Missing Windows File 32

Aug 29, 2005

my friend gave me this what i thought was a little virus through msn messanger. I thought i got rid of it but now my computer is telling me that i am missing a "windows file 32" is there anyway of getting it back or do i have to re-due my computer?

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing

Apr 23, 2010

I was recently given a compaq sr1330nx desktop computer that didn't work. After putting in a different power supply it started right up. It hadn't been used in over a year and I downloaded the 62 high priority updates needed and installed them. The next morning when I started it up it was very slow and unresponsive. I ran the error check utility and defragmented the hard drive. Still very slow and inconsistent. Then is when I probably screwed up and reset the 2 jumpers on the motherboard and went into the bios and checked "reset configuration". Now all I can get is a line of white bars across the bottom of a black screen and the message "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: C:windowssystem32configsystem. You can attemt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup cd-rom. select 'r' at the first screen to start repair."

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Missing Or Corrupt File In Windows

Jan 13, 2006

It worked fine for a few days, then I got this blue screen that said I have a system error and that I am missing a file or it is corrupt c:windowssystem32configsystem.Now, this was fine because I thought I knew the answer to this problem, which is incidentally the answer to another recent problem posted on this board, it can be found here:URL...I performed the operation, and again, it was all well and good for a few days.Then I got the same problem again. I used the same solution to make a fix.Then it happened again.So, my question is what's the problem? Do I have a hardware problem? I even used two different WinXp install discs to solve this problem on different occasions since I only needed the recovery console and I thought that the original disc might have become damaged or something.

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Windows Cannot Start Because The Any File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 23, 2010

While formatting my system i am facing a problem. the system is showing the following problem.

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<windos root>system32dal.dll.Please re install a copy of above file

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Windows Could Not Start Because File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Aug 2, 2005

I have a workstation running XP Pro that displays the following error message.Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt.Windows rootsystem32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file.I did get the machine to at least prompt me for OS choice, yet Windows 2000 Professional was the only OS option listed..

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Windows Wont Start:missing File /windowssystem32configsystem

Mar 5, 2007

windows wont start up for me and i get the error message Windows could not start because the file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem Also i dont have the repair install option under install windows), it just says installing two versions of windows is not recommended do you wish to continue. I went into the recovery console but really have no idea what to do there.

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File Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Root System32 Hal.dll

Nov 6, 2009

I am getting the following error and it loops: "file is missing or corrupt windows root system32 hal.dll" When I try and run the windows cd and either wipe or repair the error it tells me that the "the setup did not find hard drive disks" Now I am thinking the hard drive is defective?? Or do I have a virus?

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Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Currupt. Error

Nov 16, 2007

I have been trying to fix this computer for quite a while. I am having some probs.
When I boot it up now, it comes up with an error
Quote: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or currupt.
WindowsSystem32Configsystem I do not want to reinstall Windows but IF I must I will. If there is a way to access the data I need some pictures off there.

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Update Firewall – Windows Not Start Up - File Missing Or Corrupt)

Feb 9, 2008

I restarted my computer after installing an update to my firewall program. I get the "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WindowsSystem32Hal.dll" I tried to do system restore first (F10) and it tried to start windows to start the system restore program I suppose and so of course the same error message came up. After retrying a few times, I tried the other option in system recovery (f10) and it said user data would be preserved but I may need to reinstall programs, so I thought that'd be fine. I let it do it's thing and came back later when it was done and it looked like the first time I started my computer ever where it has that cheesy music and asks you to name your computer, etc. So I'm finally in Windows again (XP Media Edition 2002 SP2) and the first thing I check is my documents folder and all my documents are gone! I checked the properties of the C: drive and it shows that I've used 224GB space, but I can't find my files anywhere. I've looked in all profiles in documents and settings. It seems like the files should be somewhere since the hard drive shows that I have that used space.

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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Windows Wont Start Missing Windows Root/system32/hal.dll Missing?

May 29, 2008

When I turn on comp. get the mssg: Windows couldn't start following file missing <Windows root>/system32/hal.dll Reinstall copy of file Recovery does not work. Tried to boot from a cd (changed BIOS to cd as 1st boot device) with win xp setup boot disk downloaded from MS site. Get same error mssg.

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Wont Start Missing Or Corrupt File-Not Telling Which File Is Missing?

Dec 2, 2004

I have fixed this problem in the past in repair mode and i want to do the same with this, but, there is no filename at the end of the statement see below Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing windowssystem32configsystem Can this be fixed in repair mode without having to be reformated or reimaged.

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Windows Cant Start:windows Rootsystem32hal.dll Is Missing?

Feb 19, 2008

I decided to uninstall COLDFUSION from my system I confirmed yes to all those popups that say "this file is no longer needed want to delete"? during the uninstall process. Turns out I wiped out some important .dlls that windows needs to start up correctly. I am hung up on a DOS screen that reads:
"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows rootsystem32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file. Where do I find the above dll and if its on the xp CD...where on the XP CD would it be?

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Root Error: File Is Missing Or Corrupt/ Reload The File?

Nov 23, 2007

When I turn my laptop on I get the following message The following file is missing or corrupt - please reload the file <windows root>system32hal.dall

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Missing Print To File (FILE) Port After Acrobat Installation

Jul 6, 2007

after installing acrobat on my machine, I realised that my FILE print port for postscript printing had been deleted. Need help to reinstall the print port.

