How To Delete Corrupted Page File On Ntfs Partition?

Sep 5, 2005

pagefile.sys is corrupted since it is fixed a 2GB whatever setting (no page file, system managed...). I choose in the virtual memory panel. I can't changed its size and would like to delete it so windows xp (sp2) can recreate a new correct one. the purge at shutdown does not work too and I don't know the password for
the recovery console under the DOS. I am looking for a simple solution to delete this file which is on an ntfs partition.

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Reformatting - System Is NTFS - Delete Partition

Jan 20, 2007

I was reformating my pc and when i clicked to delete a partition it said it was unable to delete it thus not being able to continue reformatting. I tried almost everything (making a boot disk,...) and i dont knoe whats wrong. I've been able to reformat before but i dont know why. My system is NTFS I'd

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Page File Size Change - Corrupted Registry

Oct 3, 2009

I have a Dell Dimension 5100 with Winxp pro sp3 1 Meg of RAM and extra 500 gig hd:
I changed (increaded) the Page File zise (Virtual Memory) on both drives and it corrupted the Registry. Now it does not even let me re-install winxp on that drive. Towards the end of the installation I get a message that it cannot copy certain files. The file names varies according to the SP version on the winxp pro cd.
Also, I lost the original OS disk from DELL.

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How Can Delete Corrupted File?

Jun 23, 2007

I am running Windows XP Professional. I am trying to delete some of my Internet links from my Favorite Folder, but the error message I get is "Cannot Delete [name of link]: The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." I have tried overwriting it with a file of the same file name, but I only get a new error message which says, "Cannot move [name of link]: A file with the name you specified already exists. Specify a different file name".

I have even tried shifting to Safe Mode, but to no avail. I still get the same messages. When I double-click on these files, I get the error message saying, "The target "" of this Internet Shortcut is not valid. Go to the Internet property sheet and make sure the target is correct". I cannot even move them out of the folder into another one that I made that I named "Dead Shortcuts". When I tried to move them, I got yet another error message saying, "Cannot move [name of link]: The file or directory is corrupted or unreadable". When I open Properties, nothing is there except the "General" tab. There is no "Web Document" tab or "Security" tab.

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Fixboot Changed NTFS To FAT / Windows Wont Recognize Ntfs Partition?

Jun 4, 2006

Windows Xp does not recognize the NTFS partition. Any ideas on how to get at the files?

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NTFS Partition Filled Up / Finding Reason To Keep FAT32 Partition?

Feb 5, 2008

I bought a new computer.It appears to have been partitioned into a NTFS format and FAT32 format.The default drive for my documents & my pictures etc is the NTFS which I have been using happily. It is Media Centre Edition so I also have a few large files (>4GB) - though I dont keep them long term.NTFS partition has fulled up - but I cant move my large files to other partition to free up space

I've done a little bit of reading but my question is "Should I reformat the FAT32 to make it more of use to me?".I cant really see the need arising to access older OS files, except .JPG's (photo's I had on my old Windows ME Comp) or "Should I move all my smaller files (documents and photo's) to the FAT32 partition and use the NTFS drive for the bigger files?"

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NTFS Partition Thinks It Is FAT In Partition Magic?

May 1, 2005

I had perfectly working PC with XP Pro installed on a 160Gb Maxtor HDD.For no reason I error checked the hard drive, which the system did after rebooting, at the end of the test the system rebooted and announced that there was a error on the boot and boot.ini.Useing XP Emergency (on disk) I tried fixmbr which did nothing then I tried Fixboot. XP found the drive identified it as FAT and said that it was successfully fixed.The drive was FAT and is now unusable.Partition Magic sees it as a FAT drive as does XP when I switched the HDD into another machine.

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Corrupted Ntfs.sys?

Dec 16, 2006

Windows XP Pro SP2. Was all the way updated, but I think the last update may have hosed me.When I turn on the PC, it fails to load successfully...eventually it comes up with an error that says that NTFS.sys is corrupt.I tried the last known good...didn't help.I can boot from the installation CD. If I go into the recovery console, it comes up to the c: prompt but it fails to read the directory if I run DIR. When I tried to copy the NTFS.sys from the installation CD, it doesn't allow it.I tried going through the install, but when I get to the point of installing it on the existing partition, it wanted to reformat rather than repairing the Windows installation...I would REALLY like to avoid reformatting the drive before I retrieve data if at all possible.

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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How To Resize NTFS Partition

Mar 15, 2005

Is there a high quality free software that will safely shrink a NTFS harddrive partition? Please point me in the right direction.

