Trying To Clean Up The System: PC Showing Lots Of Unused Programs?

Feb 17, 2005

I am trying to clean up my computer.. I use tonIARTS thingy and that works great for me but I do have an awful lot of programs that came with the computer that I don't know if I can get rid of safely.. some I have down loaded myself.

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Bizarre Result On Deleting Unused Programs

Jul 31, 2007

I am currently using a Dell Inspiron 8600 running Windows XP(if you need more details, just say so)a few days ago, I needed some more room on my hard drive, so i started uninstalling some old programs and games I hadn't used in a while, and while I was in the "add or remove programs" anyway, I uninstalled a few things that haven't been used since I got the computer almost three years ago.

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Opening Programs Takes Lots Of Time?

Mar 22, 2008

it enters a kind of loading spasm which can go on for several minutes, making this repeating, rhythmic pattern of loading noises, before everything goes back to normal. Foxit Reader and McAfee Security Center are the worst, but right after booting most programs cause it, as does merely logging on which now takes about ten minutes. It doesn't exactly make the computer unusable but it's incredibly frustrating. Outside of the spasms it's perfectly normal.

I haven't installed anything recently, except for a demo of Penumbra: Black Plague which I've since uninstalled . I have very little free hard disk space (1.5 GB of a 60 GB disk) but that's been the case for some time, while this only began a few days ago. I've done full scans with Ad-Aware, Spybot and McAfee which turned up nothing more than a few tracking cookies. I'll paste a HijackThis log if someone reckons it'd be of use, but I'm uncertain whether this is a malware problem (hence my not posting this in the malware section). It's occurred to me to just format and reinstall windows, but perhaps there's a likely simpler solution?

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System Tray Showing Unwanted Programs At Startup?

Aug 6, 2009

few programs began showing up in the System Tray that I didn't want to open.I went to msconfig/General and checked Selective Startup without knowing whether or not I needed to.Then, I went to Startup and deselected those programs.That worked for a while till I went back to misconfig and checked for Normal Startup Since the unwanted programs appeared again in my System Tray, I unchecked them in Normal Startup mode. But when I boot up my computer, I find that I am still in Selective Startup even though I checked for Normal.

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Cleaning & Speeding Up Computer After Installing Lots Of Programs?

Sep 19, 2006

i have a new sony vaio and i just installed a bunch of stuff onto it for school and it can be a bit sluggish at times. i was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how to speed up everything overall. thanks for your time.

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Registry Clean Up Programs

Jun 22, 2006

I have downloaded 4 different registry programs and they all give me a different number of problems with my computer. One (Windows Registry Repair Pro) gave me 264 problems, with 255 invalid paths being part of the problem. This one sells for $9.99, is it a good one? I guess there aren't any free registry cleaners available? Which registry program does CNET suggest to be a good one? I have Win XP SP2 Home edition My computer has slowed down and it is probably from the registry right?

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Programs To Clean ,fix And Optimise The Speed?

Mar 10, 2007

I have a bunch of money. So i thought i might as well spend it on something useful. Im looking for several programs or if there is one program that does it all even better I would like a program that just

- cleans my pc, and gets rid of crap like spyware and viruses- makes my pc run as fast as it can -e.g boot up faster and runs programs better

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How 2 Clean Install Without Having To Reinstall Other Programs

Dec 11, 2005

Does anyone know how to properly configure a multi-hard drive Windows XP Home PC with XP OS files on the boot hard drive (30 GB in my case) and all other program & data files on two separate partitions of a 160 GB drive, so that whenever my system starts slowing down, I can wipe the Windows OS drive clean & do a clean install of XP on it, without having to reinstall some 50+ and growing applications I have downloaded but don't have on CD or DVD?Someone I met in passing but didn't get the details from said this was how he had his PC set up, and that all you have to do is make a backup of your Registry files on the non-OS HD and just restore/reinstall the registry on the OS HD after clean installing XP on the OS HD. Microsoft tech support personnel I have asked about this say this is not something they support and they deny this is possible.

But, as I have run semi-weekly virus & malware scans using multiple products and deleted all of the suspicious files they find and am still experiencing increasingly slow and erratic system performance, MS told me I should do a clean install, after burning all of my downloaded program files to DVD and backing up all my data files (already being performed nightly to the 160 GB drive data files partition), then reinstall all drivers and programs off CDs & DVDs. I estimate this will take a good 8-10 hours every time I want to reinstall XP, which I consider an excessive drag on my productivity in my real business. Does anyone know whether the concept I outlined above is feasible, and if so, where can one find a succinct guide on how to implement it, including a clear map of what directories other than C:Windows any OS files are in, and recommendations for a good registry editor program?