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No More Windows File Sharing After Windows 2000 Computer Networked

Jul 24, 2005

I had to put windows 2000 on my moms PC, which is part of a network, and now EVERY computer on the Network sees an "Internet Gateway". WHY???? The only computer that can see shared files is my moms with the windows 2000. theres 3 more computers all running windows xp. how do i fix this? File sharing is now available, but I myself believe the internet is being slowed down. THe Internet gateway that windows XP is picking up is reading 8.0 mbps. My connection has gotten as high as like almost 2, but it should not read that.

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Ntprint.inf File - Cant Install Printer File Is Missing

Feb 10, 2007

I can't install my printer because this file is missing or not right. I tried another solution, but my RunOnce file is not missing. Can anyone help? Windows XP OS trying to install a HP D4160 printer.

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Missing File SPCMDCOM.SYS File - Blue Screen

Jan 7, 2007

was getting a blue screen 07A was told by computer techs without looking it was either my hard drive or my operating system. Checked my hard drive several different ways and no problems. So I went to do a Windows XP repair instead of complete reinstall as they are a pain. After a long time it came back that couldn't do this because SPCMDCOM>SYS file was missing and couldn't repair from recovery console without it. My hard drive was replaced by Dell in July of 05 I think. What can I do without going to extremes? Secondly can I install my cd/dvd rom on my other Dell PC with discs I already have? I am very aggravated. I want to try to save at least 1 computer. On the 1st PC about 2 months ago I had my 17 inch flat panel go out it starts but then go black, I am using the 2nd computers screen!

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Double Clicking The Actual File - "windows Cannot Find File File Name.exe"

Sep 19, 2005

When double clicking the actual file, Windows reports "windows cannot find file ... <file name.exe>"

This is only SOME exe's. Particularly, older programs. Word, excel, WordPerfect all work. Older apps don't.

I've tried the exe fixes on dougknox.com site and kelly's corner XP fix.

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Pci.sys File Is Missing Or Corrupt/ Repairing The File?

Apr 9, 2006

this error shows up. File is missing or corrupt: C:WinntSystem32DriversPci.sys Can I repair the file in windows or do I have to try the disk option?

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Missing From Computer File - SAMSRV.dll File

Nov 26, 2007

I have a pc that has mine and a roomates account on it.it would not finish booting to the main Windows desktop screen.It sits at the "Windows XP Home Edition" loading screen for about 2 or so min. then goes black for another 2 min. then a little white arrow cursor comes up and the screen is still black. After 2 more min. a grey warning box appears and says the following:Isass.exe Was not able to find SAMSRV.dll file, reistall this try again..bla bla bla have a nice day.In short my pc is at this moment a 20lb door stop.I had a friend a couple years back take his old XP disc and somehow fix a simular issue.Least I thought thats what he did.I dont know his where abouts and I've seen some other forum's 3 year old thread mention how to repair the file, by reinstalling the entire Windows program.

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Missing File - Cannot Access Necessary File Mscoree.dll

Dec 14, 2004

After doing 'One Button Checkup' I get an error. Missing File:"CProgram FilesCommonFilesInstallShieldProfessinalRunTime701Intel 32DotNet.Installer.exe" (cannot access a necessary file "mscoree.dll") Win Doctor is unable to find & replace it, so it must have been deleted after Installation or later, ..... it doesn't seem to affect the computer so far, is it necessary to replace & would I be able to extract & replace it from original Windows XP disc, or would it only be possible by re-installing Windows XP?

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SEARCH Won't Work File Missing / File Required To Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found

May 5, 2005

I'm battling spyware removal at the moment (aurora) and somehow my win xp sp2 search function no longer works. i get an error "A File That Is Required to Run Search Companion Cannot Be Found" you may need to run setup I went to the microsoft website and downloaded the hotfix, however it doesn't work with sp2! anybody know how to fix this? I checked and i do have the srchasst folder in windows.

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Missing Windows Folder

Apr 16, 2007

I cannot find my windows folder on my c drive. In the files and folders "show hidden files and folderS" is checked.No where on the c drive can I see my windows folder.

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Windows Not Booting Up - Files Missing?

Apr 12, 2007

Turned on the main computer today and its gone to a black screen with this message at the top:

then further done the screen:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
[windows root]system32

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Non Starting - Missing Windows System32configsystem

Jul 14, 2007

My computer refuses to start telling me it is missing windows system32configsystem and suggests I start setup and type r to repair.I have done this and get a menu of commands which I dont have any idea how to use.
I would be grateful if someone can give me step by step instruction on how to proceed.Instruction to do this followed by do next would get me through but it may help me in the future if an explanation of each step is given

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XP Missing Windows Shortcut / How To Find?

Aug 30, 2006

I must have assigned a windows shortcut that went to "Google Advanced Search.url", for when I type CONTROL-ALT-G, it pops up a window that says, "missing shortcut windows is searching for Google Advanced Search.url. To locate the file yourself click browse."I no longer have a file by this name on the machine.

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Dll File Missing

Feb 3, 2007

How do i know which DLL file is missing.

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.SIF Files Corrupt Or Missing During Windows XP Install

Mar 8, 2006

When trying to install Windows XP Home I get an error saying

The following value in the .SIF files is missing or corrupt.
Value 0 on the line in the section [SourceDisksFiles] with key "SP2.cab."

What is this?

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