Random / Spontaneous Reboot - Reconfigured Not Auto Restart On Crashes

Aug 27, 2005

Initially, it just seemed like totally random and spontaneous reboots. But after I reconfigured XP to not autorestart on crashes, now I'm getting BSODs. IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000188, 0x000000FF, 0x00000000, 0x804E35E9)Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.
This seems to happen at 2 times.
1) Completely random, with no obvious ties to any activity.
2) When a USB device is disconnected. Windows acknowledges the removal with a bong, but then BSOD crashes seconds later.

Both are extremely intermittent and it may be a week or more in between crashes. I can sit there and insert and remove USB devices (a Creative USB MP3 Player) until I'm blue in the face and never see a crash. This is a home built PC with an ASUS motherboard running XP Home. The system has been reliable for many years but just started this in the last several months. I'm current on all service packs, updates, and whatever else I've been able to find.

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Spontaneous Reboot After Virus

Aug 10, 2009

I'm having trouble with my HP Desktop running Windows XP Home. A virus brought my computer down a couple of days ago. The virus had the effect of redirecting me to commercial sites off of Google searches. This effect only seemed to be an issue with IE: Firefox didn't seem to be affected by it at all. After lots of scrubbing with a combo of anti-virus applications I was able to clear out my pc's infection. However, since then I've been experiencing intermittent reboots. Typically happens when I'm doing something memory intensive. It happened twice, for instance, when I was attempting to back up my hard disk. It's also knocked my active desktop out a few different times. I ran a scan on minidump files using WinDbg. Initially scans said problem with unknown driver. After adding diagnostic capacity to registry file however (altering registry so a specific error would print) and reexamining some of the earlier scans, I got an outcome of memory corruption.

I tried to beat this by altering virtual memory: thought virus may have impacted virtual memory somehow. Changed virtual memory to XP control and this seemed to have benefits for performance but I got another reboot when I tried another hard disk backup. I realize minidump readings for memory corruption can indicate RAM or other failure, but this was not an issue at all until the virus came and went. I can't believe it's simply coincidence that I'm experiencing this now. I never had reboots like this before.

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Spontaneous Resume From Hibernation / Displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 7, 2006

When resuming from hibernate or standby it made a clunking noise like it was trying to find something and then displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to Restart. Sometimes it worked, others not. I then found that it was displaying the NTLDR error so I backed up everything did a destructive recovery and started doing all the new updates for Windows, etc. Seemed to be working fine and then I added two additional hard drives (one for backup and the other for recording TV). I sent it to hibernate and the next day I tried to startup and couldn't get the OS to load at all. I finally did a recovery to one of the other hard drives. I did all the updates, added some new programs and set Media Center to record. I put the machine in hibernate and left. When I returned the machine was on and the TV recording was executed as programmed. I put the machine in hibernate again last night and when I awoke the machine was running. I had not set a recording so I'm wondering why it would spontaneously restart for no apparent reason.

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Random Blue Screens - Random Crashes

Oct 29, 2006

I keep getting random crashes and I don't know how to go about diagnosing the problem. Every so often I get random STOP error messages, and from the articles on the Microsoft Support site it appears to be a driver problem, but I don't know which driver. These are the errors I got recently (in order)

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Random Crashes In XP

May 17, 2007

I've had problems with my laptop recently and it has been back for warranty repair. To their credit it was only gone 8 days total but despite them running tests on it overnight they didn't experience the problem I'm having. Unfortunately for me when I got it back it is *still* happening. The laptop has 2x RAM slots and in each is a brand new stick of 512mb DDR400 since they suspected it might be a RAM issue. So far it happens at random times and is proving really difficult to pinpoint. Here's what I've tried so far and the troubleshooting I've done.

