Press Shutdown Button Goes Restart System

May 16, 2005

My computer will not shut down. When I hit the "start" button and then select "shutdown" it goes through all of the motions, but then it reboots. It is almost as though it thinks that I am hitting the "restart" button instead of the "shutdown" button. When I followed the checklist in Windows, it suggested a restore point. I tried that but it said that I had made no changes to the computer since that restore point and therefore I could not use the restore point technique.

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Computer Restart After Press Enter Button

Jan 15, 2006

Have been constructing a new pc. everything is in place, and every component is definately compatible with one another. the problem is when i try to install XP, i am able to load the windows files, including a sata driver for my 160 gb maxtor, from a floppy disk. when it prompts me to continue with installation by pressing ENTER, i press enter and the computer restarts whats all that about?

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Getting Disk Read Error And System Asking To Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart?

Jun 27, 2010

A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restartThis is what my compaq lap top is saying upon restart. Using XP, I do not have any recovery or diagnostic disks.I have a new laptop and was using the compaq as a back- up. I hadn't used it much in the last month or so and when I turned it on, it was unusually slow.I attempted to defrag the hard drive, and it initialized(after it analyzed). During this time windows shut it down for an update to take effect. Upon restart, this is the message I got: A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart.

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Restart And Reboot System Shutdown

Apr 29, 2008

I'm not too knowledgeable about the technical side of computing, so please bear with me.I'm running Windows XP Professional (SP2) on an AMD Athlon XP 3200+. My grandson showed me a game called Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, which I fell in love with and subsequently bought for my own computer. As I only had 'on board' graphics, the game obviously wouldn't run, so I bought an Nvidia 6200 graphics card.Following the instructions which came with it, I installed the card successfully. The only thing I couldn't do was disable the 'on board' graphics, but as my computer recognised the new card automatically, I went ahead and installed the driver.The new card didn't need an extra power source, as there was no connector on it. Incidentally, I did find the 'on board' graphics in the System > Properties list, but nothing happens when I click on it, so I assume I can't disable it.

Everything appeared to work well and I got the Roller Coaster game up and running beautifully.Some time later, after I had closed the game and gone on to other things, I needed to restart my computer, so I went through the usual restart sequence.Things went well at first but some way through the Windows XP loading screen, where the little blue bars scroll across, my computer simply switched off, totally! I tried again (obviously from a cold boot this time), but the same thing happened.To cut a long story short, I eventually removed the new card, and restored my system to a safe point, and it's now running perfectly again, although I can't play my game now.I'd be really grateful for any advice you can offer as to what the problem might be, as I want to build some more roller coasters!

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System Shutdown/Restart Shown Error

Jul 28, 2009

Getting an error message that goes STOP: 0x0000008E. Everytime i try to shut down or restart. I was also getting alot of Buffer Overflow Blocked warnings from mcafee before i uninstalled and used SpyBot Search And Destroy which has cleaned a couple trojans off of my comp that mcafee did not find.? Also everytime i open a program or even I.E. A seperate window opens up thats all text, And if i close that window the whole program closes.

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System Won't Shutdown/restart/logoff Using Standard Dialog?

Oct 7, 2007

I have recently built and deployed an SBS 2003 server. Today I joined one of my machines to that newly created domain. In this process (adding to domain, redirecting My Docs, etc.) I lost the ability to logoff. Not exactly clear when that happened, but the current state is no good.I cannot log off using the start menu items. When the logoff or shutdown dialogs come up I can click the OK or Log Off and the dialog goes away, but nothing happens. I have looked at the task manager and really nothing happens. CPU doesn't budge. I can continue working as long as I'd like.

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Press Sleep Button And Xp Logo

Jul 9, 2008

I got problem with his desktop XP SP2 , when he starts the PC it boots normally till it reaches where it shows windows XP logo then the screen gets blank (i.e he can not see the login name for users). What he used to do: is press the sleep button on the wireless keyboard, then after that press the hardware switch on/off button (not the reset button) on the tower of the hard box. After pressing switch on/off button, he gets directly (pay attention to this) to the login screen where he can see the usernames for all users. He has to do this procedure every time he would like to boot the desktop

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V Press Power Button Take Seconds For Shuts Down?

Nov 9, 2006

when v press the power button of a system for some seconds it shuts down. but is this way good for the system? i have tried several times but did not check for errors in the drive when i started the system again so can i go ahead, switching off the sys. using the above method?

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Explorer Freezes When Press Delete Button On Keyboard

Jul 2, 2009

I have been experiencing this for the last few weeks. Whenever I press the delete button to delete a file from a folder, the windows explorer freezes and then I have to go to task manager to end this.

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Locks Up Mouse / Keyboard - Recover Press Reset Button

Jan 5, 2005

I use Windows XP home edition. My computer locks up every now and then, the mouse, keyboard, everything. The only way to recover it is to press the reset button. It may go for days and have no problems, then may lock up several times in one day. Than it might go for days again with no problems. It happens a lot when you are playing the windows games, but it will also do it sometimes with other programs. I have looked everywhere to try and figure it out, but I have had no luck. Do you have any ideas what might be causing this or where I can look to correct this problem?

