Reboot Get Reconnected Network - Option Screen Appeared Failed

Oct 13, 2005

Not sure what brought this on but today when I did a reboot to get reconnected to my network, the f8 boot option screen appeared. I selected 'normal' which failed ending back at the boot option screen. However, I can boot in safe mode (or safe with networking). I have tried eliminating things by using msconfig but I have not had any luck. One clue may be that while booting, the MS logo screen appears as normal for about 15 seconds and then I see a blue screen flash just for an instant. I have only managed to read the word 'detected' on it. System immedietly goes to blank screen and does a hdw boot. Boot never gets to the GUI interface. Is there some way to stop the system when an error is detected or a way to log errors? Am I correct in assuming that a hardware problem is not too likely if system runs in safe mode?

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Get Run Option When Click On Start After Reboot

Feb 6, 2006

Using XP Home, If I click on Start>Run after a reboot, the Run window opens normally.If I open any program and then click on Start>Run, nothing visible happens! Nothing. I have tried to correct this by right clicking and using: Properties>Customize>Advanced, but without success.Haven’t been able to fix this with Tweak UI or by using sfc. AVG has not found a virus.Observations:Switching to Classic View the link works normally every time.Clicking Start>Run and nothing happens, then looking in Task Manager gives the following information: under Applications, Run is shown as running right clicking this entry and selecting Go To Process shows the explorer.exe processRun opens every time by holding down the Windows Key and pressing R.

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Corrupted Registry Failed To Reboot

Oct 14, 2006

My daughters laptop dell inspiron 1100 [ xp home] failed to boot up. Checking dell's
online help, corrupt registry was diagnosed. In trying to recover the situation, I
For instance, on the setup-page 2, the configure setup is now disabled and I cannot
find how to enable it.
In addition, my other daughter has deleted the fat32 partition. Don't ask me why.

Now I need to get it working again. I have all the disks.

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3D Graphics - Auto Reboot - D/L Failed

Nov 4, 2004

When I try to play a game with alot of 3D graphics, my computer will shut off and start back up again (usually within about 5 minutes). On the rare occasion that it doesn't reboot, it locks up and I have to shut it off myself. I don't have SP2 for XP because when I try to D/L it, it says the D/L failed. The puter worked fine for about 6 months but recently it started to do this. There is no error message. No blue screen of death. Just reboot

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Tried To Disable Reboot Due To System Failure Option

Sep 14, 2010

I have 2 errors which are shutting down my pc several times a day. The only info' I have is that they are events 700 and 7023. After reading your answers to an earlier query on this subject, I tried to disable the reboot due to system failure option but with no success, it just ignored me.

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Repair / When Booted On Xp, The Blue Screen Appeared

Oct 18, 2006

I have Windows XP Pro SP2 installed and I messed it up.I tried doing loads of stuff and I had to repair the master boot record and boot.ini file.Then when I booted on xp, the blue screen appared.I checked my hardware and did loads of tests but didn't find much problems and I if I did, I didn't understand them.For example I had test problems with my parallel ports and serial ports and the System Stress Test failed in RAM Memory.Anyway, I desided to use the repair installation on my CD Windows XP Pro SP1. But each time it arrived at "installing hardware", it failed and just stoped. tried a few times but it kept stoping. And now the repair doesn't even start... all I see is the mouse.

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Select User Password - No Users From Option Given Shutdown / Reboot

Aug 7, 2007

When my laptop gets to the point in XP where you can select user and put in a password, There are no users to select from. the only option given is to shutdown, reboot etc.

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Continuous Reboot Loop - Getting The Advanced Boot Option Menuw

Jul 9, 2005

Had to replace motherboard in a PC and now I'm caught in a reboot loop. I keep getting the advanced boot option menuw where your asked wheather you want to Safe Boot, Safe Boot with Networking, etc. Which every choice I pick, the system reboots and takes back to the same place.what to use or if the Recovery Console will solve my problem.

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Diagnostics Network Adapter Failed

Jan 27, 2009

network diagnostics network adapter failed realtek rtl8139 family pci fast ethernet nic(failed)is this why i can't get on the xp home.IE can not dispay page,firefox page error.system restore won't go back to the previos month when pc was ok.also internet options won't open.Tried to download IE8 on20th Jan,had problems since then.

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Network Adapter Failed To Operate

Aug 28, 2005

I have ran sveral searches, and cannot find a thing. Also have checked for any updates and fixes. No sound, some games don't play, no video,etc.

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Invalid Boot Disk / A Blank Screen Appeared

Aug 6, 2007

A friend of mine called me to his house to take a look at his gateway. All I know is that it runs Windows XP.He states that AVG antivirus prompted him to restart his computer once the virus definitions update completed. Once he restarted, a blank screen appeared and said, "Invalid Boot Disk, please insert in drive a:"Problem is, there is no disks in any drive.