1. Reseat both RAM chips.

2. Try using both sticks of RAM, on their own, in each slot

3. Unplugged all external hardware (mouse, external HD, WLAN card)

For some reason if I only have 1x stick of RAM in 1 of the 2 available slots and nothing in the other I don't seem to get problems at least until earlier tonight. I've since switched the RAM stick out to see if it happens with the other but it hasn't yet. However, the crashes are so random I can have no problems for hours and then it suddenly crashes, other times it seemed to happen within a few minutes of getting into XP. It's a virtual clean install of XP with only drivers and updates installed.The only BSOD error message I've gotten so far is the following one, any others I see after I'll edit to the message. If you can help me at all I'll be VERY grateful, I don't particularly want to have to send the laptop off again if I can fix it myself. If it's a hardware issue though it'll go back.

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Random Crashes And Restarts

Sep 6, 2008

I'm running Windows xp professional, and I recently upgraded the hardware in my computer. After this upgrade my computer would infrequently just restart, about once a week or so, but I left for a trip to vancouver for a week and when I got back and turned my computer on the problem started getting much worse. Now it happens about ten times a day, and I can't just leave it off because I don't have another computer and I need this one for classes. Also, when I try to play games it shuts down, or freezes about ten minutes after I start. I have run AVG, Spybot, and ad-aware, and the problem remains. This problem seems to be completely random, sometimes it happens while I'm doing something, and sometimes it happens when the computer is doing nothing.

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Infected Cleaned - Random Crashes?

Jan 30, 2007

as the title says I was infected with a bunch of random stuff. I cleaned it or at least I think I did. but now explorer is crashing all the time. the shell, not the browser. HJT log.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 7:51:21 AM, on 1/30/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

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Random Restarts And Program Crashes

Oct 23, 2006

I installed a USB media card reader in my system, soon thereafter, I began experiencing some problems with programs acting strangely and crashing, etc. I unplugged the card reader since I rarely use it anyway. The problems seemed to stop for about a week or so. Then the computer would just randomly restart in the middle of a game or when left running idle for a long time, such as overnight or while I'm at work. I thought that maybe my 420w psu was reaching its limits with 3 HDDs and 2 optical drives plugged in. I unplugged a single HDD and now the crashes happen less often, but still happen. The crashes are more likely to happen when playing a game, but the programs include the game itself, or winamp, trillian, skype, firefox, or "truevector service". Those are usually about the only programs I have running at all. Twice so far I have encountered the blue screen of death, which I hadn't seen I think since SP1 was released. So far I have tried updating my BIOS (all 3 available versions), updating my video card drivers, even reformatting my system drive, all to no avail.

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Random Crashes / Driver Error?

Apr 19, 2005

When the PC restarts it generates and sends an error report, which indicates a Graphics Device driver is the problem.My PC behaved ok until about a month ago, when it started crashing, in general with an error report saying 'Error caused by Graphics driver'.The system gradualy got more unstable until it would not boot properly at all.I have recently re-installed windows and upgraded to SP2.After this re-installation, the problem started again.

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Ram Upgrade Leads To Random Crashes

Sep 6, 2007

When the crash occurs it appears to be completely random not one app doing one thing nothing consistent.When it crashes the screen goes black and completely reboots.Other crashes it simply freezes on screen. I don't get blue screens.I added the RAM and this started.I uninstalled it and went back to the old ram and it stopped. I bought new ram from Best Buy and installed it crashing comes back. I have no idea why RAM would trigger this.

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Random BSOD's / Program Crashes

Sep 21, 2007

Since I've had my recent reformat and installed my newest hardware upgrade, I've experienced some random Windows crashes.So, I'm getting random and strange crashes while I'm playing games (HL2, WoW), and also BSOD's.All drivers are up to date. Oh, in addition, I've launched CPU-Z to check my setup and it was said that my ram was running at 6400 instead of 8500, why is that? CPU-Z detects that it can be runned at 1033, so the ram is fine, but when I try to change it in the bios, my CPU boots and it says "Overclocking Failed".

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Lots Of Errors : Random Program Crashes

Oct 20, 2005

Windows Installation : Various files cannot be copied and/or not copied correctly. Giving blue screen of [enter] retry, [esc] skip or F3 to abort installation. Files constantly failing to copy : cyycoins or something, lots of .chm files, too many to mention. Curious thing is, same problems for both optical drives and both HDDs, varying both for many installations. Eventually I held down [enter] and the files went in, well some didn't but Windows booted fine.

