Windows Not Booting Up - Files Missing?

Apr 12, 2007

Turned on the main computer today and its gone to a black screen with this message at the top:

then further done the screen:
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
[windows root]system32

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.SIF Files Corrupt Or Missing During Windows XP Install

Mar 8, 2006

When trying to install Windows XP Home I get an error saying

The following value in the .SIF files is missing or corrupt.
Value 0 on the line in the section [SourceDisksFiles] with key ""

What is this?

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Windows Dont Start Because Of Missing Files

Jun 19, 2009

windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:

you can attempt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup cd rom, select r at the first screen to start repair press 'r'

The problem is that this error already occurred and i cant access my windows at all. I have a mac computer with bootcamp (so it has both a mac and pc harddrives), the pc harddrive being the one that has this problem and that i cant access. Unfortunately, I do not have the original XP CD so that's probably not an option... Is there any way I can fix this problem without the CD, or is it absolutely necessary?

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Recurring Missing Or Corrupt Windows Files

Mar 19, 2006

I jus put together my own system. I bought a P4 511 processor and an ASUS P5P800-MX motherboard and two 512 MB sticks of RAM I'm using my old 40 GB harddrive from my previous computer. I had installed Windows XP Professional with SP2 and it all worked fine. I then turned my computer off for the night and the next day when I started the computer it would not boot into windows it showed the error message "The following Windows file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM". I booted from the windows XP cd and went into the recovery console and used CHKDSK /R and when that finished Windows booted up fine. However everytime i turn the PC off the error occurs again. Any ideas how to fix this problem permanantly instead of jus until the next reboot?

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Windows Wont Start Missing Windows Root/system32/hal.dll Missing?

May 29, 2008

When I turn on comp. get the mssg: Windows couldn't start following file missing <Windows root>/system32/hal.dll Reinstall copy of file Recovery does not work. Tried to boot from a cd (changed BIOS to cd as 1st boot device) with win xp setup boot disk downloaded from MS site. Get same error mssg.

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NTLDR Is Missing - During Booting

Jan 14, 2006

I recently reinstalled XP Pro on my computer. There's usually no problems but now after the install, if I set the bios to boot from my hard drive I get the message NTLDR (or something near) Is missing press ctrl alt del to reboot. I do this and the same thing happens.

However, if Iset it to boot from CD and then ignore the "press any key to boot from CD" MEssage it then skips and boots files

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NTLDR Is Missing - Restart Booting CD

Sep 2, 2007

i Bought a new Motherboard, processor and power supply and then used the rest of what i already had and built the computer. i booted up and it starts goin through the P.O.S.T and gets to the bit where it say about DMI Pool Varifing (or something like that) and then says NTLDR is Missing Pres Cnrl, Alt, Del to Restart. iv tried booting from cd with windows in to reformat, but still says the same.

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Missing/corrupt File When Booting - Virus?

Mar 17, 2007

My computer displays this message when booting up:Code: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYST EMYou can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.The only disk I can think it is refering to is the Operating System disk. It had an option for an automated repair thing but then it asked for a floppy disk - I didn't have one. When if finally came to the window with an option to repair the system, I hit 'r' It then said there was no hard drive available and could not proceed with the repair.

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Booting Laptop Results In Getting Error: Ntoskrnl.exe Missing?

Sep 12, 2005

A client w/a laptop tried to boot his PC and got the error that the ntoskrnl.exe was missing. Is this a candidate for repair install or is it possible to copy the file from CD back to its original folder?

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On Booting-which Windows Media Center To Use/cant Format

Sep 29, 2006

I just formatted my laptop, and for some reason when it boots it makes me choose which windows media center to use, there's 2 options both say windows media center... i formatted it i dont understand how thats still there..?

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Dual Booting Windows & VISTA On A RAID Array?

Mar 20, 2008

I have windows vista installed on a raid array, and when i try to install windows XP it asks for the 3rd party driver which i have on a floppy. I then can get through the next couple of screens, however after it creates the windows directory on the partition I have set it asks me for another set of drivers to be put into the floppy disk, this is where the problem start, any ideas what drivers its asking for? The only drivers I can find are the intel mass storage drivers but these are larger than the floppy disk...

