Speeding Up And Cleaning Pc Besides The Disk Cleaner

Oct 1, 2008

Is there any good ways of speeding up and cleaning your PC besides the Disk Cleaner and Fragmenter..

Are there any pieces of software that can help?

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Cleaning & Speeding Up Computer After Installing Lots Of Programs?

Sep 19, 2006

i have a new sony vaio and i just installed a bunch of stuff onto it for school and it can be a bit sluggish at times. i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to speed up everything overall. thanks for your time.

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Low Disk Space Still After Cleaning

Oct 23, 2006

I am running on windows xp my little word baloon pops up keep telling me i have low disk space i ran disk defragmentor and cleandisk and have deleted many programs but my disk space is has gone down to 0 mb.

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Hard Disk Almost Full: Add/ Remove Wont Work / Cleaning The PC?

Apr 19, 2006

I have a Compac pc that had win 98. I installed winxp on it. I now need to clean it out as the hard drive is almost full. All the original programs, etc that are on it are not in the add/remove programs so I can't uninstall them from there. I need to know the best way to clean this machine up.

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Speeding Up PC Process

Sep 5, 2007

I was in a chat with an HP tech last night, while most of them have been good so far, I can't say quite the same thing about this one. They were changing their responses and such as we went along and it concerned me a little to try the things suggested. So I wanted to ask and confirm some of the things I was told.Basically I am trying to get OE and IE to speed up a little, I only have 1gb RAM but will add more eventually, but this is just to make a bit of difference now.

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Finding Way For Speeding Up Operating System Startup Speed?

Aug 10, 2005

i have toshiba m35x laptop with celeron m 1.4 GHz,512 mb ram (256 x 2), windows xp proff.few days back i installed a 256 mb ram to make it 512mb.but i didnot find any large difference.it take too long to start and shutdown windows.when i open task manager 39 processess were running. is it can be a prob. or it is something else. i check all the startup applications from msconfig but i did not get any extra program which i can disable.

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Speeding Up The Computer: Updated Drivers / System Wont Boot?

Jan 24, 2008

Computer is getting on a bit, athlon 3500+ (about to put an opty 180 in to speed things up) So, i run device detective, that shows a whole stack of old drivers So, then i buy it, and update the drivers. Then, windows wont boot, so i have to go back to a previous one that did boot. Problem is, my boys favourite game, "Star wars knights of the old republic" wont boot. Well, it starts, but then says it has to close. I didnt do a system restore point, and dont know how to roll back the driver to its previous one. Even if i knew how, i did about a dozen drivers at once.

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Computer Facing Slow Boot Up Time / Speeding Up Time?

Jan 15, 2009

How do I speed up the boot up time? It seems like it takes forever for my pc to boot up. Plus how do I find out what programs are loading at start-up? I'm currently running winxp and connected by cable to the internet

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CD ROM Won't Read - Cleaner

Mar 18, 2005

I have recently experienced problems with my CD-ROM well its a DVD ROM. I was burning CD's fine. then it stopped or would only burn one or two things. I thought it might just need to be cleaned so I went and bought a cleaner. I tried it and now it won't do anything. I bought a brand new CD and it won't even read it at all. I can try others and it does.

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CC Cleaner Is It Any Good?

Oct 8, 2009

The Guardian IT boffin has recommended this several times this year, and again today. Is it any good? I'm sure I've read on this site warnings that it is junk/virus-attracting, and that its 'free' scan only prompts you to buy corrective software.

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Best Registry Cleaner

Jun 9, 2010

looking for a god registry cleaner, was using CCleaner but I just upgraded to the latest edition and ran into some problems and had to roll my system back to solve the problems. Found the following review of the major contenders I was thinking about the one by PC Tools seems to be the least expensive I have a coupon and it appears to be highly recommended only thing is I'm thinking about buying a new laptop 64 bit and I'm not sure if they come in different flavors doesn't make any since to purchase one for my XP machine if I can't use it on my new 17 inch laptop I plan on purchasing sometime within the next few months, Also whats the best free or shareware version out there to.

