Unable To Use Mouse In Safe Mode?

Jun 7, 2006

I started windows Xp in safe mode and my mouse wont respond. I have a serial mouse not a USB mouse.

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Unable To See Mouse & Keybord In Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2010

Got into safe mode trying to acces Adminatrator and use can't type in pass word. can't get out of user into adminasrtaor

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Keyboard & Mouse Dead In Safe Mode?

Jun 12, 2006

Running windows XP home edition. If I boot to safe mode (F8) my keyboard and mouse are inop. Both are usb connected.

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Keyboard And Mouse Disable When On Safe Mode?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm trying to log in safe mode to windows XP. After pressing F8 and choosing safe mode the log on window appears but the keyboard won't work to enter the password. I turned off the computer and try again like ten times and still can't make it work.

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Keyboard & Mouse Not Working To Enter Safe Mode?

May 30, 2005

I have a standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse which do not work as I try to enter Safe mode. As I am on Windows 2000 Pro, I need to log on as administrator. I am not password protected, but have no way of clicking the Log in button.There are no settings for Keyboard or Mouse in my BIOS setup

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Wont Show Mouse & Keybord In Safe Mode?

Apr 11, 2010

Got into safe mode trying to acces Adminatrator and use can't type in pass word. can't get out of user into adminasrtaor

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System Stuck In Safe Mode: Mouse Won't Move?

Feb 6, 2008

I've spent the last two months just trying to get Windows to operate correctly on a new Mac. Unbelievable! I've re-installed XP SP2 too many times to count, finally had it up and thought it was running fine for the last week, then I went over to the Mac OS tried accessing windows through boot camp, it shut down the Mac OS, then when I tried to go back to boot Windows directly, I received the damning <windows root> system32hal.dll file is missing or corrupt - again.

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Can't Boot Past Log In Safe Mode Mouse Not Working?

Sep 5, 2006

I am trying to get my computer to boot but having problems. It gets to the title page of windows xp and stays there...I wanted to do a system restore but when I go onto log on page my mouse isn't working either.....what should I do?

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Unable To Get To Desktop Without Going To Safe Mode First

May 1, 2008

Really feeling desperate here. Win xp home. The only way I can get to my desktop without waiting 25 minutes AND having start button and others freeze up and then taking 5 min for each click, I have to first go to Safe Mode and change sometihng in mcsonfig and then restart.

Then I use Normal Mode and get to my desktop with no problem and nothing freezes BUT I then have to reset all my SERVICES in "Sevices ans applications" since they become disabled each time I use Safe Mode. Note: I made sure to diable all unnecessary servies and use only the startups I need in msconfig.

All very time consuming and debilitating. Then I can get online and everything is fine.BUT then each time I shut down or restart my computer its the same cycle all over again. Note: The problem seemed to occur when one day semingly out of nowhere I turned on my compuyer and my logon was apparently corrupted. NO spyware, viruses. Clean machine. When I got to my desktop there was a white screen as oppsoed to blue with an alert to restore my desktop. But when I clicked the restore button notihng happened. Someone told me I may have a corrupt logon name and to set up another which I did and everything wokred fine except for, as I said, when I shut down or restart my computer.
I tried system restore but apparently there are no options/dates to restore back to.
Ive spent 200 hours on this and am ready to throw in the towel. I dont want ot have to resort to a clean reinstall of Winxp but if I have ot can you please inform me about how to keep my files intact (pdfs, word docs and pictures). and if I need to back them up,

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BSOD - Unable To Use Safe Mode

Jan 18, 2010

I was just using my PC like any other day. Now I am saddened by the fact that I have a BSOD and being unable to use safe mode or trying any other solution just makes me even more sad.

Things Tried That Failed:

Safe Mode

System Recovery

Clean Install of Windows 7

Couldn't keep track of all....

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Unable To Enter OS Or Safe Mode

Dec 19, 2006

On starting up my PC I am unable to get past the initial BIOS readout it gets as far as 'Mouse Initialized' and then freezes. Pressing F8 does not work nor following the displayed message 'Press F2 to enter SETUP'

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Unable To Login - Even In Safe Mode

Apr 1, 2007

About 2 years ago my computer randomly shut down (I think because of a virus), and when I tried starting it back up, it would bootup fine, but I could never get past the XP Pro login screen. The passwords/accounts are fine. I only have one password-protected account, which is mine, and the password is still valid. I also have an additional account for my sister without a password. Whenever I try to login to either account, it displays the "Loading account settings." dialogue but doesn't do ANYTHING after that, it never logs in. I tried booting my computer into safemode, but then it gets to a login screen for Administrator, and apparently there's a password that I guess I set a long time ago, and I have no clue what it is and can't log in. I tried logging in WITHOUT putting an administrator password in since I know you can sometimes do that with XP Home, but I had no luck. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is there a way I can log in somehow? Is it a virus? Also, if I were to somehow get into the computer by setting up an additional XP partition, would I still have access to all of my files? THe reason I ask is because I saved a LOT of IMPORTANT work-related files into the "My Documents" folders for my account...is there a way I can access any of that?

