Page File-system Cache Growing?

Aug 1, 2005

i've been running dvd2svcd to convert my dvd's and since i stopped (yesterday), the system cache in the task manager keeps sucking up all my ram.i restarted-nothing i ran a ram optimizer-reset to 500mb free, then system cache swallowed it up again my page file is set for 1150mb. before, the system ran at about 300-400 mb free with normal programs running (int explrer, solitaire, movies, music, etc).

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Page File Has Grown To 1.75 Gig And Still Growing?

Jun 29, 2005

I am currently testing some third-party software on Win XP Pro and my page file has grown to 1.75 Gig and still growing.Is there a utility that can tell me what is in the pagefile and how much space it is taking up.

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Vcache In Systems.ini For Min-file Cache & Max-file Cache

May 26, 2008

I'm using Window's XP PRO SP3 installed, I have a question about some System.ini file setting, namely, I have 1GB RAM installed, can anyone tell me what under my V cache in systems.ini for min-file cache= & max-file cache=, I have a problem opening some applications by double clicking their ICON from my desktop.

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My Computer Is Growing : System Getting Slower

Jun 29, 2005

My computer is growing tired. Below this message are some stats about my setup that might be useful. The computer is 5 years old now. I know, ancient by today's standards, but it's what we have right now. Over time, between installed software, uninstalled software, etc., it seems to have gotten slower. I've heard that every once in a while, it's not a bad idea to initialize the hard disk and reinstall the software.

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System Not Allocating Page File On Second Drive?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm running XP Home on an E6750 system with 2 GB (1x1 GB) DDR2 800 Crucial Ballistix. I'm a big multitasker with nine windows from FireFox usually open with about fiver or more Tabs open with in them and sometime have two or more BT open. My memory jump up 1+ GB and my system starts to slow down in responding with changing windows and task.

I set up my Page File with 33 MB on my C: drive for Dump File and 3072 MB on my E:drive for my main Page File. When I looked at my % Usage in the Performance console in Administrative Tools, the C: drive's Page File are the only one being use just under 100% and the E: drive is barely reaching 3% usage... I think that not allocating my second drive's Page File is what's causing the slow down. Does anyone know what's happening with the Page File on my second drive?

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Cannot Change Temp Internet File Cache Size?

Jul 25, 2005

I can not change the size of the Internet Temp File cache. The slide bar moves, but the size of the file remains the same. No matter what size I select, 10, 15, or 20mb, the error message "Set size to 1 or 0" appears. If I set the size to 1, I get the same error msg. This is causing no end of problems with my e-mail. It takes upwards of 45 seconds to open each e-mail. And in most cases I can not go to any ref'ed URL mentioned in an e-mail.

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Computer Uses About 500mb Ram For System Cache?

Oct 13, 2008

my computer uses about 500mb ram for system cache when i have no program on (which is half of my total ram) this normal? i tried restart the computer, it didnt help..

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System Cache Mode - Getting Back To Program?

Jul 5, 2006

have changed my memory usage settings to "system cache mode" and now each time I reboot my pc it only lasts for so long then reboots itself as there is not enough memory to run the application. Windows does not stay active long enough for me to go back and change the settings to "program" instead of "system cache" (in control panel/system/advanced/performance/memory usage)Will booting in "last good configuration" revert to the previous memory settings? Will booting in safe mode allow me enough memory to get in and revert teh settings myself?

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System Cache Is Referring To In The Performance Tab In Task Manager?

Oct 9, 2008

Can someone advice what system cache is referring to in the performance tab in Task Manager.

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Adjusting Large Cache: System Resources Or Programs?

Jul 24, 2005

anyone want to go in detail? which is better to set it at? programs (0 in registry value) or system cache (1 in registry value).

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Incorrect Tweak Enable Large System Cache?

Aug 12, 2003

The registry key LargeSystemCache "1" on a RAID Windows XP Pro configuration will lead to disastrious read/write errors. The only way to fix is to open registry and changing the key quickly right after booting Windows and then do an official restart/shutdown.The key is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM CurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory ManagementLargeSystemCache This tweak is widly spread to be enabled but there is never a warning for anyone on RAID! If on RAID do NOT enable this key!

