Standby Is Greyed Out - Graphics Reloaded

May 10, 2006

I recently did a XP reload. Now, standby is greyed out. I reloaded the graphics driver with no change.

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No Standby Mode - Receive Error - ATI Rage Pro Accelerated Graphics Port

May 24, 2005

I'm trying to find an answer for a friend of mine that recently upgraded his computer from windows 98 se to windows xp prof. One problem I can't seem to solve for him is that I can't get his system to go into standby mode. I receive this error: On a computer that has an ATI Rage Pro accelerated graphics port (AGP) 2X video adapter installed, when you attempt to put the computer into Standby mode, you may receive the following error message: The device driver for the "ATI Technologies, Inc. 3D RAGE PRO AGP 2X" device is preventing the machine from entering standby. Please close all applications and try again. If the problem persists, you may need to update this driver. This behavior occurs because Windows XP does not provide power management support for this video adapter. I've already updated his driver to this one: Windows XP Display Driver version 5.10.2600.6010 And I still receive the same message..I'm really wondering if it's something else causing it.

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Reloaded My Computer OS - Cd Rom Monitor

Jan 29, 2007

submits their ideas and suggestions about this problem i'm having. Well here goes. I just recently reloaded my computer with windows xp and now everytime i put a disk "just about any disk" into my cd-rom my monitor will go blank. It acts "the monitor that is" like it gets unplugged from the computer. The pc is still running.

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Reformated - Reloaded Home Small?

May 27, 2006

After two weeks of fighting, I finally got our lap top to reformat and Reload XP Home. I have followed the steps on re-installiing XP that was posted several times, my problem is it has been "stuck" on the wallpaper screen, with the bottom task bar loaded and the recycle bin icon present. The light indicating the drive is busy has stayed on and I can hear the disk moving. Does it normally take an hour and half to get this far after pressing the " finish" button on the install?

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Swapped Hard Disk And Power Supply Reloaded

Jun 22, 2005

This is an IBM think center with XP Pro. Symptons are random shutdowns and restarts, and constant freezeups. I checked the power supply and it smelled like it was burnt so I changed it. I replaced the HD with a new 40 gig Hard Disk and when I went to load OS it got as far as "checking system configuration and then it freezes. I cant format or reload OS.

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New Graphics Card - Nvidia TnT2 Graphics

Aug 22, 2007

my graphics card is old and slow and i was lookin to but a new one What would u reccomend in the 100$ price range that is fast I have a 2002 windows xp P4 processor 1.50 Ghz and 256 MB of ram, 40.0 Gb, Nvidia TnT2 graphics card

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Standby Stays On Standby For Not More Than 10 Minutes

Nov 11, 2006

I have a new Dell Inspiron Media version of Win XP- a Laptop I am using as a desktop replacement. It simply won't remain on Standby for longer than 10 or 12 minutes and then goes back to desktop and then in time, the screensaver.

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Xp Firewall Greyed Out?

May 23, 2005

Lately i've been battling a virus infection with a w32.spybot.worm. Thanks to symantec antivirus corporate edition (which can detect but never repair) and microsoft antispyware software i've eliminated it. Yet today a new infection popped up from a file "eraseme_12604.exe" in my system32 (i dont know how it got there). I figured I might as well enable the XP firewall to prevent new infections from happening, but when i went to the firewall settings they were set to OFF, and all options (including the ability to turn it on) were greyed out. Did the virus modify my registry somehow and how can i remidy the situation. I am running windows XP prof with sp2

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VPN Option Greyed Out On New Connection Wizard

Jul 5, 2005

I'm using a fairly new install of Windows XP SP2 on my laptop.

Clicking on "New Connection Wizard", then select the "Connect to my
Workplace" option which would normally allow me to create a VPN connection,
is greyed out.

I've googled on this problem and found issues suggesting that

1. XP SP1 be re-installed (I'm upto SP2, which I've tried re-installing
without success)
2. HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionTelephony be
deleted (have tried this, rebooted, no success)
and 26 (tried this, rebooted, no success)
4. Find SR.INF and re-install (tried, rebooted, no change)

Having tried all of the above, I've had no joy at all. The VPN option in
"New Connection Wizard" remains greyed out.

The problem did appear to begin when I did a System Restore after a bad s/w

In addition - when I try to re-start the Remote Access Connection Manager
Service I receive Error 5: Access is Denied. I'm logged on as a Local
Administrator. I believe this is related.

