On Resume Pasword Protect / On Resume Display Welcome Screen

Sep 29, 2004

I have read dozens of threads containing similar questions.Let me explain what I did, and what my system is now doing. I only have one user account (my own) besides the disabled guest account, and the hidden admin and hidden asp.net account. For over
two years, my system was fine. It always went back to the welcome screen when the screen saver kicks in and I just click my name, type my password, and am back in.

Computer screen saver kicks in, when I go to log back in, it brings up the classic 2k looking UNLOCK screen. I went back to the screen saver settings and reset them back to the default, but no luck. Since this has happened, I noticed 2 things. My screen saver settings now display ON RESUME, PASSWORD PROTECT instead of the ON RESUME, DISPLAY WELCOME SCREEN. Also, about half the time I am on my home PC, its tunneled in to it from work via REMOTE DESKTOP CONNECTION. Previously, when I would minimize my connection and work locally here at work, if the screen saver at home had time to come on, when I click to maximize my home PC, I could tell that the screen saver was running, and it would immediately refresh and bring me back to my
desktop assuming that since it was set to ON RESUME, DISPLAY WELCOME SCREEN and since that would not be a possible thing connected via RDC, it just turned the screen saver off and I was ready to work.

Now, when I am tunneled in, when the screen saver comes on and I go back to my home PC session, it brings up the UNLOCK PC prompt and requires me to logon. Everything I have read about this says that the reason it is doing this is because I only have one user account setup.

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Password Protected Screensaver - On Resume - Display Welcome Screen

Jul 7, 2005

I have a minor irritation. I downloaded a windows xp update and now when the screensaver comes on it takes me to the welcome screen to log back on. It used to just take me to the log-on. This computer is used by 3 people and none of them like this as it takes "extra time" to click on the icon and then type in the password. When I right-click on the desktop and go to properties, screensaver instead of it saying "On resume, password protect" beside the check box it says "On resume, Display welcome screen" It used to say the former.

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Screensaver Password - Can Only Check On Resume - Display Welcome Screen?

Sep 16, 2008

I recently started college not too long ago and I've been having a little issues with the security of my Gateway laptop running Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack II. I would like to enable the prompt for password feature when returning from a screen saver. However, when I go into the options, the only thing I can check is 'On resume, display welcome screen'. I've searched around a bit more but can't seem to find anything.

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Double Resume To Login When Screen Saver Kicks In

Jul 6, 2005

Occasionally when my systems screensaver kicks in, it normally would take me back to the log-on user screen, which is fine. The problem is that sometimes it does it TWICE, meaning, i go out of the screensaver typein the user password and soon as i log in the screensaver kicks back in as if i never touched it and then i have to type the user pass again. This isn't something critical but its annoying and it takes time. Unfortunately disabling the resume in the log on screen isn't an option because I don't want people to log on under my name or use the comp under it should i leave my officer for a bit.

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BSOD On Resume From Standby; And Black Screen On Startup

Jul 11, 2010

I have a Dell Dimension 4550 desktop running Windows XP, SP3. I have 2 problems. BSOD on waking from Standby mode about 80% of the time - must reboot. Error message is: Kernel_Stack_Inpage_Error. Codes are: Stop: 0x00000077, (0xc000000E, 0xc000000E, 0x00000000, 0x05DB7000). Beginning dump of physical memory.This has been going on for a couple of months. When it first happened I could think of no new software that I had added recently. I'm also getting a black screen on startup about 70% of the time. Messages: Primary hard disk drive 0 not found. Strike F1 key to continue, F2 to run Setup Utility. When I hit F1 key, the error message just repeats endlessly, have to reboot to get out.

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Cannot Resume From Hibernation

Jun 17, 2006

I have recently hibernated my computer and now I cannot resume it. It comes up and says "Resuming Windows" to a black screen except for the white text.I cannot seem to find the hibernation file to delete it to see if that will fix it.

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Set Password For Window After Resume

Jul 29, 2010

i want that when i leave my computer for some time than after resuming it should be protected with password

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Resume From Hibernation / System Using 50%

Jul 21, 2005

Having never used Hibernation before, I thought I'd make sure my machine would actually do it. It did fine, and rebooted fast...but now my CPU is showing System using 50% of resources in Task Manager whereas before it would almost zilch usually.

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Optimize Resume From Hibernation

Aug 24, 2004

I'm running one of my computers as a MEdia computer. I need it Winamp(video, music), and IE (Browsing) and that is pretty much it.How can I optimize XP PRO so that It can resume from Hibernation as quickly as possible.

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Run Tasks On Resume From Hibernation

Aug 15, 2005

I've been looking for a way to ensure that a specific task runs after my desktop resumes from hibernation. Initially, I'd hoped for something akin to the "Run at user logon" or "Run at startup" optionsavailable in the schedule tab of a scheduled task, but there is no setting for "Run at resume from standby/hibernation"

Restore a VPN connection after the computer's network capabilities are restored on resuming from hibernation. This is important because I have to occasionally wake thesystem from offsite using its Wake-On-LAN NIC. I've tried setting up a scheduled task to run at start-up and user logon which uses RASDIAL to dial the appropriate VPN connection, but this connection depends on the logged-in user's credentials, so it won't work at start-up. When set to have it run at user logon, it doesn't run when the computer comes out of hibernation.