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Page Fault In Non Page Area - Tried A System Restore

Nov 3, 2009

in a fit of "I'm going to clean all the old junk off my computer"... I accidently started to remove something connected to ATI. Then the computer froze. Now when I try to reboot I get the blue screen with the Page Fault in Non Page Area message. I have tried a System Restore

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Default Memory Allocated To "system Cache" Is 10MB But Showing Over 1 Gb?

Oct 2, 2010

I read somewhere that the default amount of memory allocated to "system cache" is 10MB. However, on my system, it is showing more than 1 gb I'm sure I must be reading it wrong, because there's no way over 1GB of it is being allocated!

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Growing Svchost Process Not The Usual One

Oct 28, 2007

one of my svchost instances just keeps on growing and growing. after 2 days of uptime it is about 70mb. i have used process explorer to determine that it is the RPC service that has started the instance of svchost from the Network service account. is it normal that this process keeps growing like this, usually when people have a problem with svchost it is because i hogs the cpu but in my case it is hogging the pagefile. i dont experience any XP slowdowns so i dont know if this actually is a problem. but i want to solve this before it becomes a problem. one time the svchost process was 100mb and kept growing

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WINRegistry Is Growing: Monitor Is Black ?

Mar 30, 2005

It all started when I noticed that my bootup time was about 30 seconds slower than it should be. For 30 seconds after the BIOS post screen, my monitor is black and the computer sits there HD LED going full bore. Then it goes to the normal WINXP bootup screens, blah blah blah, then I'm in windows. I ran a safe mode startup and I noticed that the bootup would hang for 30 seconds on windows/system32/config/system. What the heck is that file? I'm certain this can't be normal behavior. What's the problem? The size of my system32/config folder is now 70.3 MB.

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Page File In XP?

Jul 18, 2009

In one of my technical college class books, MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Professional Second Edition, Enhanced, on page 492, Chapter 10, it talks about performance tweaking. It talks about the page file, which I know uses free space on the hard drive to act as RAM, and says that to choose the third option of no page filing, you must have have at least one gig of RAM or greater. I have 1.24 Gigs of RAM on my computer and I used to assign 1-2 gigs of hard drive space as Virtual memory(I no longer do that) and now I let Windows choose for me. This chapter also discussed about how using the page is stored on the boot partition by default by Windows and can slightly slow down the computer. My question is, will turning off page filing help or hurt my computer? Should I keep the "system managed" or is it safe for me to turn it off?

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What The Page File Is?

Jul 20, 2006

Can someone explain to me in plain English (tec talk makes my eyes glaze over :? ) what the page file is? should I configure it a special way? Defrag it?

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1 GB Page File Used?

Jun 10, 2007

I am in the process of editing a 30 min movie and am having severe slow-down problems-the same type I had on my old comp with only 1 GB of RAM. I checked the performance tab and only 900 MB of my 2 gig of RAM were being used, with 1.1 GB of PF used. Is it just me, or is this extremely poor resource management? Is there a setting in XP that lets me manage the average RAM and PF usage myself? Edit: If this problem can't be fixed without more RAM, I was thinking about and have the funds to buy another 1 GB of the same RAM to speed it up.

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C: Drive Growing / Erased A Lot Of Files / Still Not Enough Space?

Oct 31, 2007

my C: Drive is growing. I have erased a lot of files, and it's still showing that there is not enough space. What should I do??

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C:Program Files And C:Windows Folders Growing?

Apr 16, 2008

I had Windows Explorer open while running my compter today and noticed that C:Program Files and C:Windows folders was growing. They must have started out at about 1GB or so and by the time they had stopped growing the C:Program Files folder was a little over 3GB and the C:Windows folder was a little over 4GB. I don't know if this is normal or not but am including the text from a HiJackThis log. I am running Windows XP Pro. Can someone tell me if there is a problem or if this is normal?

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3 Gigs Of Ram And Page File

Apr 1, 2006

I have stuck another 2 gigs of ram into my rig and I am wondering at this point if a page file is even needed or not? I figure that if I do not need one, my machine would definitly run faster, but if I need one and shut it off I could suffer. One of those damned if you do, damned if you don't things you know.

