Updates Service Wont Work: Installing Defender To Work?
Nov 17, 2006
okay at first this wasn't too anoying but now it is a major problem at first it was just that when i went to windows update it would get stuck in the thing where it says that it is checking for the latest updates.to try and solve this issue i did these things:i ran windows update for 3 days straight and didn't do anything on my computer (it was stuck in the screen i mentioned before)i reinstalled windows, but for some reason the problem carried over a friend of mine told me about windows defender and that it was free, so i installed it and behold it uses windows to update and im stuck with the bare bones of the program.
Net Framework 1.1 service pack 1 fails to install. Message : Fatal Execution Engine Errow (0x7927baca). Also, view of history of update, Errow Code (0x80131506) Installation Failue
My tower was going into perpetual restart after bios, so I copied stuff off, then reformatted and reinstalled Windows. Did all the drivers, anti-virus, internet, so forth. I had problems with validating Windows, but that's solved now. Now, it seems, after about ten or twenty minutes, IE will not work, and I'll have to restart, to do it all over again. I haven't tried installing Mozilla to see if it works too, but I do know that the Automatic updates won't work either. It just hangs and never does anything.
I keep getting message to update virus definition yet each week I run a complete live Norton Virus Update. Try to manually update virus's but it does not work.
I reinstalled everything and downloaded all the updates. Yesterday I noticed the screensaver wasn't working. I ran ad-awarer and there were 14 objects that read "possible browser hijacking". When I tried to delete them the PC crashes. What's going on. The other glitch so far is I can't change my homepage.
how i can make this software work with service pack 2? or how can i downgrade to service pack 1 then install my software then upgrade to service pack 2 again?
I have a Dell Latitude c840 Laptop which I love - especially as it has a superb 1600*1200 resolution on the monitor... however, it came with and still runs XP Pro on Service Pack 1.Having read loads of bad press about compatibility issues with XService Pack 2, I decided a year ago not to upgrade - but now I feel I am missing out on the new features in that release etc.So, I want to try an upgrade. Here's my quick qn... when one upgrades to Service Pack 2 using the built in Windows Update
Did a repair install, everything is working except windows updates, it says I have updates and I can click on custom and it shows them when I click to install them it acts like it will then a box comes up and say they all failed. I turned off auto updates and went to the site and click on custom and they came up but the same thing won't install did it with express install to and its the same,. Any one know what could be wring, one update it needs is the windows validation update I know the disk is valid it came with the machine and it retook the product number when I did the repair install.
the S3 sleep state to work on the Tyan Thunder K8N motherboard running WindowsXP Pro x64? When I check my sytem from within Windows, it only says it supports S1 and S4 sleep states... I have the most recent motherboard bios and all other 64-bit updates installed... but for whatever reason, no utility, test programs or even Windows itself sees that this motherboard supports the S3 sleep state.It's a logo'd desktop motherboard, so it is supposed to support S3, but I can't for the life of me get WinXP Pro x64 to recognize that it does.
I just resently updated XP.I havn't updated XP in a long time so there were quiet a few updates. After the update I rebooted XP.When I logged into my account and started using my keyboard the mouse would not move, and the keyboard would stop working. I would even push the caps lock or num lock keys to see if the indicator lights wold turn on/off, No. I have to use the on-screen keyboard to type.
I installed SP3 as a security update download for my XP. Everything went fine till after the reboot, where my D-Link program would not work. A message came up, saying it "can't find an entry point to Wlanapi.dll" I un-installed SP3 and everything is fine again.
Had customer mb go out, and after putting in a new mb, windows blue screens on boot (of course..was expecting it). Usually do a re-install when replacing a mb, but in this case, the customer has some software that cannot be replaced, so my question is...can you swap mb's in a system and not have to re-install and loose data? I can get to safe mode, so thats a step in the right direction, and the windows "Repair" unfortunately dosent work.
