Spontaneous Resume From Hibernation / Displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 7, 2006

When resuming from hibernate or standby it made a clunking noise like it was trying to find something and then displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to Restart. Sometimes it worked, others not. I then found that it was displaying the NTLDR error so I backed up everything did a destructive recovery and started doing all the new updates for Windows, etc. Seemed to be working fine and then I added two additional hard drives (one for backup and the other for recording TV). I sent it to hibernate and the next day I tried to startup and couldn't get the OS to load at all. I finally did a recovery to one of the other hard drives. I did all the updates, added some new programs and set Media Center to record. I put the machine in hibernate and left. When I returned the machine was on and the TV recording was executed as programmed. I put the machine in hibernate again last night and when I awoke the machine was running. I had not set a recording so I'm wondering why it would spontaneously restart for no apparent reason.

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NTLDR Is Missing Press Ctrl+Alt=Del To Restart

Jan 1, 2007

I just reformatted my 20G HD. I have an Intel D845GLLY motherboard with a Pentium 4 processor. When I try to load Windows XP Pro from the installation disk it says "NTLDR is missing", so either it is not on my installation cd, or most likely the files are corrupt. I got my XP Pro from the MSDAA; I am in school to be a Computer Forensic Specialist. So, I got a floppy disk and copied NTLDR, NTDETECT, and boot.ini to it. When I put the floppy in my computer though, it says that it is not bootable. How do I get those (3) files on my computer that has been formatted? Are there other files that I need on my floppy.

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Ran Recovery - NTLDR Is Compressed Press Atl - Ctrl - Del To Restart

Jun 22, 2009

I ran a recovery on my computer and now I get a message, "NTLDR is Compressed press atl. ctrl. del to restart." When I restart it gives the same message each time.

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Disc Read Error / Press CTRL-ALT-DEL To Restart

Jan 4, 2008

So i'm getting this error msg when I boot up Windows XP.Disc Read Error Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart. I do it but then it just comes up with that screen again.I have tried countless of times but it doesn't want to seem to work.This started happening after a game crash. Of artifacting and overheating and all that. So right now i'm using Ubuntu but it sucks. I hate it. I'm getting artifacts all over the screen. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to go into Windows Safe Mode either like trying to press F8 and all that. Otherwise, I would have tried to do a System Restore.

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A Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Del To Restart

Oct 25, 2009

A Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press ctrl alt del to restart I keep getting that message when i turn on my computer its been like that for the past few days. Im Using windows XP Bell system optiplex 170L series Bios version A07 I can access the setup menu and the boot menu but idk what to do. im a computer noob.

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Getting Disk Read Error And System Asking To Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart?

Jun 27, 2010

A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restartThis is what my compaq lap top is saying upon restart. Using XP, I do not have any recovery or diagnostic disks.I have a new laptop and was using the compaq as a back- up. I hadn't used it much in the last month or so and when I turned it on, it was unusually slow.I attempted to defrag the hard drive, and it initialized(after it analyzed). During this time windows shut it down for an update to take effect. Upon restart, this is the message I got: A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.

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A Disk Read Error Occurred / Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Feb 17, 2006

I'm running Windows XP on a EMachines PC. The PC is only a little over a year old. Suddenly tonight I have what appears to be a DOS screen that says "A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart". After doing a ctrl alt delete, I keep getting the same screen again. Can anyone shed some light on how to restart my PC? Is the hard drive shot?

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Cannot Resume From Hibernation

Jun 17, 2006

I have recently hibernated my computer and now I cannot resume it. It comes up and says "Resuming Windows" to a black screen except for the white text.I cannot seem to find the hibernation file to delete it to see if that will fix it.

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Resume From Hibernation / System Using 50%

Jul 21, 2005

Having never used Hibernation before, I thought I'd make sure my machine would actually do it. It did fine, and rebooted fast...but now my CPU is showing System using 50% of resources in Task Manager whereas before it would almost zilch usually.

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Optimize Resume From Hibernation

Aug 24, 2004

I'm running one of my computers as a MEdia computer. I need it Winamp(video, music), and IE (Browsing) and that is pretty much it.How can I optimize XP PRO so that It can resume from Hibernation as quickly as possible.

