System Clean Up Help?

Dec 21, 2005

My computer is an 9 month old Dell Celeron with cable internet. Lately its slow as &%$#. The browsers. I have several. Fire Fox, Netscape and IE. And I've cleared out my cookies. I don't have any silly things installed like screen savers or whatever. I think a good system clean up would help but I'm fearfull of deleting something important. Some one told me someone here helped her clean up her system.

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System Clean Up Using C Cleaner

Dec 9, 2007

This is not so much a problem as a request for help and advice. I have had my system now for around a year and have uninstalled and re installed alot of games and programs. Ive noticed i have accumulated quite alot of files in various places which i probably dont need so i was wondering if theres a program or method out there to get rid of this rubbish. I am already using registry mechanic (latest version) and ccleaner but have noticed there are still bits left in the registry which dont look like there doing anything. Any help on cleaning out my pc and maybe making it run a bit faster by maybe disabling or removing parts.

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Use Defrag To Clean Up My System

Nov 12, 2007

I want to use a Defrag programe in order to clean up my computer (truse me, I really need to clean it up...). Now I have a programe called "UltimateDefrag", and I'm running a defrag using this programe as we speak. Also, since I'm not sure about this programe, I've taken a look in the programe manual, and I could bearly understand enough to run a defarg using this programe.

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Clean Install Of Operating System

Jun 21, 2005

I want to perform a Clean Install of Windows XP, but I'm not sure how.

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Trying To Do Clean Install Of Windows Xp / System Wont Boot From CD

Jul 3, 2010

i ran active kill disc program to erase local disc c then went to bios and changed boot device order saved changes and reboot now system wont boot from cd i get error loading operating system msg

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Trying To Clean Up The System: PC Showing Lots Of Unused Programs?

Feb 17, 2005

I am trying to clean up my computer.. I use tonIARTS thingy and that works great for me but I do have an awful lot of programs that came with the computer that I don't know if I can get rid of safely.. some I have down loaded myself.

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Clean Installoperating System - Drivers Wont Update Now

Sep 7, 2009

i have a old dell demension 3000 desktop, recently it was struck with a couple viruses (pc antispyware 2010)i saved all my files and decided to do a clean install.a couple drivers were missing:Network Adapter Ethernet controller Multi Media Controller Video Controller (VGA)i couldn't get online so i plugged in a USB wireless adapter to try and get online to download these drivers. (BTW the att modem is attached to this computer.)i tried updating each driver and it just searches and comes up with nothing. So i went to the Dell site and looked up which drivers to DL, i DL them and it just saves to my desktop as a application file.

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Keep Clean Operating System For Viruses/Malware/Spyware

Jun 12, 2006

I currently run PC-Cillin anti virus, and have Ad-Aware SE, Spybot - Search & Destroy, and SpywareBlaster to help keep my PC clean. I would like some suggestions on other programs that you might recommend, or if these would suffice to keep my PC clear of viruses, malware, and spyware.I would also like to know if anyone has any information about Registry Mechanic. Specifically if it is worth while in any way, as it was recommended to my by a friend.

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Unable To Detect Sound Back On System After Deleting While Clean Up?

Jan 2, 2005

I did some clean-up on my pc last week. I deleted the sound by mistake. What can I do to have it back? I have windows xp.

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Run Program To Clean: System Wont Found Driver For Hard Drive?

Apr 12, 2010

I ran a scrub program to clean up a VISTA machine. then tried to load XP. Got a message about "not having drivers for the hard drive".

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Clean Install / Invalid System Disk. Replace The Disk

Mar 22, 2006

I recently formatted my drive and am trying to reinstall my WIndows XP Pro.When I put in the CD and the PC starts up I receive a message: "Invalid System Disk. Replace the disk and then press any key"I have already changed my BIOS so that it boots from the CD first. Not sure what the problem is? prior to that error message, it states that I should "press any key to boot from CD"...when I try to push a key nothing happens. I know my keyboard works since I used it to enter the BIOS.

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How To Clean Up The Pc

Sep 23, 2008

all I need to get my computer, as it was when i bought it it is windows xp.

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HJT Log For Review: Way To Clean?

Mar 21, 2006

Could you take a peek at this log and let me know if it is clean?

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How To Clean Out Cookies?

Aug 30, 2005

Am trying to clean out cookies, when done I get an index file that says there are 160kb in file that I cannot access.How do I access these to see what is there? It also says another program is usin this file and that I cannot access the file.

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Like To Clean Install On New HDD From Old HDD

Jul 16, 2005

I bought 2 SATA HDDs and would like to set them up as RAID and clean install XP and all the drivers/programs on them. I don't want to use those image drive programs to transfer the old drive to the new drive. My old HDD has XP on it (activated) and I would like to format it and use it for data storage later. Do I need to reactivate after I clean install XP on the new HDDs (same mobo and CPU)? I have NOT plugged the HDDs in my computer yet.

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Try To Do Clean Install Of XP

Sep 6, 2007

I am going to try to do a clean install of XP. When i am ready to get my updates do i download all of them at once then reboot or do i have to get one at a time and reboot after each one?

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Need Help With A Clean Install

Jun 23, 2005

what drivers will I need? ..I have most of the stuff but some of the disks were for my winme OS I think. How do I find out what motherboard I have and what driver I need?if it all goes pear shaped will I be able to put my old master in and get back to square one?if it the Xp install goes fine can I put in my old master as slave and copy the needed files over to the new master? The old master is fat32, so would that be a problem?I only have the winme version of word but my dads laptop has word perfect for xp...could I use this?