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Computer Running Slow - Several Programs To Clean Up

May 30, 2005

I have run several applications to clean my computer but I am sure there is something on there slowing the performance.

I would place my HT log on here but I do not know how do it.

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Clean Registry Of ALL The Uninstalled Removed Programs

Feb 18, 2006

Running XP Pro,And wondering how do I clean my registry of ALL the old uninstalled removed programs folders that were long, long ago removed but still remaining in software areas of the various HKeys?

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Add Or Remove Programs Not Showing In Start Menu

Feb 8, 2007

When I turn my computer on it opens in my documents. I have no desktop icons and no start menu. The only thing I see is my desktops background picture. When it opens in my documents, I can click on my desktop and the items are in there, so I can access the internet that way. When I shut down the computer, I hit ctrl+alt+del, and shut it down or restart it from there.

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Updates Programs Minimized - Stopping Showing On Taskbar

Apr 2, 2006

I am running XPPRO with all latest updates and recently when I minimized any programs, it stopped showing the program on the taskbar. Now I do not know which programs are running or have to use the CTRL-TAB to switch between programs. I tried to look for setting which would re-enable this but could not find this.

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Ctrl Alt Delete Show Processes From Users Instead Of Showing The Programs

Feb 24, 2008

My ctrl, alt, delete brings up a box that says show processes from all users instead of showing the programs that are running. If I click on yes or no, in regard to showing all users, I still can't get to the window that shows the programs running. I don't know how this happened, but I did install a new external hard drive. How can I get my task manager back to the normal viewing that I am used to?

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Standard Account Getting Reset Whenever Unused?

Aug 2, 2010

OS: Windows XP SP3
Realtime Security Software: Avast!, ThreatFire,
Non-Realtime: Spyware Blaster, SuperAntispyware Scanner (Free Edition), Malwarebytes' Scanner
Firewall: COMODO Firewall Only

My Standard Account got reset for the 2nd time. Firstly, when I didn't use my account for 4 days once I came to log on I realised that 'Personalized Settings' was showing up at the top left hand corner. This came again after I didn't use the account for one day. By reset I mean, the background wallpaper reset to default and the desktop folders not showing up. But when I went into 'Documents and Settings' in my administrator account (which didn't get reset), all the folders were showing up in my C Drive/Documents and Settings/ folder. Once I right-clicked on a folder on my system when this happened for the first time, my system froze. The system also froze when opening any file. This started happening a few weeks after I had installed COMODO Firewall which might be a coincidence even though I don't think it is but all these error messages/dialog box popped up on my account, roughly like 'Invalid or corrupt jarfile...' but on the administrator account none of these errors showed up when this happened on my account. In addition, this issue also happened when I changed my account from Standard to Administrator but this didn't change anything. When this happened for the first time, to solve the issue I made a new account and then copied all my files/folders over from my old account to the new one but because this problem has happened again, I predict that this will keep on happening again on every new account I make. I have also run malware scans which didn't detect any viruses.

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Native Hd - Scrubber The Unused Portions

Aug 26, 2005

I remember from within the last month using a cmd line tool in XP which basically scrubs the unused portions of the hd by doing a 3 pass write of 0s and 1s on the drive. Problem is I forgot the file name. Anyone know it off hand?

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Unused Icons Will Not Hide Inactive

Jul 24, 2005

I have a computer that there has been no changes to except for the most
receint windows security updates. Now all of a sudden my notification area
icons will not hide when inactive.I have checked all settings. I have even turned off hiding and rebooted thenturned hiding back on still not luck. I also made sure that the settings areset to hide when inactave

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Unused Desktop Popup To Quit

Feb 13, 2006

Can anybody please show me how to keep the there are unused desktop icons cleanup wizard popup to quit coming up for good? for every different user?I already know about going to desktop settings with the 60 days thing. I am an IT at a school where these kids see this message and tend to screw things up when they go into it.

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System Clean Up Help?

Dec 21, 2005

My computer is an 9 month old Dell Celeron with cable internet. Lately its slow as &%$#. The browsers. I have several. Fire Fox, Netscape and IE. And I've cleared out my cookies. I don't have any silly things installed like screen savers or whatever. I think a good system clean up would help but I'm fearfull of deleting something important. Some one told me someone here helped her clean up her system.

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Unused Desktop Icons Wont Delete?

Apr 20, 2007

Every once in a while i get the stupid Unused Desktop Shortcuts icon that comes up on my dektop. Anyone know how to stop that from coming up?

