Computer Disconnects - Can't Found Network Setting

Jan 9, 2006

my computer seems to keep diconecting from the net, wellwhen i say it disconnects, i mean that when i first put the comp on its fine then after a few mins i cant get any pages up the little tv screens dissappear from the task bar and any browser iuse says page cannot be found if i go into my network settings it says i am connected and if i rebooteverything is fine again, imrunning windows xp and using telewest cable modem even tryed ispconnection test and it says it is fine, stepson is running wireless of the same cable modem and has no problems.

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Generic Host Process Error - Network Connection Disconnects

Aug 29, 2009

Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.

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Setting Wireless Network Key

Aug 18, 2009

I have two computers wireless connected. What I now want to do it set up a password so hacking into the system by outsiders is as difficult as possible. I think we are talking "network key" or "Wired equivalency Privacy Key". I know nothing about setting up a wireless connection so don't want to risk disturbing the existing set up which works fine; I just want to add password access.One computer has Windows XP Home and the other Vista Home Premium. Can anyone give me some not too technical advice that will help me do this please?

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Setting Up A Home Network On XP

May 14, 2008

I'm having issues setting up a home network with printers and hard drives all shared on a wireless local area network.Let's get the specifics out of the way first. Three computers, two desktops and a laptop are running XP home and pro, respectively. My computer dual-boots Ubuntu and Windows XP (but for now mainly XP). Also, (if it matters) I have a WRT54G Linksys router.Now, I have every computer on the same workgroup (NATENET). Every computer has their hard drive and printer set to "shared," and these drives and printers should be accessible. However, when any of the computers goes to "My Network Places," no hard drives are viewable. Also, when you hit "view workgroup computers," you can look at all the computers connected to the network; however, when you double click any computer to open it, it claims that it is unaccessible and the computer doesn't have the permissions necessary to open up the computer's directories.

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Best Router For Setting Up Network

Aug 29, 2005

Thinking of buying 2 Acer Aspire 3002LMi Sempron 2800 laptops but am unsure what would be the best router for setting up my home network in the Uk. Which is the most reliable-Belkin, Link Sys,BT or Cable & Wireless.

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Setting Up A Home Network To Move Files

Jul 19, 2005

I have just purchased a HP Media Center PC with XP2 and have an older HP PC with XP2. I also have a router hooked to both PSc to use the DSL internet connection. Is there someone that can help me with setting up a home network to move files from the old PC to the new PC

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Network Card Driver Not Found

Apr 7, 2008

After reinstalling Windows XP Home edition on my PC I have found that a driver for the Network Card could not be found (see attached file containing pics). In Device Manager the network card does not appear under network adapters but instead under other devices as an Ethernet Controller with a yellow question mark and exclaimation point. Unfortunately, Windows does not appear to have a driver and I can't connect to the internet to search for one.I tried installing DriverGuide which says the device is an "82551 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller" made by Intel.

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Laptop Goes To Sleep Overnite And Disconnects From The Net?

Apr 27, 2007

I run WinXp on a Compaq Presario C304NR laptop. I connect to a wireless network in my building and often d/l laaaaarge files overnite while sleeping, but my pc always goes into a sleep mode (and the wireless modem light turns off for some reason) while other running programs stay running. How can I keep my pc running in normal mode for a long period of time w/o the screen going blank and disconnecting from the wireless network?

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Slow Downloads And Disconnects On Dialup

Oct 21, 2006

Disconnect after 20 minutes is not enabled. Download accelerators don't work with all downloads.I have checked my port speed.Dell had 2 driver updates. I downloaded and installed them. THe transfer rate on downloads is 2.08 kb/sec.Downloads still time out. I am having problems with downloads timimg out. I am unable to download anything over 500 k. I have contacted Dell and my ISP, I have deleted temp files, cache, cookies, etc. I also use Spybot S & D, Ccleaner, Disk Cleanup, and Defrag. None of the above seem to help. I am so frustrated! I am attaching a thumbnail of a download. Is there a way I can speed up the downloads or prevent the timeouts?

