BSOD - Unable To Use Safe Mode

Jan 18, 2010

I was just using my PC like any other day. Now I am saddened by the fact that I have a BSOD and being unable to use safe mode or trying any other solution just makes me even more sad.

Things Tried That Failed:

Safe Mode

System Recovery

Clean Install of Windows 7

Couldn't keep track of all....

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BSOD When Booting To Safe Mode, Not Normal Mode?

Oct 10, 2007

I've got a Dell Dimension 4550 running windows XP w/ SP2 and ALL the latest patches here in my shop, and I've got the weirdest problem. I wanna sweep it clean of viruses and spyware, but can't boot to safe mode. It boots completely fine in normal mode, no errors or anything. The BSOD I get is: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT _LESS_OR_EQUAL 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

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Mar 26, 2010

i have similar problem mentioned here URL... but the only difference is that i can use the PC normally without any problem. it gets BSOD only when i try to goto safemode by pressing f8 it says STOP 0x0000007B 0xF789E524 0xC000034 0x00000000 0x00000000

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BSOD On Safe Mode Boot Up

Feb 4, 2009

I have a nasty virus on my desktop (I'm posting this from my laptop now) that I am trying to get rid of. However, it seems that there are a few key files that can't be removed while in normal mode. Every time I try and boot into safe mode (any of them) I get a BSOD with the stop code of 0X0000007B. Anyone know how to fix this, so I can get into safe mode and get rid of these files?

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BSOD Even When Booting In Safe Mode

Apr 5, 2010

Don't know what found it's way into my PC last night but I was suddenly hit with the BSOD showing the following error:

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xc0000005, 0x87AB43B2, 0xF79AD270, 0xF79ACF6C)

Normal reboot results in the same screen and trying to boot up into sfae mode just returns me to the setup (F8) screen. So, I figured on a repair for which I've managed to get hold of an XP disc from my mother of all people.

So far I have, based on what I have found from searching the net, via the Recovery Console on the disc I have:

run chkdsk /r
followed by a reboot - no change
followed by a reboot - no change

FIXMBR (yes to proceed)
followed by a reboot -- no change

bootcfg /rebuild

Those procedures sounded pretty safe to me and I don't think I've damaged my PC any further but ...

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BSOD Booting Into Safe Mode

Jan 4, 2009

I have a strange problem which I can't seem to rectify, I've searched around but can't find a solution. I have a Dell Demension 8400, it has 1GB RAM installed, an 80GB C: drive and I have a 250GB external USB drive (which I use for back-up, I store pictures music etc there) and I'm running Windows XP PRO with SP3+ all fixes installed.

he problem is I can NOT boot info safe mode. (I can boot normally though no problem). When I tap F8 key, I get the safe mode choices just fine (just safe mode or safe mode with networking etc) when I make a choice it starts to load then I get a BSOD with the following message/information

A problem has been detected and windows has been shutdown to prevent damage to the computer. If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen (it's NOT it happens every safe mode boot no matter if I choose just safe mode or save mode with networking etc.)restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check for Viruses on your computer (I do always have Avira's AntiVir running and fully updated, I ran Malwarebytes, Superantispyware, and spybot search & destroy). Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers (no new hard drives or controllers). Check your hard drive to make sure it is configured and terminated (I assume it's working I can boot into windows fine normally just NOT in safe mode). Run CHKDSK /F (I did that no problems detected) to check for hard drive corruption and then restart your computer. (the problem of course still exists)

Technical information:

***Stop: 0x0000007B (0xF7C7B524, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)"
I'm not 100% sure what to do, I really don't want to format & reinstall Windows from scratch because I have so many "things" which I use alot that I'd not want to try to replace.

Using safe mode isn't 100% essential, but there have been times in the past I needed it to remove a malware that could not be removed in normal mode.

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BSOD During Boot Up / Safe Mode

Sep 28, 2009

It then goes into a physical memory dump, finishes, but still same BSOD.i get the same error trying to get into safe mode when trying to reformat or repairing the hard drive using my xp install disc, i get a BSOD stating that the computer has been shut down to prevent any damages and to run a scan disk.