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Reg Cleaner RegCleanr.exe

Dec 21, 2008

My computer has slowed dramatically and I'm confident there is no virus or malware. The consensus of opinion that I've read points to the registry. Lots of writers seem to praise RegCleanr and funnily enough, I have a copy which I downloaded some time ago; vers 4.2.One writer, explaning how to use it, said, and this is a paste-in of that paragraph..No installation required ... just place it in your favorite folder, click on it to execute it, then click on the "Registry Cleanup" button on the bottom left-hand corner of the display/screen. There AIN'T any button anywhere at the bottom. If I hit tools I get registry cleanup with a lot of choices which I don't understand, Maybe he has a later edition? But can anyone who has this version, or who knows the sequence of what to do, or who has the instructions, post it up?

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Trying A Registry Cleaner Use

Sep 25, 2008

Though my computer has never been what you'd call fast,recently it seems to have slowed down a bit further. Nothing unbearable, just a few seconds of extra lag when opening a program or folder, but enough to catch my attention and prove bothersome.It also wasn't there when I built this computer about a year or so ago, so I feel it must be something I can fix.I run Spybot and Ad-aware fairly regularly, with no results, and also have McAfee to watch for viruses.At the moment I am considering trying a registry cleaner to see if it will help, though I thought it might be better to stop by here first and see if there's something else I haven't tried or thought of first.

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Registry Cleaner?

Jun 27, 2005

I have just purchased Registry Mechanic, and am so far disappointed in it. I used to be somewhat technically inclined, back in the days of DOS I ran a computer lab, but I really haven't had time to keep up.
Still, I know more than most people... Anyway, I bought this proggy thinking it would give me a bit more
information than just going into regedit and poking around without a net. So far, it doesn't. I knew it would suggest changes that I would be able to accept/reject one at a time. But the information it gives
is pretty useless for making the decision. And it is not like there is a manual explaining what all this means. Also I am skeptical since it found 106 "problems" and this computer is less than a week old.
Does any kind soul care to comment on a few illustrative examples?
Example 1:
High Priority: Value is invalid - Set to Delete
Location: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAudioCDshellPlayWithPowerDVDcommand
default = CProgram FilesCyberLinkPowerDVDPowerDVD.exe%1
OK, so this is "High Priority." Very dramatic. And the value is invalid, but the value of what? And the value is set to delete. Should I be wondering whether this value needs to be fixed rather than just deleted? I more or less understand "location"...this is where in the registry the invalid value can be found. But I don't understand "default." Is this the default setting of the invalid value? Is Reg Cleaner proposing to reset the value to the default? What if the system was intentionally configured differently from the default? Am I even asking the right questions? Example 2:
High Priority: Value is invalid - Set to Delete
SystemDB = C:WINDOWSsystem32system.mdw
Again, I get that it is high priority, a value is invalid and should be deleted. Again, not sure if it ought to be fixed rather than deleted. Again, understand location more or less. Not sure what "SystemDB =" is proposing to do. Really not sure what to make of this. Example 3:
High Priority: Value is invalid - Set to Delete
Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareCyberLinkPowerDVD
SrcDir = C:FalconDriversDVDPowerDVD 4.0 - Sony Bundle
In looking for examples I've just realized that the soultion in every case is "set to delete." What is SrcDir? What is this telling me?

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Looking For A Trial Registry Cleaner

Aug 14, 2009

Regards to all, this is my first posting and I believe that you will be gentle to me. I am looking for a tool/software that can manage my system registry files. I know that I can get them online but I need to try them before I actually use them so that I can be sure of the results. I have read lot's of reviews and found out that currently, the best registry cleaner on the market is Digeus Registry Cleaner.

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Registry Cleaner - New Computer

Nov 11, 2008

Mornin' I am really having a time with the snail pace of my computer...I have broadband and My download is not too bad...but my upload....especially when wanting to send pictures (without resizing them to a smaller size...it takes so long to send that the computer/or whatever "times out"I sent pics before without resizing them, and everything went fine...Photography class teacher prefers photos we send to be in their original size....I ran a speed test this morning

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System Clean Up Using C Cleaner

Dec 9, 2007

This is not so much a problem as a request for help and advice. I have had my system now for around a year and have uninstalled and re installed alot of games and programs. Ive noticed i have accumulated quite alot of files in various places which i probably dont need so i was wondering if theres a program or method out there to get rid of this rubbish. I am already using registry mechanic (latest version) and ccleaner but have noticed there are still bits left in the registry which dont look like there doing anything. Any help on cleaning out my pc and maybe making it run a bit faster by maybe disabling or removing parts.

