User Account Types - Internet Using Dialup

Aug 10, 2005

I recently installed Win XP Professional and have a question about User
accounts.My computer is a standalone PC with 5 users. No network. I connect to
the internet using dialup. I have a lot of older software, and games too, and I read see over and over that you have to have administrator privileges to run them.From messing around in Linux in the past, I know that it can be a bad
thing for everyone to be logged in on administrator accounts. Even the
XP help files say that you should only log in as administrator when you
absolutely have to. My problem is that the "Limited" account is too
limited, and the "Administrator" account is too open.

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Limited Account User Cut Off To Internet?

Nov 15, 2007

I have a pc thats running XP home edition and I have set it up so that I am the admin and my two young children have limited user accounts, however when I set the kids accounts to limited the internet connection is cut off but if I put them back to admin all is fine! any ideas what I can do?

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Setup Account - User Cannot Able To Access Internet Using IE 6

Oct 4, 2007

I have XP Home Ed sp-2. I'm able to setup several limited accounts on this machine. My question is how to setup an account that the user can not be able to access to internet using IE 6. This user is able to logon the computer himself. I only understand that with Comcast High Speed Internet, since a user logon computer he can go straigth to internet.

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GPO - Internet Access Restriction For Certain User Account

Jul 17, 2008

I'm trying to use Group Policy to restrict the internet access for a certain user account. I have an OU set up with that user account in that OU. I want the user to only be able to access the websites that I approve.

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Internet Explorer Not Display Pages On One User Account?

Jun 11, 2007

Why would Internet Explorer not display pages on one user account, but be just fine in another user account? I havent found any more spyware or viruses on the computer in any user accounts.

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Settings In A Limited User Account: Internet Wont Work?

Mar 25, 2006

I have created a second account for me (a limited on) in order not to use the lapton under the admin account. However, after I log-in to the limited, I can't connect to the internet. When I go the Network area in order to try and connect or set uo the connection to the Internet by setting up the connection I get a message saying that I do not have the right to change the settings. Where do I go in the admin account in odrer to set the connection to the Internet for the limited account?

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Limited User Account Wont Work Fine Using Internet?

Mar 6, 2007

I've recently setup a limited user account on a XPSP2 Home machine. The intent is to use it for internet and email. When I switch to this account, and try to setup, say, my email client, the configuration or settings do not stick. On a couple other apps too, when I click on them to start them, it's as if it's the first time they are being executed. I enter the info, apply or save, and when I shut the app and come back into it, the same thing happens. For instance; in the email client, each time I go in, the setup wizard starts and asks for my pop3 and smtp etc..I enter it, save, shut the app, come back in and the wizard starts again, asking for the same things.

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Home User Account Mess - Protect From User Account

Aug 8, 2006

I wanted to protect my documents on my laptop with a password, and I used ''the easy way'' of protecting it from within my XP user account (I used the built in documents password protection, found in the account mangement menu in the control panel). everything was fine until I've restarted the computer. I got (and still getting) the following message: ''The system could not log you on.

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Corrupt Winsock.dll And Wsock32.dll - Can't Connect To The Internet Through Dialup

Aug 9, 2007

I just recently had to get rid of a virus, and even though multiple virus check software says that I'm clean, I'm still having trouble in that I can't connect to the internet through dialup anymore. Looking through avasts log shows that kernel32.dll, winsock.dll, and wsock32.dll were all infected, so I believe that there is residual corruption on these files. Because I can't just replace kernel32.dll, I was wondering if there was a way I could fix both winsock.dll and winsock32.dll. I have my xp reinstall disk and was thinking maybe I could extract it from there, but have no idea how to do this.

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User Account Missing / Getting Back Files In Admin Account?

May 13, 2005

One of my user account for window xp proffesional is missing.Orginally i had one user account and then i decided to make another one.When I was making the second one I had to choose adminstrative powers because it said that I didn't had any other accounts with adminstrative powers. Then after i restarted my original account was missing and I was like wtf! My files are all gone now.The original account name was Administrator. I still have the files for it in my C:Documents and Settings Administrator So how do I get it back?