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Install Won't Resume After Reboot

Jul 21, 2009

I've installed XP many times and this is the first time this has happened to me. After XP copyies the files and reboots it wants to reload the cd which, of course, I ignore. Then it just hangs or, ultimately, gives the message, "Operating system not found." I tried the installation with only the one drive connected and tried installing it to a single partition on that drive.

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Resume From Hibernation With Ps2 Mouse Or Keyboard

Jan 23, 2008

After hibernation, cannot resume from ps2 keyboard or mouse. Resumes OK by momentarily pressing power button. Intel MOBD D915GAVL, WXP OS. No options in BIOS.

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PC Doesn't Resume From Hibernation Nor Standby

Aug 9, 2005

I've never been able to resume the computer from hibernation, which is a feature I really miss. As this is OEM software Microsoft won't support it, although they provided me with this hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/defau [...] -us;815304
which I thought would help because it seemed to be the problem, but doesn't.

The computer hibernates or goes into standbye without any problems or errors, but never resumes. The screen gets all black, although I get the mouse's arrow moving.
Sometimes my desktop background appears, sometimes it then disappears.Once it went to the login screen, but was really slow. All of this ends up with me having to hold down the power button until the computer shuts down.I've tried disabling hibernation, restarts, re-enable hibernation, restart... and so on.I've also run disk defragmenter and disk cleanup. I've read anything possible, looked at the BIOS

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Resume Desktop With One Move Of The Mouse?

Feb 7, 2007

Where is the control for the setting that makes the desktop resume with one move of the mouse? Mine seems to have changed itself from one move of the mouse, to two moves of the mouse, to bring the desktop back up. I don't remember doing anything at the time, or ever really, like software installs, sys restores, etc., that would account.

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No Sound Effects For Suspend - Resume

Apr 8, 2008

It's time for another cosmetic XP tweaking question.In the out-of-the-box install, Windows XP on my notebook PC had this nifty feature I loved -- closing the lid to suspend operation, then opening it back up and hitting the power button to resume. It played this two-note piano melody when I did so, and then a more upbeat tune when I clicked on my avatar icon to get back to my desktop.I've since reinstalled XP several times. Right now it does the exact same thing that it used to, but without the cheerful piano sounds. How can I get them to come back? Kind of a silly question, I know, but they really did brighten my day.

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Resume To The Old Version - Media Player

Jul 9, 2007

I've received a notice to upgrade my Window's XP media player to the version 11, but it failed because apparently the windows application program is not a autentic one. And now, the window media player don't work anymore. Is there a way to resume to the old version?

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Spontaneous Resume From Hibernation / Displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL To Restart

Jun 7, 2006

When resuming from hibernate or standby it made a clunking noise like it was trying to find something and then displays: Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to Restart. Sometimes it worked, others not. I then found that it was displaying the NTLDR error so I backed up everything did a destructive recovery and started doing all the new updates for Windows, etc. Seemed to be working fine and then I added two additional hard drives (one for backup and the other for recording TV). I sent it to hibernate and the next day I tried to startup and couldn't get the OS to load at all. I finally did a recovery to one of the other hard drives. I did all the updates, added some new programs and set Media Center to record. I put the machine in hibernate and left. When I returned the machine was on and the TV recording was executed as programmed. I put the machine in hibernate again last night and when I awoke the machine was running. I had not set a recording so I'm wondering why it would spontaneously restart for no apparent reason.

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Energy Saving Configuration / Hibernation Task Occurs On Resume

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to implement some energy saving configuration on our Windows XP computers. I use Task Scheduler to put PCs into hibernate mode with psshutdown.exe : Quote :schtasks /create /tn ecoenergie /tr "c:WINDOWSpsshutdown.exe -h -accepteula" /sc ONIDLE /i 60 /ru "System"

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Removing "prompt For Password On Resume" Globally?

Jul 18, 2005

I have multiple users on one machine. The PC is constantly going on standby and locking them out. I have set the power settings for several users, but i cannot set them for all.I have a script running that resets the power configuration to "always on" in the registry, but it does not overwrite the standy and hard disk settings under power management. If they are set to 15 minutes, it stays at 15 minutes even if the cofiguration is changed from Home to Always on.
Also I cannot have the password on resume unchecked by default for all users. It has to be manually done. I ahave triied registry and GPEdit settings for all of these but no joy.

