Is Custom Made Shutdown - Shortcut Button Safe To Use?

Apr 7, 2008

I made a desktop shortcut that I am using to shutdown the computer at the end of the day. Is it safe to use "shutdown" this way or is it better to go through the 2 extra steps: Start, Turn Off Computer, and Shutdown? It seems to work fine shutting down from the shortcut, I just don't want to damage the computer. For the shortcut I used this command: shutdown -s -t 0 -c "hi"

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Shutdown Shortcut

Mar 13, 2006

As you all probably know, you can create a shortcut that will automatically shut down your PC, by creating a desktop shortcut of C:WindowsSystem32Shutdown.exe. There is a catch: if you accidentally press it, there is no convenient way to stop the shutdown sequence. (you can create a CANCEL SHUTDOWN shortcut, and have the shudown shortcut have a delay (-t 10, for example), but that is cumbersome, and will take up even more desktop real estate.)So i had this idea for a solution. I tried creating a keyboard shortcut for the shutdown shortcut (and was going to do the same for the Cancel Shutdown Shortcut). And, it worked fine. The point was that I could get rid of the little shutdown shortcut icon from my desktop. So, I moved it to a file in My Documents, so it would still be available, just not sitting on the desktop. (Note: I even repeated the above process, starting in another folder, instead of starting at the desktop and the following problems still occurred)

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Made A Partition, Made It Active, Copied C: To It But Can't Boot

Aug 14, 2009

I have a 1terrabyte drive and I want to get my two older drives out of the tower. I made some partitions, I copied the c: drive contents to r: and I made r: active. But it won't boot when I romove c: as it doesn't see netdlr. Or is it netldr? LOL. At any rate, maybe part of the problem is that r: is now r:c:windows and not r:windows. But it took forever to copy this drive to r: and I don't want to do it again.I am using Cobian backup by the way.

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No Shutdown Or Run Button In Start Menu

Sep 11, 2007

Hello, The other day I formatted my computer and reinstalled everything back onto it. I've run a few spyware scans and deleted all (most were cookies) and also some virus scans with AVG. It picked up about 11 viruses! but I quarantined them. Anyways, the problem is there's no shutdown or run button on my start menu! I've never heard of that before. So I'm wondering what it is. I've tried to access the registry editor by pressing Windows + R, typing regedit in Command Prompt, and browsing through the Windows folder for it, but it comes up with "Registry editing has been disabled by your administrator" I don't get this, I AM the administrator! What could it be!?

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Remove Shutdown Button From Logon Screen

Nov 26, 2002

To remove the shutdown button from the logon screen in WinXP and 2K, use regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem...change the value of the dword 'shutdownwithoutlogon' to '0'. exit regedit!

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Press Shutdown Button Goes Restart System

May 16, 2005

My computer will not shut down. When I hit the "start" button and then select "shutdown" it goes through all of the motions, but then it reboots. It is almost as though it thinks that I am hitting the "restart" button instead of the "shutdown" button. When I followed the checklist in Windows, it suggested a restore point. I tried that but it said that I had made no changes to the computer since that restore point and therefore I could not use the restore point technique.

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Installing Updates On Shutdown: Turn Off Button Had Security Shield?

Dec 17, 2004

I have Windows XP w/SP-2 installed on a laptop. Last night, I was notified that there were four critical updates to be installed. I clicked to install them. When I shut the computer down, I noticed that the "Turn off" button had the little security shield icon superimposed and mousing over the button said that it would install updates and shut down my computer. I had never noticed anything like this before, but I assumed it was a new feature that came with a recent Windows update.

Now I'm worried that I was wrong, because after shutting down at 11:30 pm or so last night, the computer seems to be hung. I have a screen with a blue background, the Windows XP logo, and I get a message that alternates between saying "Do not turn off or unplug your computer; it will turn off automatically." and "Installing update 1 of 4." Again, this is behaviour I've never seen before, and has been going on now for over 9 hours. Unfortunately, I did not make note of the critical updates, but I seem to remember that the file sizes were not that large.

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No Task Bar/start Button In Safe Mode?

Sep 26, 2006

One of the biggest problems I'm having with this activation problem is that I have no task bar in the safe mode. The only way I can get anything to run is through the run command in the task manager (ctrl-alt-del still works).Is there a way to get the start key back?

