3D Graphics - Auto Reboot - D/L Failed

Nov 4, 2004

When I try to play a game with alot of 3D graphics, my computer will shut off and start back up again (usually within about 5 minutes). On the rare occasion that it doesn't reboot, it locks up and I have to shut it off myself. I don't have SP2 for XP because when I try to D/L it, it says the D/L failed. The puter worked fine for about 6 months but recently it started to do this. There is no error message. No blue screen of death. Just reboot

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Graphics Cannot Working - Reboot The Board

Apr 13, 2007

As a result of installing a game (Fear) ...i now have major graphic issues across windows, the game installed fine, but went belly up threw the into movie (graphically)......I've uninstalled the game, uninstalled my Ati drivers (XTreme-G WarCat Drivers for ATi) along with Catalyst and the corruption is still there after numerous reboots - have I broken my graphics card??? ....the corruption is everywhere, it comes and goes in all windows..... you can even swirl it around with you're mouse! I haven't installed the drivers again just incase a reformat is needed - would that do the trick?? ......the game installed DX9c august during setup.... but then I patched the game with the latest game update - maybe the conflict is there ...

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Gone Into The BIOS Set Up To Change From A PCI Graphics Card - Reboot

Aug 25, 2007

When first booting the system it gets to a windows screen and reboots - ad infinitum. When booted in "safe mode" it reads several files (in DOS - I think) and stops on reading a path on the "C" drive ending with something like ...../AGP 440 or ..../AGP 44? (or something smilar).

Do you think it is looking for graphics drivers?I have gone into the BIOS set up to change from a PCI graphics card to the on-board, and there appears to be no PCI card.

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Memory Dump - Auto Reboot

Aug 30, 2006

I've been getting auto-rebooted a lot lately, and every time the files involved in the cause look something like this:


Or at least something similar. Is there a fix for this? I haven't been able to find anything.

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Disabling The Auto-reboot Feature Associated With Automatic Updates

Jul 11, 2007

I'm trying to disable that horrible auto-restart feature, but I can only get so far because I'm computer illiterate.Can someone translate the directions into lay(wo)man's terms? I know I first need to get into the registry, but I don't know how to get there. I know I need to edit HKEY_something_something, but I'm not sure which one or what it needs to be changed to.

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Random / Spontaneous Reboot - Reconfigured Not Auto Restart On Crashes

Aug 27, 2005

Initially, it just seemed like totally random and spontaneous reboots. But after I reconfigured XP to not autorestart on crashes, now I'm getting BSODs. IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL
*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000188, 0x000000FF, 0x00000000, 0x804E35E9)Beginning dump of physical memory Physical memory dump complete.
This seems to happen at 2 times.
1) Completely random, with no obvious ties to any activity.
2) When a USB device is disconnected. Windows acknowledges the removal with a bong, but then BSOD crashes seconds later.

Both are extremely intermittent and it may be a week or more in between crashes. I can sit there and insert and remove USB devices (a Creative USB MP3 Player) until I'm blue in the face and never see a crash. This is a home built PC with an ASUS motherboard running XP Home. The system has been reliable for many years but just started this in the last several months. I'm current on all service packs, updates, and whatever else I've been able to find.

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Corrupted Registry Failed To Reboot

Oct 14, 2006

My daughters laptop dell inspiron 1100 [ xp home] failed to boot up. Checking dell's
online help, corrupt registry was diagnosed. In trying to recover the situation, I
For instance, on the setup-page 2, the configure setup is now disabled and I cannot
find how to enable it.
In addition, my other daughter has deleted the fat32 partition. Don't ask me why.

Now I need to get it working again. I have all the disks.

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Reboot Get Reconnected Network - Option Screen Appeared Failed

Oct 13, 2005

Not sure what brought this on but today when I did a reboot to get reconnected to my network, the f8 boot option screen appeared. I selected 'normal' which failed ending back at the boot option screen. However, I can boot in safe mode (or safe with networking). I have tried eliminating things by using msconfig but I have not had any luck. One clue may be that while booting, the MS logo screen appears as normal for about 15 seconds and then I see a blue screen flash just for an instant. I have only managed to read the word 'detected' on it. System immedietly goes to blank screen and does a hdw boot. Boot never gets to the GUI interface. Is there some way to stop the system when an error is detected or a way to log errors? Am I correct in assuming that a hardware problem is not too likely if system runs in safe mode?

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New Graphics Card - Nvidia TnT2 Graphics

Aug 22, 2007

my graphics card is old and slow and i was lookin to but a new one What would u reccomend in the 100$ price range that is fast I have a 2002 windows xp P4 processor 1.50 Ghz and 256 MB of ram, 40.0 Gb, Nvidia TnT2 graphics card

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Auto Run / Auto Start

Sep 1, 2005

I have a problem with a laptop running XP pro SP2. Problem is, if I load a CD or DVD into the Drive they dont auto run they just spin up, and to launch I have to do it through explorer, Similarly with my Digital Camera, when I plug it in its supose to ask me what i want to do with the files but the same happens the Nikon program does not auto run, have tried the solutions mentioned here bon this board but still no go.

