System Displays Many Fragmented Files

Jan 21, 2008

I have noticed on several occasions that when my system displays many fragmented files and I'm waiting for the message stating that I should defrag, it appears that the system defrags on it's own!? All the red is gone and everything is blue. Does keeping the browser cache clean and deleting all but the most recent restore points have any bearing on this issue?

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Removing Fragmented Files: Computer Having 13% Fragmented Files?

Dec 18, 2004

I am using Win XP and try to defrag often since I work with a lot of photos and images that i move to CD and then erase from hd. I have a 60gb hd that now has 13% fragmented files that will not defrag. Some are System Volume information_restore others are in my Documents and Settingsapplicationoutlook and some are Documents and SettingsapplicationData1clickDvdcopyvideo

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Fragmented Files Taking Large Space / Same Before System Restore?

Sep 23, 2006

i had to system restore and when i came back all my files where gone but i still ahd the same hard disk space left and then i ran my diskk defragmentor and i found some files that i had that are now fragmented and still takeing up large parts of my memory here is what the Analysis report for the defragmentor said and when i go in to USERDATA to try delte some files it says USERDATA is not assable ,acces is denied and i tryed goin in it on safe mode and im administator on my computer so idk y it wont let me in plase help i only got 4% disk space left and when i click run dick defragmentor it says i need 15% space to run efectively sould i still run it and c what happens?

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Fragmented Files That Wont Be Defragmented?

Sep 16, 2008

I have some fragmented files that cannot be defragmented. Hibern I have two fragments.What can I do?

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Defragmenter Won't Defragment Fragmented Files?

Jan 16, 2006

I have defragmented at least 20 times and these small red files will not defragment. Is there anything I can do?

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Importance Of Fragmented Files / Computer Having Lots Of These?

Mar 5, 2005

What is fragmenting and what does it do? My computer has several "fragmented files". Should I go ahead and "fragment" my files?

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Fragmented Files Won't Defrag / Only Getting Invalid Folder?

Nov 4, 2005

Tried to defrag hard drive and after action report shows 14.05 GB file that cannot be defragged. Searched for file Documents and Settings Default User Application Data Microsoft ProtectS-1-5-21-676439804-2044662667-630 and got an invalid folder message. Report on volume fragmentation:Total fragmentation=25%
File fragmentation=50% Free space fragmentation=0%

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C:Drive Completely Full Of Fragmented Files, Unable To Defrag ?

Mar 18, 2007

C: Drive and it just filled up fragmented files to 95%. I've moved the pagefile to its own drive and added 4gigs more to almost 20 gigs on C. Here's what I did that may or may not have something to do with it. Yesterday I resized the drive that C is on and made four partitions each one for a particular person so that the files didn't get mixed.I used Norton Partition Magic and at the end of each task a window would pop up stating that I should make a new rescue disk

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C: Drive Full, Wont Find Fragmented Files; Want To Resize Partitions?

Aug 17, 2007

I have a 20 gb NTFS drive that i partitioned to C: 6gb for system files and E: 14gb for programs. I have a second hard drive for data I: 40gb. The C: drive is getting full. when trying to defragment C:, the report shows a bunch of fragmented files in a path called "/RECYCLED". I cannot seem to find that path anywhere on that drive, so I cannot delete those files! Any advice? I also would like to resize the partitions, will QTparted work for NTFS partitions? OR, any chance I can move my system to the 40gb I: drive (probably not).

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Drive-filling Of 5% With Huge Fragmented ?

Apr 4, 2007

I'm not really sure if this is a Windows problem or a hardware problem, but I'm gonna start here and see where it goes... I'm working on a Dell Dimension 2400 running XPHE, SP1 which has, roughly, a 38 gb harddrive. All but five percent of the drive is filled, mostly with fragmented files huge, solid "chunks" of red, fragmented files. Programs installed and related files total almost 2 gb. Searches for photo, video and other possibly huge files found nothing. All installations considered, less than 10 gb of this drive should be used, yet there is only just over 2 gb available.

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Recovery Drive Heavily Fragmented?