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PC Running Extremely Slow - Ran AVG And C Cleaner

Feb 21, 2008

My PC seems to have started running extremely slow lately. I have ran AVG and C Cleaner and still didnt help any. Don't know why it is so slow. I have DSL and it is running slower than when I had dial up

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Computer Is Running Really Slow - Run Avg Cleaner

Feb 6, 2005

My computer is running really slow. I have run AVG, Spybot, AdAware, CCleaner and easy cleaner. It has inproved but is still really slow

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Registry Cleaner - Scanner Recommendation

Aug 17, 2006

I've been looking for a good registry cleaner. But before I buy one, can anyone recommend any good ones for me? The price really isn't an issue. Does anyone have any first hand experience with any registry cleaner they have used before?

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Free Windows Registry Cleaner

Nov 13, 2007

Anyone know of a free windows registry cleaner or something else that will fix Active X Control problems? Supposedly I have a bunch of these problems?

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Crap Cleaner - Reinstall - Uninstall

Feb 19, 2006

I used crap cleaner and after using it, something was wrong with my java and I had to uninstall and reinstall it

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Any Reliable Freeware Registry Cleaner?

Sep 16, 2009

just wondering if there is any reliable freeware registry cleaner.

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Registry Cleaner Recommended When Use Internet

Feb 23, 2006

Using internet and 1st time I've received the following pop up - "Registry Cleaner Recommended" with an exclamation mark in side a yellow triangle.It says:"Errors in your Windows registry database, if present, could cause erratic operation and other computer problems, including: Slow system performance, slow start up, freezes/system crashes.Details: to ensure system is operatingly correctly, strongly recommend you scan and clean your Windows registry database by running Registry Cleaner now"May sound silly but this is ad-ware right? Shouldn't Ad-Aware and Avast prevent pop ups like these? Or is there a program that i should download to prevent these?

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Download Register Cleaner For System

May 30, 2006

About two weeks ago, I was going to buy "register Mechanic" cleaner and I believe a "John" answered my question with a good free register cleaner. Reg Scrub" which I used two times. The last time I also ran "Seek & Destore", and it took out the Reg. Scrub. Where can I go to again download it.

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May Have Removed Some Stuff - Reg Cleaner - Laptop Slower

Apr 14, 2010

well there was a reg clean and a reg defrag run on this laptop and some programs removed with prompts ignored. i have run malwarebytes, superantispyware free and it has come back clean. apps and windows hang a little, performance is slower and some apps freeze were they didn't before. this has been tolerated for about a month, looking for assistance. i do have os disc and driver/app recovery disc but have not initiated repair

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Wiping Free Space - Use Cleaner's Version

Nov 12, 2009

What exactly does wiping free space do? I use CCleaner's version of it. I was wondering if there's any way to effectively "clean" my computer to the point that not even forensic methods can retrieve information.

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After Registry Cleaner Computer Unable To Print

Apr 24, 2005

After running a registry cleaner service. I have been unable to print. I get need to add printer. When I try to reinstall printer. I get print spooler service is not running. I first tried restarting printer spooler and I get error 1068 the dependency service or group failed to start. I tried the following that was suggested by a friend.

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Gizmo Freeware Best Free Registry Cleaner

Jun 24, 2010

I use different kinds of software's in my computer and test them.So i am thinking that there is a lot of orphaned entries in my registry due to un-installation of many programs, deleting those which may improve computer performance.So i was thinking to use Wise registry cleaner which is praised for its excellent work and Gizmo freeware reviews rated it best free registry cleaner.What do u have to suggest? Is it good and safe to use Wise Registry Cleaner?

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System Reboots Continuously - Download A Registry Cleaner

Aug 19, 2009

My computer has always worked fine until last night i decided to download a registry cleaner and ran it. I also defragged the drive and when i restarted it just kept rebooting. I have now already tried the following:

-memory swaps

-hardware removal

-repairing windows

-reloading windows

the problem remains the same i get as far as first screen alerting me that i can push del to enter setup or bios etc. Then the system reboots and starts all over again.

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Computer Has Started Booting Extremely Slow - Add Win Cleaner OneClick

Feb 8, 2007

my computer has been booting slower and slower.It is now taking 10-15 minutes to boot to a usable state. I haven't added any new programs in the last few months. I did add Win Cleaner OneClick Cleanup about 2 days ago thinking that it might help, but it did not. I know it must have to do with the number of start-up programs there are, but since this just started recently

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