Cannot See My Computer In Network Places

Mar 9, 2008

Cannot see my computer in 'Network Places'. If I 'View Workgroup Computers', after about 1 minute it responds with the usual 'MSHOME is not accessible. YOu The list of servers for this workgroup is currently unavailable.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 6, 2004

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Customize Desktop Icons - IE, My Computer, My Documents, My Network Places

Nov 25, 2006

Right click an empty area of the desktop and choose properties. Select the "Desktop" tab and click "Customize Desktop".On the General Tab place a checkmark in the icons you wish to appear on the Desktop.

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Cannot Access My Desktop Computer Through "My Network Places"

Aug 31, 2008

I have a desktop PC running Windows XP Home Sp3 and a Laptop running Windows XP Home Sp2 (soon to be Sp3, as soon as I get the update). The desktop is connected via ethernet to a wireless router, a D-Link WBR-2310, and the Laptop is connected wirelessly. Now, having recently gotten this laptop (which previously ran Vista Home Pro, until I downgraded), I felt compelled to set up file sharing between it and my desktop, you know, to quickly access all my music and what have you. So I attempted to do this as one would normally do, only to receive an error when attempting to access my Desktop computer through My Network Places.

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Slow Network Browsing: "My Network Places" Takes Long To Click?

Jun 9, 2006

when I browse "My Network Places", the browsing is so incredibly slow. It takes a long while when you click one icon in the “My Network Places” for that to open up and go to the next directory or when just first displaying the computers in “My Network Places”, it goes so slow.
I use Windows Workgroup on the LAN to share out internet. Everything else, other than browsing the network, works great. The internet browses nice and fast.

This morning I opened My Network Places while my pc was still loading all the programs at start-up and "My Network Places" was fast. After a few minutes it was back to normal low pace. Now I guess it is something running on my pc slowing it down. Is it maybe to do with XP Service Pack 2? Before installing SP2 the network browsing on my pc is fast, after installing SP2, it is slow. Other computers on the network without SP2 browse the network quite fast.
All the pc's on the network has XP Pro.

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Network Places Manage Files - HD Server

Sep 26, 2006

I use Network Places in xp prosp2 to manage files on my website via FTP. I can rename and delete files on the server and copy files from the HD onto the server. However I can not move or copy files from within the server. Nor can I save a file directly onto the server from within another application.

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Lost Theme, Sound Card And Network Places

Dec 20, 2008

I come home to visit my family for Christmas last night and use my old desktop. its working fine besides its a little slow. i figure its from my little sister downloading stuff. easily fixed problem. so i try to fix the problem by deleting things that were useless to her and i and were making the computer slow. i restart the computer and my windows xp theme has disappeared, there are no more network places or networks, for that matter, and i have no sound card now.

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Internet Connection Dosen't Work / Network Places Won't Open

Mar 24, 2008

I have a pretty major problem with my main computer. The wireless network i have is running fine because all me other computers are working. On my main computer the internet does not work. It says all is connected. If i try to open network places, explorer freezes up.

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Getting Blue Screen While Opening "My Network Places"?

Aug 18, 2006

I've tried so many things I don't even have a baseline anymore to start from to figure out this issue. I'm ready to wipe it clean and start from scratch.I get a blue-screen which I can reproduce consistently. I'm running XPHome and anytime I explore "My Network Places" it will blue screen either before I get into the folder or shortly after I explore one of my "places". In poking around I also found that when I go into the control panel and try to open Printers and Faxes it'll bluescreen as well.

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The "Network Tasks" And "Other Places" Sidebar Vanished?

Aug 27, 2005

When I open My Network Places on XP Pro, The left side options "Network Tasks" and "Other Places" (The blue and white sidebar) is not there.

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Replace The Shortcuts In My Places Bar?

Jul 7, 2009

I normally save my documents to a folder nested deep down in My Documents folder.

The shortcuts in the My Places bar are convenient but they could be be more convenient if I could replace one or more of them with a folder that I choose.

Is there way to do that

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Change Shortcuts In Places Bar.

Jul 31, 2003

Here's how to change the 5 shortcuts you see on the left when you do a "Save As..." The default save as places are : Recent Documents / Desktop / Documents / My Computer / My Network Places To put your own shortcuts there, do this :

Click on the Start button.Select and click on Run next, type gpedit.msc and click on OK Under "Local Computer Policy", expand the navigation tree following the directions below.

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Hack The Places Bar So More Than 5 Shortcuts Can Be Added?

Sep 17, 2005

does anyone know of a way to hack the places bar so more than 5 shortcuts can be added ?

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Getting Audio Skipping At Random Places?

May 8, 2007

im having a problem with my audio skipping all the time in random places ive restarted my computer, ive reinstalled driver for the audio devices ive trying everything i can think of and still nothing

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Memory Is Almost Full - Saving The Files In Two Places?

Feb 6, 2008

I have a 60GB hard drive that says it is full. I have relatively few programs on my machine and only about 10 GB worth of music/pictures/movies. What is using all my hard drive memory and how do I fix? Does XP save the files in two places?

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Add Personal Folder To Places Bar In Save Dialog

Aug 24, 2009

How can I add a personal folder to appear in "Places Bar" of all Save Dialogs (irrespective of the application) in Windows XP Professional SP3.The personal folder, added, in any Microsoft Office document's "My Places" bar, appears in Save Dialogs of only Microsoft Office documents. But I want a personal folder to appear in ALL Save Dialogs, irrespective of the application.