Nov 16, 2006

i have a HP Pavilion laptop which is about a month or so old. The D drive is labeled as the HP Recovery drive and it is roughly 12 gb. It is formatted in FAT32. I just analyzed it with the disk defrag and it was almost 100% red. The report says the total fragmentation is 47% and the file fragmentation is 97%. Should I defragment this or is it supposed to be this way? And if it's not supposed to be this way does anyone know how or why this happened?

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Losing My Free Space - Fragmented The C Disk

Aug 8, 2008

I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore

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Unify Fragmented Master Boot Record

Sep 1, 2005

When I use the diskeeper 8.0 to defrage the drive, it found out that on my
master boot record there are 3 fragments. how to unified these 3 fragments
into 1?

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Drive More Fragmented After Running Systemworks 2006 Defrag?

Aug 16, 2007

I run systemworks o n two computers. Both have XP media center edition.It works fine on the desktop but my laptop it defrags very little. I ususally get the desktop down below 2 percent fragmentation in one try, while my laptop rarely get below 4 percent fragmentation. about a fourth of the time it actually ends up more fragmented after running speed disk.

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Pro Startup - No Longer Displays

Nov 1, 2007

Before my daughter's Dell 8300 with XP Profesional HD crashed it started with up with WINDOWS XP Propfessional while it loads. I replaced the HD and reinstalled XP Pro with service pack 1 from the original CD supplied by Dell. So far so good. I went through all the updates, downloaded and installed service pack 2 for Pro. Now when XP loads it no longer displays "Professional" It displays as if its XP Home. In other words, Windows XP with out the Professional banner. When I check system info it states XP Professional is installed.

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Perflib Registry Key Displays As Hex Values?

Aug 11, 2009

I'm attempting to install SQL 2005 on my mobile workstation and I ran into an error that I cannot resolve after hours of googling. The following registry key Code: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionPerflib09has a REG_MULTI_SZ entry called "Counter" that should contain a list of readable lables and values,I cut the entry's value short, the hex data extends to about 3000 lines (I exported the entry and opened it with a text editor). The entry for "Help" looks the same.

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Copy Displays - Downdoad Stops

Jan 4, 2005

On my toolbar a "copy" displays and attempts to downdoad but stops and a error box appear with error 2908...The box won't go away. Also I cant send e-mails..thanks

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Displays Background But No Icons And No Task Bar

Dec 17, 2008

when i boot up xp windows starts,loads my personal settings,displays my background but no icons and no task bar.the only way to access any files is thro a command line in task manager.i can't drag shortcuts onto my desktop,but all my programs seem to be working fine.everything was okay(well within reason),the last thing i did was to transfer some mp3 files onto a sony m2 stick.

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Log On Screen Appears - Boot Up One Never Displays

Jun 17, 2009

Can someone tell me how to get rid of the "Windows Log On Screen" that appears on some (not all) installations of XP Pro? I have two machines both running XP Pro installed from the same disk and kept completely current by Microsoft. One displays the screen on every bootup and one never displays it. To be clear, I'm not talking about the greeting screen that can be turned on/off in the user account. The screen I mean is the one with the blue background and a simple login box asking for a password. Actually, you don't even need a password. If you click "OK" or press "enter" the screen disappears to be replaced by a desktop. Thanks in advance.

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C Drives Displays Wrong Usuage Of Space

Mar 12, 2006

when I right click C: and check the disk usuage is shows me 3.52Gb in use. However, when I select all the contents of the C:( including the hidden files ) it show me 2.52Gb.

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IE 6 Error Crypt32.dll, Crashes Before Yellow Bar Displays

Nov 27, 2006

IE 6 is crashing on me whenever a site trys to automatically download a file or what not. Normally a yellow bar slides down from the top of the screen warning you of possible danger, but instead ie crashes with an error, referencing crypt32.dll. I've tried all the anti spyware/virus methods I know of, filtered my hijackthis log, but no avail.