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Run Tasks On Resume From Hibernation

Aug 15, 2005

I've been looking for a way to ensure that a specific task runs after my desktop resumes from hibernation. Initially, I'd hoped for something akin to the "Run at user logon" or "Run at startup" optionsavailable in the schedule tab of a scheduled task, but there is no setting for "Run at resume from standby/hibernation"

Restore a VPN connection after the computer's network capabilities are restored on resuming from hibernation. This is important because I have to occasionally wake thesystem from offsite using its Wake-On-LAN NIC. I've tried setting up a scheduled task to run at start-up and user logon which uses RASDIAL to dial the appropriate VPN connection, but this connection depends on the logged-in user's credentials, so it won't work at start-up. When set to have it run at user logon, it doesn't run when the computer comes out of hibernation.

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Resume From Hibernation With Ps2 Mouse Or Keyboard

Jan 23, 2008

After hibernation, cannot resume from ps2 keyboard or mouse. Resumes OK by momentarily pressing power button. Intel MOBD D915GAVL, WXP OS. No options in BIOS.

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PC Doesn't Resume From Hibernation Nor Standby

Aug 9, 2005

I've never been able to resume the computer from hibernation, which is a feature I really miss. As this is OEM software Microsoft won't support it, although they provided me with this hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/defau [...] -us;815304
which I thought would help because it seemed to be the problem, but doesn't.

The computer hibernates or goes into standbye without any problems or errors, but never resumes. The screen gets all black, although I get the mouse's arrow moving.
Sometimes my desktop background appears, sometimes it then disappears.Once it went to the login screen, but was really slow. All of this ends up with me having to hold down the power button until the computer shuts down.I've tried disabling hibernation, restarts, re-enable hibernation, restart... and so on.I've also run disk defragmenter and disk cleanup. I've read anything possible, looked at the BIOS

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Random / Spontaneous Reboot - Reconfigured Not Auto Restart On Crashes

Aug 27, 2005

Initially, it just seemed like totally random and spontaneous reboots. But after I reconfigured XP to not autorestart on crashes, now I'm getting BSODs. IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000188, 0x000000FF, 0x00000000, 0x804E35E9)Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.
This seems to happen at 2 times.
1) Completely random, with no obvious ties to any activity.
2) When a USB device is disconnected. Windows acknowledges the removal with a bong, but then BSOD crashes seconds later.

Both are extremely intermittent and it may be a week or more in between crashes. I can sit there and insert and remove USB devices (a Creative USB MP3 Player) until I'm blue in the face and never see a crash. This is a home built PC with an ASUS motherboard running XP Home. The system has been reliable for many years but just started this in the last several months. I'm current on all service packs, updates, and whatever else I've been able to find.

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Energy Saving Configuration / Hibernation Task Occurs On Resume

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to implement some energy saving configuration on our Windows XP computers. I use Task Scheduler to put PCs into hibernate mode with psshutdown.exe : Quote :schtasks /create /tn ecoenergie /tr "c:WINDOWSpsshutdown.exe -h -accepteula" /sc ONIDLE /i 60 /ru "System"

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Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete To Log In

Jun 25, 2003

I have not tested this with any version of Windows XP besides XP Pro. It might work in Home Edition or other versions.If you do this, then you will get the "Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete to begin" box when you turn on your computer, before it asks for your username and password.  It also asks for you to press Ctrl-Alt-Del before you can unlock your computer if you lock it.  This is done by default in Windows 2000 Server or Windows Server 2003.

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Boot Up / Press Alt+Ctrl+Del For The Pc To Continue Start-up

Apr 13, 2006

I'm using a pentium3, micronpc. I'm running on xp pro. press alt+Ctrl+Del for the pc to continue start-up. I've already gone into the BIOS settings and changed the boot sequence around but it's still not conrected the problem.

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Press Alt + Ctrl + Delete / Getting Option To Lock Windows

Nov 17, 2006

When I press Alt + Ctrl + Delete in my office iam getiing an option to lock the windows , but when i do the same in my house i straight away get the task manager. Is there anything that i can do in windows to get that option . I have windows XP OS .