I downloaded it and decided to install But the computer froze near the end and I had to crash it down
It took ages to re start and said it was unstable and to delete it from Add Remove programs Went to do this and it showed me a long list of programs that would not work if I did
I have a Logitech M305 wireless USB mouse that my XP won't recognize on any port. However MY XP recognizes my wired USB mouse and printer, and scanner. The M305 works fine on my other machines?
i have MCE and whenever i try to play a video or tv, it says that the files needed to display a video are missing or corrupted. How can i fix this. The videos work fine in Media player, but not in Media Center
I downloaded windows defender (beta 2) which downloaded ok but when I go to install it , it says it cant be installed, I have a windows xp. I aslo need a good free spam site. What do you recommend. I have a Nor ton antivirus which does everything but I still get lots of spam.
I managed to create a new partition on my Compaq Presario C700 laptop and install XP. (It came with Vista).First thing I noticed was that I can not detect any wireless networks or connect to the internet now. I am assuming that I need that driver and a whole bunch of other XP drivers as well. I have visited websites where they have a whole laundry list of drivers to download for my situation. Before I go through the painful process of downloading and installing all of them, I want to make sure this is really what I need to do.
I was informed the Windows XP does not work with Dual Core Processing systems, and that you need Vista in order to get the performance out of the 2nd core? is this true?
I am using the IIS on Windows XP to test pages I develop. Is there a limitation that Includes are not processed? I know they work on the server but do not seem to work from the local IIS install.
I just got a laptop with 200 server installed on it and I would like to learn about it. I need some help with what I thought would be a simple setup. I want to set up 2 users for this laptop. myself and my daughter. I have it set with myself as the admin and her as a user. I want to be able to limit the amount of damage she does to the poor thing. My main question is how to set up certain programs to work and not work for her. I have one program music match that works in admin but not on user even though it seems to say it will work for users. From what I have seen from this operating system its not real easy to set it up. I have a book from the library but its a que and not good for me. Any advise on a good book would be great. I know it would be easier to use xp or win 2000 pro but thats not nearly challenging enough for me.
Can anyone tell me how to configure windows media player 10 to work from behind the windows firewall which was installed when i updated to windows service pack2? I am using windows xp and explorer6.0 with verizon dsl 3.0 internet connection.
I have a Toshiba laptop satellite series A205-S5814.the time i bought it the USB ports were working but after a period of a year they are no longer working I updated the drivers but still now. I also changed the operating system that is from vista to XP but the problem persisted. It did not stop on that only, the DVD-ROM also failed to read DVDs.
i bought a new road adventures USA game and it says it will work for windows XP, Me, and 98 but my computer is a windows 7 so will this game work on my computer or not? i cannot open it and see if it works because if i do and it dosen't work i will not be able to return it.
I just installed Windows XP Pro onto a band new drive. Installed the drivers and the antivirus. Next I went to get widows updates. I went to express because I was in a hurry. It installed service pack 2. Now it will not go into windows in any form. I have tried safe mode and regular mode. It gets to the XP loading screen in normal mode then reboots. In safe mode it runs through the list of files that it loads then reboots. Is my only way to reinstall windows?? Ihave had a fit to try to get into this machine. I hate to start from scratch again.
When I run the install Windows updates, the updates do not install, and I receive the following message (not verbatim, but close):"Some updates were unable to be installed..."This problem "came out of no where" and there has been no suspicious activity prior to it starting other than an IE7 redirect rootkit that NeonFx helped me remove (if I recall correctly an infection of agp440).
I went through Microsoft Update to get the latest updates for a PC that only has SP1 installed (and was missing 50 Critical Updates to boot). After I installed the 50 CUs the next time I logged into Microsoft Update I was prompted to download SP2. Everything went well until the Registry backup portion of the SP2 installation routine.
About 6 registry entries couldn't be backed up. I ignored them and tried to proceed but SP2 eventually came to a stop where my only option was to choose 'OK' and it began to undo whatever changes it had done.
I shut down every startup item using CodeStuff's Starter prior to this update. There is no AV running or anything else. Microsoft Update didn't work originally so I reregistered a couple of .dlls
I took my brand new Dell Inspiron 530 Windows XP Professional Quad Core Q6600 out of the box on May 30 directed Windows Updates to download and install updates immediately.
Downloaded the new Service pack 3 update for Windows XP? I seem to remember it gave me problems with my pc re-booting. Hpw dp I get rid of the yellow icon sitting in my tray?