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Booting A Windows Installation From An External Hard Drive

Jun 9, 2008

I have an external hard drive (150GB) which is partitioned into two parts. One partition , about 145gb, is data and files of my own. Then there is an extended partition at 5gb in size, which contains windows xp installation files. What I did was take my windows xp cd, make an ISO, and then extracted the iso and put the files into the extended partition of my external usb hard drive.The computer I want to install to has a cd drive that is not working and thus i cannot install windows xp from a cd. The BIOS of the computer DOES support booting from a USB device.I have partition magic software and have used it to create the 5gb extended partition on the usb external drive. However, I don't know how to configure anything so that it will acutally know to boot from this partition and what files to use to start the installation.

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Windows Cant Start:windows Rootsystem32hal.dll Is Missing?

Feb 19, 2008

I decided to uninstall COLDFUSION from my system I confirmed yes to all those popups that say "this file is no longer needed want to delete"? during the uninstall process. Turns out I wiped out some important .dlls that windows needs to start up correctly. I am hung up on a DOS screen that reads:
"Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windows rootsystem32hal.dll Please re-install a copy of the above file. Where do I find the above dll and if its on the xp CD...where on the XP CD would it be?

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Cannot Delete Temp Files - Booting System

Apr 23, 2006

When I try to delete the following four .tmp files, they simply reappear, causing problems with my ability to defrag. Files are dump429.tmp, dump4714.tmp, dump5b1b.tmp, dump8650.tmp. I'm also getting a stop error, and having trouble booting my system, it will only boot intermittenly, many times it simply keeps restarting and performing a disk check.

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Booting From External Enclosure: Copying Files For Backup?

Nov 24, 2007

I recently decided to start backing up my computer files. I read somewhere you can copy your drive so that way is something goes wrong with your main drive you can still boot from the backup.I have a Biostar P4M80-m4 Mobo, Windows xp is installed. I was wondering if I backed up to an external enclosure could I boot from that in case something happened to the main drive?The program I plan on used is R-Drive Image Since it has a 15d trial. I'm using the copy disk feature.

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Booting Up Takes Long Time - Save Any Files To Floppy Or CD

Jan 3, 2005

I bought a new Dell Dimension 2400 about a year ago. It runs Windows XP Home. I don't remember all of my specs (I'm at work), but here is my problem.
First, booting up takes a long...time. When I finally log in, I get an error message: HP AiO Device Object failed: hRes = 0x800706BAThe RPC Server is unavailable.Maximum retry attempts exceeded.I click ok and it brings up my desktop, but originally would not bring up my Start button and taskbar. After messing with it all day yesterday, I finally got a taskbar, but not my usual one. I can open some programs, but can't save any files to floppy or CD. Everything is very slow...and I do mean very! Most of the time the Task Manager will show "Not Responding", sometimes it will eventually start running again and sometimes I just have to "End Process".

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Spyware And Adware - On Deleting Files .dll Files Were Missing

Jan 5, 2005

my computer is filled with all sorts of spyware and adware. Ive used all teh chekc programs etc. and deleted whatever i could but yet the pop ups continue to come. In add/remove programs i deleted everything i could but some things couldnt be deleted because the .dll files were missing or something along those lines. please review my hijack this and advise me further. In addition when i go to a website i must enter www or it doesnt connect to the site. on my other computer i can do that. what can i do to fix it??

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Missing Files - Old Files And Email - How To Recover?

Mar 5, 2005

my computer crashed and I had to replace operation disk and lost old files and e-mail. Is there any way to recover at this point?

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Unable To Start PC .. SYSTEM File Missing.../Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing Or Corrupt:

Feb 4, 2005

So my sister gets hold of a computer in the house and ruins it, and here is the dilemma I am facing: I turn on the computer and right away i come to this message....
Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
Attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the Original CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.
So I enter the cd rom and press 'r' for repair, I choose C:windows, however before it can begin to repair it asks me for an 'Administration Password' which I have no idea of after many attempts.
I do not want to have to format the pc since I have some very important files on it. Any help is appreciated.