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Unable To Startup In Safe Mode

Nov 30, 2006

I am running xp pro. When rebooting I get a screen asking for the boot order. The thing is that I cannot choose because I tried selecting them with the page up-down, the up down arrows and the tad key and nothing moves. It will not go pass this screen. I have to reset anf let it bootup normal. What am I doing wrong?

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Unable To Use Safe Mode With LCD Screen

Mar 29, 2005

I've got some particularly nasty stuff on my system (running XP Home Edition), so I want to do a scan in Safe Mode. However, whenever I select safe mode, my screen tells me that the signal is out of range, and underneath that it says "35.5KHz / 87Hz". I have a Sony screen, in case that helps any. I looked around for solutions, but all I found were some fixes for when this happens on normal Windows, which involves going into Safe Mode. So no dice. I also tried VGA, but the picture is so horrible I have no idea what is on the screen.

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Unable To Log On To Correct Domain In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2007

I have recently come down with the Smitfraud trojan and have downloaded the command prompt program "SmitfraudFix" to hunt down and terminate my infection. However, the actual "killing process" that SmitfraudFix undergoes requires SafeMode to work correctly (I would assume so it does not harm other normal files). It would seem simple: log into Safe Mode and execute the prompt. Yet here is my problem! I have a laptop that was given to me by my college and instead of having my primary user account (which is given full administrator capabilities, but is not the actual Administrator account) as a "this computer" domain to log in, it logs in under the "GCC" domain (I go to Grove City College).

I would not have imagined this to ever be a problem, but when I start up Safe Mode to execute my trojan-killer I am given only two login fields, not three. Thus I have username and password inputs, but no "log on to" option to choose "GCC." So when I type in my username and password in Safe Mode they are (I presume) assumed to be "this computer" domain inputs. I think you can see where this is going...........

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Unable To Load My Computer Into Safe Mode

Jul 11, 2007

i am unable to load my computer into safe mode,it hangs when it is loading agp440.sys.im running Windows XP SP2.

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Unable To Get The System To Safe Mode While Using Original OS CD?

Sep 2, 2005

Is it possible to get to safe mode when you use the original XP CD to boot?

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Unable To Do Virus Scan In Safe Mode?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to boot into safe mode in Windows XP (office) to deal with trojan horses (Vundo.gen.w/spy-agent.bw.gen.e) infections. I am able to get to the safe mode option screen via "f8", but it will only load some drivers and then it returns to the safe mode option screen (endless loop).
Further I cannot access the system config utility via "run". I open up the run dialog box and type "msconfig" nothing happens.
An ideas? What would happen if I run a full virus scan (with system restore off) without being in safe mode?

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Unable To Boot Normal And In Safe Mode?

Jul 21, 2009

Very simple problem; my Win XP computer will get up to the Windows XP loading page (the black page with the blue bar moving in the middle), it then gets stuck for about 2/3 minutes and just restarts time and time over again.I do NOT have a virus of any kind, I know this for sure as Safe Mode works and I took an antivirus scan - no virus at all, so I need some help here.

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Unable To Access Safe Mode / Got The Blue Screen

Aug 19, 2009

I used to be able to access it perfectly fine but i went to safe mode and got the blue screen with the 0x0000007B error. My windows works fine but the safe mode.I know it was caused by a virus, i just don't know how to fix it.I scanned with everything but still could not find it

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Unable To Boot In Safe Mode Same RPCRT4.dll Error

Oct 8, 2007

I'm having a problem starting my computer running windows XP home edition. Upon startup, I get the blue screen stating... "stop: c0000135 {unable to locate component} This application has failed to start because RPCRT4.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."Also, I am unable to boot in safe mode (same RPCRT4.dll error).i have tried repairing with original xp disk when using chkdsk /p it finds one or more errors on disk but does not solve the problem.

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Unable To Get Out Of Safe Mode / Wont Get Back To Normal?

Aug 26, 2005

Ok hereS the problem... I'm using Windows XP Home edition with SP 2, I was having some problems with my Mcafee anti-virus software, so I booted up in Safe mode (using msconfig) to do a system virus scan. Once I did that, I tried to load msconfig to get back into normal mode, but i kept getting an error saying I must be logged in as the Administrator to do it, Which I was. Can someone please help me get back into normal mode so I don't have to reformat? Also: I do not have system restore enabled so that is not an option.