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Screensaver Password Protect - Welcome Screen

Jan 2, 2006

I'm trying to limit access to my PC through the password protect feature of my screensaver. When I configure my screensaver a box that says "On resume, Display Welcome screen". I checked this box, so that the screensaver will go to the Welcome Screen when it exits. This works fine if the screensaver is initiated by windows automatically (when the appropriate time of inactivity elapses). However, I've created a shortcut to the screensaver, and when I double-click it, the screensaver loads, but when I deactivate it (move the mouse, press a key) it does not go the the Welcome Screen, so the computer is not locked.

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Forgot Logon Pasword - Get Rid Of This?

Jan 28, 2006

password not working. forgotten? How do I get in. I have looked at the program that a few people have recommended, making new boot disks, etc. Great if you are a computer engineer, but for the rest of us dummies you might as well ask me to build a rocket ship to pluto.

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Repair - Log In Pasword Invalid

Mar 4, 2007

I'm trying to do a repair on my Windows XP and when I try to get into C:/Windows - it's asking me for an administrators password - I have no idea what that is. I tried my log in password but it says it's invalid.

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Pro 64 Bit Screen Display Go Black

Jun 12, 2008

Since I installed Windows XP Pro 64 bit, I seemingly randomly encounter a problem with the screen display. The computer will be functioning fine and then the screen will go black (the monitor is still on) for approximately a single second and then come back on. It does not happen every time I use the computer, but when it does occur, the only solution I have found is restarting the machine (sometimes I have to do this multiple times). I am quite sure the problem lies with Windows or with the drive Windows is installed on as I have Fedora 8 installed on another drive in the system, and it does not encounter this problem. Is anyone aware of a fix for this problem or perhaps a special driver/configuration mode I should acquire? Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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Boot Up Screen Display

May 20, 2005

How can I see my XP boot up process (memory count, etc.) on the screen when I power on. Currently, I get a quick screen with F2 and DEL (system setup and boot order) and then on to the XP banner screen and login screen. I don't see the devices load or RAM count up.

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No Display After Splash Screen

May 8, 2010

I am new here and I consider myself very knowledgeable on a computer but this one has me pulling my hair out. I have seen posts for similar situations but nothing identical to mine. What I have is a Dell E520 and we had a power serge and the computer shutoff. When the computer was turned back on it P.O.S.T. fine, loaded to splash screen and then once that is done loading I get a blank screen. Nothing. I reset go to safe mode, works fine, loads into safe mode. I try to load safe mode with networking, will not work. So I went back to safe mode and tried to do a system restore, told me it was disables and I would have to go back and enable it in regular mode.

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Can't Pictures Display On Screen

Oct 25, 2005

Problem: When accessing certain web sites (specifically amazon.com) I cannot get any of the pictures to display on the screen. All I get is an X where any picture is supposed to be. I have a laptop and a desktop both Dell and both running Windows XP SP2 and experiencing the same problem! use Netscape 7.0 and 8.0, IE 6.0 and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.3 and they are all acting the same way. This problem began about 4 days ago when a Microsoft automatic update was loaded onto both my systems. Once again, thank you in advance for your help! I found out that this site has some of the most knowledgeable and helpful people around.

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My Screen Display Is Tipped

Jan 3, 2007

my entire screen (meaning display) is tilted. in other words, i have to tilt my head at a 90 degree angle to see clearly. i dont know why- i accidently mashed some keys on my keyboard and it happened.

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Rotated Display Screen On Monitor

Jan 23, 2005

Display screen is is tilted 90 degrees to the right, so instead of my screen showing horizontally it is displayed vertically. In other words, you have to set the flat monitor screen on its side to view your display. I ran Norton Antivirus and there were 5 items that I couldn't delete including TBPS.exe.

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No Display On Monitor After Blue Screen

Dec 2, 2008

I have a Dell E207WFP Flat Panel monitor on a Dell Dimension E520 computer with TONS of memory and which is about a year and a half old. It has been working absolutely fine until Sunday - my son left the computer on overnight, and when he went to turn it off the next morning there was a blue screen error but I couldn't read it because the letters were all jumbled.It's just a blank screen, and then the Auto-Detect comes on and puts it in power save.
I've been trying to troubleshoot from another computer, Dell's tech sites told me to check this and check that, but since I can't even get Windows to start up.
I'm wondering if as a starting point I should try to reinstall Windows? Or try to boot up from the disk?

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Display Problem: Screen Too Big For Monitor

Apr 18, 2005

bit past the right and bottom edges of the monitor screen. things like my Netscape and IE browsers don't seem to run over when maximized, and my toolbar seems ok as well. I'm running Windows XP on a Compaq Presario 5012US with a Nvidia GeForce4 MX 420 video card. The screen resolution I'm currently using is 800x600, and adjusting this setting up or down does nothing to fix the problem. I just updated the drivers for my video card, and windows is up to date as well. I'm totally stumped on this. Awhile back I was having bigger problems with my display when I was also running my TV as a second monitor,
I'm running a NEC MultiSync XV17 monitor also.

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Change Screen Saver / Can't Get Into Display

May 25, 2010

I'm trying to change my screen-saver, but I can't get into Display. I get a message

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