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Recovery Of Unused Desktop Items Dialog Box

Aug 29, 2005

Before I got this dialog box that showd that I could make a folder to have all my unused desktop items in. I click cancel, now several months after I regret. How can I get the dialog box back?

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Permanently Remove The Unused And Unwanted Folders

Nov 27, 2009

Windows XP Home.How can I permanently remove the unused and rather twee folders 'My Music' and 'My Pictures'?

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System Clean Up Using C Cleaner

Dec 9, 2007

This is not so much a problem as a request for help and advice. I have had my system now for around a year and have uninstalled and re installed alot of games and programs. Ive noticed i have accumulated quite alot of files in various places which i probably dont need so i was wondering if theres a program or method out there to get rid of this rubbish. I am already using registry mechanic (latest version) and ccleaner but have noticed there are still bits left in the registry which dont look like there doing anything. Any help on cleaning out my pc and maybe making it run a bit faster by maybe disabling or removing parts.

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Use Defrag To Clean Up My System

Nov 12, 2007

I want to use a Defrag programe in order to clean up my computer (truse me, I really need to clean it up...). Now I have a programe called "UltimateDefrag", and I'm running a defrag using this programe as we speak. Also, since I'm not sure about this programe, I've taken a look in the programe manual, and I could bearly understand enough to run a defarg using this programe.

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Move Unused Gigs From One Partition To Another - Dual Boot

Mar 14, 2008

I used Win98SE before installing WinXP Pro about a year ago. I have 2 internal hard drives and am running a dual boot with 98SE on the C drive and the K drive has the XP Pro. C drive was partitioned at the outset of dual booting and has drives E through H. Drive K which has XP Pro is beginning to fill and in fact, I currently have only 4 gigs available for use. Now the question: can I move some of the unused gigs in drives G and H to the K drive?? Oh, 98SE is FAT32 and Pro has NTFS formatting. If the answer is yes then, of course, I will need to know how. And as usual, TIA.

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Way To Get Rid Of Unused Desktop Icons Balloon Window Permanently?

May 24, 2005

I was wondering if there was a way to permanently ensure you never see the balloon that tells you that there are "unused icons on your desktop". I'm assuming it's some sort of registry hack.

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Lots Of Spyware And Trojans Lately

Jul 31, 2007

I just finished cleaning my sisters' computer from various trojans, etc...atleast all of those I could find. I have scanned with Adaware, Spybot, AVG, and Bazooka, and installed Sygate firewall. I was wondering if there is anything that I should delete from my hijack log.

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Lots Of Error Messages

Apr 15, 2007

I recently reformatted due to slowing of my computer and things have been great, playing alot of Battlefield 2142 and it looks amazing on my rig, however today I was playing and things were going excruciatingly show, and eventually just stopped. I had to unplug it and turn it back on. I noticed problems immediately after XP loaded up and got on my user. Resolution was to a minumum, my AIM, Steam, and just about everything crashed and gave me the error report message. Everytime I load AIM or Firefox(IE too), it gives me an error report screen, however there really isn't a problem, i just move the error window to the corner of my screen and I'm able to browse freely.

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Lag And Lots Of It - Spyware Doctor

Feb 11, 2005

I dled a game and installed (gta VC) and also installed "the all seeying eye" and "MTA version(i dont know)", during playing the game i encountered this massive lag/frame-skip every/approx 10 secs, i exited the game and found that the lag/frame-skip still continued, i reseted my computer and to find it was resloved, where after about 30-40 mins the continous lag came back, its starts of as small frameskips to over a long period of time (1 hour) unbearable frame skip as if the computer is running at full. I did a virus scan, adware scan, spy doctor scan, cws shredder scan and a hijack this scan. Only Spyware doctor found 700 things that it removed the most threatening thing a browser changing trojan/hijack thingy,still my comp has the constant lag/frameskip.

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Clean Install Of Operating System

Jun 21, 2005

I want to perform a Clean Install of Windows XP, but I'm not sure how.

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Svchost.exe And Rtvscan.exe Using Lots Of Memory

Mar 17, 2008

A while ago my computer started running very slow. In task manager is says svchost.exe and rtvscan.exe are taking up lots of memory. I've run the basic scans like spybot, and defragmented, but nothing really seems to make a difference.

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Uninstallers Leave Lots Behind In Registry

Jan 5, 2007

I noticed that when you use either the Control Panel Add/Remove Programs or an uninstaller to remove software lots of bits get left behind. For example, if you RUN SERVICE.MCR you will find files in the Registry. Also, IE7 browser add-ons. Some of these items can't be deleted - only disabled. I have run into problems with all this "regsam" before - from start-up to shut-down problems. Registry Cleaners don't detect and delete them either.

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