Formatted Computer - Messes Upentire Network

Mar 16, 2007

I just formatted my computer and it seems like whenever this computer is plugged into the internet it messes up my entire network. The computer does have SP2 so I don't know what seems to be the problem.never actually solved. just formatted and applied sp2 asap before connecting to internet.

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Restore Formatted Hard Drive From Zip File Residing On Network Drive

Aug 6, 2005

I use Cobian Backup to produce a zip-file containing all files and folders, except for temporary-folders (I added an exclude-filter), of my system.Before I can rely on this method, I need to find a way of restoring the 27 gb zip-file, which I store on a networked drive, easily. how booting up a laptop with a formatted harddrive, be able to access a network-drive and extract all the contents of the networked zip-file to the hard drive?

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Formatted HP Computer - File Can't Open

Aug 20, 2008

before I formatted my HP computer (Windows XP Prof Media Center Edition) I made a new folder called August 9th stuff saved. Then I put my documents, Email addresses, list of some forums and a few programs into this folder.Opened this folder and everything was in it! Burnt it onto DVD+ with Nero, made sure that the option said DVD. Then, Make Data DVD. Found the folder, then added the folder and burnt it. ( I have done this a hundred times and never had any problem!)However, now putting the DVD into computer, it opens with this "August 9th stuff.o02" but this is all you get, you cannot open this file, However when you click on properties it shows size 572 mb which is correct!I have had a technician working on this for 3 hours, he cannot open it,

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Computer Will Not Boot When The New Formatted Drive Is Used

Apr 27, 2005

I have a laptop I purchased in 1999 that came with a three gb hard drive. I have recently purchased a 40 gb hard drive to replace the smaller drive and I amd trying to install the new drive with my licensed copy of windows xp pro. The computer will not boot when the new, formatted drive is put in its place and I am having a difficult time getting to the bios to tell it to boot from the cdrom drive.

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Computer Now Keeps Freezing Up On The Loading Screen - Formatted The PC

Oct 13, 2007

My girlfriend formatted her PC. She went into bios and and put CD-ROM as #1 boot device, and put in the windows XP cd to reinstall. However, her computer now keeps freezing up on the loading screen, can't get into safe mode or anything.

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Formatted Computer - Disk Read Error Press Ctrl Alt Delete - Blank Screen

Sep 17, 2009

i recently attempted to format my computer as it was going very slowly, i did the usual process of inserting the recovery cd's which came with the computer however this time the process did not complete, i left it for over an hour and the screen still remained the same. I decided to restart the computer and a message keeps coming up, disk read error press ctrl alt delete. I tried formatting again but all i get is a blank screen even before its begun, i tried using windows xp cd's

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Cannot See My Computer In Network Places

Mar 9, 2008

Cannot see my computer in 'Network Places'. If I 'View Workgroup Computers', after about 1 minute it responds with the usual 'MSHOME is not accessible. YOu The list of servers for this workgroup is currently unavailable.

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Cannot Setup A Network On The Computer

Jun 23, 2006

What is Windows Starter Edition ? I just got a laptop with xp starter edition on it. It seems that there are a few things that I cannot change in this windows like the windows theme and users etc.Is this a kind of limited windows because I cannot even setup a network on the pc.

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See Other Computer In Wireless Network

Oct 24, 2003

I'm running XP Pro and have installed wireless cards in my PC and laptop. They seem to be communicating with excellent signal strength. I've run the network setup wizard on each machine and setup a home network called 'Mshome'. I've restarted both machines. In My network places, there is a network called Mshome. When I try to view workgroup computers, the only machine listed is the one I'm currently using - I can't access the other one.

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Computer Asking For Network Login To Start?

Feb 28, 2008

I took the laptop home and tried to set it up on my home network. It had mapped network drives and the login still came up under the company domain. In the System settings, I changed it from being a "Computer primarily used in an office or work environment" to a "Computer primarily used in a home office environment". Now when it starts up, the domain is gone and I can't log in to the computer. It was under his work username and password, and it NO LONGER ACCEPTS THE PASSWORD because it is no longer logging in under a domain!

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How To Get Old Formatted Data?

Jul 3, 2010

my friend was format my laptop without my permission. but all my projects was there in my laptop. but after formatting how to i get that old datas?