Warhammer Dawn of War : Winter Assault. wh40k.cab is corrupt. Changed optical drives during installtion, installed fine. Could be hardware issue with my cdrom, Same game, when playing will crash to desktop. No error message sometimes, no indication of crash (no freezing or warning sounds or stuttering, just flat out BOOM, .exe gone. Sometimes error message appears to send error report, sometimes doesn't. Occurs while under load
I thought this could again be CDROM issue, with the copy protection not keeping the game running because disc wasnt read right.

Mozilla Firefox : Dunno really. Loaded it up to access webpage. Some survey appeared, then program locks up for maybe 10 seconds then crashes with firefox.exe has encountered error Windows built in message appears. Firefox is unable to load up again due to missing/corrupted .dll file error. Cannot page_read or something. I forget the whole error message. Guess coulda been important to save it to post here.

Whole system reboot. Idle one time, machine just goes down, then starts up again. Flat reboot. Didnt touch any buttons, then once in Windows 'recovered from serious error' message appears. Tells me after sending report its a device driver issue. Changed My Computer options to give the Blue Screen of Death so that the driver is named, nothing, just page_file_read or errors along those lines I know nothing about.

Don't know what is wrong. Hardware issue could be Optical Drive. But then again I have 2 drives, and the errors ocur no matter which one I use, same with the Hard Disks. I'm stumped. Its quite a huge issue. I have nothing on the drives, I backed all my stuff up before formatting after starting to get errors 1-4. I got these errors before format and immediately after. So would indicate Hardware issue would it not Can it be a BIOS problem? Or wiring, neither of which i have altered or been brave enough to look at.

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Computer Running Slow: Crashes At Random?

Apr 15, 2006

My computer is slow often crashes, it is progessively getting worse. Please can someone look at my hijack this log and see if they can see any problems Also on another note how can i stop windows messanger running when i log in. Its really irritating as I use msn messanger and both programs run on logging in and conflict each other.

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Random Computer Crashes - Video Card

Jul 30, 2009

This has been happening on and off while playing games and pretty well only then. I don't get any error messages or anything of the like, my computer just freezes and that's that. I've checked my video card for overheating by using the nVidia monitor program and it runs fairly cool, I guess i should double check what the numbers are under stress but I don't see any artifacts or other weird images on my screen that would suggest a dying card (i use a bfg 8800gts 640mb). My motherboard also runs pretty cool too so i would highly doubt it's a heating issue there either.just recently i had to replace the motherboard due to failure and i fear whatever is causing these crashes may have caused my previous motherboard failure and possibly this new one to fail as well.

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Computer Facing Random Crashes & Rebooting?

Jun 18, 2007

My computer randomly crashes and also reboots on it's own a few times a week, but I'm sure this isn't normal.I'm running Windows XP.There's no pattern when these problems occur. I could be surfing the web, playing a game or my computer would sit and idle for a little bit... then it'll reboot. This started happening a few weeks ago, but figured I could live with it. Unfortunately, it's gotten on my last nerve and I really wanna know why it does these things and how I can fix the problems.

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Serious Error And Random Restart

Mar 2, 2006

I've seen a few threads about this but they're all kind of different or whatnot. My computer (three times tonight alone!) has just randomly re-started while I'm in the middle of work. When it comes back, it tells me that the system just recovered from a series error. When I report it, I'm taken to a Microsoft page about Windows Service Pack 2 and updating my driver. I've checked and I have SP2 and when I try to update the driver it tells me they couldn't find a better match than what I'm already using.

I've checked System Information and automatic restart isn't even checked yet this has happened a lot. Like I said, three times tonight it's happened. I've run my virus scanner, I've run Ad-aware SE Personal, SpySweeper, and Spybot and anything that comes back and is quarantined or deleted hasn't fixed the problem.