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Boot Disk For An NTFS Or FAT Partition In XP

Sep 12, 2007

I am trying to create a Boot Disk for an NTFS or FAT Partition in Windows XP.So far i have formatted my floppy disk, but im stuck on the next step!Copy the Ntldr and the files from the I386 folder on the Windows XP Setup CD-ROM, Windows XP Setup floppy disk, or from a computer that is running the same version of Windows XP as the computer that you want to access with the boot floppy.I have found the Ntldr file and the file, but when i have copied them where do i paste them?? What do i do with them?

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Ntfs Partition Recovery - Repair

Feb 24, 2007

I had a ntfs file partition poo on its self. i moved the disk to another computer and it can see the disk but partition magic only sees it as an "other" partition. is there any way to repair it enough to get some irreplaceable files off of it. or is there a recommended program. i plan to wipe it after that and do a clean install

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Partition NTFS Drive For Vista RC1?

Oct 8, 2006

I want to install Vista RC1 as a dual boot with my Windows XP.What is the best way to do this and what software do I need (free would be nice) to create a new partition on my drive? I have a 160GB drive with lots of free room was thinking about using 30GB for the new partition?

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Partition Table Got Corrupted - Not Recognised

Jun 22, 2005

I had a hard drive whose partition table got corrupted. It is no longer recognized in Windows (2000) as a valid drive (Do you wish to format, etc). I CAN, however, boot with a Win 98 diskette and DOS sees the hard drive. I want to copy selected files to another win 2000 hard drive but because of the win 98 boot, the file names are truncated to the 8 character limit. Can I boot up with something else to see the long file names and preserve them when copying. I have Ghost and XXCOPY. Win 2000 boot floppies?

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NTLRD Repair - C: Partition Was Corrupted

Feb 27, 2006

I change the hard drives from one computer CICERO to a HP pavillion , the Ciicero had 2 hard drives 20 and 120 MB , HP had 40 MB ok well , the fisical install was ok master and slave , jumpers set all ok , then when the time to power the Hp now with the HD's from cicero 20 and 120 mb. the screen give the " NTLRD missing press any key to restart" OOPSSsss!!! I did a search between the forums and found this link with this fix ; So now I'm in the screen for the Repair I press "yes" it told me that my C: partition was corrupted and the new bootsector was successfully written ok now what is the next step?? I got the C: waiting to type in some command but dont know which one , I try typing CD nothing then ATTRIB -H NTLDR it display that the system cannot find the file or directory specified.

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Converted Partition To Ntfs Now Want To Bring Back Fat32?

Dec 24, 2004

some days before i convert one of my partition fat32 to ntfs file system .but now i can't convert back to fat32.

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Converting FAT32 To NTFS Without Formatting The Drive/partition?

Aug 9, 2005

With W98/W95B you could easily use a tool to convert FAT16 to FAT32 from within windows and not lose the data (most of the time anyhow) that was on that drive/partition.Is there any tool to convert FAT32 to NTFS without wiping (formatting) the drive/partition? I haven't been able to locate any tools to do this with and so far have been moving/copying the data I want to save on a partition to another partition and then right clicking the partition I want to convert and choosing FORMAT to NTFS instead.

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Unable To Convert Fat 32 To Ntfs / Having Copy Of Partition Magic?

Aug 18, 2006

i have a acer t135 sempy 3300 w/ xp home,Ive tried to convert partition to ntfs its set as this 72.6 fat 32 on (c: ---and 73.4 ntfs on (d: i had a copy of partition magic from a guy at work but when i tried it i wiped hd and had to use acer restore discs

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Hidden Partition FAT32 And C Drive Automatically Became NTFS?

May 2, 2008

On a newish Asus laptop (Series A9Rp) and before using an included Conversion .bat file... I successfully restored this machine to it its original state, adding drivers etc from a third CD-ROM. I also, for the purposes of learning, restored it to a full installation using the hidden partition which appears to be located on C: drive After doing this I converted to NTFS.

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Video Device Is Corrupted: Error Occurred In Script Page?

Apr 12, 2007

I have had few troubles with my laptop + 2PCs in belkin network. The last problem to resolve on my PC: Window has recovered from a serious error, send message etc.Problem caused by Device Driver Active desctop Recovery Click :Restor My Desktop Click An error has occured in the script page

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Data Recovery: NTFS Partition Writing Table To Wrongs Drive?

Sep 8, 2005

I recently destroyed file structure due to mistakenly writing a partition table to the wrong hard disk drive on my machine while installing an experimental version of OS X. The saving factor is that the partition that may have formatted was only 20GB out of 200GB and the rest was unallocated free space. I have installed a temporary instance of WinXP to use data recovery software and recover the majority of files from the drive (it is installed on the non-corrupted

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Free Software Tool To Recovering Files From A Deleted NTFS Partition

Nov 26, 2008

Did something really stupid the other day. Was doing a Windows install and I mistook a drive for a different drive.In short, I deleted the partition, recreated the partition, but I haven't reformatted yet. The partition was the same size before and after so that shouldn't be a problem. the files should still be there but I don't know how to get at them. I've already tried Recuva, UndeletePlus, Restoration, and a Knoppix boot disk but none of these were able to do anything because of the lack of a file system/boot sector.