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Left Pane In Explorer Greyed Out

Dec 10, 2002

I have seen this problem listed for Win98 and ME, but not for Win2000. I just updated IE to 6.0 and now the left pane in Explorer is greyed out and blank,fix for Win2000?

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Device Usage Drop Down Box Greyed Out

Aug 14, 2005

I am having problems with my keyboard.In device manager under the General tab the device usage box is 'greyed' out so I cannot enable my keyboard. I have a logitech mouse and keyboard and the software is installed. The mouse works fine but the keyboard..mmm frustrating.

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Professional Active Desktop Controls Greyed Out

Sep 13, 2007

Is Active Desktop Controls Greyed Out Ie Set As Background All Not An Option Also In Display Options Background Greyed Out So I Cannot Reset Or Restore Active Desktop Although At Boot Up My Previous Choice Of Desktop Background Shows Until The Icons Are Established Then The Screen Shows Active Desktop Has Been Turned Off Doesnt Support Do You Want To Run On This Page Tried Afew Thing Including Removing Security Programmesr

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Cannot Access The Greyed Out Area To Include Ms Dos Sys Files

Nov 15, 2008

I am trying to make a flash drive bootable into wxpro. I have several format tools inclucing hp format tool. When I tried to access 98 startup disk to format my rally drive I got the message "no media". I copied the files to another area and received the same message. I then tried the format tool in xp. I cannot access the greyed out area to include msdos sys files. I have a old dos 6.0 prog that I use at work. I have been able to get the prog to work in 98. The use of a flash drive would be excellent if I can get it to work. To access/remove computer is a hassle and if I could just plug in a flash drive in would be excellent. So far I havent been able to get the drive to boot into xp.

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Recent Reinstall - Screensaver Tab Is There But All Settings Are Greyed Out

Sep 7, 2005

After a recent reinstall of the os-WinXP Pro- the screensaver tab is there but all settings are greyed out. This happened once before and was able to fix it through some start-run command but can't remember or find it again. Just had to click on screensaver.exe and click enable, or something like that.

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Greyed Out Encrpyt Contents To Secure Data

Mar 7, 2010

How can we get the greyed out encrpyt contents to secure data on windows xp pro to be allowed to select?

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Corrupted Internet Explorer And LAN Settings Greyed Out

Mar 20, 2009

Like many I had problems with the antivirusxp virus. Using the recommended Malware program seemed to help at first, however yesterday my Internet Explorer became corrupted. When I click on LAN settings, all the boxes are greyed out. So I assume that I'll need to reinstall Internet Explorer. I've had the pc for 4 years & cannot find the installation discs. So my question is: If I download IE onto a cd & reinstall it, will this rectify my problem?

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Missing Tabs Greyed Out Buttons Settings Not Being Saved

Dec 3, 2007

i'm pretty sure my entire fiasco has something to do with my my display properties i only have three tabs, screen saver, appearance, folder options "show common tasks in folders" is greyed out and "single click to open" is also greyed out and other options throughout certain settings are greyed out in speech properties the apply button is greyed out and when i click on audio input to adjust the volume the microphone volume it is way down and i bring it back up and press ok and go back and its down again.a lot of my settings are reverting back shortly after i apply them. its been like this for a couple months me being too lazy to do anything about it and before all this happened my system was working perfectly fine. then one day everything changed. i'm pretty sure its not a virus or a worm but i think something is wrong with my registry.

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Text Services And Input Languages / Language Bar Is Greyed

Aug 8, 2005

I'm running winxp (en) on a pentium 4 machine with 512 MB RAM. Out of a sudden, my language bar on the taskbar was completely empty. in "text services and input languages" The language bar is greyed. I managed to set a key combination in order to switch back and forth beetwen French German and english. (Shift+Left Alt) is not working any more. When I run Winword (Office 2003) , the correct language is displayed in the status bar but Winword does not seem to recognize the language correctly what was the case before.

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Close Group Is Greyed Out In Excel 2007 When I Have Multiple Excel Files

Jul 23, 2010

Why is Close Group is greyed out in Excel 2007 When I have multiple Excel files open ? does this have anything to do with Excel 2007 Security update?