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On Setting Up An Network For Wireless And Non-wireless Computers Together

Jan 25, 2005

Does anyone happen to know how to successfully create a network in Windows XP Pro for a wireless laptop and for an Ethernet-hooked-up (non-wireless) computer. I'm trying to printer and file share the two together BUT I've exhausted myself in trying to make it happen. Has anyone successfully done this? Am I missing something? Perhaps hardware?I would truly appreciate any help or advice.

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Setting Up A Computer For Dual Monitors

Jun 11, 2010

i have read that you have to buy a certain part with dvi something or other to get dual monitors, but the part that my monitor pluggs into now (ima call it the monitor outlet) if i took a monitor outlet out of my old computer and put it into my current one so that i have 2 monitor outlets.
would that work?

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Setting Up Remote Assistance To Another Computer Without Asking?

Jul 9, 2005

Does anybody know how to set up remote assistance to another computer and don't have to ask everytime we need to use it. I'm trying to work remotly to fix my aunt's PC but she is having a hard time setting this up.

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Setting Limited User Time Limits For Using The Computer

Jan 11, 2008

I want to restrict access time of one of the limited users on the home computer running Windows XP. Can I do this as administrator? I saw some instructions posted earlier but I don't know if they were for Windows XP.

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Where To Find Setting For Documents And Setting

Oct 5, 2008

I just finished a complete reinstall of Windows XP. Before the re-installation, I partitioned the hard drive. I want the basic Windows XP system files and drivers on my "C" drive and then I want to accumulate data files (word processing, spreadsheets, photos, music files, etc.) on the new partition which in this case has been labeled the "G" drive. The difficulty I am having is getting getting the "Documents and Settings" to move over to the "G" drive. So that when I want to load photographs from my camera to the computer it goes for C:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Instead I would like it to go to G:Documents and SettingsMy NameMy DocumentsMy Pictures. Using Windows Explorer I changed the file name of "My Documents" to 'Windows XP old path My Documents" and then I was going to set up a new path to the "G" drive through Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Managment>Disk Management.

However I noticed that when I clicked on Start in the bottom left hand corner and it puts up that little window that "My Documents" which was listed now had the new title 'Windows XP old path My Documents' which I believe means I haven't gotten to the proper place to change the main configuration for Documents and Settings. Long way of saying how do I change the basic configuration for where Document and Settings are stored to a new location.

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Usp10.dll Was Not Found - Computer Will Not Boot In Normal

Feb 20, 2008

computer will not boot in normal or safe mode im getting this error on both boots its the blue screen error.
Hp.. C0000135 (unable to locate component) This application has failed to start because usp10.dll was not found reinstall the application may fix this problem

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Computer Is Running Really Slow: Checked For Virus & Found Nothing?

May 10, 2006

I have run my adaware, spybot, and virus scan....nothing comes up...but my computer is running very slow....I need to know why pages aren't loading as fast as they were.

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Slow Running Computer: Found No Virus In System?

Apr 7, 2008

I am having problems with my computer running slow. It does not seem to matter what I do it still runs to slow. I am running Windows xp, have no viruses that have been detected but all my programs run slowly. What can I do to fix this problem???

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Computer Ignores F8 Goes To Logo - Digital Signals Not Found

Sep 29, 2007

I have XP Pro and just after the XP window comes up the screen goes blank and a message appears on the montitor saying that the digital signal is not there. I've tried to access safe mode and the computer ignores F8 and goes on to the XP logo. The system is about 5 yrs old.

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Virus Found - The Folder It Was Found - Cannot Delete It

Dec 9, 2008

it found the virus on the F hdd which u guys know its not the main one was(virus) found on a folder i can't even see i have the "show hidden folders" on so why can't i see those folders ? i am more worried about that than the virus since my software found it im okay with it lol but i just reinstalled my os and i get a virus found on a folder i didn't know xcisted wtfuge ! ! and i have folder that are just named kinda like this "5e56dc46768be0474974c759ab4690" on some hdd any ideas? oh and i can't erase them why?

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Trojan Found But Anti Virus Found Nothing

Feb 12, 2006

I did a free scan Xoft SpySE and it says that i have a Trojan/CWS Combo I ran my Macfee anti virus and it has found nothing therefore what do I do?