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Ntldr Is Missing-press Any Key To Restart

Aug 6, 2007

I was getting the message "ntldr is missing-press any key to restart". I was able to fix that through trail and error. After I restarted my computer I got the message "disc error". Would someone be able to help out. I am running Windows XP.

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NTLDR Is Missing Press Ctrl+Alt=Del To Restart

Jan 1, 2007

I just reformatted my 20G HD. I have an Intel D845GLLY motherboard with a Pentium 4 processor. When I try to load Windows XP Pro from the installation disk it says "NTLDR is missing", so either it is not on my installation cd, or most likely the files are corrupt. I got my XP Pro from the MSDAA; I am in school to be a Computer Forensic Specialist. So, I got a floppy disk and copied NTLDR, NTDETECT, and boot.ini to it. When I put the floppy in my computer though, it says that it is not bootable. How do I get those (3) files on my computer that has been formatted? Are there other files that I need on my floppy.

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Ran Recovery - NTLDR Is Compressed Press Atl - Ctrl - Del To Restart

Jun 22, 2009

I ran a recovery on my computer and now I get a message, "NTLDR is Compressed press atl. ctrl. del to restart." When I restart it gives the same message each time.

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Disc Read Error / Press CTRL-ALT-DEL To Restart

Jan 4, 2008

So i'm getting this error msg when I boot up Windows XP.Disc Read Error Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to restart. I do it but then it just comes up with that screen again.I have tried countless of times but it doesn't want to seem to work.This started happening after a game crash. Of artifacting and overheating and all that. So right now i'm using Ubuntu but it sucks. I hate it. I'm getting artifacts all over the screen. It's driving me insane. I can't seem to go into Windows Safe Mode either like trying to press F8 and all that. Otherwise, I would have tried to do a System Restore.

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Spontaneous Resume From Hibernation / Displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 7, 2006

When resuming from hibernate or standby it made a clunking noise like it was trying to find something and then displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to Restart. Sometimes it worked, others not. I then found that it was displaying the NTLDR error so I backed up everything did a destructive recovery and started doing all the new updates for Windows, etc. Seemed to be working fine and then I added two additional hard drives (one for backup and the other for recording TV). I sent it to hibernate and the next day I tried to startup and couldn't get the OS to load at all. I finally did a recovery to one of the other hard drives. I did all the updates, added some new programs and set Media Center to record. I put the machine in hibernate and left. When I returned the machine was on and the TV recording was executed as programmed. I put the machine in hibernate again last night and when I awoke the machine was running. I had not set a recording so I'm wondering why it would spontaneously restart for no apparent reason.

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A Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press Ctrl Alt Del To Restart

Oct 25, 2009

A Disk Read Error Has Occurred Press ctrl alt del to restart I keep getting that message when i turn on my computer its been like that for the past few days. Im Using windows XP Bell system optiplex 170L series Bios version A07 I can access the setup menu and the boot menu but idk what to do. im a computer noob.

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A Disk Read Error Occurred / Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Feb 17, 2006

I'm running Windows XP on a EMachines PC. The PC is only a little over a year old. Suddenly tonight I have what appears to be a DOS screen that says "A Disk Read Error Occurred. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart". After doing a ctrl alt delete, I keep getting the same screen again. Can anyone shed some light on how to restart my PC? Is the hard drive shot?

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Disk Read Error Occurred Press Control Alt Delete To Restart

Feb 11, 2008

When I start up, I get a black screen with this: Disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to restart So I do. Same thing happens. I don't have any CDs or anything in the drive. The computer had also been shutting down randomly on me prior to this.

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No Shutdown Or Run Button In Start Menu

Sep 11, 2007

Hello, The other day I formatted my computer and reinstalled everything back onto it. I've run a few spyware scans and deleted all (most were cookies) and also some virus scans with AVG. It picked up about 11 viruses! but I quarantined them. Anyways, the problem is there's no shutdown or run button on my start menu! I've never heard of that before. So I'm wondering what it is. I've tried to access the registry editor by pressing Windows + R, typing regedit in Command Prompt, and browsing through the Windows folder for it, but it comes up with "Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator" I don't get this, I AM the administrator! What could it be!?

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Remove Shutdown Button From Logon Screen

Nov 26, 2002

To remove the shutdown button from the logon screen in WinXP and 2K, use regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem...change the value of the dword 'shutdownwithoutlogon' to '0'. exit regedit!

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Restart Button For WinPro SP2?

Dec 8, 2005

I have reviewed the following thread and discovered that the solution does not work on my WinXP Pro SP2 computer.Solved: XP shut down window Jag11 in post#3 of the thread and the original poster applied this fix which worked for the original poster, CactusJack: Control Panel>User Accounts Click Change the way users log on or off, tick the Use the Welcome screen, then click Apply Options.When I click on Start, there are only two buttons at the bottom: Log Off and Turn Off Computer, and no green icon for Restart. The green icon can be found when the Turn Off Computer icon is pressed and appears to the right of Stand by and Turn Off icons in the displayed window (Turn off computer) at the center of the screen.Is there a fix for this problem - i.e. how do I get the Restart icon back at the botton of the Start button display? Or, is this how WinXP Pro SP2 is normally, and not considered a problem?