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Clean Install Of Without CD

Oct 21, 2007

What would be the easiest way to do a clean re-install of Windows XP without the manufacturer's CD?

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Disk Clean Up

Sep 10, 2005

Did Not Find The Reply To My Message Asking Which Blocks To Check To Do A Disk Clean Up Although I Know There Was A Reply.

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Can't Run Disk Clean Up

Nov 7, 2005

I have finnaly decided to enter the world of high speed internet (wait for appluse) and before I do this I want to optomize my computers preformence so I have Checked the hard drive for errors and defragmented it when I try to use the Disk Clean Up tool that comes with XP it asks what drive i want to check then I click the main drive and I get this error:"Disk Cleanup Manager for Windows has encounterd a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience"I looked it up and did not find any thing that lead me to belive that it was a common error Is there anyway that I can reinstall it or another way to run it? Also if anyone has any advice on speeding up my computer let me know.

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SP2 After Clean Installation

Jun 17, 2005

I have been preparing all week for a clean install of XP this weekend. The only question I still can not find an answer to is whether or not I can get the SP2 from windows update after I have reinstalled XP I purchased prior to SP2, in August 2003. I recall reading somewhere that it was not available after a certain date. I would like to confirm I can get all the neccessary updates from microsoft's website after I have reinstalled.

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Desk Top Clean Up Its Not

Oct 10, 2009

Desk top cleaner appears to run by its self only after computer is left on for 4 plus hours inactive i have turned off desk top cleaner and verified it is off but still seems to do it randomly,if that is what is causing the following - all non ms icons are removed from desk top all email adresses are gone all ie explorer pages and favorites history ect. gone allpersonal documents are gone - I can find the links to my papers and pictures in my computer properties [then searching all the files] all but pictures when clicked say link is bad and do i want to delete Its like my computer is doing a fresh install of the whole system with out a reboot or such also desk top clean up folder is gone have tried many ways to find it tried system restore there is not a earler restore point but if two weeks laterthen there are some but none earlier thanthis last reinstall.

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Way To Clean Recycle Bin?

Jul 19, 2005

I got this clean Recycle Bin any one know how to get rid of it.

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Clean Or Re-Install Of XP

Feb 23, 2010

I am unable to reinstall my HP printer driver and accompanying software and after spending more than enough time trying to remedy the problem, I've decided to reload Windows XP either by a clean install or a reinstall per this thread. I hope to get some advice here.The details that led to the problem of being unable to install my printer drivers and my attempts to remedy the problem are very long and drawn out and may not be relevant to this post or my desired solution, so I will not go through them unless requested. Suffice it to say that I have spent a good 30 hours attempting to remedy the problem, with a good portion of that time spent with free HP Support. None of their "fixes" or any of my own attempts after lots of research have been successful.

I have installed XP several times on several different machines and thus, I'm very confident with a routine install. However, due to a special configuration on this computer, I need some advice.First: Will a reinstall per this thread potentially fix my printer problem? I know there may not be a definitive answer here, but I would just like to get some feedback.If more detail is needed on the problem, I will be happy to provide it.Second: Due to space restraints on my boot drive (18 GB SCSI drive), I moved the Documents and Settings folder to a large IDE storage drive (E:) on this machine. Will I be able to refer to the Documents and Settings folder during a clean install, so that all of the current settings will load? If not, is there a solution for getting the current settings loaded into the clean XP install?

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Best Way To Clean Up The C:/ Partition

May 10, 2007

My 60Gb hard drive is seperated into 2 partitions:
C:/ 10Gb
D:/ 50Gb
And the C partition where windows is installed is almost full. The problem is, I try to put as little as possible to it, but it still eventually fills up. 200mb only left now.I'd like an advice on how should I clean it up, I'd delete anything that's unnecessary, but I'm not sure what those are.

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Clean Install Of XP

Jan 28, 2006

In reinstalling Windows XP, I did a full format to erase the old programs. While reinstalling the various programs, Sun Java, it posted a screen stating that a version of this program was present in Document and settings. I thought that the full format would clear this out.but evidently it didn't.

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Best Registry Clean

Nov 20, 2007

I use Windows XP SP2,IE7,Norton Internet Security 2007,Intel (R) Pentium (R) M Processor 2.00 GHz 0,99 GB RAM. Could u please teel me which Registry Clean is more suitable for me?

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Want To Totally Clean My Hd

Jan 3, 2006

I want to sell my system but I want to totally clean my hd. I've heard that fdisk is the best to get but when I built this machine I decided not to get a floppy drive. Anyone know of a way to wipe it clean without being able to recover filez?

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What Is The Best Way To Clean Register?

Mar 3, 2007

What is the best way to clean your register?

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Try To Do A Clean Sweep

Jan 9, 2008

when i try to do a clean sweep of windows i throw in my windows re-installation disk and wait for it to do hardware config. when it finally reaches the making of the partion.i follow as intructed...quick format.when it gets to 69% it says it couldn't copy dxdiagn.dll and the rest of the files...this happend on every windows pro disk i have and i don't know what the hell is going on i tried to use a different cd drive, but nope still does the samethig..

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Clean Up Add/Remove List In XP?

Sep 16, 2004

My add/remove programs list still shows items uninstalled and is missing installed items such as IE 6 I have downloaded several "fixit tools" which fixed nothing and compounded the problem.

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