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Press CTRL+ALT+DEL Task Manager Appears For Second Then Minimizes Itself

Jul 4, 2005

When I press CTRL+ALT+DEL the task manager appears for a second, then minimizes itself to the icon tray. When I position the mouse over the icon it disappears. I've run Norton Antivirus, Ad-aware, Spy Sweeper and Microsoft Anti Spyware, but none of them identify a virus relating to this problem.

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Formatted Computer - Disk Read Error Press Ctrl Alt Delete - Blank Screen

Sep 17, 2009

i recently attempted to format my computer as it was going very slowly, i did the usual process of inserting the recovery cd's which came with the computer however this time the process did not complete, i left it for over an hour and the screen still remained the same. I decided to restart the computer and a message keeps coming up, disk read error press ctrl alt delete. I tried formatting again but all i get is a blank screen even before its begun, i tried using windows xp cd's

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Slow Hibernation Restart And User Switching

Sep 11, 2007

on wake-up from being inactive, the blue screen shows and the system remains at that point for about 2 mintues, then the user logon screen shows. One cannot select a user and logon yet, but after about another minute, the logon screen will show, for example that a given user account has three progams running(which it should). Then the computer runs fine everything works, and it appears to be as snappy as ever. The system: XP SP2, Intel Core 2 Duo with 1GB. 300GB Barracuda drive, 7200, lots of free space. Disk has been defragged and I have run the tools from the Iolo System Mechanic suite.

I run latest ZoneAlarm with spy blocking and antivirus, also run Spysweeper. Windows firewall is on. I also seem to be having sound problems, i.e. none. Another system, older with roughly the same protection, on the network runs fine.

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Ntldr Is Missing-press Any Key To Restart

Aug 6, 2007

I was getting the message "ntldr is missing-press any key to restart". I was able to fix that through trail and error. After I restarted my computer I got the message "disc error". Would someone be able to help out. I am running Windows XP.

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Computer Restart After Press Enter Button

Jan 15, 2006

Have been constructing a new pc. everything is in place, and every component is definately compatible with one another. the problem is when i try to install XP, i am able to load the windows files, including a sata driver for my 160 gb maxtor, from a floppy disk. when it prompts me to continue with installation by pressing ENTER, i press enter and the computer restarts whats all that about?

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Press Shutdown Button Goes Restart System

May 16, 2005

My computer will not shut down. When I hit the "start" button and then select "shutdown" it goes through all of the motions, but then it reboots. It is almost as though it thinks that I am hitting the "restart" button instead of the "shutdown" button. When I followed the checklist in Windows, it suggested a restore point. I tried that but it said that I had made no changes to the computer since that restore point and therefore I could not use the restore point technique.

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On Resume Pasword Protect / On Resume Display Welcome Screen

Sep 29, 2004

I have read dozens of threads containing similar questions.Let me explain what I did, and what my system is now doing. I only have one user account (my own) besides the disabled guest account, and the hidden admin and hidden asp.net account. For over
two years, my system was fine. It always went back to the welcome screen when the screen saver kicks in and I just click my name, type my password, and am back in.

Computer screen saver kicks in, when I go to log back in, it brings up the classic 2k looking UNLOCK screen. I went back to the screen saver settings and reset them back to the default, but no luck. Since this has happened, I noticed 2 things. My screen saver settings now display ON RESUME, PASSWORD PROTECT instead of the ON RESUME, DISPLAY WELCOME SCREEN. Also, about half the time I am on my home PC, its tunneled in to it from work via REMOTE DESKTOP CONNECTION. Previously, when I would minimize my connection and work locally here at work, if the screen saver at home had time to come on, when I click to maximize my home PC, I could tell that the screen saver was running, and it would immediately refresh and bring me back to my
desktop assuming that since it was set to ON RESUME, DISPLAY WELCOME SCREEN and since that would not be a possible thing connected via RDC, it just turned the screen saver off and I was ready to work.

Now, when I am tunneled in, when the screen saver comes on and I go back to my home PC session, it brings up the UNLOCK PC prompt and requires me to logon. Everything I have read about this says that the reason it is doing this is because I only have one user account setup.

