Importance Of Fragmented Files / Computer Having Lots Of These?

Mar 5, 2005

What is fragmenting and what does it do? My computer has several "fragmented files". Should I go ahead and "fragment" my files?

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Removing Fragmented Files: Computer Having 13% Fragmented Files?

Dec 18, 2004

I am using Win XP and try to defrag often since I work with a lot of photos and images that i move to CD and then erase from hd. I have a 60gb hd that now has 13% fragmented files that will not defrag. Some are System Volume information_restore others are in my Documents and Settingsapplicationoutlook and some are Documents and SettingsapplicationData1clickDvdcopyvideo

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Importance Of Updating Service Packs For Computer?

Mar 23, 2005

ok in my opinion service pack 2 released by microsoft corp (c) is a piece of s**t. It consumes resources and might be impairing my download speeds. It adds a nice security feature that seems quite useless since my router has a built in firewall. Sp1 is what i would use. Im thinking of switching back but i dont know if i should. Any other opinions?i know the difference in sp1 and sp1a is that microsoft VM is not included in sp1a but what do i really need it for? right now im doing some programming in java. do i still need microsoft vm?

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Fragmented Files That Wont Be Defragmented?

Sep 16, 2008

I have some fragmented files that cannot be defragmented. Hibern I have two fragments.What can I do?

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Defragmenter Won't Defragment Fragmented Files?

Jan 16, 2006

I have defragmented at least 20 times and these small red files will not defragment. Is there anything I can do?

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System Displays Many Fragmented Files

Jan 21, 2008

I have noticed on several occasions that when my system displays many fragmented files and I'm waiting for the message stating that I should defrag, it appears that the system defrags on it's own!? All the red is gone and everything is blue. Does keeping the browser cache clean and deleting all but the most recent restore points have any bearing on this issue?

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Fragmented Files Won't Defrag / Only Getting Invalid Folder?

Nov 4, 2005

Tried to defrag hard drive and after action report shows 14.05 GB file that cannot be defragged. Searched for file Documents and Settings Default User Application Data Microsoft ProtectS-1-5-21-676439804-2044662667-630 and got an invalid folder message. Report on volume fragmentation:Total fragmentation=25%
File fragmentation=50% Free space fragmentation=0%

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Slow Startup: Having Lots Of Heavy Files?

Feb 7, 2006

Fairly new laptop - HP Pavilion - slow startup - not overly slow - would just like things to speed up. I do have a lot of large applications on here that I want to keep because I use them. Anyway - if someone don't care to look over my HJT file here it is and will take constructive critisim and suggestions for speeding this thing back up.

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Formatting Harddrive - Lots Of Corrupted Files

Oct 14, 2006

Windows XP pro. lots of corrupted files which doesn't allow windows to function properly.I have windows xp pro cd with product key ready to go.How do I format the hardrive and reinstall windows?

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C:Drive Completely Full Of Fragmented Files, Unable To Defrag ?

Mar 18, 2007

C: Drive and it just filled up fragmented files to 95%. I've moved the pagefile to its own drive and added 4gigs more to almost 20 gigs on C. Here's what I did that may or may not have something to do with it. Yesterday I resized the drive that C is on and made four partitions each one for a particular person so that the files didn't get mixed.I used Norton Partition Magic and at the end of each task a window would pop up stating that I should make a new rescue disk

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Fragmented Files Taking Large Space / Same Before System Restore?

Sep 23, 2006

i had to system restore and when i came back all my files where gone but i still ahd the same hard disk space left and then i ran my diskk defragmentor and i found some files that i had that are now fragmented and still takeing up large parts of my memory here is what the Analysis report for the defragmentor said and when i go in to USERDATA to try delte some files it says USERDATA is not assable ,acces is denied and i tryed goin in it on safe mode and im administator on my computer so idk y it wont let me in plase help i only got 4% disk space left and when i click run dick defragmentor it says i need 15% space to run efectively sould i still run it and c what happens?

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C: Drive Full, Wont Find Fragmented Files; Want To Resize Partitions?

Aug 17, 2007

I have a 20 gb NTFS drive that i partitioned to C: 6gb for system files and E: 14gb for programs. I have a second hard drive for data I: 40gb. The C: drive is getting full. when trying to defragment C:, the report shows a bunch of fragmented files in a path called "/RECYCLED". I cannot seem to find that path anywhere on that drive, so I cannot delete those files! Any advice? I also would like to resize the partitions, will QTparted work for NTFS partitions? OR, any chance I can move my system to the 40gb I: drive (probably not).