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Trojan Displays A White, Icon-less Desktop

Mar 16, 2006

My friend was checking for trojans, and apparently deleted Explorer.exe (we are not so clear on why). Following this, his computer (which is running Win XP Pro SP1) displays a white, icon-less desktop, with no direct access to the start menu and no right-click ability. He installed SP2 - no joy. He also can't find the original OS disk for the 3 years-old computer

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Outlook Express Displays All Messages As Having Attachments

Sep 14, 2006

nearly all my email in Outlook Express in Win 2k comes with the attachment paper clip icon, even tho most of the email has no attachment. Needless to say, I'm a little nervous about attachments anyhow and am reluctant to open email from people I know. I have my provider's Earthlink spam filter on and am using AVG's email scanner

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Explorer Displays Non-existent Removable Drives

Mar 23, 2007

My girlfriend's computer displays Removable Drives G:, H:, I:, J:, K:. There are no removable drives on this system except when we download pictures from the digital camera. Then we get an additional Removable Drive L:. Any idea what is causing this

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Not Playing Sound Displays No Audio Device

Apr 7, 2007

I have a Toshiba laptop M115-S3094 Satellite with Windows Media It's less than a year old.In the beginning it ran great. Now I can't get any audio. I tried the Fan in Comcast, it plays the videos, but no sound. I tried a DVD. No sound. I ran the troubleshooter. No help. No music in Windows Media Player either.There are so many devices on this laptop. I do get the sound when windows opens and closes. I have had sound on the Fan video clips and Windows Media Center in the past. I recently completed the Window authenticity.

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Logon Screen Displays Unread Email Messages...why?

Aug 16, 2005

ATI required installation of MS .Net 1.1 for its display driver. After installation, Windows now displays the number of unread emails in Outlook Express for my username logon. It shows # of messages in "Account A", # messages in "Account B", etc... How do I disable that and restore it to just the password field?

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Wake Standby / Monitor Displays No Video Signal

Dec 10, 2009

I entered my XP run PC into standby yesterday but as it would not resume later, I turned it off using the power button. Now it won't wake up again. I have been sitting in front of a blank screen for 3 hours. The monitor displays "no video signal", so I exchanged monitors but the other one stays blank too. The pc appears to be running but will not boot. I have entered Windows CD to restore but it won't even boot that.

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Spontaneous Resume From Hibernation / Displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 7, 2006

When resuming from hibernate or standby it made a clunking noise like it was trying to find something and then displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to Restart. Sometimes it worked, others not. I then found that it was displaying the NTLDR error so I backed up everything did a destructive recovery and started doing all the new updates for Windows, etc. Seemed to be working fine and then I added two additional hard drives (one for backup and the other for recording TV). I sent it to hibernate and the next day I tried to startup and couldn't get the OS to load at all. I finally did a recovery to one of the other hard drives. I did all the updates, added some new programs and set Media Center to record. I put the machine in hibernate and left. When I returned the machine was on and the TV recording was executed as programmed. I put the machine in hibernate again last night and when I awoke the machine was running. I had not set a recording so I'm wondering why it would spontaneously restart for no apparent reason.

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Windows Displays Wrong Amount Of Free Disk Space

Sep 5, 2009

If I use any program other than windows explorer to check my HD space, it says about 20 gigs left, windows right now says 0kb on both c, d and e partitions. I run off e at the moment.A few days ago I deleted lots of files and just made a huge 15 gig txt file because I was bored... then I deleted the txt file and the space didnt change (I made sure it was deleted, I know the recycle bin doesnt do its job) and as the space didnt change I used a program called Rollback RX to rollback my HD to a few days ago. so I got my deleted files back (from before the txt file) and checked windows says I am running out of space.

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Default Program Wont Unzip .exe Files / Files Blocked To Protect System?

Jul 25, 2005

I'm using Win XP and, using the built in Zip feature,have zipped up 14 files that include one .exe file and one .bas file.When I try to Extract All files it extracts all except these two files.It says that the files have been blocked to protect the computer, then I can click on a link to find out how to unblock the files but the instructions to do so don't make sense.The instructions tell you to save the file, then right click/properties/unblock, but I can't see how you can save a file if it hasn't been unzipped.How can I stop the .exe and .bas files from being blocked

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All My System Files Turn Blue - Dll Files

Feb 10, 2009

Everytimes I open any files, I find that all blue word including system & all dll files are blue in color. I try to restore to previous but is still the same. Secondly my DVD-rw sometimes can read & sometimes just read but nothing come out.

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