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Missing Windows Folder

Apr 16, 2007

I cannot find my windows folder on my c drive. In the files and folders "show hidden files and folderS" is checked.No where on the c drive can I see my windows folder.

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Missing Windows File 32

Aug 29, 2005

my friend gave me this what i thought was a little virus through msn messanger. I thought i got rid of it but now my computer is telling me that i am missing a "windows file 32" is there anyway of getting it back or do i have to re-due my computer?

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Non Starting - Missing Windows System32configsystem

Jul 14, 2007

My computer refuses to start telling me it is missing windows system32configsystem and suggests I start setup and type r to repair.I have done this and get a menu of commands which I dont have any idea how to use.
I would be grateful if someone can give me step by step instruction on how to proceed.Instruction to do this followed by do next would get me through but it may help me in the future if an explanation of each step is given

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Windows Could Not Start Because The Following File Is Missing

Apr 23, 2010

I was recently given a compaq sr1330nx desktop computer that didn't work. After putting in a different power supply it started right up. It hadn't been used in over a year and I downloaded the 62 high priority updates needed and installed them. The next morning when I started it up it was very slow and unresponsive. I ran the error check utility and defragmented the hard drive. Still very slow and inconsistent. Then is when I probably screwed up and reset the 2 jumpers on the motherboard and went into the bios and checked "reset configuration". Now all I can get is a line of white bars across the bottom of a black screen and the message "windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: C:windowssystem32configsystem. You can attemt to repair this file by starting windows setup using the original setup cd-rom. select 'r' at the first screen to start repair."

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Missing Or Corrupt File In Windows

Jan 13, 2006

It worked fine for a few days, then I got this blue screen that said I have a system error and that I am missing a file or it is corrupt c:windowssystem32configsystem.Now, this was fine because I thought I knew the answer to this problem, which is incidentally the answer to another recent problem posted on this board, it can be found here:URL...I performed the operation, and again, it was all well and good for a few days.Then I got the same problem again. I used the same solution to make a fix.Then it happened again.So, my question is what's the problem? Do I have a hardware problem? I even used two different WinXp install discs to solve this problem on different occasions since I only needed the recovery console and I thought that the original disc might have become damaged or something.

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XP Missing Windows Shortcut / How To Find?

Aug 30, 2006

I must have assigned a windows shortcut that went to "Google Advanced Search.url", for when I type CONTROL-ALT-G, it pops up a window that says, "missing shortcut windows is searching for Google Advanced Search.url. To locate the file yourself click browse."I no longer have a file by this name on the machine.

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Wont Start Windows.32.configuration Is Missing?

Nov 12, 2007

i turned on computer this morning and got an error message that said "windows.32.configuration is missing" What should i do?, the data on that computer is very important

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Driver For Ethernet Is Missing Windows Vista

Sep 29, 2009

Original running program on my computer when purchased was windows vista. Im a graphic designer and my programs had issues, so my tech changed my system to xp. I'm trying to go wireless with an ethernet hook-up and there's no connection. Upon looking further into, I cannot find the driver. Is there one out there that I can download for free

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Windows Cannot Start Because The Any File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 23, 2010

While formatting my system i am facing a problem. the system is showing the following problem.

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:
<windos root>system32dal.dll.Please re install a copy of above file

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<Windows Root>system32hal.dll. Is Missing Or Corrupt

Jul 13, 2010

But anyways i'm major computer problems. I have a Windows xp Compaq computer and im getting an error that says
<Windows root>system32hal.dll. is missing or corrupt.

Please install a copy of this file.

so i dont have that file and i was wondering whats wrong and what to do?

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Codec Missing In Windows Movie Maker

Sep 19, 2005

I could not import video file from my video folder because the codec requied to play file was not installed on my computer. Where do I go to get the codec that is required?

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Windows Could Not Start Because File Is Missing Or Corrupt

Aug 2, 2005

I have a workstation running XP Pro that displays the following error message.Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt.Windows rootsystem32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file.I did get the machine to at least prompt me for OS choice, yet Windows 2000 Professional was the only OS option listed..

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