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Cleaning & Speeding Up Computer After Installing Lots Of Programs?

Sep 19, 2006

i have a new sony vaio and i just installed a bunch of stuff onto it for school and it can be a bit sluggish at times. i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to speed up everything overall. thanks for your time.

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Change In Sp3 And Its Importance?

Aug 9, 2008

two questions--what's in SP3, and is it essential? Given Microsoft's track record, I'm reluctant to install SP3, so two questions: 1) what's in it? 2) does it contain anything essential?

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Importance Of Values For Zones In Registry?

Aug 24, 2005

What should the values be for the security zones in the Registry. Like 1004, (the one that gets changed all the time by something) and any other important ones.Or is there a specific site that gives the values?

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Importance Of NET. Framework For Graphics Programs?

Apr 26, 2006

im just wondering if this is something that every PC/gaming PC needs or is it just something that only benifits a certain type of graphics program? The main question is will NET. Framework benifit my gaming?

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Drive-filling Of 5% With Huge Fragmented ?

Apr 4, 2007

I'm not really sure if this is a Windows problem or a hardware problem, but I'm gonna start here and see where it goes... I'm working on a Dell Dimension 2400 running XPHE, SP1 which has, roughly, a 38 gb harddrive. All but five percent of the drive is filled, mostly with fragmented files huge, solid "chunks" of red, fragmented files. Programs installed and related files total almost 2 gb. Searches for photo, video and other possibly huge files found nothing. All installations considered, less than 10 gb of this drive should be used, yet there is only just over 2 gb available.

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Recovery Drive Heavily Fragmented?

Nov 16, 2006

i have a HP Pavilion laptop which is about a month or so old. The D drive is labeled as the HP Recovery drive and it is roughly 12 gb. It is formatted in FAT32. I just analyzed it with the disk defrag and it was almost 100% red. The report says the total fragmentation is 47% and the file fragmentation is 97%. Should I defragment this or is it supposed to be this way? And if it's not supposed to be this way does anyone know how or why this happened?

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Losing My Free Space - Fragmented The C Disk

Aug 8, 2008

I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore

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Unify Fragmented Master Boot Record

Sep 1, 2005

When I use the diskeeper 8.0 to defrage the drive, it found out that on my
master boot record there are 3 fragments. how to unified these 3 fragments
into 1?

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Lots Of Spyware And Trojans Lately

Jul 31, 2007

I just finished cleaning my sisters' computer from various trojans, etc...atleast all of those I could find. I have scanned with Adaware, Spybot, AVG, and Bazooka, and installed Sygate firewall. I was wondering if there is anything that I should delete from my hijack log.

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Lots Of Error Messages

Apr 15, 2007

I recently reformatted due to slowing of my computer and things have been great, playing alot of Battlefield 2142 and it looks amazing on my rig, however today I was playing and things were going excruciatingly show, and eventually just stopped. I had to unplug it and turn it back on. I noticed problems immediately after XP loaded up and got on my user. Resolution was to a minumum, my AIM, Steam, and just about everything crashed and gave me the error report message. Everytime I load AIM or Firefox(IE too), it gives me an error report screen, however there really isn't a problem, i just move the error window to the corner of my screen and I'm able to browse freely.

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Lag And Lots Of It - Spyware Doctor

Feb 11, 2005

I dled a game and installed (gta VC) and also installed "the all seeying eye" and "MTA version(i dont know)", during playing the game i encountered this massive lag/frame-skip every/approx 10 secs, i exited the game and found that the lag/frame-skip still continued, i reseted my computer and to find it was resloved, where after about 30-40 mins the continous lag came back, its starts of as small frameskips to over a long period of time (1 hour) unbearable frame skip as if the computer is running at full. I did a virus scan, adware scan, spy doctor scan, cws shredder scan and a hijack this scan. Only Spyware doctor found 700 things that it removed the most threatening thing a browser changing trojan/hijack thingy,still my comp has the constant lag/frameskip.

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Drive More Fragmented After Running Systemworks 2006 Defrag?

Aug 16, 2007

I run systemworks o n two computers. Both have XP media center edition.It works fine on the desktop but my laptop it defrags very little. I ususally get the desktop down below 2 percent fragmentation in one try, while my laptop rarely get below 4 percent fragmentation. about a fourth of the time it actually ends up more fragmented after running speed disk.