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How Do Copy Documents From My Main User Account To My Second Account

Feb 10, 2009

How do I copy documents from my main user account to my second user account on my home computer?

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Admin Account Treated As Limited User Account

Mar 21, 2009

Windows XP Home SP2 in a Gateway Performer 1300 P4 I recently purchased a used computer locally from a private party. It seemed to work fine. Once I got it home, however, I discovered that when I tried to install the drivers for my wireless adapter, the InstallShield Wizard would come up and extract the files from the CD and then go away and nothing would happen. When I went to the Windows update site, it would not down load the activeX control to check my computer for needed updates. It did the same thing. It would show that it downloaded the file and then nothing would happen. I talked to a local computer shop and they said they have had a lot of trouble with "broken" Windows Installers lately. So I went to the Microsoft site and downloaded the updated Windows Installer (as they suggested) and this did not change anything.

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Renaming Primary User Account - Renamed The Account

Feb 17, 2007

I've gotten myself in somewhat of a pickle. I have a system that I had built for my husband. I later built a new box for him and decided to sell the previous one. A friend wanted to buy it so I purchased a copy of Windows XP so they'd have their own license, but instead of rebuilding the box, I wiped all the pertinent programs and info they didn't have licenses for and changed the license number to theirs. The problem is, I want to change the user account name under c:documents and settings to reflect the new name.I have created a new ADMIN account, logged in as this account and renamed the account "mitch" to "don". All this does is creates a new user "don" and moves the "my documents" (I have downloaded numerous pdf files that I've created instructing him on how to update antivirus, antispyware and general info on computer use, security, etc. and placed it in the My Documents folder) from "mitch" to don".

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Change My Account To A Limited User Account!

Dec 23, 2007

I am using Windows XP Media Center Edition and I would like to use my current account as a Limited user account.

I realise that I will need at least one administrator account on my PC -- so I go into user accounts, create a new administrator account, then I try to change my current account to a limited account, but it will not let me.....

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How To Set Password NEVER EXPIRES To An User Account Trough NET USER Cmd

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to configute using Command Line (CMD) some local account configuration.

It must be configured by any standart windows command tools.

I need to configure the "Passworw Never Expires" option using the command line.

I had success by setting other options as "Account is disabled" and "User cannot change password". But this option is really making me sad.

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User Account Type And Group Or User Privilege

Aug 4, 2007

what i want to accomplish is to set an user account type automatically after creating one. as you may know, when you create an user account the system ask you what account type to apply for that new user. the default choice are: Administrator and Limited. i want to create an account that is not too limited but neighter with same privilege as an administrator. i went to the Local Users and Groups at the Microsoft Management Console (now on MMC) and assigned a different Group to each users i desired. task accomplished. but...

the problem is that i don't know how many user the computer will have. the owner of the computer are primitive human that don't know how to configure the system. i neighter want any of them to have administrative right because they have internet access and they still on the experiment process. meaning that they're propense to click 'YES' to any message even if those are viruses (most of them don't read english). the solution i thought was to assign only one user the administrative right so they can install and uninstall software and perform other administrative task as creating more user accounts. there is anyway that after creating an user account the system automatically assign the user a specific Groups? for example the built-in object Power User. or among the choice on user account tool add an new item or modify the existing items. or if there is anyway to modify the privilege and right for an built-in object Group. the Limited account pertain to the User Group, so instead of automatically assign other group, the new account inherit the privilage/right/limitation from the default group.

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Lost User Data After Deleting User Account

Aug 31, 2005

Does anyone know the extension that windows uses when it saves a backup of user data when a user account is deleted in XP?

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Can't Log Into User Account -- Logs Into New Account

Jul 23, 2005

When I try to log into my user account in WinXP (I'm an administrator), it logs me into a newly created account (I didn't
create it, the computer did).

For example, my user account name is JandJ, and my computer's name is LOVEMACHINE.

When I attempt to log into JandJ (as usual), I get logged into JandJ.LOVEMACHINE instead....

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User Account Delete One Of These Account

Dec 23, 2006

Just wondering if anyone out there can help me. I currently have two user accounts set up on my computer, if i was to delete one of these what would happen to the information that is saved in that user account and not in the other?

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Restore User Account Profile/copy User Profile?

