub-folders are on a completely separate HD so I shouldnt really need to touch those.I carry out regular backs of both drives to an external drive using Acronis True Image.When I re-install XP it will obviously recreate a My Documentsfolder of its own. How do I go about pointing Windows to my existing My Docs folder on the separate drive? I moved it originally by clicking on MOVE in PROPERTIES on My Docs in the START MENU, but if I use this method this time I will just end up with 2 My Docs on the second drive.

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Importance Of Fragmented Files / Computer Having Lots Of These?

Mar 5, 2005

What is fragmenting and what does it do? My computer has several "fragmented files". Should I go ahead and "fragment" my files?

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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Cleaning Computer

Aug 8, 2006

The same place that we defrug we got also to clean the computer , well how often do we need to clean the computer ?

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Cleaning Out A Computer With More Than One ID

Aug 6, 2009

I need to know if I clean out the administration ID on a computer, if the other ID’s are also cleaned out at the same time, I have never had to maintain a computer with more than one ID, although I have used and added programs to one.I ask as the other ID’s of course do not have the permissions that the Administration ID has, and the other ID's stop me doing some stuff.Is the only way to clean the other ID’s out is by making them temporary Administrators? Computer is running XP Pro full version and service pack 3 all updates exccept still running IE7

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Speeding Up PC Process

Sep 5, 2007

I was in a chat with an HP tech last night, while most of them have been good so far, I can't say quite the same thing about this one. They were changing their responses and such as we went along and it concerned me a little to try the things suggested. So I wanted to ask and confirm some of the things I was told.Basically I am trying to get OE and IE to speed up a little, I only have 1gb RAM but will add more eventually, but this is just to make a bit of difference now.

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Computer Spring Cleaning

Mar 15, 2010

I have a eMachines T1840
Intel Celeron 1.8GHz
640 MB RAM
XP Home 2002 SP3

It has grown increasingly slower in response time (ie. IE "churns" for 20-30 seconds before opening). I suspect that I have a lot of garbage loaded at start and other processes running that I don't need. How can cleaning this up?

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Trusted Program For Cleaning Computer

Dec 15, 2005

I am trying to see if this cleaner is a trustes program that i could use because it found alot of regisrty stuff and i didn't want to do anything unless people were absolutly sure it doesn't mess up my comp here is the link if this is a trusted program thanks in advance for whoever answers this.

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Computer Slow Cleaning HJT Log And Uninstall List?

Dec 29, 2006

Computer runs very slow on start up.

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Computer Freezes Randomly / Cleaning Up The System?

Sep 27, 2006

would anyone mind helping me do a cleanup? it freezes every so often as if it doesn't have enough RAM and runs slow often, but other than that it's alright. i just want to streamline it.

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Reformatting The Computer / Cleaning Unwanted Things?

Mar 9, 2005

Okay, I did a search but there are just too many results to sort through. I need some help reformatting my computer. I want to start fresh with everything except for some school work, which I can save on floppys.So I just want to know, what is everything I need to reformat a Dell computer running XP Home edition? I know I need the system disc and thats about it. What do I do with it?

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Cleaning Out The Temp Directory - Slowed Computer Down

Aug 25, 2005

I have Windows XP Service Pack 1 installed. I am trying to clean the temp
directory but I am being told that the files are in use. I have diabled
everything including the internet and still get this.It has slowed my computer down and it is only 1 yeear old and I can not do much.

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Finding Way For Speeding Up Operating System Startup Speed?

Aug 10, 2005

i have toshiba m35x laptop with celeron m 1.4 GHz,512 mb ram (256 x 2), windows xp proff.few days back i installed a 256 mb ram to make it 512mb.but i didnot find any large take too long to start and shutdown windows.when i open task manager 39 processess were running. is it can be a prob. or it is something else. i check all the startup applications from msconfig but i did not get any extra program which i can disable.

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Installing SP3 Wil Remove All The Installed Programs

May 6, 2009

If I install SP3, will it remove all my installed softwares and my files?