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It Is Now Safe To Shutdown Your Computer - Pro

Apr 5, 2005

I did a clean install of XP Pro on my Dell and now I always get "It is now safe to shutdown your computer" when I power it down. I was running 98se and it always shut down by itself so I'm sure the bios supports this as some have suggested to me.

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SP2 Made My Display Blurry

Jan 19, 2005

Everything WAS fine until I installed Windows SP2 onto my computer, and now my CRT monitor (Samsung 763MB) has been blurry; like when a TV signal thats not coming in very well, a faded double, regardless of smoothing being set to ClearType or Standard, this ghost shadow wont go away. Ive reinstalled the monitors drivers (I downloaded a new copy even though it was the same version, so I know my driver install wasnt corrupt. I have half a mind already to uninstall SP2

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Ok So I Made A Mistake Downloaded Webshots

Aug 9, 2005

like a fool i downloaded webshots, it seems to be riddled with adware, now no matter what i try i can't get rid. i have run ad-aware, spy-bot sd, microsoft anti spyware and i have norton 2005 but i am still suffering with the blessed pop-ups and my system is running fairly slowly

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Changes Made To Drives / System Sestore

Nov 4, 2008

I need to restore to an earlier version on my computer as im having problems with Alias Maya Software (whole different issue) but when i go to restore to an earlier point this message comes up, Changes made to drive(s) J: after this point cannot be reversed because the drive was either excluded from System Restore monitoring, or was turned off or removed

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Had Vista Made Partition For SP2 / Something Screwed Up

Mar 9, 2008

About 4 months ago I tried to make a partition on my HD to install XP SP2 on it, while running Vista Business, which I installed on the laptop (it originally had XP), but something screwed up while making the partition and Vista was erased from my laptop and XP was installed on both partitions. When I turn on my laptop a boot screen comes on to choose which partition to boot up. I've always chosen the larger partition, I've never tried booting the other partition, I'm scared it will screw something up. All of my files are on the bigger partition, the one I always use. But I want to know how to delete the other partition so that there is only one partition and I can use the space on the partition I don't use at all. I want to do this without deleting my files if possible.

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Theme Made Everything Black - Except Few Icons

Mar 10, 2009

I downloaded an msstyles theme for a recent XP install on my new HD. Unfortunately, the theme made everything black, except a few icons. I can't see anything in order to change it back. Fortunately, I still have a version of XP on my old HD and changed the boot order. The new HD with the screwed up theme is accessible in Windows explorer. How do I change the theme on that copy of Windows back to normal?

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Repair Has Made DVD Drives Vanish?

Oct 9, 2006

Can someone help me, ive tried windows support but it didnt work they have just totally gone and i know they are working because i repaired it with the original disk in one of the drives that has gone.

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Custom Built Computer

Jun 30, 2008

I can't find out which one I have. I'm on a custom built computer but I was given the OS from a friend a while back and lost the case/cd so I have no idea which one I have. So how can I find it out?

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Custom Message Display?

Jul 25, 2007

I have seen at my school that when you log on, it will say "Welcome Danie, Enjoy your day!". How do i add that to my computer and also being able to change what the message says?

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Remote Shutdown Causes BSOD But Not Local Shutdown

Aug 3, 2010

i remote into my XP box everything is fine except when i shut down using a shutdown shortcut and other shutdown utilities no matter what after i get booted off the remote session the computer looks like its shutting down then stays on for a few seconds then a BSOD appear. I have been trying to figure out why for the past week and no solution so im hoping someone can chime in..The problem is only on remote if i shut down locally never a single BSOD and no hardware has changed. No driver issues. ive read and tried all the usual solutions. Need someone here to chime in on specifics.Ive also tried to remote in with bare minimum and no go. same thing.

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MS Update Made Display Tiny And Can't Change It

Apr 19, 2006

Some dell driver update that was done thorugh my automatic microsoft updates changed my display. I have tried going and changing the settings in the control panel under display, but I can't get it to look like it use to.

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Stupidly Made Change To Computer Name - Can Recover It

May 8, 2008

This is a work laptop that I bring home .The computer is normally "registered" on the work domain, but I was doing a VPN-related test for something else where I thought I needed to be off the network (complicated to explain but not related to my current problem.

What I did specifically was:

1 - Right click on the My Computer icon to get to the Computer Name tab.
2 - unclicked the domain button and clicked the workgroup button for group HOME (this required me to "login" with my work username/password
3 - got the message that I had to restart to take effect, which I did.