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After Adding RAM Adjust Page File?

Nov 23, 2008

I read somewhere that after adding RAM you also need to adjust the Paging File. I just found an informative article on this. I checked my Page File properties and it reads: C Drive (that's the only drive, no partition)
Custom Size:
Initial: 336 MB
Maximum: 672 MB
I have 990 MB RAM, hence the recommended 1485 MB (1.5 times)Should I increase the Page File size? I don't have a problem with performance, but I also haven't used any memory intensive programs. Also, is there a risk in allowing the system to set Page File? "System managed size"?And why some people recommend the same size for minimum and maximum?

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Page File Impossible To Alter

Jan 11, 2005

I have 256 MB stick of ram in this system. when i attempt to set my pagefile to static custom size of 800 initial 800 maximum, even in registry, i click set, and reboot the computer. when it restarts its back at the system managed size of 383. if i change to safe mode, i can set it jsut fine and it saets and stays at 800. however when i reboot after setting it into the safemode, ITS BACK AT 383! EVEN THOUGH THE CUSTOM SETTINGS ARE STILL SET, IT nags AT ME ABOUT VIRTUAL MEMORY BEING TO LOW!@!

This is really offensive to me because i can handle almsot any xp problem and this keeps bugging the crap out of me. i cant run with this crappy of a system without that pagefile being set right and i need this solution ASAP >.<

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Diskeeper 7 Won't Defrag MFT And Page File

May 7, 2005

I'm using Diskeeper 7 to defrag my hard disk. Although it has the Defrag MFT and Pagefile feature, I just can't get it to work when I click on it. I'm showing 6 fragmented files in these areas. Anybody had this problem?

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Changing Page File / Reset To 1536mb

Sep 4, 2005

hi guys,i,m having a problem changing my pagefile.i have it set to 1536 and when i restart the pc it says currently allocated is can i reset to 1536mb.i have 512 memory and a amd xp 2600 hp.

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Reset Page File Back To Regular

Sep 20, 2009

how do i reset my page file back to regular it wont let me do it again it says its too small for the operation

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Page File Size For On 2nd Hard Drive

Jul 17, 2009

I will be creating a partition on the second Hdd for the pagefile.I have 2 Gig of Ram installed.My question is what size should the partition be? Less than than 8 Gigs I am aware of.But more importantly, what Min and Max should the settings be for the PagFile. Perhaps let the system decide?If I do set a PagFile on the OS partition I am considering 2MB - 200Mb to generate a kernel dump report. Note: Although I will have an Image of OS If the issue at hand is small enough I amy gain some experience in trying to fix it using the reports.

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Page File Size / Harddrive Presario

Jul 3, 2010

I am running 2 gig of ram on a 160 gig harddrive Presario. I don't usually keep over 3 windows open at any given time. I know Windows suggests 1-1/2 times ram for page file size, but that seems to slow the start-up. What is the minimum I can get away with and be safe? Or do I really need a page file? any input is helpful.

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Page File Size Really Makes A Difference On Performance?

Mar 21, 2005

This isnt really a problem but i was wondering if your page file size really makes a difference on performance. I tried to switch it up from 755MB to 900MB hoping it would make games run faster but it switched right back to 755.

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Page File Size Change - Corrupted Registry

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 5100 with Winxp pro sp3 1 Meg of RAM and extra 500 gig hd:
I changed (increaded) the Page File zise (Virtual Memory) on both drives and it corrupted the Registry. Now it does not even let me re-install winxp on that drive. Towards the end of the installation I get a message that it cannot copy certain files. The file names varies according to the SP version on the winxp pro cd.
Also, I lost the original OS disk from DELL.

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How To Delete Corrupted Page File On Ntfs Partition?

Sep 5, 2005

pagefile.sys is corrupted since it is fixed a 2GB whatever setting (no page file, system managed...). I choose in the virtual memory panel. I can't changed its size and would like to delete it so windows xp (sp2) can recreate a new correct one. the purge at shutdown does not work too and I don't know the password for
the recovery console under the DOS. I am looking for a simple solution to delete this file which is on an ntfs partition.

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