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Graphics Blank

Jul 23, 2005

I'm using Windows XP, service Pack 2. while on the intertent I am unable to view some types of graphics. For example in forums when pictures are attached to postings, I cannot view them. Instead of the picuture there is a blank box with a ed "X" .
I can view graphics included in my internet home page and most news clippings and websites.

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Just Got A NEW Graphics Card

Dec 27, 2006

Man this is so sweet, I couldn't play any games before and it made me sad, so I searched and found a perfect graphics card for me! Went to best buy and bought it! But I have a question, this is sweet and all but I was wandering in the OLD version when my graphics card sucked, my CPU & CPU Speed were GREAT.Now.. it's good but not GREAT, anyway to fix this up?

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Graphics Card - Way Yo Use It

Aug 21, 2007

my friend has a graphics and I can not remeber how to use it nvidia fx 5200 256mb

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Graphics Card Or RAM Which Is 1 GB

Jan 1, 2009

I love to play guild wars.I usually play it on this computer and it runs great. Now lately the game has been going much slower than usual.It is lagging on my computer and not anyone else's.Can anyone tell me what i can do to increase my speed?I have DSL so it shouldn't be too bad.And it just recently started happening so i don't think that it's my graphics card or my RAM which is 1 GB.Dell Optiplex computer.

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Web Graphics Display Incorrectly

Apr 2, 2006

Often times (not always) when I open a web page that contains an image, all I get is a rectangle with a big letter X in the middle. No image. Could it be a problem with my IE settings, with Zone Alarm, or other.

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Graphics Card And Ram Taking Up

Dec 26, 2006

I have finally got it through my head that my graphics card I currently have is taking UP my ram on my PC.Im suppose to have 256MB, but on my PC it displays that I have 224. *sighs*I was wandering, what graphics card should I get that will give me back all 256 of my members? I WAS going to get this But they ran out of it... SOOO is there ANY OTHER graphics card that I could get... but like in radioshack, bestbuy, stores like that? Im not looking to spend more.

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Graphics Card - Associated With Motherboard

Aug 1, 2007

Will any graphcis card work with every motherboard? Because my graphics card is getting old and i want to get a better one. So are their specific graphics cards you can use for your motherboard or can any work?

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Something Is Affecting Graphics Driver

Apr 8, 2006

I think i have some sort of 'infection' that is affecting my Display Driver and not letting Windows accept the files. The problem started nearly a week back and over 20 reinstallations of 3 different versions of the Intel Extreme Graphics Driver later, it still gives me the same error. There seems to be an issue with ialmrnt5.dll (one of the display driver files).The main error message that i get from Windows goes something like: "Windows has recovered from a serious device failure. Please close all programs and reboot to restore full functionality". Else, i get a message directly pointing out the file saying something like: "the ialmrnt5.dll Display Driver has malfunctioned.

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S3 Graphics Driver Needed

Sep 12, 2005

I am reinstalling an old T21 IBM Thinkpad with windows 2000 - sp4. The graphics card is an s3 savage IX/MV (86c294). I am trying to lay my hands on this driver.S3 do not support this card at all any more. Where could I download this driver from?

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Graphics Not Working But The Driver Is Ok

Mar 7, 2005

every now and then when XP boots ( not always, like 1 out of 10 times, but always after Windowsupdate) it comes up with a 4bit colordepht and a resolution of 640X480 and is unchangeable + the Nvidiawizard is not in the Systray where its meant to be.I checked the driver and found out: behold there's a new version available at Nvidia.com , I download and try to install, what pops up is something like the following message: "The software that is being installed for GeForce4 MX440 did not pass the LOGO-Test for WinXP. The Software may not be compatible to WindowsXP and may cause ......" problems and whatnot. So I decide to cancel installation and go to windowsuptade.com. There, too is (among other security updates" a Nvidia Graphics Driver. I check the security updates and the Driversupdate and install. Reboot = Graphic error as described above .

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BSOD About Graphics Driver

Aug 17, 2007

Sometimes after playing a game like Halo I get a blue screen saying that to prevent hardware damage, Windows must be shut down. Something about Intel's GMA driver igx32.dll or something. There's also no option to shut down my computer, I have to press and hold my power button.

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Graphics Driver Corrupted

May 31, 2010

My friend was attempting to update his integrated graphics driver and managed to mess it up quite badly. The system boots, but the display just hangs on the XP disk checking screen. You can hear the XP startup sounds etc. so I think it's fully working otherwise. Since I can't see what's going on, I can't get to the restore manager etc. to roll back the system to before the driver change. Is there some way to restore the system from within the BIOS or from a command line that will skirt the messed up drivers? I wish I had a spec list or something to help out but I'm doing this over the phone and he doesn't know much about his system.