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2 OS On One Machine / Formatted One

Apr 10, 2005

I had two OS on two partitions, one WIN98 (c:/ drive) and the other winXP pro (d:/).I loaded win98 and then rebooted to dos, formatted c (need the disk space).I reboot and it tries to load win98 and not winxp (which is located on d:/).How do i change the boot process so it lods winxp pro from d ? BIOS?

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Computer Showing Two Network Connections At Same Time?

Jun 26, 2005

Why does XP create a network connection & a seperate internet connection to the host when the network connection carries all protocols? Can I delete the internet connection or does it have some special purpose?

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Network Computer Wont Connect To Internet While Other Are?

Nov 10, 2009

I can't get it connect to the internet. I know the connection is good, because I can see other computers on my home network, and those computers can get to the internet (like this one). The Bad computer has IE 7, which loads ok but then I can't get anything on the web. Also have Mozilla Firefox loaded which I was using for a while, but now it won't even open up.

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Computer Disconnects - Can't Found Network Setting

Jan 9, 2006

my computer seems to keep diconecting from the net, wellwhen i say it disconnects, i mean that when i first put the comp on its fine then after a few mins i cant get any pages up the little tv screens dissappear from the task bar and any browser iuse says page cannot be found if i go into my network settings it says i am connected and if i rebooteverything is fine again, imrunning windows xp and using telewest cable modem even tryed ispconnection test and it says it is fine, stepson is running wireless of the same cable modem and has no problems.

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System Error When Access Any Computer In Network

Dec 20, 2005

I have 3 Windows 2000 computers in a network.When I try and access another computer in my network I get this Windows error:(Name of Computer) is not accessible Not enough server storage is available to process this command.All computers in the network have 1GB or more in memory and even after removing all firewalls I get this error.Sometimes after re-starting each computer several times I can connect... but most of the time this error occurs.I'd appreciate it if anyone can give me an idea how to solve this problem.

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Local Disk Needs To Be Formatted

Jul 24, 2009

bought a new portable HDD -Western Digital Passport 320GB, and I formatted it to NTFS on my laptop on XP. My main gaming PC has Windows 7 x64 on it and when I got home from my holiday I transferred my files to it and put BitLocker on it.Once I had done this I plugged it back into my laptop with XP on it, and it picks it up as Local Disk (F: ) and says it needs to be formatted. Why would this be? I thought okay, so I took off BitLocker off of it on Windows 7, and plugged it back in, and it was still saying it. What is the problem here? I right clicked it and it said the FileSystem is RAW, which didn't make sense as I formatted it to NTFS on the same computer.

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Drive Formatted By 98 Accessible In Pro?

Jul 28, 2005

I have a hard disk (non-booting) that was formatted by windows 98. I put a new drive in the system and put xp pro on it. The drives show up in device manager, and on my computer, but when I attempt to access the
drive, it says "unformatted drive, do you want to format". I hit no,because I don't want to lose the info on it.

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Formatted Old Installation Of Windows

May 27, 2010

I formatted a computer with NTFS (not quick) which reached 100% which had a hal.dll error on it when trying to boot. All seemed well and it let me install a new copy of XP on it.The only thing is now when the computer is turned on it asks which install of windows I want to boot from but I already formatted it so can't understand why the old one is showing up at all - the computer is running fine now as long as when it's booting I don't pick the original install of XP which has the hal.dll error on it.

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Recovering Files From Formatted HDD

Nov 7, 2007

I want to use file recovery software to recover files from a HDD that was accidentally formatted. I am told not to save anything I can recover to the same drive I am recovering from. The computer only has a CD RW drive and a floppy drive. Can anybody tell me exactly how I can save the files the software finds to either the CD drive or the floppy drive? I downloaded three file recovery programs (1). pci_file recovery (2.) testdisk 6.8 (3.) free undelete. All have similar interface but they don't say how to save to floppy or CD. They just say do not save to same drive from which you recover. The computer is using windows xp and it has about 25 Gigs of free HDD space.

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Not Recognize Formatted Drive

Mar 28, 2007

I had to do a reinstall of XP on a brand new HD I just bought and I can't remember how to get XP to utilize my seperate HD I use for storage. It keeps asking me to format it. I have all my data on it so I definatley can't do that. I did something a year ago to get this to work, but I can't remember what I did. I installed XP service pack 2. Anyone know what to do? I remember I did something in disk managment. The drive I can't get to work is used for my backups. It is formatted and partitioned using XP and the same NTFS system as the new HD with XP on it. Even my bios detects the 320gb HD at 136gb max capacity. So its not showing that the drive is a 320gb HD. I am pretty sure my bios specified that it was 320 gigs before.