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Sp2 And Firewall - Firewall Settings Are Greyed Out

Jul 14, 2005

My firewall settings are greyed out and a banner says some functions controlled by group policy but I have a home computer and no network administrator. I tried resetting the firewall setting and it didnt seem to work

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Graphics Blank

Jul 23, 2005

I'm using Windows XP, service Pack 2. while on the intertent I am unable to view some types of graphics. For example in forums when pictures are attached to postings, I cannot view them. Instead of the picuture there is a blank box with a ed "X" .
I can view graphics included in my internet home page and most news clippings and websites.

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Just Got A NEW Graphics Card

Dec 27, 2006

Man this is so sweet, I couldn't play any games before and it made me sad, so I searched and found a perfect graphics card for me! Went to best buy and bought it! But I have a question, this is sweet and all but I was wandering in the OLD version when my graphics card sucked, my CPU & CPU Speed were GREAT.Now.. it's good but not GREAT, anyway to fix this up?

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Graphics Card - Way Yo Use It

Aug 21, 2007

my friend has a graphics and I can not remeber how to use it nvidia fx 5200 256mb

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Graphics Card Or RAM Which Is 1 GB

Jan 1, 2009

I love to play guild wars.I usually play it on this computer and it runs great. Now lately the game has been going much slower than usual.It is lagging on my computer and not anyone else's.Can anyone tell me what i can do to increase my speed?I have DSL so it shouldn't be too bad.And it just recently started happening so i don't think that it's my graphics card or my RAM which is 1 GB.Dell Optiplex computer.

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Web Graphics Display Incorrectly

Apr 2, 2006

Often times (not always) when I open a web page that contains an image, all I get is a rectangle with a big letter X in the middle. No image. Could it be a problem with my IE settings, with Zone Alarm, or other.

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Graphics Card And Ram Taking Up

Dec 26, 2006

I have finally got it through my head that my graphics card I currently have is taking UP my ram on my PC.Im suppose to have 256MB, but on my PC it displays that I have 224. *sighs*I was wandering, what graphics card should I get that will give me back all 256 of my members? I WAS going to get this But they ran out of it... SOOO is there ANY OTHER graphics card that I could get... but like in radioshack, bestbuy, stores like that? Im not looking to spend more.

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Graphics Card - Associated With Motherboard

Aug 1, 2007

Will any graphcis card work with every motherboard? Because my graphics card is getting old and i want to get a better one. So are their specific graphics cards you can use for your motherboard or can any work?

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Something Is Affecting Graphics Driver

Apr 8, 2006

I think i have some sort of 'infection' that is affecting my Display Driver and not letting Windows accept the files. The problem started nearly a week back and over 20 reinstallations of 3 different versions of the Intel Extreme Graphics Driver later, it still gives me the same error. There seems to be an issue with ialmrnt5.dll (one of the display driver files).The main error message that i get from Windows goes something like: "Windows has recovered from a serious device failure. Please close all programs and reboot to restore full functionality". Else, i get a message directly pointing out the file saying something like: "the ialmrnt5.dll Display Driver has malfunctioned.

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S3 Graphics Driver Needed

Sep 12, 2005

I am reinstalling an old T21 IBM Thinkpad with windows 2000 - sp4. The graphics card is an s3 savage IX/MV (86c294). I am trying to lay my hands on this driver.S3 do not support this card at all any more. Where could I download this driver from?

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Graphics Not Working But The Driver Is Ok

Mar 7, 2005

every now and then when XP boots ( not always, like 1 out of 10 times, but always after Windowsupdate) it comes up with a 4bit colordepht and a resolution of 640X480 and is unchangeable + the Nvidiawizard is not in the Systray where its meant to be.I checked the driver and found out: behold there's a new version available at , I download and try to install, what pops up is something like the following message: "The software that is being installed for GeForce4 MX440 did not pass the LOGO-Test for WinXP. The Software may not be compatible to WindowsXP and may cause ......" problems and whatnot. So I decide to cancel installation and go to There, too is (among other security updates" a Nvidia Graphics Driver. I check the security updates and the Driversupdate and install. Reboot = Graphic error as described above .

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BSOD About Graphics Driver

Aug 17, 2007

Sometimes after playing a game like Halo I get a blue screen saying that to prevent hardware damage, Windows must be shut down. Something about Intel's GMA driver igx32.dll or something. There's also no option to shut down my computer, I have to press and hold my power button.

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