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Blue Screen: Registry File Failure; Can't Copy Corrupted File To Tmp Directory

May 29, 2006

I'm in the process of repair/recovery of my machine (Dell Inspiron 8500 with Windows XP Home, Service Pack 2). I'm following exactly the instructions in:, but a problem has developed. The "software" file (which is the file that the original blue screen error message says is "corrupt, absent or not writable") will not copy to the new tmp directory to create the backup. My understanding from the article is that this backup file (software.bak) will later be used to restore correct settings for various software applications. Since I can't copy it, it appears that I am screwed,

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Corrupted Files Won't Delete - Taking A Lot Of HD

Mar 2, 2006

A while back something weird happened with one of my hard drives that corrupted a bunch of music vids... about 3 gigs worth. The files are still there, but they are unreadable and won't delete. It keeps saying 'file not found' whenever I try and do something with them.

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Unable To Delete Corrupted Folder

Jun 11, 2005

I have a folder ( that has somehow acquired the properties of a system file, as result it cannot be deleted. I believe that this folder is interfering with Firefox running. While FF shows up in the task manager, the program does not open on the screen. I have tried the most recent versions of FF and the MOOX enhanced version for my system (pentium III running a Dell Inspires 4100 laptop.

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Delete Corrupted User Account That's Always Logged On

Jul 7, 2007

I have found out that I have a corrupted user account. I have created a new account and am trying to now delete corrupted account but I can't as it always stays logged on. When I start the computer it goes straight to the corrupted account and will only let me switch users.

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Every Downloaded File Gets CRC Error (Corrupted File)?

Oct 12, 2009

I have had this problem for quite a time now. Everytime I try to download a file it is corrupt.For instance, I tried downloading a movie clip off rapidshare and although its only 3 files and 300MB, it always came as CRC error check failed. I tried downloading it from multiple servers of rapidshare but had no success. I also tried downloading other files yet I am having no success downloading anything.

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Delete Partition?

Jan 13, 2009

I will try keep this to a minimum, as i'm sure this should be easily solved. Basically, new computer, setup windows XP on a 470GB drive, 75GB for the system, with the rest split into two. Due to an internal card reader, XP ended up as the H: Due to a problem when installingsome software, i attempted to change the system drive letter back to C: through the registry. Big mistake. long and the short of it is windows would no longerboot up. At this point, booting to the windows xp setup, the only partition which showed was a 130GB unused partition. Now, all i want to do is make the drive factory fresh. I can make the partitions work within windows (with this dodgy HD as a slave drive) and delete/create partitions etc. However, no matter ho much i format/delete/create partitions, when i load the windows XP setup, it only ever sees the 130GB partition. i tried using the command diskpart> clean to no avail, i thought it would wipe it out, Can anyone advise me how to lose what ever config is stillon that hard drive and have it back abe to be partitioned/formatted etc within the windows setup CD

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Delete Partition?

Apr 2, 2005

Okay, I just got done doing a fresh install of XP on my master hard drive. The master is small, about 40GB. All my important stuff is on the slave, a 160GB HD. Until tonight, I was using the bigger HD as the primary one, and the master as a small backup drive. I partitioned the larger drive into several bits, five total.
After XP got done installing, I thought I'd merge two of the smaller logical drives on the slave into one, I didn't need them. I used computer management in administrative tools to delete the two uneeded logical drives.That was a big mistake. It merged all the logical drives into one. I need the information on the last two partitions. Need being the word. I downloaded a trial diagnostic tool, and to my joy, it found all the most important data still on the FAT32 partition. However, being a trial tool, I could not retrieve the data, I could only look at it.

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Delete A SUSE Partition

Oct 4, 2006

A while back i installed Linux SUSE on my computer with a grub loader on boot up to choose which OS to start up. I've grown tired of SUSE and i'm running out of space on my hard drive so i'm looking on deleting the partition. Last time i tried it the GRUB loader didn't know what the hell happened so I couldn't boot up at all. So how do i remove the partition in Xp ? (I have forgotten the password to SUSE, thats the main problem)

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Upgrade CPU And Delete 2nd Partition

Sep 15, 2005

I want to upgrade to an Intel P4 HT CPU and I want to delete my second XP Pro partition. I have a Silicon Image Raid Controller with a 0 Raid set. How can I delete the 2nd partition with XP Pro without loosing any data from the 1st partition and uprgrade the CPU? I will also upgrade the RAM and the GPU. Is it possible to make a "repair installatíon"?

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