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BSOD Wont Boot / Not Even In Safe Mode

Feb 11, 2005

Heres the bsod message I get :line 1) stop: 0x0000007e ( 0xc0000005, 0xf894a29c, oxf8950500, oxf8950200 ) line 2) pfc.sys- address f894a29c base at f8949000, date stamp 3987f8fc

Thats it XP pro. I have the hard drive thats doing this as my slave drive now (using an old 8 gig as my master) is there any way I can find & fix this problem with the drive being my slave drive now?? It wont boot at all, not even safe mode but seems fine as a slave drive, passes chkdisk , no prob. is there a way to reinstall windows to a slave drive?? thanks guys, IM really stumped on this one.

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Wont Boot (BSOD) In Safe Mode

Jun 18, 2008

I have a Compaq Presario that was left on overnight, connected to an unstable network. The power cord got pulled out and the battery died overnight. I plugged it back in and hit the Power button on the computer, and "Resuming Windows" appeared on the screen, but hung up. I hit the Power button again, waited about 10 seconds, and then hit the Power button a third time.

I got an error apologizing that Windows couldn't start; I had three "Safe Mode" reboot options, as well as the "Last Good Configuration" and "Normal" options. All "Safe Mode" options get to a file called "tiumflt.sys" and then goes to a quick BSOD, then tries to restart, and goes back to the error apologizing that Windows can't start. When I try "Last Good Configuration" or "Normal", I also get taken back to the BSOD. I can change boot order and go into the Phoenix BIOS...the options are the CD Drive, Floppy Drive (which I don't have), HD, or Network Adaptor. Note that the CD Drive is broken as well (has been for some time). I'm currently running the HDD Long Self Test, but the Short Test failed after about 40% complete. I did to some research, and am hoping to get some help before attempting to reset the BIOS by removing the battery from the mother board. I'l be happy to gather whatever additional information you require.

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BSOD When Trying To Boot WinXP / Even In Safe Mode

Oct 19, 2009

Last night I upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 from some old version (I use a different browser which is why my copy of IE was so out of date.) When I rebooted to complete the installation I got a BSOD that said IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. Tried again. Same. Last known good configuration, same. Safe Mode, same. Everything I've tried, same. It's a Dell Inspiron 500m laptop running XP SP2. I'm 99.999% sure it's not a hardware problem.I can't find my XP CD and no one I know seems to have one either so a fix that doesn't require the disc would be ideal.

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BSOD Safe Mode - Stop Error Screen

Aug 24, 2008

An app was installed, and right after, a BSOD came up with the following error message: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for driver updates. Try changing video adapters.

Technical information: *** STOP: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xBF803EF6, 0xF70917c4, 0x00000000) *** win32ksys - Address BF 803EF6 base at BF800000, DateStamp 43446a58 Beginning dump of physical memory. Physical memory dump complete. Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further assistance......

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Splash Screen Loads For Ever, Safe Mode Gives BSOD

Sep 28, 2009

I have a dell Inspiron 9100 (Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.00GHz) desktop running Windows XP SP3 only. I have one fixed 160GB Hard Drive. I have not changed any settings/ installed/removed any programs recently. My last shut down was normal.When i started up the pc i got as far as the xp splash screen which i believe it would have stayed on indefinitely. The scroll bar was still scrolling. So I attempted restart and tried again and the same problem occurred. I then attempted to start in safe mode were the BSOD occurred at what appeared to be the end of the driver loading. I got the message unmountable_boot_volume with the error code 0x000000ED (0X869C45CO, 0XC00000BS, 0X00000000, 0X00000000).

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Cannot Boot To Safe Mode - BSOD - Stop 0x0000008E

Jun 14, 2006

I cannot boot to Safe Mode. Using F8 at logo display, I can select Safe Mode, but never get there. Using F12 at logo display, I can boot to Utility Partition to run Express, Extended and Symptom Tree diagnostics which include Cache, Interrupt Controller, System Memory, and HD tests WHICH ALL PASS!! The BSOD error message is: A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Error info: Stop: 0x0000008E 0xC0000005 0xBF89066B 0xF3F5CAF0 0x00000000 Win32k.sys ADDR BF89066B base at BF800000 DateStamp 3f1487db The OS is Windows XP SP1a. Only the CPU and Monitor are connected.

