Service Pack 2 Won't Install - Not Getting The Updates
Dec 31, 2006
I went through Microsoft Update to get the latest updates for a PC that only has SP1 installed (and was missing 50 Critical Updates to boot). After I installed the 50 CUs the next time I logged into Microsoft Update I was prompted to download SP2. Everything went well until the Registry backup portion of the SP2 installation routine.
About 6 registry entries couldn't be backed up. I ignored them and tried to proceed but SP2 eventually came to a stop where my only option was to choose 'OK' and it began to undo whatever changes it had done.
I shut down every startup item using CodeStuff's Starter prior to this update. There is no AV running or anything else. Microsoft Update didn't work originally so I reregistered a couple of .dlls
I have windows XP professional and recieve automatic updates on my computer on a regular basis. Does service pack 3 automatically install? I receive a yellow shield on my task bar informing me that updates are ready to install, I click the update button and it tells me to install service pack 3. I try the install and when I get to the halfway point of Performing Inventory I receive an error message: Service pack 3 could not back up registry value....ABORT-RETRY-IGNORE. no matter what button I select the results are the same Failed to Install.
I just installed Windows XP Pro onto a band new drive. Installed the drivers and the antivirus. Next I went to get widows updates. I went to express because I was in a hurry. It installed service pack 2. Now it will not go into windows in any form. I have tried safe mode and regular mode. It gets to the XP loading screen in normal mode then reboots. In safe mode it runs through the list of files that it loads then reboots. Is my only way to reinstall windows?? Ihave had a fit to try to get into this machine. I hate to start from scratch again.
Downloaded the new Service pack 3 update for Windows XP? I seem to remember it gave me problems with my pc re-booting. Hpw dp I get rid of the yellow icon sitting in my tray?
I recently had to reinstall Windows XP Home Edition on my machine because I was complacent and did not keep up on my updates. As a result, my machine as riddled with worms, trojans, etc. So, I used a Win 98 boot disk and deleted the partition and installed a fresh XP. I ordered Service Pack 2 and installed that along with Norman Antivirus. However, I still need to get up to speed from SVC Pack2. Any suggestions on where I can find these updates so I can download them?I won't be using my machine as I don't want to risk it. In other words, that page where you go and your machine is scanned for applicable updates won't work because I'll be using someone else's machine. I was hoping someone would be able to tell me exactly where to go and I'll download them onto my jumpdrive.
The Service pack starts out ok, then a little way into the process it says "cannot back up update. Access is denied": with options to retry, abort or ignore. The only real option is to ignore, and it carries on. About 5 mins later the whole process aborts saying sp 2 has not installed. press ok to undo what its done, and after its done that, it says windows has been partially updated, and may not work correctly
I did a full HP system restore and the Computer guy who came to my house installed the Service Pack 3, the latest version. I used to have Service Pack 1. I have had quite a few problems since then because of the full system restore and having to re-install alot of my programs, etc. But anyway I noticed today, that down in my system tray (or whatever you call it) on the bottom right of my computer where all the little icons are, there is this Microsoft Updates Automatic Updater with the yellow shield and it said that an update ready to install so I tried installing it. And this is what it said:
Automatic Updates Some updates could not be installed The following updates were not installed: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 and .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for .NET versions 2.0 through 3.5 (KB951847) x86 ....SO- that seems like a conflict since my computer had Service Pack 3 and the Microsoft Updates is trying to install this Service Pack 1 thing. What should I do? Do I have to get it all in sync somehow and is this messing up things on my computer? Also does this mean I am missing out on all the correct updates for my computer?
I am unable to install windows xp service pack 2. I have downloaded it and it gets to final stages of instalation (performing cleaning) and then I get an error message saying that it could not complete installation. I have a proper copy of win xp and have used it for ages and registered it. The problems came when I got a new motherboard and it asked me to register windows which I did successfully. When I went to download SP2 it told me I had to register windows and to follow certain steps in the control panel.
I never installed Windows Service pack 2 on my computer yet. Do I really need this installed? Also, do I have to shut down any programs before installing it?
After even using Microsoft's "Fix It" and Diagnostic tools,I get an automated e-mail "Your ID seems to have expired or you have already completed this process before.Contact your support engineer so they can guide you through the appropriate next steps"
trying to update and install Net Framework 1.0 Service Pack 3 I get following message: " Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id:0xf7c (3964), Thread id=0x40c (1036). "
I have tried to install this dozens of times, and automatic updates keeps downloading it over and over again, but "Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 (KB110806)" always fails to install. I am forced to turn of XP automatic updates.
I have tried several times to install XP SP3 on my DELL Inspiron 6000, XP SP2 and get and ?Access Denied? error. I understand that this occurs if one or more registry keys are restricted so that the software cannot alter them. I have retired installing SP3 after disabling both Zone Alarm and AVG antivirus programs w/o success. (do they need to be uninstalled?) I also understand that there is a way to reset registry and file permissions, but I am afraid that this would be beyond my comfort level. From the installation log, the first major logged failure is: 846.266: PruneCatalogsFromHotfixes:RegQueryValueEx Failed: 0x2 --- does this have any meaning. So far, these attempts have not changed the computers functionality, however, I am not able to make the restore function work.
i would like to install the sp2, but i have 1 question that is wondering me, what will happen if i install sp2 USING illegal serial lets just say USED-ALREADY SERIAL,but my windows is legal??
