Drive-filling Of 5% With Huge Fragmented ?

Apr 4, 2007

I'm not really sure if this is a Windows problem or a hardware problem, but I'm gonna start here and see where it goes... I'm working on a Dell Dimension 2400 running XPHE, SP1 which has, roughly, a 38 gb harddrive. All but five percent of the drive is filled, mostly with fragmented files huge, solid "chunks" of red, fragmented files. Programs installed and related files total almost 2 gb. Searches for photo, video and other possibly huge files found nothing. All installations considered, less than 10 gb of this drive should be used, yet there is only just over 2 gb available.

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Temp Folder Filling Up Hard Drive ?

May 14, 2010

I have a friend who has Windows XP SP3 running with Vipre Anti Virus, the problem that arise is his temp folder seems to be filling up with these types of files..

C:WINDOWSTEMPSBS_7ZIP_OPEN_20100414122513.234_ 7461

He has a 300GB hard drive and only about 20 or 30GB is used but the rest of the Hard drive will get filled with the above temp files until the whole drives runs out of space..its'll go down to 1 MB or less so the rest of the 200GB is full of temp files..and the low hard drive notifications popsup.. I always have ro have him run CCleaer to clean out his temp folder.

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Recovery Drive Heavily Fragmented?

Nov 16, 2006

i have a HP Pavilion laptop which is about a month or so old. The D drive is labeled as the HP Recovery drive and it is roughly 12 gb. It is formatted in FAT32. I just analyzed it with the disk defrag and it was almost 100% red. The report says the total fragmentation is 47% and the file fragmentation is 97%. Should I defragment this or is it supposed to be this way? And if it's not supposed to be this way does anyone know how or why this happened?

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Drive More Fragmented After Running Systemworks 2006 Defrag?

Aug 16, 2007

I run systemworks o n two computers. Both have XP media center edition.It works fine on the desktop but my laptop it defrags very little. I ususally get the desktop down below 2 percent fragmentation in one try, while my laptop rarely get below 4 percent fragmentation. about a fourth of the time it actually ends up more fragmented after running speed disk.

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Folder On F Drive Is HUGE

Aug 12, 2009

Am trying to do a bit of tidying and my F (main) drive has a WINDOWS folder that is 59.6Gb. When I do properties on the folder's contents (including show hidden files) IT ONLY COMES OUT AT 3.3 gB. there there's over 55Gb of stuff that I can;t access to see what I need and what I can delete.

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C:Drive Completely Full Of Fragmented Files, Unable To Defrag ?

Mar 18, 2007

C: Drive and it just filled up fragmented files to 95%. I've moved the pagefile to its own drive and added 4gigs more to almost 20 gigs on C. Here's what I did that may or may not have something to do with it. Yesterday I resized the drive that C is on and made four partitions each one for a particular person so that the files didn't get mixed.I used Norton Partition Magic and at the end of each task a window would pop up stating that I should make a new rescue disk

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C: Drive Full, Wont Find Fragmented Files; Want To Resize Partitions?

Aug 17, 2007

I have a 20 gb NTFS drive that i partitioned to C: 6gb for system files and E: 14gb for programs. I have a second hard drive for data I: 40gb. The C: drive is getting full. when trying to defragment C:, the report shows a bunch of fragmented files in a path called "/RECYCLED". I cannot seem to find that path anywhere on that drive, so I cannot delete those files! Any advice? I also would like to resize the partitions, will QTparted work for NTFS partitions? OR, any chance I can move my system to the 40gb I: drive (probably not).

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Removing Fragmented Files: Computer Having 13% Fragmented Files?

Dec 18, 2004

I am using Win XP and try to defrag often since I work with a lot of photos and images that i move to CD and then erase from hd. I have a 60gb hd that now has 13% fragmented files that will not defrag. Some are System Volume information_restore others are in my Documents and Settingsapplicationoutlook and some are Documents and SettingsapplicationData1clickDvdcopyvideo

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With JavaScript Overload Seem To Be Filling Up

Sep 27, 2007

My temp files seem to be filling up with temporary Javascript files in a short amount of time. I have used CCleaner, Spybot S&D, MS Mal Removal Tool, I have, I have updated Sun Java and I unchecked Save Temp java files in Control Panel.This helped but the problem is growing again.

I was checking out web set linkware, one of the pages had a box pop up to click OK to run script. This was on a lot of other pages on the same site and worked with no problem. This time there was no java on the page. I am wondering if this caused the problem and how do I fix it? I'm attaching some of the CCleaner logs from today.