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Unable To Delete Index.dat File While Going To Safe Mode?

Jan 19, 2005

I'm trying to delete the index.dat file off my XP name but when i go into safe mode it wont let be open my name.Any idea what the problem may be cause i cant open any of the names except my brothers xp name for some odd reason

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Black Screen After BIOS - Unable To Enter Safe Mode

Jun 4, 2008

When my computer loads up,after the bios i get a black screen. I am unable to enter safe mode or even boot from the Windows XP.

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Unable To Uninstall Spysweeper / Wont Boot In Safe Mode?

Oct 13, 2007

I am new to post on this site, in the past i've read many posts on it when i had computer problems, and found a solution, except this time so here it goes
I updated SpySweeper to the newest version. My computer is now SLOW so i tried to uninstall it. I tried doing so through Add/Remove Programs. Also tried going through 'start,run'..then locating the file to uninstall. I get the following 'Cannot uninstall - Runtime Error (at 219.73) could not proc.'SO tried going through Safe Mode and then my computer started running CHKDSK, which came back with about 20+ unreadable file segments the just started back in Normal mode. I also tried ctrl alt&delete to stop spysweeper processes and that says "access is denied'.

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Getting 2 Stop Errors On Laptop / Unable To Start In Safe Mode?

Apr 2, 2007

It started yesterday, I was playing around on the computer and only downloaded magiciso.I continued to play around. I shut down the computer and it hasnt been the same since.When it 1st started back up..I got this:Address 80410527 base at 80400000 datestamp 45069e6e - ntoskrnl.exe IRQL not less or equal I tried to get into safe mode but nothing.I then tried last good config and it let me in...so I played around to what I thought would fix things..but when I restarted it again..it wont let me in either way now.

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Unable To Enter Safe Mode - Deliberately Crashing Computer

Aug 16, 2005

Running a computer I purchased with Windows XP Pro installed (No CD). Will
not enter SAFE MODE when tapping F8 during bootup. Would not enter safe mode
even after deliberately crashing the computer (pulled the power cord while
computer was running).

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System Wont Install Updates / Unable To Go To Safe Mode?

Aug 9, 2005

I can't get Updates to XP SP2 and in the process of trying to do so, I'm instructed to reboot, continuing to press F8, and get into "Safe Mode". When I do that, I'm not given an option to get into Safe Mode but am given an option on which of three devices to boot.How can I get to Safe Mode?

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Changing Screen Resolution In Safe Mode / Unable To View Options?

Apr 25, 2007

I just want to know how to change screen resolution in safe mode. The reason is when I try to use certain programs in safe mode, I can't view all the options and buttons of the program because it goes off the screen and resizing dosent help.I go to desktop properties and try to change it but the bar will not slide to any other position.

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Can Only Start In Safe Mode - Windows Was Unable To Start Successfully"

Dec 14, 2006

I recieved the following message after a forced restart after windows updates were installed: "We are sorry for any inconvenience but Windows was unable to start successfully" My options are to start in Safe Mode , Last known config or normal. Safe Mode is the only thing that works. Also System Restore would not work Also System Recovery from Sony Vaio Recovery Wizard would not work

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Manually Start Pc Safe Mode F8 Click Debugging Mode - Can't Locate HPOIPM07.exe

Mar 1, 2005

this is the best way I know to explain all of this. I am running a 3 yr old Gateway with Windows xp and Sp 1 & 2. I have always stayed up to date with my Windows updates deleting cookies, defrags and so on. I am running Avast anti virus and Armor 2 Net firewall. I have noticed over a period of about a mth that my system has been getting pretty slow to boot up and load up web pages. Now I am having to manually start my PC and I have to do it in safe mode F8 and click on debugging mode. If I don't do it this way then everything loads up and then my PC just turns itself off. I have PC doctor and I have done a complete diagnostic test and I have gone to antivirus.com and did a virus scan there as well as with my Avast. I am thinking that I may have to totally take everything out and reinstall everything back in. The only thing is -is that I don't know what to type in to get the whole thing going. Also I have been getting a message but only sometimes that says RTL cannot locate HPOIPMO7.exe (HPOIMO7.exe) I haven't a clue what this is. Might it have anything to do with what is going on. I don't mean to write a book here but there is one other thing, the other day I had a window pop up that said that windows needed me to reinstall my xp software and when I tried it said that the version that I was already running was newer than the cd software I was trying to install and wouldn't accept it.

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