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Local Area Connection - Getting Conections At Public Places

Sep 18, 2007

need some advice on how to get my local area connection work. I have a HP Compaq Presario 2100 laptop, model # 2104US. I am currently experienced some problem with my laptop (suspected some virus). Any way, I think I got rid of it and reinstalled all of my software and hard drive back. The weird thing is I got wireless network connection going but the only thing I couldn't get it works is the Local Area Connection. I got this message " A net work cable is unplugged". I am a computer Illiterate so I have no idea how to make it works. I couldnt remember how I get connected before when I first got my labtop, but one thing I was sure that I have no problem of getting connection in school or other public places that I've been before I reinstall my labtop.

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Cannot Setup A Network On The Computer

Jun 23, 2006

What is Windows Starter Edition ? I just got a laptop with xp starter edition on it. It seems that there are a few things that I cannot change in this windows like the windows theme and users etc.Is this a kind of limited windows because I cannot even setup a network on the pc.

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See Other Computer In Wireless Network

Oct 24, 2003

I'm running XP Pro and have installed wireless cards in my PC and laptop. They seem to be communicating with excellent signal strength. I've run the network setup wizard on each machine and setup a home network called 'Mshome'. I've restarted both machines. In My network places, there is a network called Mshome. When I try to view workgroup computers, the only machine listed is the one I'm currently using - I can't access the other one.

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Computer Asking For Network Login To Start?

Feb 28, 2008

I took the laptop home and tried to set it up on my home network. It had mapped network drives and the login still came up under the company domain. In the System settings, I changed it from being a "Computer primarily used in an office or work environment" to a "Computer primarily used in a home office environment". Now when it starts up, the domain is gone and I can't log in to the computer. It was under his work username and password, and it NO LONGER ACCEPTS THE PASSWORD because it is no longer logging in under a domain!

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Computer Showing Two Network Connections At Same Time?

Jun 26, 2005

Why does XP create a network connection & a seperate internet connection to the host when the network connection carries all protocols? Can I delete the internet connection or does it have some special purpose?

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Network Computer Wont Connect To Internet While Other Are?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't get it connect to the internet. I know the connection is good, because I can see other computers on my home network, and those computers can get to the internet (like this one). The Bad computer has IE 7, which loads ok but then I can't get anything on the web. Also have Mozilla Firefox loaded which I was using for a while, but now it won't even open up.

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Computer Disconnects - Can't Found Network Setting

Jan 9, 2006

my computer seems to keep diconecting from the net, wellwhen i say it disconnects, i mean that when i first put the comp on its fine then after a few mins i cant get any pages up the little tv screens dissappear from the task bar and any browser iuse says page cannot be found if i go into my network settings it says i am connected and if i rebooteverything is fine again, imrunning windows xp and using telewest cable modem even tryed ispconnection test and it says it is fine, stepson is running wireless of the same cable modem and has no problems.

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Formatted Computer - Messes Upentire Network

Mar 16, 2007

I just formatted my computer and it seems like whenever this computer is plugged into the internet it messes up my entire network. The computer does have SP2 so I don't know what seems to be the problem.never actually solved. just formatted and applied sp2 asap before connecting to internet.

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System Error When Access Any Computer In Network

Dec 20, 2005

I have 3 Windows 2000 computers in a network.When I try and access another computer in my network I get this Windows error:(Name of Computer) is not accessible Not enough server storage is available to process this command.All computers in the network have 1GB or more in memory and even after removing all firewalls I get this error.Sometimes after re-starting each computer several times I can connect... but most of the time this error occurs.I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea how to solve this problem.

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Searching Network Computer Files Through The Command Line?

Nov 7, 2008

I'm using a small apache server on a local network for a wiki, and I integrate php functions mixed with windows system calls as well.
I'd like to be able to output to a .txt file a search result of *.something on all the available network machines.

I can do the search with the exploer 'Find' function, although its speed is ridiculously slow. However, I can't seem to be able to find an equivalent function in DOS. (DIR is only applicable on one's own machine

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Computer Taking Long Time To Boot Up If Not On Network

Sep 5, 2006

Im on a network with a domain controller using dhcp, my computer runs on windows xp. When I booting up and Im connected to the network with my lan connection it boots up in no time, but when Im not on the domain using the machine at home it takes about 5 min to boot up. Why would this be and can I do something to fix it? I should add that my laptop that I had before had the same software and settings but did not take 5 min to boot up when not on the network.

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Network Domain - Administrator Permissions - Change Computer Name

Jun 21, 2005

I have an admin account for the network domain I am not able to change a computer name without first removing the computer from the domain and joining a workgroup. Is changing a computer name a specific permission that the network administrator can grant to my account? Also, since I've been removing and then rejoining computers to the domain I hit the limit on the number of times I can join a computer to a domain. Where is this number defined, and reset?

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Can't Shut Computer Down - Connect To Internet Via Network Card

Jul 26, 2007

I tried to install ZoneAlarm last week which crashed during the installation. This has caused multiple issues:1 - Can't shut computer down - I can get to the "log off", "shut down" and "restart" option of which none do anything so I'm forced to unplug as the power on/off doesn't work either. I've checked the power management options and these are normal.2 - Can't connect to the internet via my network card. Replaced the card as the network cable works on laptop and though it was the card but no luck(Modem goes to router which splits to 2 PC's and laptop

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Network Connetion Folder Unable To Retrieve List Of Network Adapters

Mar 8, 2006

I have Windows XP Sp2 whe i try to chanhe ip in "Local Area Connection" i got following message:" Network Connetion Folder was unable to retrive the list of network Adapters":i checked "Services" .Ok working fine then what 's the problem??

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Computer Crashes When Belkin Wireless USB Network Adapter Plugged In

Oct 28, 2007

I have FINALLY got to the bottom of why my PC is freezing, after weeks of trial and error. It runs perfectly normally when I unplug the Belkin USB Wireless adapter. Is there a way of repairing this? Do I need to download something to stop it from happening?

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