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Unable To See TCPIP/NdisWanlp Option In Network Connections?

Jul 22, 2005

I am using some software that allows a number of differen communication protocols to the end device, depending upon which hardware is fitted to the device. One of the options we used to use when dialling in to a remote network was TCPIP/NdisWanlp, as distinct from TCPIP/NetworkCard when connecting directly to the network.I no longer have the TCPIP/NdisWanlp option on my lapstop ?

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Xerox Laser Printer On Network - Update Failed To Work

Oct 3, 2010

I have recently updated (Auto)Windows XP. I have a Xerox laser printer on my network which after the update failed to work although it works from other computers (Mac) on the same network. I did a system restore and now it works, so the update is the fault. Before or if, I update again has anyone any advice on how to repair this situation. Auto Update is presently turned off).

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Network Adapter Infinite Reboot Cycle

Oct 16, 2008

I had the problem with the infinite reboot cycle. I fixed that by just clearing out my whole hard drive, in other words full restore. But now the problem is, I can't find my LAN in my network connections. The only thing it shows is MSN and I dont use that. I use a router with all wires and I share the internet with me and my dad. Its modem to router to my computer and my dads computer. So i go to device manager and what do you know? I also cant find my network adapter option in it.

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Screen Freezes Up Then Black Screen Upon Reboot Sometimes A Red Screen

Apr 5, 2010

My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.

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HP Invent - Safe Mode Option Screen

Nov 3, 2008

it shows HP invent welcome screen, it shows safe mode option screen and then all black screen. Nothing after that Solution I tried already, please read it carefully before any reply1) Hard disk is working okay, I have tried hard disk with another PC and its working fine 2) I have tried to remove all hardware one by one that includes CD-ROM , DVD ROM , card reader, RAM memories, All PCI cards and floppy drive. But even after removal still showing same problem 3) Only thing which I havet tried is processor. Do you guys think I should try that one too. note : booting is from Hard drive and its booting okay in another computer

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My Pictures Slideshow Screen Saver Option

Jul 6, 2005

How to set up my screensaver so that it scrolls thru all my pictures in "my pictures" folder. I've done so, but there's quite a delay between pictures, it doesn't seem like it's showing pictures from the whole folder, sometimes the pictures are very small off to one corner, and in-between pictures the screen is blank for a bit and usually has a symbol on it such as a musical note, "exit", a figure running, etc. My friend seems to have hers set up the same way, but it doesn't have these problems. It just scrolls thru her pictures, one after the other, with the pictures taking up the whole screen.

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2 Video Cards - No Dual Screen Option

Jun 20, 2006

I have had two video cards in this machine (Windows XP Home SP2) in the past for a dual screen setup.Today I put in a 2nd video card again (as the one that was in there previously has gone walk-about) but I dont have the option in windows for the 2nd screen.Everything appears fine in device manager (the screen that is working is the PCI ViRAGE one), as for the GeForce - well the light on the monitor comes on but doesnt display a picture, but in display properties there is no option for the 2nd card. (see attached screenshot)

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System Restore Option Gone - Blank Screen

Dec 28, 2008

I have an ongoing probem that I'm still trying to fix, one thing I have done is used Revo uninstaller to remove McAfee which I thought might be a problem. It removed all traces of McAfee and this and also seems to have taken system restore point with it!When I open system restore I just a blank screen.

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Loads Then Failed To Load Login Screen

Jan 20, 2009

i had this problem before and it somehow magically fixed itself, unfortunately it failed to do the same for me this time. dont really no how to describe it, it "loads" windows xp then diesthe screen works and everything seems to be plugged in correctly is this problem due to lack of memory.

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Blue Screen Userinit - Failed To Initialise

Jun 10, 2008

I need help. My computer will not boot up properly. I keep getting the same error message "userinit.exe" failed to initialise. I tried a systems recovery but this also failed. (I received the message pciide.sys not found). Sometimes through task manager I can enable desktop but most times nothing happens just a blue screen. My operating system is XP SP2.

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Print Screen Option On Keyboard Wont Work?

Feb 4, 2005

I can't seem to get my printscreen key to work

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'Insufficient System Resources' - Drawing Failed' On The Screen

Jul 18, 2010

I can not bring up animated graphics on my screen. It will view most jpeg files but not gif files. I get a 'drawing failed' on the screen. When I call up a folder, only half the items show to the eye. The others are blank. When I call up a program, it says 'Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service'. I took screen shots through my print screen program and no problem to bring that program up. But when I go after them to put in Photobucket to post I get the 'Insufficient' message so I can't post them for you. It lets me do some things but not others?

