Disconnect after 20 minutes is not enabled. Download accelerators don't work with all downloads.I have checked my port speed.Dell had 2 driver updates. I downloaded and installed them. THe transfer rate on downloads is 2.08 kb/sec.Downloads still time out. I am having problems with downloads timimg out. I am unable to download anything over 500 k. I have contacted Dell and my ISP, I have deleted temp files, cache, cookies, etc. I also use Spybot S & D, Ccleaner, Disk Cleanup, and Defrag. None of the above seem to help. I am so frustrated! I am attaching a thumbnail of a download. Is there a way I can speed up the downloads or prevent the timeouts?
Well my downloads are kind of slow lately, is it something i installed, because i checked and i have no viruses, and my Internet is pretty fast. Here is a Hijack i did, it's kind of messy
Experiencing issues with corrupt downloads. Initially we believed that the issues were solely involving Unreal Tournament (GOTY edition) however, I realized that it has effected the download games I use too.
Able to play game maps which he has had downloaded on the computer previously. I can play or install games which I downloaded previously. However, all new downloads/maps seem to be corrupted either in download or install. I have tried multiple sites (for game trials) though I have a subscription to one of the big sites. The files are consistently corrupt. AVG has not picked up any virii at this point.
I have a desktop PC running XP Home SP2. Yesterday, I formatted my hard drive and reinstalled everything (always a fun chore.) After installing my ethernet driver, I went to Windows Update and discovered that a new version was installed, version 6. It has some minor cosmetic changes, but nothing dramatic. I noticed that downloads were extremely slow. A few months ago, Microsoft announced they were going to replace Windows Update with Microsoft Update, which would incorporate updates for their operating systems AND Office products. But that apparently hasn't happened yet because I still needed to visit the Microsoft Office home page to get the various critical/security patches.
I run WinXp on a Compaq Presario C304NR laptop. I connect to a wireless network in my building and often d/l laaaaarge files overnite while sleeping, but my pc always goes into a sleep mode (and the wireless modem light turns off for some reason) while other running programs stay running. How can I keep my pc running in normal mode for a long period of time w/o the screen going blank and disconnecting from the wireless network?
my computer seems to keep diconecting from the net, wellwhen i say it disconnects, i mean that when i first put the comp on its fine then after a few mins i cant get any pages up the little tv screens dissappear from the task bar and any browser iuse says page cannot be found if i go into my network settings it says i am connected and if i rebooteverything is fine again, imrunning windows xp and using telewest cable modem even tryed ispconnection test and it says it is fine, stepson is running wireless of the same cable modem and has no problems.
Well I get the message"Generic Host Processes has encountered a problem and needs to close"Also option to Send and don't sent the error report.When I click on Don't send option,My net connection disconnects automatically after few seconds.I know many people have reported that it is a virus and for this I have installed Antivirus also.But this is the only virus Iam encountering everytime I reinstall Windows XP.
I have a p4 box that has been upgraded from 98se to XPSP2 using a clean install.All is fine except that the dialup connections are slow and regularly break, eg a webpage will only partially load. Mostly pages with losts of images. I have to use a download manager to DL files above 250K, and then it has to retry 5-10 times.
I use windows xp pro, and the pc is new. I do all the maintenence all the time, and I know its not a virus or spyware. This is something that happens about 50% of the time, what is causing this?
Due to frequent travel I still use a dialup connection on Guam, to save ISP fees for broadband. After booting up and logging in to my ISP, Eudora and Firefox both work fine.
If I Disconnect from the ISP, and close the software.I cannot check email and Firefox cannot see any server. So I have to reboot as I only have one phone line and need to keep the line clear...this is very annoying.
Dell B110/ XP/ 512RAM. I always use standby mode, and it's not a problem. Except sometimes, I bring the computer out of standby and start the dialup connection as usual, but the connection icon does not appear. Things seem ok for about 10-15 minutes, then everything locks up and I have to restart. The computer functions normally after that. This happens about once a week (using the computer every day). Is there something about standby mode that cause this, or am I doing something wrong?
I recently installed Win XP Professional and have a question about User accounts.My computer is a standalone PC with 5 users. No network. I connect to the internet using dialup. I have a lot of older software, and games too, and I read see over and over that you have to have administrator privileges to run them.From messing around in Linux in the past, I know that it can be a bad thing for everyone to be logged in on administrator accounts. Even the XP help files say that you should only log in as administrator when you absolutely have to. My problem is that the "Limited" account is too limited, and the "Administrator" account is too open.
