Keyboard And Mouse Disable When On Safe Mode?

Mar 20, 2010

I'm trying to log in safe mode to windows XP. After pressing F8 and choosing safe mode the log on window appears but the keyboard won't work to enter the password. I turned off the computer and try again like ten times and still can't make it work.

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Keyboard & Mouse Dead In Safe Mode?

Jun 12, 2006

Running windows XP home edition. If I boot to safe mode (F8) my keyboard and mouse are inop. Both are usb connected.

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Keyboard & Mouse Not Working To Enter Safe Mode?

May 30, 2005

I have a standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse which do not work as I try to enter Safe mode. As I am on Windows 2000 Pro, I need to log on as administrator. I am not password protected, but have no way of clicking the Log in button.There are no settings for Keyboard or Mouse in my BIOS setup

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Uninstall Of Keyboard / Mouse - Disable Option

Mar 6, 2010

i am using xp pro with a Labtec wireless keyboard & mouse and the scroll wheel has broken in the mouse so i have bought a usb wireless mouse. The existing keyboard/mouse connects with a black square receiver box of which then has 2 leads so it can be plugged into the mouse & keyboard port at the rear of the pc.

I have plugged in the new usb wireless mouse ok but the system still works with the old broken mouse. In the mouse settings box both mice are listed but is it possible to dissable the broken mouse so the new mouse will work,there is no option to dissable the mouse on the screen like there is for the new usb wireless mouse. Failing that how can i uninstall the complete keyboard/mouse as the only listing in add/remove programs is the labtec wireless desktop of which is just somekind of add on software as with this removed the keyboard/mouse still works.

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Mouse & Keyboard Don't Respond In Normal Mode?

Oct 4, 2006

I have a Acer Aspire laptop running on Windows XP Home.2 days ago I rebooted the machine & then the problem started. My mouse and keyboard are EXTREMELY slow to respond, if they do at all. It's almost like some program is running and just taking all the system resources up.When I log in using Safe Mode - everything works just fine, which tells me it's not a driver issue.

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Can't Boot In Safe Mode - Disable The System Restore

Aug 30, 2010

I had a problem's in my PC because the viruses, I cleaned my PC with a lot of anti-virus and tools to fix that problem's I disable the system restore but the viruses back again.I tried to access to safe mode to clean the system but the PC restart after loading

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Keyboard Not Working And Don't Work In Safe Mode

May 3, 2007

In device manage it has exclamation by it i uninstalled but if i do add hardware its located w/ exclamation by itif i uninstall an restart its back with exclamation dont work in safe mode works be4 boot when i type in password its disabled on boot.

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Unable To Use Mouse In Safe Mode?

Jun 7, 2006

I started windows Xp in safe mode and my mouse wont respond. I have a serial mouse not a USB mouse.

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Can't Reboot As Keyboard Not Functioning Even To Access Safe Mode

Nov 15, 2009

Have been trying to fix my dad's computer which has been having a series of Blue screen problems realated to BAD_POOL_CALLER. Followed advice on Microsoft site and invoked Driver Verifier Manager and used Standard settings.

system won't reboot at all. I can get into BIOS area but once it continues past that the wireless keyboard is disabled and therefore I can't select Safe Mode or Last working config mode. It continues into Windows XP and then crashes and reboots again.Ideally I need to be able to make the wireless keyboard work so I can get into Safe Mode,uninvoke the Driver Verifier somehow at the BIOS stage

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Unable To See Mouse & Keybord In Safe Mode

Apr 11, 2010

Got into safe mode trying to acces Adminatrator and use can't type in pass word. can't get out of user into adminasrtaor

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Wont Show Mouse & Keybord In Safe Mode?

Apr 11, 2010

Got into safe mode trying to acces Adminatrator and use can't type in pass word. can't get out of user into adminasrtaor

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System Stuck In Safe Mode: Mouse Won't Move?

Feb 6, 2008

I've spent the last two months just trying to get Windows to operate correctly on a new Mac. Unbelievable! I've re-installed XP SP2 too many times to count, finally had it up and thought it was running fine for the last week, then I went over to the Mac OS tried accessing windows through boot camp, it shut down the Mac OS, then when I tried to go back to boot Windows directly, I received the damning <windows root> system32hal.dll file is missing or corrupt - again.

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Can't Boot Past Log In Safe Mode Mouse Not Working?

Sep 5, 2006

I am trying to get my computer to boot but having problems. It gets to the title page of windows xp and stays there...I wanted to do a system restore but when I go onto log on page my mouse isn't working either.....what should I do?

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Wireless Keyboard Wont Attach To System / Safe Mode Wont Open?

Jul 14, 2005

Windows XP Prof Service Pack 2 Microsoft Intelli Type Wireless Keyboard My problem is simply!!! When booting my computer the keyboard does not become active until windows has loaded. Hense I am unable to press F8 during the boot process and therefore cannot boot to safe mode. To make matters worse there is a F/Lock key on the keyboard which on starting is always inactive.

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No Keyboard Or Mouse:keyboard Works On Bootup?