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Random Computer Restart

May 20, 2005

My computer restarts at random times: Sometimes when I'm playing a game, sometimes when I'm surfing the web, and sometimes right when it has been previously restarted. I haven't a clue what the problem could be.

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Random Restart During Connection

Oct 31, 2006

I've a problem with my laptop - i have an internet connection configured on it, it operates on Windows 2000 Pro, and the computer randomly restarts a few minutes after i am connected to the internet. Its a DSL connection and the modem is configured and all, but every time, several minutes after i am connected, the laptop just restarts. No blue screen, no nothin', just restarts.Any friendly advice? Obviously would be very appreciated - i cant fix this problem myself for over a month now.

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Random Restart With ALL Browsers

Jan 18, 2009

I hope someone can help me. I have a computer (compaq presario 5300 US) with 512 mem and 1.1 ghz proc. The machine runs fine and will run for days unless I go to the internet with any web browser, IE 6-8beta, Opera, Firefox etc. Generally it will access the net ok, but when it encounters a page running any Java, it seems to accumulate errors then just goes black and restarts.No blue screen, no dumps, just black and a full restart. Sometimes it takes several minutes of running the program, such as a game called Brick Blaster found on the Zoomtown site. I have played this game for 5 minutes before the restart, or it can restart after the game first starts to load. I have found some Java errors using the OPera debug reporter but cannot make any sense out of them.I have installed a new Power Supply, changed out my ram strips, done a ram test, done a cpu stress test, scanned for viruses. Nothing found in any case. I am about to toss the machine in the trash, except it belongs to one of my best friends and for him, money is very tight.

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Random Crashes - Updated Versions Of Adaware - Spybot

Jan 15, 2005

I have been experiencing random crashes, freezes and especially error messages for a while now.I ran and reran updated versions of ad-aware, spybot, Norton, hijack this, a million times,defragged and did a couple of files clean-ups to no avail.
I posted my problems on various boards and nobody that helped did fix it
(Thanks still to these kind people) so I used the last resort and reinstalled XP pro.Well after reinstall, problems are still here but worse, upon reinstalling my first program which is thesygate firewall,I got my first error message telling me the program had to shut down.
Following that I was told

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Disable Auto Restart On System Failure

Aug 12, 2002

When Running windows and it crashes you will get a blue screen and it will automatically restart, ofter it will restart too fast for you to see the error message. You could check the error log in this case but that is too easy. We are going to disable auto restart on system failure.

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> System (Windows+Pause works, too)

2. Go to Advanced

3. Under the Startup and Recovery section, click Settings...

4. Under System Failure un-check "Automatically restart"

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Blue Screen Random Restart

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a friends laptop, and I was looking at a friends photos on myspace when randomly i got a blue screen from windows. It restarted the computer pretty quickly and i had very little time to read it. I think i saw error with file and dumping physical memory.It restarted fine, but I got this screen before with a computer that I had never used and it ended with the computer restarting and getting disk read error and not working at all, so Im very worried.All I have for info is the error report which I've attached an image of.

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UNIQUE And Strange Random Restart

Jun 9, 2008

So I got my computer back from the repair shop. I was under warranty, so I figured I'd let them do the work than pull my own hair out. However, this time, I feel as though I need to deal with my problem.So everything boots fine; the welcome screen for XP shows up and suddenly the computer will flash to a blue screen and reboot. Restarts, loads into windows; so I disable the automatic restart option.These restarts happen randomly; either right as I load into Windows, or as I am loading the system up. Usually, when Windows loads up fully it rarely, but still, reboots. The first message I got was a problem with savrt.sys... a Norton Anti-Virus file. So I uninstalled Norton, and installed AVG instead. Rebooted 3 times, no problems...thought everything was fixed.

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3D Graphics - Auto Reboot - D/L Failed

Nov 4, 2004

When I try to play a game with alot of 3D graphics, my computer will shut off and start back up again (usually within about 5 minutes). On the rare occasion that it doesn't reboot, it locks up and I have to shut it off myself. I don't have SP2 for XP because when I try to D/L it, it says the D/L failed. The puter worked fine for about 6 months but recently it started to do this. There is no error message. No blue screen of death. Just reboot

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Memory Dump - Auto Reboot

Aug 30, 2006

I've been getting auto-rebooted a lot lately, and every time the files involved in the cause look something like this:


Or at least something similar. Is there a fix for this? I haven't been able to find anything.