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Get Graphics Card Driver

Jul 9, 2005

I just bought a new notebook and reformated the harddrive wiping everything off it. Though now after re-installing XP I can’t find display drivers that will work. The problem is that I don’t have the CD to install them from and have tried the ATI website but it was no good. I have ATI Radeon Mobility technology, what do I do? Posted using the http://www.windowsforumz.com interface, at author's request Articles individually checked for conformance to usenet standards Topic URL:ttp://www.windowsforumz.com/Hardw [...] 54882.html Visit Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd).

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Fundamentals Graphics Driver

Jun 25, 2010

I just recently installed windows fundamentals on a toshiba A76-S206 with ATI Radeon 9000 graphics card but I had issues with the graphics driver on installation. I went to the toshiba site and entered all the specs of the laptop and found the graphics driver but on installation of the graphics driver the program fails to install and says it's not compatible with the system or something along those lines.

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Graphics Driver Error Comes Up

Jan 29, 2005

Earlier today when logging into a site, I pressed enter, just as a "Do you want to install..." box popped up, so it took my enter as yes and began installing all kinds of spyware.I scanned and removed the spyware using both Microsoft Antispyware and Spybot but I am still having problems.A while after it had installed, my PC just started switching itself off. No shutting down, just switched off, then on again. When it came back on, it said Windows had recovered from a fatal error which turns out to be an error due to my graphics card driver.I then updated the driver to the latest intel one, same thing happened. It does it every 30 mins or so, its driving me crazy!I thought about reinstalling windows, however when I tried to backup and move my important folders to CD, it said there was an error copying them.

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How To Get Rid Boxes And Restore The Graphics

Jan 16, 2007

I have just switched from dialup to high speed cable and am now using Microsoft Internet Explorer to browse. Many sites which I previously viewed without a problem on AOL now contain one or more small squares with a red "x" instead of the usual picture or graphic. How can I get rid of the boxes and restore the graphics?

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Sacrifice Graphics For Speed

Aug 12, 2002

XP is very graphic-intensive which results in a large consumption of RAM. Sometimes to squeeze in the nitty-gritty megs of memory can be, by sacrificing the pretty little bits and colors that are on your screen.For starters, reducing the color density and and bit display of your screen will ultimately increase speed to your computer.1.)On your desktop, right click and go to PROPERTIES.2.)In properties go to Settings, and set your color quality to the lowest bit-rating (most likely 15 bit). This will reduce color density, and icon quality, but will heavily boast system performance.If you really want to increase your system performance, new Windows themes are NOT the way to go, if you are ill-equipped with RAM.1.) Go into Control Panel and into Performance and Maintenence (If you are using the "classic" view skip to step 2).2.) Get into System and click on the Advanced tab.3.) Now click on Performance4.) Under your visual effects, select CHOOSE BEST PERFORMANCE. 5.) This will undoubtedly increase your system performance by returning XP into Classic Style and getting rid of the fancy-shmancy fading menus, shadows and whatnot. Now your graphically challenged computer, has turned into a mean, lean, computing machine.

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Computer Graphics Freezing And Not Starting

Jul 15, 2008

my computer graphics started freezing and going distorted. and now some times my computer will only show a black screen when turned on . i bought a new graphics card and it will not work either and after that i tried my old graphics card that also stoped working in a few hours. all this started happening after i added 1 gb of ram but even without it my graphics cards are still not working. when the computer starts up some times there is all distorted sysmbols over the screen then everything goes fuzzy and the computer freezes or restarts. When the graphics do work as soon as it gets past the loading xp part the screen goes black and i cant get to the part to log on.

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Standby Is Greyed Out - Graphics Reloaded

May 10, 2006

I recently did a XP reload. Now, standby is greyed out. I reloaded the graphics driver with no change.

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Importance Of NET. Framework For Graphics Programs?

Apr 26, 2006

im just wondering if this is something that every PC/gaming PC needs or is it just something that only benifits a certain type of graphics program? The main question is will NET. Framework benifit my gaming?

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Intel Graphics Card Not Recognized

Aug 21, 2007

however many times i try to restart the sound doesn't come on, on my newly installed XP proffesional SP2. this also used to happen to my other operating system media centre edition but not as often as SP2. in media centre edition i used to go to the control panel> sounds and then exited and restarted and everything was ok, but now nothing gets the sound up?? i cannot increase the sound level cause it tells me that the device is not found.

ok this is also a problem for the intel graphics card i have which isn't being recognized by XP. when i do run>dxdiag the graphics card properties and the sound card properties dont come up.

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