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Safe Mode With Networking - BSOD & Page Fault In Nonpaged Area

Nov 28, 2009

HP Pavillion A1230n with XP Media Center edition. MOBO died a couple of months ago so replaced with ASUS M3N78-VM and 2Gb memory. System has been running great since repair until last week. Began to show signs of IE7 search engine hijack, but all scans show negative (Malwarebytes, SuperAntiSpyware, Avira, etc. Google Chrome worked okay, so problem was specific to IE. Tried to get to Safe Mode to run scans and got BSOD. System would boot "normally", but BSOD with page fault error whenever I tried to boot to Safe Mode. Replaced memory with same results. System now BSOD's on all attempted startups. safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with command prompt, and normal, all with same BSOD results.
Ran Spinrite against drive with negative findings. Created new XP install on another drive and system boots fine. Cloned original boot drive to new 500Gb drive using Clonezilla and get same BSOD results with cloned drive as I did with original drive.
Tried repair install to original drive but system does not recognize new MOBO BIOS as the originator of the Restore disk

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Unable To Get To Desktop Without Going To Safe Mode First

May 1, 2008

Really feeling desperate here. Win xp home. The only way I can get to my desktop without waiting 25 minutes AND having start button and others freeze up and then taking 5 min for each click, I have to first go to Safe Mode and change sometihng in mcsonfig and then restart.

Then I use Normal Mode and get to my desktop with no problem and nothing freezes BUT I then have to reset all my SERVICES in "Sevices ans applications" since they become disabled each time I use Safe Mode. Note: I made sure to diable all unnecessary servies and use only the startups I need in msconfig.

All very time consuming and debilitating. Then I can get online and everything is fine.BUT then each time I shut down or restart my computer its the same cycle all over again. Note: The problem seemed to occur when one day semingly out of nowhere I turned on my compuyer and my logon was apparently corrupted. NO spyware, viruses. Clean machine. When I got to my desktop there was a white screen as oppsoed to blue with an alert to restore my desktop. But when I clicked the restore button notihng happened. Someone told me I may have a corrupt logon name and to set up another which I did and everything wokred fine except for, as I said, when I shut down or restart my computer.
I tried system restore but apparently there are no options/dates to restore back to.
Ive spent 200 hours on this and am ready to throw in the towel. I dont want ot have to resort to a clean reinstall of Winxp but if I have ot can you please inform me about how to keep my files intact (pdfs, word docs and pictures). and if I need to back them up,

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Unable To Use Mouse In Safe Mode?

Jun 7, 2006

I started windows Xp in safe mode and my mouse wont respond. I have a serial mouse not a USB mouse.

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Unable To Enter OS Or Safe Mode

Dec 19, 2006

On starting up my PC I am unable to get past the initial BIOS readout it gets as far as 'Mouse Initialized' and then freezes. Pressing F8 does not work nor following the displayed message 'Press F2 to enter SETUP'

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Unable To Login - Even In Safe Mode

Apr 1, 2007

About 2 years ago my computer randomly shut down (I think because of a virus), and when I tried starting it back up, it would bootup fine, but I could never get past the XP Pro login screen. The passwords/accounts are fine. I only have one password-protected account, which is mine, and the password is still valid. I also have an additional account for my sister without a password. Whenever I try to login to either account, it displays the "Loading account settings." dialogue but doesn't do ANYTHING after that, it never logs in. I tried booting my computer into safemode, but then it gets to a login screen for Administrator, and apparently there's a password that I guess I set a long time ago, and I have no clue what it is and can't log in. I tried logging in WITHOUT putting an administrator password in since I know you can sometimes do that with XP Home, but I had no luck. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is there a way I can log in somehow? Is it a virus? Also, if I were to somehow get into the computer by setting up an additional XP partition, would I still have access to all of my files? THe reason I ask is because I saved a LOT of IMPORTANT work-related files into the "My Documents" folders for my there a way I can access any of that?

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Unable To Startup In Safe Mode

Nov 30, 2006

I am running xp pro. When rebooting I get a screen asking for the boot order. The thing is that I cannot choose because I tried selecting them with the page up-down, the up down arrows and the tad key and nothing moves. It will not go pass this screen. I have to reset anf let it bootup normal. What am I doing wrong?

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Unable To Use Safe Mode With LCD Screen

Mar 29, 2005

I've got some particularly nasty stuff on my system (running XP Home Edition), so I want to do a scan in Safe Mode. However, whenever I select safe mode, my screen tells me that the signal is out of range, and underneath that it says "35.5KHz / 87Hz". I have a Sony screen, in case that helps any. I looked around for solutions, but all I found were some fixes for when this happens on normal Windows, which involves going into Safe Mode. So no dice. I also tried VGA, but the picture is so horrible I have no idea what is on the screen.