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A Disk Read Error Occurred - CTRL-ALT-DEL To Restart

Aug 17, 2009

My computer has recently started giving me an error message that says "A disk read error occurred. Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart." during startup. The first time this came up I took it into the repair shop the morning after. They turned the computer on, it started normally, and after keeping it overnight they returned it to me saying that they could find nothing wrong with it.It worked normally for about 2 days after that and then when I was using it the system suddenly became unresponsive. I was forced to turn it off via the button on the front of my tower, and when I turned it back on the disk read error message came back up.
The next morning when I turned it on it was fine.

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Disk Read Error Occurred Press Control Alt Delete To Restart

Feb 11, 2008

When I start up, I get a black screen with this: Disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart So I do. Same thing happens. I don't have any CDs or anything in the drive. The computer had also been shutting down randomly on me prior to this.

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Cpu Usage / Press Ctrl, Alt And Delete, The Cpu Usage Appears To Be 100%

Jan 22, 2005

I recently installed a winTV card in my computer, ever since that I have noticed that when I press ctrl, alt and delete, the cpu usage appears to be 100% full whenever I try to open an mpeg file I have recorded from the TV card. it is a pentium 4 2.8 ghz processor.

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Disk Read Error Press Control, Alt, Delete, To Restart ERROR

Jul 23, 2008

window loads, sits, finally other half will load, mouse just doesn't seem to do anything so you click again and 3 minutes later 2 of whatever will finally open... just annoying crap really A few days ago comcast went off and I had to unplug modem, wait, then plug back up and restart system. I got a "Disk read error press control, alt, delete, to restart"
error, tried that same thing so I shut down and when I turned back on it booted fine. I have since moved... just set up the system and am getting the same error except this time shutdown/restart isn't working ( The OTHER problem I realize is this... this is a tempory move! Most everything I own is in a storage unit, boxes to the back, furniture to the front and guess where my disks are? Right! I put printer, shredder, disks, everything I didn't just HAVE to have in the storage unit.

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Spontaneous Reboot After Virus

Aug 10, 2009

I'm having trouble with my HP Desktop running Windows XP Home. A virus brought my computer down a couple of days ago. The virus had the effect of redirecting me to commercial sites off of Google searches. This effect only seemed to be an issue with IE: Firefox didn't seem to be affected by it at all. After lots of scrubbing with a combo of anti-virus applications I was able to clear out my pc's infection. However, since then I've been experiencing intermittent reboots. Typically happens when I'm doing something memory intensive. It happened twice, for instance, when I was attempting to back up my hard disk. It's also knocked my active desktop out a few different times. I ran a scan on minidump files using WinDbg. Initially scans said problem with unknown driver. After adding diagnostic capacity to registry file however (altering registry so a specific error would print) and reexamining some of the earlier scans, I got an outcome of memory corruption.

I tried to beat this by altering virtual memory: thought virus may have impacted virtual memory somehow. Changed virtual memory to XP control and this seemed to have benefits for performance but I got another reboot when I tried another hard disk backup. I realize minidump readings for memory corruption can indicate RAM or other failure, but this was not an issue at all until the virus came and went. I can't believe it's simply coincidence that I'm experiencing this now. I never had reboots like this before.

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Ctrl Button Whack No Ctrl+alt+del, New Windows In Fire Fox

Jan 19, 2007

I'm usually pretty proficient in handling typical squirreliness with my computer but this one's a tough one for me to wrap my mind around. Here's my computer specs:Just recently I'd been gone to work and my girlfriend was at home on the computer.She usually goes on myspace, xanga, facebook a lot and generally doesn't stray far from those activities. I got home and she pointed out the computer was acting weird. When I hit ctrl+alt+del, the screen just gets a light blue sheen over it until I click and then it's gone with no sign of the task manager. Also in firefox I cannot use the ctrl keys. The left ctrl key when pressed immediately makes the font size in the window larger and larger and after 2 or 3 presses opens a new tab in firefox. The right ctrl key yesterday was opening a new tab going to gmail and today is doing a variety of things including going back a page and copying text to pages. I can't use any ctrl key combinations in any software without it doing something strange. In Azureus it opens a file's statistics.

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