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Svchost.exe And Rtvscan.exe Using Lots Of Memory

Mar 17, 2008

A while ago my computer started running very slow. In task manager is says svchost.exe and rtvscan.exe are taking up lots of memory. I've run the basic scans like spybot, and defragmented, but nothing really seems to make a difference.

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Uninstallers Leave Lots Behind In Registry

Jan 5, 2007

I noticed that when you use either the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs or an uninstaller to remove software lots of bits get left behind. For example, if you RUN SERVICE.MCR you will find files in the Registry. Also, IE7 browser add-ons. Some of these items can't be deleted - only disabled. I have run into problems with all this "regsam" before - from start-up to shut-down problems. Registry Cleaners don't detect and delete them either.

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Opening Programs Takes Lots Of Time?

Mar 22, 2008

it enters a kind of loading spasm which can go on for several minutes, making this repeating, rhythmic pattern of loading noises, before everything goes back to normal. Foxit Reader and McAfee Security Center are the worst, but right after booting most programs cause it, as does merely logging on which now takes about ten minutes. It doesn't exactly make the computer unusable but it's incredibly frustrating. Outside of the spasms it's perfectly normal.

I haven't installed anything recently, except for a demo of Penumbra: Black Plague which I've since uninstalled . I have very little free hard disk space (1.5 GB of a 60 GB disk) but that's been the case for some time, while this only began a few days ago. I've done full scans with Ad-Aware, Spybot and McAfee which turned up nothing more than a few tracking cookies. I'll paste a HijackThis log if someone reckons it'd be of use, but I'm uncertain whether this is a malware problem (hence my not posting this in the malware section). It's occurred to me to just format and reinstall windows, but perhaps there's a likely simpler solution?

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Lots Of Errors : Random Program Crashes

Oct 20, 2005

Windows Installation : Various files cannot be copied and/or not copied correctly. Giving blue screen of [enter] retry, [esc] skip or F3 to abort installation. Files constantly failing to copy : cyycoins or something, lots of .chm files, too many to mention. Curious thing is, same problems for both optical drives and both HDDs, varying both for many installations. Eventually I held down [enter] and the files went in, well some didn't but Windows booted fine.

Warhammer Dawn of War : Winter Assault. is corrupt. Changed optical drives during installtion, installed fine. Could be hardware issue with my cdrom, Same game, when playing will crash to desktop. No error message sometimes, no indication of crash (no freezing or warning sounds or stuttering, just flat out BOOM, .exe gone. Sometimes error message appears to send error report, sometimes doesn't. Occurs while under load
I thought this could again be CDROM issue, with the copy protection not keeping the game running because disc wasnt read right.

Mozilla Firefox : Dunno really. Loaded it up to access webpage. Some survey appeared, then program locks up for maybe 10 seconds then crashes with firefox.exe has encountered error Windows built in message appears. Firefox is unable to load up again due to missing/corrupted .dll file error. Cannot page_read or something. I forget the whole error message. Guess coulda been important to save it to post here.

Whole system reboot. Idle one time, machine just goes down, then starts up again. Flat reboot. Didnt touch any buttons, then once in Windows 'recovered from serious error' message appears. Tells me after sending report its a device driver issue. Changed My Computer options to give the Blue Screen of Death so that the driver is named, nothing, just page_file_read or errors along those lines I know nothing about.

Don't know what is wrong. Hardware issue could be Optical Drive. But then again I have 2 drives, and the errors ocur no matter which one I use, same with the Hard Disks. I'm stumped. Its quite a huge issue. I have nothing on the drives, I backed all my stuff up before formatting after starting to get errors 1-4. I got these errors before format and immediately after. So would indicate Hardware issue would it not Can it be a BIOS problem? Or wiring, neither of which i have altered or been brave enough to look at.

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Uninstalling Lots Of Previously Installed Updates?

May 6, 2007

I have a ton of Updates, Sec. Updates, and hot fixes installed on WinXP. Is it ok for me to uninstall all but the most recent udates and hotfixes out of the previously listed categories without problems?

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Svchost.exe In Task Manager Consuming Lots Of Memory?

May 23, 2007

When I open Windows Task Manager, it shows svchost.exe running in the background (i assume). This file consume a lot memory and it does iritates me because i don't know what it is.

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Trying To Clean Up The System: PC Showing Lots Of Unused Programs?

Feb 17, 2005

I am trying to clean up my computer.. I use tonIARTS thingy and that works great for me but I do have an awful lot of programs that came with the computer that I don't know if I can get rid of safely.. some I have down loaded myself.

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