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Unable To Log On To Correct Domain In Safe Mode

Aug 12, 2007

I have recently come down with the Smitfraud trojan and have downloaded the command prompt program "SmitfraudFix" to hunt down and terminate my infection. However, the actual "killing process" that SmitfraudFix undergoes requires SafeMode to work correctly (I would assume so it does not harm other normal files). It would seem simple: log into Safe Mode and execute the prompt. Yet here is my problem! I have a laptop that was given to me by my college and instead of having my primary user account (which is given full administrator capabilities, but is not the actual Administrator account) as a "this computer" domain to log in, it logs in under the "GCC" domain (I go to Grove City College).

I would not have imagined this to ever be a problem, but when I start up Safe Mode to execute my trojan-killer I am given only two login fields, not three. Thus I have username and password inputs, but no "log on to" option to choose "GCC." So when I type in my username and password in Safe Mode they are (I presume) assumed to be "this computer" domain inputs. I think you can see where this is going...........

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Unable To See Mouse & Keybord In Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2010

Got into safe mode trying to acces Adminatrator and use can't type in pass word. can't get out of user into adminasrtaor

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Unable To Load My Computer Into Safe Mode

Jul 11, 2007

i am unable to load my computer into safe mode,it hangs when it is loading running Windows XP SP2.

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Unable To Get The System To Safe Mode While Using Original OS CD?

Sep 2, 2005

Is it possible to get to safe mode when you use the original XP CD to boot?

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Unable To Do Virus Scan In Safe Mode?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to boot into safe mode in Windows XP (office) to deal with trojan horses (Vundo.gen.w/ infections. I am able to get to the safe mode option screen via "f8", but it will only load some drivers and then it returns to the safe mode option screen (endless loop).
Further I cannot access the system config utility via "run". I open up the run dialog box and type "msconfig" nothing happens.
An ideas? What would happen if I run a full virus scan (with system restore off) without being in safe mode?

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Unable To Boot Normal And In Safe Mode?

Jul 21, 2009

Very simple problem; my Win XP computer will get up to the Windows XP loading page (the black page with the blue bar moving in the middle), it then gets stuck for about 2/3 minutes and just restarts time and time over again.I do NOT have a virus of any kind, I know this for sure as Safe Mode works and I took an antivirus scan - no virus at all, so I need some help here.

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Unable To Access Safe Mode / Got The Blue Screen

Aug 19, 2009

I used to be able to access it perfectly fine but i went to safe mode and got the blue screen with the 0x0000007B error. My windows works fine but the safe mode.I know it was caused by a virus, i just don't know how to fix it.I scanned with everything but still could not find it

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Unable To Boot In Safe Mode Same RPCRT4.dll Error

Oct 8, 2007

I'm having a problem starting my computer running windows XP home edition. Upon startup, I get the blue screen stating... "stop: c0000135 {unable to locate component} This application has failed to start because RPCRT4.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."Also, I am unable to boot in safe mode (same RPCRT4.dll error).i have tried repairing with original xp disk when using chkdsk /p it finds one or more errors on disk but does not solve the problem.

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Unable To Get Out Of Safe Mode / Wont Get Back To Normal?

Aug 26, 2005

Ok hereS the problem... I'm using Windows XP Home edition with SP 2, I was having some problems with my Mcafee anti-virus software, so I booted up in Safe mode (using msconfig) to do a system virus scan. Once I did that, I tried to load msconfig to get back into normal mode, but i kept getting an error saying I must be logged in as the Administrator to do it, Which I was. Can someone please help me get back into normal mode so I don't have to reformat? Also: I do not have system restore enabled so that is not an option.

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Unable To Delete Index.dat File While Going To Safe Mode?

Jan 19, 2005

I'm trying to delete the index.dat file off my XP name but when i go into safe mode it wont let be open my name.Any idea what the problem may be cause i cant open any of the names except my brothers xp name for some odd reason

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Black Screen After BIOS - Unable To Enter Safe Mode

Jun 4, 2008

When my computer loads up,after the bios i get a black screen. I am unable to enter safe mode or even boot from the Windows XP.

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