When I go into disk managment the drive I am having problems says it has 128gb as a primary partition(in blue), but then in the black highlighted box to the right says 170 gb unallocated. Shouldn't all the drive be in blue as being partitioned like it was before I did an install?

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Unable To Recover For Formatted HD?

Apr 28, 2007

Ok here's the story, I bought Windows Vista, hated it with a passion, so I went to reinstall XP. Everything's going fine, then it gets to the stage where it wants to pick a hard drive to install it on.
I have a 120GB (split into 40GB/80GB partition), and 2 250GB HDDs. So it tells me I have a previous version of Windows installed. I say format that (I was on the phone to a friend while doing this, so I wasn't paying much attention, but I've done this hundreds of times before), then "Storage 2 (E Formatting"...I pulled out the power supply in haste, but it was to late, logged into Windows, and gone 250GB of files that would take years to recover, if they are even recoverable... and I just realised all my web development work was on the drive as well... I have back ups but not everything is backed up...I only did a quick format, so I don't know if that makes it easier to recover but I need a good, reliable, and possibly free program to get my stuff back.

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Searching Network Computer Files Through The Command Line?

Nov 7, 2008

I'm using a small apache server on a local network for a wiki, and I integrate php functions mixed with windows system calls as well.
I'd like to be able to output to a .txt file a search result of *.something on all the available network machines.

I can do the search with the exploer 'Find' function, although its speed is ridiculously slow. However, I can't seem to be able to find an equivalent function in DOS. (DIR is only applicable on one's own machine

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Computer Taking Long Time To Boot Up If Not On Network

Sep 5, 2006

Im on a network with a domain controller using dhcp, my computer runs on windows xp. When I booting up and Im connected to the network with my lan connection it boots up in no time, but when Im not on the domain using the machine at home it takes about 5 min to boot up. Why would this be and can I do something to fix it? I should add that my laptop that I had before had the same software and settings but did not take 5 min to boot up when not on the network.

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Network Domain - Administrator Permissions - Change Computer Name

Jun 21, 2005

I have an admin account for the network domain I am not able to change a computer name without first removing the computer from the domain and joining a workgroup. Is changing a computer name a specific permission that the network administrator can grant to my account? Also, since I've been removing and then rejoining computers to the domain I hit the limit on the number of times I can join a computer to a domain. Where is this number defined, and reset?

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Can't Shut Computer Down - Connect To Internet Via Network Card

Jul 26, 2007

I tried to install ZoneAlarm last week which crashed during the installation. This has caused multiple issues:1 - Can't shut computer down - I can get to the "log off", "shut down" and "restart" option of which none do anything so I'm forced to unplug as the power on/off doesn't work either. I've checked the power management options and these are normal.2 - Can't connect to the internet via my network card. Replaced the card as the network cable works on laptop and though it was the card but no luck(Modem goes to router which splits to 2 PC's and laptop

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Network Connetion Folder Unable To Retrieve List Of Network Adapters

Mar 8, 2006

I have Windows XP Sp2 whe i try to chanhe ip in "Local Area Connection" i got following message:" Network Connetion Folder was unable to retrive the list of network Adapters":i checked "Services" .Ok working fine then what 's the problem??

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Formatted A Harddrive Dosn't Work

May 2, 2006

I formatted a harddrive and installed XP on it and it was working fine. Then, I took the harddrive and installed it in another box, but it won't work. It gets to the point of searching for the boot record and it just keeps rebooting.

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Recently Formatted - Laptop Is Really Slow

Jul 31, 2005

I've got a nice laptop but was having major problems with it (running slow, etccc)........ so about two weeks ago I formated the machine.... it was working perfect only now the screen starts to freeze, the mouse freezes.

I sometimes have problems switching it on......... of course also the blue error screen appears now as well....... i just don't know what's happening...... when i enter secure website such as credit card merchants such as protyx the system freezes

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System Be Formatted As Ntfs Or Fat32?

Feb 2, 2007

Should this system be formatted as ntfs or fat32, please?

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How Can Recover Data After Drive Formatted

Jul 27, 2010

how can i recover my delete data after formet my drive

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