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Temp Folder Filling Up / MSIc599.LOG

Mar 23, 2008

When I use a program called "Clean Up" I noticed it's always removing a lot of the same thing from my temp folder.The name of one the Items is: MSIc599.LOG, It seems to be being caused by this thing: ZLT05c3f.TMP Which I am Not allowed to delete

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Computer Is Filling Up Quickly - Uninstalled Programs

Aug 9, 2008

I have 18.4 GB on the C drive.About a year ago, I needed more space so Iuninstalled programs that I hadn't used for awhile, and it cleared enough several gigs of space for me to do stuff again.Afew months later, although i hadn't added any programs, I was out of space again. This time, I got rid of even programs I did use. I cleared a few gigs again, but a month later, it was gone again. I moved all my picture and text files onto external drives.

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Boot / Reboot Hangs - Filling Up Status Bar Several Minutes

Jul 20, 2005

I have been suffering through a weird phenomenon lately. Whenever I go to IE the first time of any boot or reboot, it "hangs" after filling up the status bar for several minutes, then releases and all is well. (NOTE: I don't think this is IE-specific. It has happened booting apps, but I notice it most with IE as I use it extensively.) When things seem to lock up, EVERYTHING is locked up. I can't even bring up Task Manager, none of the icons in the Task Bar are active, etc. Sometimes I can Tab through other apps that are open, sometimes not, but when I can, the app is "frozen" until whatever is going on finishes. During this time, I can watch the process light (I have a Dell D600 laptop) going nuts. Before and after this event, I have run the system through the latest updates of utilities such as Ad-Aware Plus, Ad-Watch, PestPatrol, Symantec Antivirus, Ace Utilities, RegSeeker, etc., and none of them sends up a flag that anything is wrong.

My machine is always up-to-date via Windows Update feature, so I don't know what is causing this. I had the bright idea to reinstall XP SP2, but can't. Every time I try, it quits, giving me nothing more than a smal window with a red X in it and the notification that the install has been cancelled. I ordered the free XPSP2 CD just to see if that would make any difference, but I get the same error. I suspect I could attempt a slipstream install, but I don't want to go through all that if anyone out there recognizes this problem and knows what the solution is outside of doing a slipstream reinstall of SP2. Finally, I have several times done System Restores going back as far as I can, but while they have been successful (although I usually have to do the restore in Safe Mode as they will often fail otherwise), it has made no difference related to this problem.

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Fragmented Files That Wont Be Defragmented?

Sep 16, 2008

I have some fragmented files that cannot be defragmented. Hibern I have two fragments.What can I do?

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Defragmenter Won't Defragment Fragmented Files?

Jan 16, 2006

I have defragmented at least 20 times and these small red files will not defragment. Is there anything I can do?

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System Displays Many Fragmented Files

Jan 21, 2008

I have noticed on several occasions that when my system displays many fragmented files and I'm waiting for the message stating that I should defrag, it appears that the system defrags on it's own!? All the red is gone and everything is blue. Does keeping the browser cache clean and deleting all but the most recent restore points have any bearing on this issue?

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Importance Of Fragmented Files / Computer Having Lots Of These?

Mar 5, 2005

What is fragmenting and what does it do? My computer has several "fragmented files". Should I go ahead and "fragment" my files?

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Fragmented Files Won't Defrag / Only Getting Invalid Folder?

Nov 4, 2005

Tried to defrag hard drive and after action report shows 14.05 GB file that cannot be defragged. Searched for file Documents and Settings Default User Application Data Microsoft ProtectS-1-5-21-676439804-2044662667-630 and got an invalid folder message. Report on volume fragmentation:Total fragmentation=25%
File fragmentation=50% Free space fragmentation=0%

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Losing My Free Space - Fragmented The C Disk

Aug 8, 2008

I have an old laptop with only 4GB of memory between the two disks. The last time I fragmented the C disk, last week, it had 15% of space or about 700MB. Suddenly the next day it jumped to under 200MB. It did that the month before, as well. I have known for some time I have to get another hard disk, but I am trying to hang in there a little longer. I have taken off everything I can think off and have moved everything to the other drive. When it is so low, I can't even System Restore

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Unify Fragmented Master Boot Record

Sep 1, 2005

When I use the diskeeper 8.0 to defrage the drive, it found out that on my
master boot record there are 3 fragments. how to unified these 3 fragments
into 1?