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Slow Running Computer: Performed Virus Check Found Nothing?

Oct 12, 2006

I Recently Had My Computer Rebuilt And Went From Dial Up To Verizon Dsl. Loved The Speed For Awhile. 512 Memory Was Added. Now It It's Running Slower. I Did Add Spybot, A New Usb 2.0 Port, And Several Other Programs. I Have About 20 Icons On My Desktop. Will Any Of This Cause The Slowing Down Of Programs, Getting E Mail, Or Surfing The Internet? You Guys Were Great Last Time About Solving My Usb Port Problem.

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Cannot See My Computer In Network Places

Mar 9, 2008

Cannot see my computer in 'Network Places'. If I 'View Workgroup Computers', after about 1 minute it responds with the usual 'MSHOME is not accessible. YOu The list of servers for this workgroup is currently unavailable.

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Cannot Setup A Network On The Computer

Jun 23, 2006

What is Windows Starter Edition ? I just got a laptop with xp starter edition on it. It seems that there are a few things that I cannot change in this windows like the windows theme and users etc.Is this a kind of limited windows because I cannot even setup a network on the pc.

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See Other Computer In Wireless Network

Oct 24, 2003

I'm running XP Pro and have installed wireless cards in my PC and laptop. They seem to be communicating with excellent signal strength. I've run the network setup wizard on each machine and setup a home network called 'Mshome'. I've restarted both machines. In My network places, there is a network called Mshome. When I try to view workgroup computers, the only machine listed is the one I'm currently using - I can't access the other one.

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Computer Asking For Network Login To Start?

Feb 28, 2008

I took the laptop home and tried to set it up on my home network. It had mapped network drives and the login still came up under the company domain. In the System settings, I changed it from being a "Computer primarily used in an office or work environment" to a "Computer primarily used in a home office environment". Now when it starts up, the domain is gone and I can't log in to the computer. It was under his work username and password, and it NO LONGER ACCEPTS THE PASSWORD because it is no longer logging in under a domain!

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Computer Showing Two Network Connections At Same Time?

Jun 26, 2005

Why does XP create a network connection & a seperate internet connection to the host when the network connection carries all protocols? Can I delete the internet connection or does it have some special purpose?

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Network Computer Wont Connect To Internet While Other Are?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't get it connect to the internet. I know the connection is good, because I can see other computers on my home network, and those computers can get to the internet (like this one). The Bad computer has IE 7, which loads ok but then I can't get anything on the web. Also have Mozilla Firefox loaded which I was using for a while, but now it won't even open up.

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Formatted Computer - Messes Upentire Network

Mar 16, 2007

I just formatted my computer and it seems like whenever this computer is plugged into the internet it messes up my entire network. The computer does have SP2 so I don't know what seems to be the problem.never actually solved. just formatted and applied sp2 asap before connecting to internet.

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System Error When Access Any Computer In Network

Dec 20, 2005

I have 3 Windows 2000 computers in a network.When I try and access another computer in my network I get this Windows error:(Name of Computer) is not accessible Not enough server storage is available to process this command.All computers in the network have 1GB or more in memory and even after removing all firewalls I get this error.Sometimes after re-starting each computer several times I can connect... but most of the time this error occurs.I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea how to solve this problem.

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26 New Folders - All Named FOUND.000 Thru FOUND.026?

Apr 23, 2006

Out of nowhere in the C drive come these folders. They are named FOUND.000 on up through FOUND.025. Inside the folders are various numbers of files that are named in this way FILE0000.CHK, FILE0001.CHK, FILE0002.CHK. what are they and what should I do?

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Searching Network Computer Files Through The Command Line?

Nov 7, 2008

I'm using a small apache server on a local network for a wiki, and I integrate php functions mixed with windows system calls as well.
I'd like to be able to output to a .txt file a search result of *.something on all the available network machines.

I can do the search with the exploer 'Find' function, although its speed is ridiculously slow. However, I can't seem to be able to find an equivalent function in DOS. (DIR is only applicable on one's own machine

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