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Before The Log In Whole Screen Went Black - Cant Reboot

Jul 21, 2010

I was playing Crossfire (a FPS game) and suddenly the screen froze and pressing alt + tab or alt+ctrl+delete did not change anything. As a last resort I pressed the restate button. It loaded as usual and before the log in screen arrived the whole screen went black and I couldn't do anything. I've tried restarting and waiting for a long time now. I try f8 to enter safe node but it takes me to a blue menu with nothing but 2 booting options. I don't have any CD for my xp and My computer has no cd slot but it does have a floppy disc spot.

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Black Screen On Reboot

Oct 13, 2008

Just installed windows XP Home Sp2 onto a PC. Whats happening: Runs fine, reboot computer (powered off or a reboot) and start back up results in a black screen with no windows logo. Reboot computer it gives me the bad windows start up last known good, safe mode etc screen. If I choose start normally goes into windows and everything seems fine.
Tried: Re-Format Latest Drivers, Sp3, Bios reset all no good. Also tried a kernal32.dll delete from recovery console with no results.

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OS Reboot At Boot Screen?

Dec 5, 2007

I run a windows 2000 server.
I have recently had problems with it causing me to reinstall. here
I tried to use COMDO firewall and antivirus
I seletced to do some thing it wanted to do at boot as well, but i slected to restaet later.
A few mins later it had shutitself down, and now when it boots, It gets to the 'loading microsoft 2000 server' screen, the bar gets just ver half way..and then it rebots.

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Search Option Opens Up By Default Instead Of The Open Option

Aug 10, 2006

I use Windows XP SP2. Recently noticed that when I left-click on any of the icons of the Hard-disk drives and/or Devices with Removable Storage within 'My Computer', the 'Search' Option opens up by default instead of the 'Open' option, like in other folders. Likewise, when I right-click on the said icons, the 'Search' option is topmost & the 'Open' option has been relegated to second position. I would like the Search option to come first. Can't remember whether this was so from before or changed recently.
I have used Norton Partition Magic 8 recently to resize my partitions.

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Reboot After Login Screen For Windows

Apr 6, 2005

I am troubleshooting a WinXP PC that is in an endless reboot cycle. After powering down then powering back up it will get as far as the login screen for Windows, then reboot, no warning, just blank screen then a complete restart. After a few automatic restarts it will not even make it that far, with shorter and shorter intervals between reboots. I have tried another drive in the PC to make sure it was not a powersupply/motherboard/ram issue, and the other drive works fine. I installed the original system drive
as a secondary drive, and can see all the data and have run basic diagnostics with no bad sectors detected.

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At Reboot Blue Screen Of Death Comes

Apr 13, 2006

I also experienced the dread "XP reboots without warning" I understand this is by design in XP. Here's the twist. I ran my PC on XP Pro when I started getting the shutdown. In a attempt to diagnose the problem I used my brothers old PC to access my hard drive. I couldn't access my hard drive so I assumed it was because my brothers was running 98. I upgraded his PC to XP pro and wham...same thing now on his system and his hard drive. Almost immediately. His was known to have viruses. over the last two weeks I have installed XP pro and XP home in just about every conceivable pattern...upgrades from 98, full install from windows, full with reformat from boot disk, etc. There is only one thing consistent. 98 Runs fine, albeit slow and XP reboots at startup.

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Cannot Reboot, Black Screen With Colons

Oct 13, 2007

I got a notice that an itunes update was available. I agreed to download the updated software and a security update. Shortly thereafter, I got a message that nv4_dsp display driver has stopped working properly. Save and reboot. I had to reboot as the all programs had stopped working and the display was corrupted with large letters and weird colors. Thereafter, I rebooted in VGA mode and changed the display to a higher resolution. However, a few minutes later I head a pop and the screen had gone black with colons. I tried rebooting again in VGA mode and did the same adjustment and again I heard a pop and the screen went black, showing a blinking cursor on the top left corner and a grid of colons. I've taken the battery out and tried to reboot, but when the computer comes on it immediately shows the black screen with blinking cursor and field of colons.

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Random Black Screen Reboot

Jan 10, 2007

This just started randomly, I can't think of anything to cause it to happen. At random times my computer will just go to a black screen and not respond, at which point I must push restart button and reboot computer. It can happen within 3 minutes or 3 hours. I have tried virus scans, chekced ram connection. All is fine. I ran the windows memory test and everything passed. Anyone know what can cause this? It is very annoying as I can basically not use my computer. Oh yea one more thing, I tried reformatting and installed windows on the other hard drive. It worked fine for a few weeks but then started again. Also could a corrupt windows installation cause this? I mean could a few system files that are corrupt cause a complete crash like this?

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