I was recently on Sp2 and decided to upgrade to sp3, I didn't like some parts so i decided to uninstall it - I was told to use add/remove program files "service pack 3" and after the uninstall, when I ran "winver" it appeared as "service pack 2" then some problems appeared such as whenever I clicked on internet explorer I get a notice bar saying "installing program" but nothing at all happened - after 10-15min it disappeared and internet explorer appeared.So I tried system restore, that only stuffed it up more, windows then said "service pack 3" when I was on service pack one and the errors were still there..I decided to do what I searched for on tech support guy forums and the guy said to reinstall windows and it won't affect any program files - only replace system files - so I tried it out. Worked great and now I'm on SP2 but I'm still having the install problems with explorer.
I checked the setup api and found access denied on, I removed all instances of this, cause I saw another post with the same problem and that seem to work for them. I also had an access denied for
c:windowssoftwaredistributiondownload16b2c96a0c41f4dfdb4d3cc228a4f819u pdateupdate.inf so I gave it permissions for everything. Still seem to be having problems trying to install service pack 2. And looking at the setupapi still seems to give me the same error messages even though I made the changes.
It boots to either Win 2000 or XP Pro. I run XP most of the time. Updates been coming in everyday. It won't install SP2 because the copy of Windows "may not be valid". Any way to get around this garbage?
well im havin trouble reaching my control panel.when i try to access it, it loads up then closes it automatically and my whole desktop is gone,and justs shows my wallpaper.but in a lil while it comes back.everytime i try to access it, it wont let me and it justs closes and does it over again.also my other problem is that i can't install my service pack 2 it says that it has been "terminated" or sumthin like that.and when i keep on doing it and still says even in safe u guys know what problem lies here?
I couldnt install the service pack 2 because the installation says my product keys are unvalid and it gave a website to find the solution to my problem. But I couldn't find anything that fits my situation from this website... It's I have the valid product keys now but couldnt find a way how to reenter it. Is there anything to do beside reinstall WinXP? I have another CD with valid product key.
I have MS XP HE SP3. Try as I may, I cannot install Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1. I need this to install Paint.NET. I have MS Framework 2.0 installed, and this Update is directly from MS Updates. The only message I get after trying to install is: Installation was unsuccessful. I have tried ending any unnecessary Processes through Task Manager, but to no avail
I am trying to install Service PAck 3 and have run into the following error. Setup cannot copy the file hsfdppsp2.sys. Ensure that the location below is correct or change it and insert "Windoes XP System Files" in the drive you specify. Copy files from: c:windowssystem32drivers
I m trying to install Service pack 2 onto my home PC. I used to have SP2 on my computer and it worked and installed perfectly but months ago I had to format and put on SP1. I have now decided that I want SP2 back on and having tried around 6 times with 2 different discs and with no avail. I am having the same problem every time; it will not finish the installation and will hang on the boot screen. It will install all the components but on boot it will hang and not finish. It has installed before on this same PC with no problems but not these times. I have tried an upgrade, a clean install; install driver and computer updates then trying both ways again. I have tried a quick and even a long format process but with the same problem every time. Could it be the hardware? I have made 3 changes since the last time of having SP2 on my PC and they are as follows:
-GeForce 5500 has now changed to GeForce 6600 -Added more RAM 256mb to 1GB -Added a fan
I m not sure where to go from this, stuck with SP1 and unable to install the latest software I need for my college work.
Its been a while since I came here, alas, I have not had any major problems on any of my machines due to all the great information I have obtained on this site. however, I just put together a brand new PC, probably my best and most powerful to date, and I do not want anything to screw it up. Here is my configuration. There is nothing on it right now, its brand new only has a few mp3's. Should I install Service Pack 2? I think its good, but I would like some expert advice. Lastly, should I install it through live update or through the Microsoft site, or as someone suggested, install the Network Installation pack for Developers and IT professionals.
Windows XP Professional I can't get access to the hardware specs. My nephew put the computer together for me from componets purchased at Fry's. For years it has given no problems until now... I am unable to even log on to look up the CPU info...My nephew is in the middle of getting married or I would ask him.
The problem started with a MicroSoft Error message and inability to open/print Word docs. When I tried to open/print a doc. I was receiving error: "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK to terminate the application." I researched this and found a fix on the Microsoft They stated that the problem occures if you upgrade/reinstall/repair Windows XP. A friend of my husbands had put my XP OP disc into my computer trying to copy it and I think he might have inadvertently loaded it? ...
If i was to install service pack 2, via the disc i have, and i dont like what it has done to my computer, will i be able to refer back to a System Restore Point i created before installation?
I downloaded it and decided to install But the computer froze near the end and I had to crash it down
It took ages to re start and said it was unstable and to delete it from Add Remove programs Went to do this and it showed me a long list of programs that would not work if I did