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Re-installing Without Losing Files / Programs

Aug 9, 2005

Im completely useless with Windows and I was wondering is it even possible to reinstall Windows XP(Home Edition) without losing my programs and files? I have over 50GB of files/program's and it would be a pain to lose any of them(I dont have the discs). I have the XP installation disc that came with the computer. If anybody knows if its possible, or how to do it.

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PC Restarts Or Gives Errors When Installing Programs

Jul 18, 2005

When I try and install programs (and I've tried a few different ones to make sure it's not just the installers) my computer will either reboot or give me errors saying that the .exe for that particular program cannot be accessed.I think the whole problem is related to permissions, I've tried giving administrators full control over program files, but this doesn't seem to have helped.

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Installing New Copy Of Xp To Destroy Unwanted Programs?

Aug 22, 2006

I hate all the unwanted software that comes with this computer, and I don't even use any of the media stuff. Tell me, is it possible to just use dban and then install XP Home from a boot disc that I have? Could anything go wrong?

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System Has Slowed Down: Installing & Running Programs Much Slower?

Jun 19, 2005

I have noticed that my system has slowed down considerably since I got it. I know when you install programs it slow down.But mine is has really really slowed down. I was wondering if I reinstalled Windows Xp would it maybe be a bit faster? what can I do to make it a bit faster?

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Finding / Installing Software To Permanently Remove Programs?

Aug 13, 2007

Is there software that will further delete files so they can't be recovered after they've been emptied from the Recycle Bin?

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Getting Blue Screen And Code 1606 Error After Installing Programs?

Oct 20, 2005

tried to install a couple of programs..... all of the sudden I get the below screen with the 1606 error on it..

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Lots Of Spyware And Trojans Lately

Jul 31, 2007

I just finished cleaning my sisters' computer from various trojans, etc...atleast all of those I could find. I have scanned with Adaware, Spybot, AVG, and Bazooka, and installed Sygate firewall. I was wondering if there is anything that I should delete from my hijack log.

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Lots Of Error Messages

Apr 15, 2007

I recently reformatted due to slowing of my computer and things have been great, playing alot of Battlefield 2142 and it looks amazing on my rig, however today I was playing and things were going excruciatingly show, and eventually just stopped. I had to unplug it and turn it back on. I noticed problems immediately after XP loaded up and got on my user. Resolution was to a minumum, my AIM, Steam, and just about everything crashed and gave me the error report message. Everytime I load AIM or Firefox(IE too), it gives me an error report screen, however there really isn't a problem, i just move the error window to the corner of my screen and I'm able to browse freely.

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Lag And Lots Of It - Spyware Doctor

Feb 11, 2005

I dled a game and installed (gta VC) and also installed "the all seeying eye" and "MTA version(i dont know)", during playing the game i encountered this massive lag/frame-skip every/approx 10 secs, i exited the game and found that the lag/frame-skip still continued, i reseted my computer and to find it was resloved, where after about 30-40 mins the continous lag came back, its starts of as small frameskips to over a long period of time (1 hour) unbearable frame skip as if the computer is running at full. I did a virus scan, adware scan, spy doctor scan, cws shredder scan and a hijack this scan. Only Spyware doctor found 700 things that it removed the most threatening thing a browser changing trojan/hijack thingy,still my comp has the constant lag/frameskip.

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Svchost.exe And Rtvscan.exe Using Lots Of Memory

Mar 17, 2008

A while ago my computer started running very slow. In task manager is says svchost.exe and rtvscan.exe are taking up lots of memory. I've run the basic scans like spybot, and defragmented, but nothing really seems to make a difference.

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Uninstallers Leave Lots Behind In Registry

Jan 5, 2007

I noticed that when you use either the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs or an uninstaller to remove software lots of bits get left behind. For example, if you RUN SERVICE.MCR you will find files in the Registry. Also, IE7 browser add-ons. Some of these items can't be deleted - only disabled. I have run into problems with all this "regsam" before - from start-up to shut-down problems. Registry Cleaners don't detect and delete them either.

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