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Making A BATCH File To Auto Restart A Program

May 25, 2010

I use XP Home and would like a simple batch file to automatically restart a program after 5 minutes, but I don't have any knowledge in this.

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Random System Freeze / Automatic Restart

Oct 14, 2006

it usually happens when im like working on it for about 2hrs or something. the pc would go dead, and reboot. or windows would hang, and from the hard disk led, i can see that it is all busy and unavailable. ta ta. its getting on my nerves. i just recovered my system from new.net, and now i have slower internet connection. no nothing wrong with the isp. i suspect there maybe reminents of the old virus still holding back windows. could my fears turn out to be true? i have had the liberty of posting my HJT log here, so do point out anything suspicious and also anything that could slow down the system..

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Pc Crashes / Restart Helps Might Be Memory Pro

Jan 8, 2006

I have Pentium 4-1.4 with 256sdram and my problem is that when i am closing one page of Then the pc restart can anyone help me with this ?I think the maybe that is a memory pro any advice.

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PC Completely Crashes Then Freezes, Have To Hit Restart?

Jan 30, 2007

I have a custom box and an old gateway box. I wanted to transfer all my files from one box to another, so I rammed in the gateway hard drive, copied all files in the root of the drive, and pasted it into a folder on my New desktop. When the file transfer finished, the folder (on the New desktop) disappeared So, I checked the hidden files in explorer.Not there Well, I used the command prompt. Not there either.After a while, I forgot about it, and just recently got a new defrag program (SmartDefrag).

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PC Random Reboot And Error Message

Jun 14, 2010

Trying to help my daughter with her computer. Every once in a while (sometime twice in a day, sometime not for several days in a row) she hears her computer rebooting. Even when she has nothing open and not even using it - just a desktop open. Created a system restore point before started all this. The computer reboots and gives the following error message: "The System has recovered from a serious error", then she can click Send to Microsoft, or don't send. She clicks don't send and everything words just fine, her applications run fine, email and Internet work fine. This doesn't happen very often, but something is not right. Not much to gone on but that's all that happens.The computer is nice and fast, boots up fast, everything runs nice and fast. Internet and email work fine.This started a few months ago and she can't remember doing anything that would cause it to start. She has not installed any software or hardware in over a year or so. I did a complete backup right away so her files are backed up and safe.

Thought it sounded like a heat issue so I opened the case and she had it very, very clean. Fan and heatsink very clean and fan working fine as well as the other fan in the case. I checked the hard drive cables (SATA 250 gig HD) and they were nice and tight. Reseated the memory modules just in case one crept lose. check CD/DVD drive cable and it was tight. Cleaned out her temporary Internet (cache) files.Next, I clicked on My Computer then highlighted the C: drive and right clicked the C: drive and selected Properties. Then selected Tools and was going to select Defrag button but it was greyed out and said "No defragment tool is installed. I then opened the Control Panel and click the Add/Remove programs icon and once that opened I selected the Open Windows Components and it opened fine, but I couldn't find anywhere in there to install the Windows Defragment program. Am I looking in the right place for this?

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Random Black Screen Reboot

Jan 10, 2007

This just started randomly, I can't think of anything to cause it to happen. At random times my computer will just go to a black screen and not respond, at which point I must push restart button and reboot computer. It can happen within 3 minutes or 3 hours. I have tried virus scans, chekced ram connection. All is fine. I ran the windows memory test and everything passed. Anyone know what can cause this? It is very annoying as I can basically not use my computer. Oh yea one more thing, I tried reformatting and installed windows on the other hard drive. It worked fine for a few weeks but then started again. Also could a corrupt windows installation cause this? I mean could a few system files that are corrupt cause a complete crash like this?

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