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HUGE Folder 22.2 GB

Apr 15, 2008

I had 1% free space on my laptop hard drive (OS: Windows XP). After deleting nearly all my music, emails, photos, and documents, there is now 7% free space. I think the problem is my Windows folder, which is 22.2 GB (18,391 Files; 1,819 Folderswhy this folder is big so.

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Fragmented Files Taking Large Space / Same Before System Restore?

Sep 23, 2006

i had to system restore and when i came back all my files where gone but i still ahd the same hard disk space left and then i ran my diskk defragmentor and i found some files that i had that are now fragmented and still takeing up large parts of my memory here is what the Analysis report for the defragmentor said and when i go in to USERDATA to try delte some files it says USERDATA is not assable ,acces is denied and i tryed goin in it on safe mode and im administator on my computer so idk y it wont let me in plase help i only got 4% disk space left and when i click run dick defragmentor it says i need 15% space to run efectively sould i still run it and c what happens?

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Lost Huge Folder

Oct 7, 2005

I had my thumb on the left mouse key with a folder selected in wdws explorer tree and was startled by a sound outside. I inadvertantly "dragged" that folder to the left of the tree -- and now that whole huge folder has disappeared. It is not in the recycle bin, and I have even searched the drive with wdws "find files."

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Huge Size Of Folder

Feb 19, 2008

OS: windows XP sp2, physical memory:1.5 GB any one knows why my windows folder size is 5 was 2 GB when my windows was new installed .but after the automatic updates installed , and after i installed Visual studio 2005 ,and other softwares it became 5 GB in size.

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System32 Folder Is Huge

Aug 11, 2008

I happen to notice the size of the WindowsSystem32 folder to be a surprising 892 MB. Checking the size of the Windows folder showed a 383 GB size on disk. Aren't these numbers a tad on the large side? Is my system failing to purge trash and temp files by attaching some strange extention on files? Are log files ever labled as anything other than .log? Or temp files ever something besides .tmp? Fellow tech freaks, I await thy wisdom. If I'm just being paranoid, and my OS folders aren't bloated, please pass on anything I can do to keep an eye out for commonly overlooked bad habits of windows xp sp2 including file and folder build-up, leading to sluggish start-up and general degrading of simple operations.

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Huge Mistake - Csrss.exe

Jun 10, 2005

I made a huge mistake on a friend's computer. I removed a file when a virus software told me to. Unfortunately it was wrong and it thought it was a virus. Now I have to know how I can put the file back. It is csrss.exe

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Services.exe File - 70% CPU Huge

Dec 31, 2006

For some reason, my services.exe file on my computer is hogging my CPU, usually holding around 70% of my CPU usage. I'm not sure at all why this is happening. I recently installed a Kensington Bluetooth adapter, could that be the problem? I started having this problem a few days ago, about 5 days after I installed the adapter...

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Huge TMP Files In WindowsTemp

Jun 29, 2007

I have large number of very big TMP files (averaging 300mb) that appear in WinTemp, with no applications open. They can appear in a very short period of time (a couple of hours), and I have to boot into Safe Mode w/command prompt to delete them. In a short period of time, they can obliterate as much as 30 gb of disk space. Is there a way to determine what program or utility is writing these files? And if found, is there a way to prevent them from being written? I'm running XP Pro, version 2002, SP2.

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Explorer.exe Hogs The CPU To 99% Causing Huge

Sep 4, 2005

At least twice per day Explorer.exe hogs the CPU to 99%. I can only stop it by rebooting. It has started doing so only the last two weeks or so. I use Windows XP Pro, Norton Security, Stopzilla, Counterspy, Microsoft anti spyware, Norton Ghost, Retrospect Express for my backup drive. I have a Pentium 4 2.25 Ghz, 1.5 Gb memory, Nvidia graphic card. I have searched Microsoft Knowledge Base as well as Google groups and have found no answers.

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Huge List Of Hotfix Items - Does Keep Them?

Nov 25, 2005

my mother in law has a huge list of window xp hotfix items in her add and remove programs list, does she need to keep them?

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Huge Files Of Games Defrag

May 8, 2008

For a while now i had a few HUGE files for these games i have and i can't seem to defrag them. does anyone no why or if its even a that much of a big deal.

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Huge Quick Launch Buttons

Dec 23, 2004

i just installed windows xp and my quick launch buttons are about 4 times the size they should be is this new in sp2? can i change it? because it's really annoying

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