Sep 19, 2005

I had a user account, However, for some reason, I have done something wrong and reboot the machine, that user account had gone, only Administrator is left. Then I created an account with the same name: John Smith. I noted under the Documents and Settings, there are 2 John Smith, they are: 1)John Smith and 2)John Smith.JS I think the first one is the original one because the date modified was a couple of months ago. The second one is the one that I just created.Can I recover my original one ?

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New User Account - Same Name

Jan 30, 2005

I switched user in XP and found my account seemingly wiped. What i mean is, it is like a new user acct - no settings, desktop picture gone, no recent docs, try and run a program and it thinks it is the first time it has run, eg winzip.i have checked the docs and settings folder - it's still my user name, and no new one appears.worse still, when i try and change some of these new default settings, eg IE home page back to google, it ignores my instruction - in fact no new settings at all will be recognised by IE. I also ran mu usual suite of spyware (spybot, adaware, spyware blaster) and although they found updates and dl'd them, they refuse to be recognised during the immunise process. Anyhow, nothing found.

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User Never Set Up An Account

Aug 25, 2009

I have an HP laptop with Win XP pro that I use for work. I wanted to create a second user account to use for personal reasons so I did. I never set up an account when I purchased the computer. However, now the only user account that shows up is the "personal" account I set up and not my original profile. How do I undo this or how do I copy ALL my original profile attributes (MS Outlook emails and profile, favs, etc.) to my new profile. I can view my files in the old profile Admin folder under docs and settings but thats it. All my old emaills are some where I just cant find them.

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User Account Not Opening

Dec 6, 2005

On system restore i just have a blank white screen,im logging on to a temp file as my user account cannot be found, i've logged on as administrator but still having the same problems, trying to open user account but get an error message saying invalid, or wrong number of arguments. because im logged on a temp file nothing can be saved, i have windows xp home edition sp2.

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Created User Account

Jan 10, 2009

I just moved in to my buddy from work, and decided to put a pass on my PC, since a lot of people go thru the house on weekends. I set up an account, gave it admin privileges, but when setup asked: "would you like to give that account access to files?" (or some similar question) I selected NO. When account loaded I couldn't get access to any of my files! The problem now is that I can't delete that new account, because it's the only account! I tried setting up another one with administrator privileges, but it doesn't ask that question anymore (would you like to give that account access to files?), so I can't get access?

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Asp Net Machine User Account

Nov 25, 2006

I just went to create a new user account on my computer and found an account i didnt make called " machine account a" what is this and what should i do?

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Mystery User Account

Dec 4, 2006

I downloaded something from Microsoft, dont remember what, could have been the latest browser version, and when I did now I have to sign in my user account even tho I am the only person that uses this computer. I have XP Home and utilize Automatic Update function. I never use a password to sign on to my computer like some people do. I do not feel competent to go into the registery, so hope that will not be nessessary. JB

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User Account Put A Link

Mar 24, 2006

What I am wanting to do is put a link in on the forum but instead of having say I am wanting the word CLICK HERE inthe place of the web site how do I do that.

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User Account / Enabled But When Trying To Log On

Sep 16, 2008

I recently "tidied up" my computer, updating various softwares, scanning etc. I also ran the Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmentation programmes. However after doing both of these 3 of the 4 user accounts on my computer no longer seem to be working. Mine (the one from which I ran the cleanup etc) is fine but the other 3 don't seem to recognise that they are there. Through the Control Panel it still says there enabled but when trying to logon under them some pop-up comes up and although it does eventually logon on it seems to have reverted to the setting for a new user account (or guest), not remembering anything about the accounts. Dont think the defrag caused this (all accounts worked normally before I did these two things)...but perhaps I "cleaned up" something I shouldn't have.

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Setting Up User Account

Apr 16, 2010

im setting up a user account for my daughter on a pc with XP. is there a way to set it up to where she cant download or install anything when shes on the computer?

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User Account Gone All The Time

Sep 1, 2009

My boot.ini recently got damaged so i reinstalled xp.Now at the user log in screen my account from the previous install is no longer available.I can see all the files in "documents and settinguser name" but Is there any way to log in to that account again?

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