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Save The Changes - Made To Text Strings In The Registry

Dec 17, 2004

I have Windows XP home w/SP2 and I am buffaloed. I thought I was a knowledgable user, but I have been trying to stop a program from autorunning. I have deleted the value in the registry under the "RUN" key of H_KEY LOCAL_MACHINE, and CURRENT-USER, then I exit, and as soon as I open regedit again, the values are back like they were, ignoring my deletion. How do I save the changes I make to text strings in the XP registry?
I have administrator priveleges.I miss Windows 3.1, where you only had sys.ini and win.ini to fool with, and when you changed something it stayed changed.

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Made The Task Bar About Double The Thickness - Restore

Dec 3, 2005

Some how I made the task bar about double the thickness from what it use to be. Have tried and tried to resize it back to normal. and can't seem to do it.

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Made Files Private / Access Denied'?

May 31, 2008

one my user profiles was set to 'Keep files Private' in XP Pro SP2 (workgroup, not domain). The windows installation has gone pear shaped. I am trying to get those users file/folders off the hard disk by connecting it up as a slave. I can see the contents of the disk fine but get 'Access Denied' (as you would do) when trying to access that particualr user profiles.Tried running recovery console, windows install repair, but think its messed up completed, I can however browse the disk from another PC, hence my question - BTW can't take ownership of file as PC I am trying from is not a member of a domain (although I could maybe try on one - would this work?)

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Custom Bios Boot Sound

Aug 27, 2008

I have a Lenovo 3000 C100 hopefully you know what BIOS it uses and I want to put in a custom BIOS sound that play when I push the Power button. It would be nice if someone also gave me the download link to a Mac startup sound which I could use for BIOS

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Restoring Original Custom Favicons

May 12, 2006

How do you restore the original custom favicons for sites such as TSG, Yahoo and Google?

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Right Click - New - Custom Content Menu

Jul 12, 2008

I would like to be able to right click, and when I select new, have a submenu under the new that I could put my custom files for. I actually have used a program (Tweak UI) that allows me to to remove or add new files, but the problem I find is this.

I to a lot of HTML coding and create new files often. As much as I like conforming to strict, I have to use traditional from time to time, and I wanted to add for both. Well, when I used Tweak UI to add my strict template, and then checked out my "New ->" it was labeled as "New Firefox Document", which from reg searching I show is exactly what HTML is associated to. I wondered if there was a program, or a hack for my registry that would allow me to have a new file under the context menu that would otherwise not alter what .HTML was associated to (meaning, show "New Strict" and "New Traditional" but when you check the properties of index.html would show "Type of File: Firefox Document").

My guess is that to really pull this off, that I would have to make two new extentions (like .ext1 and .ext2) and when I make the new file, simply rename the extension. I know how to do that, but I was hoping that there was another way around it. Also, as noted above, how does one make a submenu under new to group things in? Such as

New -> Folder
New -> Shortcut
New -> text document
New -> Media -> file
New -> Media -> another
New -> Programing -> whatever

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Custom Forms - 8.5 X 6.5 Payroll Checks

Aug 11, 2005

I am able to create custom forms but they are not diplayed an any of my
programs when I try to print with them. I am trying to create one that prints
8.5 X 6.5 payroll checks.

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Trying To Access The Internet Custom Level

Jan 4, 2007

I have a personal computer with windows xp with internet explorer 6.In internet options under the security tab,I am trying to access the internet custom level. However it gray shaded out.I cannot change the custom level.I want to allow installation of Active X controls that have invalid signatures.

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System Restore Point "Changes Made To Drives

Nov 4, 2008

I need to restore to an earlier version on my computer as im having problems with Alias Maya Software (whole different issue posted in Multimedia Section - please take a look) but when i go to restore to an earlier point this message comes up

Changes made to drive(s) J: after this point cannot be reversed because the drive was either excluded from System Restore monitoring, or was turned off or removed

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Display Properties Background Tab And Custom Locations

Jul 12, 2005

How can I add a custom location to the display properties background tab? All my wallpapers are stored under D:Wallpapers and I want to see them in the background tab.

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Add Custom Items To Right Click Context Menu

Mar 6, 2008

It is possible to add some menu items to the desktop right click menu e.g many softwares allow to add open in notepad to the right click context menu)i want to add items like open cd/dvd rom, close cd/dvd rom or simply to launch applications like firefox.I don't like my desktop full of icons ,so each time i have to go to start menu to open the program i want, it would be very handy if i can add these items to the right click context menu.

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