I just recently had to get rid of a virus, and even though multiple virus check software says that I'm clean, I'm still having trouble in that I can't connect to the internet through dialup anymore. Looking through avasts log shows that kernel32.dll, winsock.dll, and wsock32.dll were all infected, so I believe that there is residual corruption on these files. Because I can't just replace kernel32.dll, I was wondering if there was a way I could fix both winsock.dll and winsock32.dll. I have my xp reinstall disk and was thinking maybe I could extract it from there, but have no idea how to do this.
I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.
I have used this website several times in the past to find solutions to some of my problems. I have normally been able for find what I need, without asking for help. Not for this problem, though. So, I am one of your newest members to this really cool site. I donated $20 to support this valuable resource. All files that are downloaded are corrupted
I noticed that my AntiVirus was not up-to-date (I got the MS security warning that virus prot was not running). I tried the "Live Update" feature and it didn't work (Live update could not uncompress the list of available updates. The update list somehow got corrupted. You need to run LiveUpdate again to get a new update list. I just shrugged it off and figured I would fix it later. Then I realized that I could not download other stuff, like updates to SpyBot S&D,iTunes, Typhoon Rising, MS Office
Have windows xp home edition, version 5.1 - Service pack 1.(an additional laptop) Could not download Norton(license for 3 home computers, ok on my vista), then tried avg, both said to install sp2.Gone to microsoft downloads and when updates haver been checked they recommend to install sp2, but all attempts have failed. Is there any free antivirus downloads that are compatible for SP1, or another way to install SP2
I am running CCleaner version 2.31.1153 on Windows XP Pro SP2. I have spent the day trying to download Version 2.32.1165 from both Piriform and File Hippo. I get a box saying ccsetup232.exe. I click on Save File (the other option is Cancel) and everything disappears. I get a notice that all files have finished downloading but the Downloads box is blank and there is no Installer on the desktop. There is nothing which allows me to right-click and install as Administrator. I have turned off all programs which might interfere. I have Used System Restore to take me back 3 months but it still won't download and install.I can't update WinPatrol either. (It's turned off now.) The same thing happens.
I am looking for a way of editing my media centre downloads that i have made though my media centre tv, i have tryed a few programs but none seem to do the file type there are in,
Everytime i download someone that isnt minute the download stops completely at a random point, sometimes 45%, 67%, 89% etc.It was working fine a week ago but since then i've tried everyday and it's been the same.I'm connected using a wireless aerial to a belkin router. but as i said everything was fine until a week ago.
I have been trying to disable automatic downloads using the Control Panel. firstly using the "Automatic Download" icon.that produced a respite of 1 or 2 days before the little yellow shield appeared at the bottom of my screen again.then i tried using the "Administrative tools" section. this also produced a temporary lull but the yellow shield keeps reappearing
After I cleaned up his pc the best I could and ran Spybot and Adaware I ran Hijack this. They have a program that downloads weather information and could be spyware. It does download ads. (I think it's called weather bug) I'm trying to convince them to get rid of it. It comes up in the Spybot scans as mini bug or something.
I am trying to install M office 2007 for my folks and the operating system is XP Pro 2002 Service Pack 1.
When I try to install it asks me to install Service Pack 2. I have downloaded this but the pack get's 75% of the way through download and then fails. I have tried 3 times now
Using XP Pro. When I download a file that opens in Windows Media Player - it always downloads to a temp folder first. How do I find this temp folder? I can not locate it on my PC
I'm seriously confused. I'm using utorrent, but I don't think that's the problem. Every single thing rar'd I d/l gets a CRC error, Could it be windows firewall? My d-link router? Bad motherboard?
I have Windows XP Pro everytime I download a file the Open, Open Folder, Save As, Save box doesn't open up and the file downloads automatically to my Temporary Folder, any way of configuring the settings for the box available?
I keep getting a bunch of different error messages. I am using my Dell Inspiron 4150 for browsing the net, facebook, the usual stuff. I have Windows XP 2000 and yeah it can be a bit slow but I admit my laptop is a piece of junk, I have never had this problem, no recent applications or unusual downloads. When ANY of the following messages appear, I close the window that pops up and it closes whatever window I was browsing the inet with. It's really annoying and its happening more and more frequently (every 2-3 minutes)
Was going to try this. I downloaded all necessary downloads it then started installing downloads when it got to messenger I waited six hours and it still was installing; I have DSL/256 and this seemed to long