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Is Custom Made Shutdown - Shortcut Button Safe To Use?

Apr 7, 2008

I made a desktop shortcut that I am using to shutdown the computer at the end of the day. Is it safe to use "shutdown" this way or is it better to go through the 2 extra steps: Start, Turn Off Computer, and Shutdown? It seems to work fine shutting down from the shortcut, I just don't want to damage the computer. For the shortcut I used this command: shutdown -s -t 0 -c "hi"

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PC Won't Shutdown - Nor Restart

Apr 17, 2007

My PC won't shutdown through Windows (nor will it 'Restart' through Windows).

I'm suspecting that it's some sort of dll error

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Installing Updates On Shutdown: Turn Off Button Had Security Shield?

Dec 17, 2004

I have Windows XP w/SP-2 installed on a laptop. Last night, I was notified that there were four critical updates to be installed. I clicked to install them. When I shut the computer down, I noticed that the "Turn off" button had the little security shield icon superimposed and mousing over the button said that it would install updates and shut down my computer. I had never noticed anything like this before, but I assumed it was a new feature that came with a recent Windows update.

Now I'm worried that I was wrong, because after shutting down at 11:30 pm or so last night, the computer seems to be hung. I have a screen with a blue background, the Windows XP logo, and I get a message that alternates between saying "Do not turn off or unplug your computer; it will turn off automatically." and "Installing update 1 of 4." Again, this is behaviour I've never seen before, and has been going on now for over 9 hours. Unfortunately, I did not make note of the critical updates, but I seem to remember that the file sizes were not that large.

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Xp On Laptop That Restart After Shutdown

Sep 5, 2005

i just instaled win xp and office. everything works ok.just when i shutdown the computer it restart it self as if i just pushed the restart button. that is why i need each time to reset the computer.

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Can't Log Off/shutdown/restart As Normal

Aug 31, 2005

I always met the problems when I wanted to log off/shutdown/restart Windows XP Professional. When I click log off/shutdown/restart button, nothing happened. What I can do is just press the power button 5 sec to shutdown. But that problem didn't happen every time. I met this error in a lot of computers. I think it's not a hardware problem.

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Restart On Shutdown Or Hibernate

Dec 12, 2005

I asked this on the Hardware forum, but I think its more suitable here:Whenever I try and shut my computer down, or put it into hibernate, it restarts the computer: Power button - restarts when it should turn it off Start>Turn Off Computer>Turn Off - Restarts it Hibernate - The 'Hibernating' bar reaches the end, then it restarts. When it restarts after hibernate, everything appears already loaded (just as if I had brought it out of hibernate the proper way).I have tried all the common problem, which I found on google (Such as the uatomatic restart problem), all to no effect.I have installed no new software recently, and changed no settings that I know of.

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Computer Won't Shutdown Or Restart

Sep 18, 2007

my computer it won't shut down or restart i have verizon and it comes wit a internet security suite and it has a anitvirus on it. i wouldn't update so i uninstalled it and installed it again but when its done it says u need to restart the computer so the programs can work rite but the cmputer won't restart it jus stays there and when i hit shutdown it jus stays there too. its like my computer won't shutdown or restart when i want it to.

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SP2 Hangs During Shutdown And Restart

Jan 4, 2007

When I try to turn off or restart Windows XP, it hangs at the "Windows is shutting down" screen. I have rebooted in safe mode and was able to restart in safe mode. I have tried system restore and run the check disk utility without success. I checked the Event Viewer and saw 2 recurring warnings from EvntAgnt. The first is event 1003 and the second is event 1015. I have also run the free TweakNow and Eusing registry cleaners.

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Laptop Restart Instead Of Shutdown

Oct 27, 2007

I just spoke to my daughter at college who is having trouble with her Acer laptop, running XP SP2, Intel Celleron, 2GB RAM, and using Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite. When she clicks "shut down" the laptop appears to shut down, but then restarts. "Restart" is not selected. I did a Google search and found a known problem with Roxio Easy CD Creator 5.0 and with Direct CD 5.0, but as best I can tell she has neither program installed (she looked in "programs" folder, and in control panel under "add and remove programs" and couldn't find either listed). I also had her right click "my computer", "properties", "advanced", "startup and recovery - settings", and uncheck the "automatically restart" box in "system failure" section. But her laptop still restarts at shutdown.

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Display Settings Don't Keep After Restart Or Shutdown?

Feb 10, 2006

ive tryed heaps of differnt drivers and the one mentioned above are the ones im running now The Actual Problem is that i set the Resoloution to 1024x786x32 bit in display and everytime i turn of the comp or restart it goes back to 640x480x8bit! the windows in an old install from a collage ! maybe this is the problemThe Settings wont stick!!! even with running comp with no Drivers?(no chipset,display) and it still reverts back to 640-480-8bit

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