Jan 30, 2005

I have a friends PC, a gateway P4 2.6, winxp home. The mouse and keyboard up and died. He had a kvm switch, the electronic kind when it stopped functioning. I have tried usb, ps2 everything. The keyboard works on bootup, so I can get into bios etc... but when it gets to the windows screen, nothing. No mouse or keyboard. Safe mode is the same thing. Dont want to format and reinstall windows. On that note, I did try a repair, when it asks for admin password it wont accept it. Says invalid admin password.. The password IS windows admin password though. With no mouse even in safemode, and windows not accepting my admin password during repair,

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Any Way To Disable Special Keyboard Buttons?

Jun 6, 2009

I have a keyboard with some of those "Extra" buttons on top like those shortcuts "Mail,home, favorites, forward, rewind, play, pause...etc" well you'know the buttons that no one in the world ever uses, now I don't know what happened, but my keyboard got a short-circuit apparently (maybe someone spelled something on it or something) and what happened was, the Up arrow had got shorted with the "My Computer" button, and the left arrow with the "Calculator" shortcut, so each time I press up it opens the My Computer window, and each time I press left it opens Windows Calculator, now you can imagine how annoying that could be when playing games, you press one arrow and poof, you'll be Alt-ctrl-deleting for the next hour, so is there a way to disable those buttons? as in make windows ignore the command once it receives it?...........

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Disable Right Mouse Button

Sep 2, 2005

I work for a library and all I want to do is completely disable the right mouse button in Windows XP on public access computers (but allow me to login as administrator and enable/disable it again). I figured Windows would have something like this built in, but it doesn't. I figured there would be a freeware program that could do this, but I can't find one. Some mouse drivers allow you to disable the right mouse button, but not for the mice I have. Do you know of some obscure Windows XP registry setting that would allow me to disable the right mouse button (in all contexts), or of a simple freeware utility that would allow me to do this?

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Disable The Right Hand Mouse Button

Jul 13, 2005

Is it possible to dis-able the right hand mouse button?

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Hibernation With Mouse And Keyboard

Jul 17, 2006

I am experiencing a problem with the XP hibernation. The PC is resuming from hibernation with mouse and keyboard activity instead with the power baton. Almost like a standby mode.

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Mouse And Keyboard (USB) Not Recognized

Nov 14, 2006

I own a Dell Dimension 8400 system. I recently tried to download the Intel Chipset Software Installation Utility for the chipset from the Dell support website. As the installation of the software was completing, the computer froze and I turned it off. Now, when I reboot, the mouse and the keyboard aren't recognized after Windows XP loads. The mouse and keyboard do work before Windows XP loads.

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Mouse And Keyboard Being Inoperative

Dec 19, 2007

I am working on a friend's PC and have encountered a problem related to the mouse and Keyboard being inoperative in Windows. The machine is a Dell E-310 with 3.0Ghz processor, 512 Meg RAM, XP Home and USB Keyboard and mouse. The machine boots into Windows and reaches the login screen OK. However, the Mouse and Keyboard are completely inoperative leaving the system stuck at the login screen. The Keyboard works fine when the machine is booted into the BIOS setup menu. I also booted the machine using a Knoppix CD and both the Keyboard and Mouse work perfectly in Knoppix. This seems to rule out any hardware issues and points to Windows as the culprit. Dell did not provide a CD with the Windows installation disk so I am kind of stuck on the problem at this point. The machine is past its Dell warranty date.

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Mouse And Keyboard Are Not Working

Jul 5, 2006

A buddy of mine is having problems with his PC. He said when he turns it on it seems to boot up fine (lights on case work) but his screen, mouse and keyboard are not working. Now Im assuming that all those burning out at the same time is next to impossible. I think it might have to do with the PC itself. I have yet to try a different screen and such just to make sure. Also if infact trying another screen fails i obviously will not be able to look in his bios, which leaves me kinda stumped.

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Keyboard And Mouse Very Jerky

Jan 9, 2008

When my cpu spikes my mouse movements get jerky esp when hard disk is going then it can move around a bit by itself. Keyboard also have a delay between typing and the letters appearing on the screen.

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Mouse & Keyboard Won't Work

Feb 7, 2008

I got a new graphics card today. So I went to Add/Remove programs, and removed the Nvidia driver. I rebooted the PC as requested. After rebooting PC (keeping the same graphics card in) the black Windows logo screen took much longer than usual. Then when it finished so that I could click on my profile, I couldn't, the mouse nor the keyboard are functioning. I tried a different mouse and keyboard. I unplugged my computer and restarted, I tried in safe mode and the same thing. The keyboard works at the BIOS screen because I can get into the BIOS and select safemode as needed.

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Mouse And Keyboard Freezing Up

Oct 22, 2009

my computers mouse frooze up and then i noticed the keyboard as well, and when i went to go in on safemode to scan for viruses it only came up with a tracking cookie.. now the computer is still freezing up and i reformatted the computer and after it was done it frooze as soon as the windows restarted...any ideas on what is going on?

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Mouse And Keyboard Freezes

Sep 4, 2005

My mouse and keyboard functions freezes within an hour of startup. I have a biostar u8668 pro motherboard, intel p4 1.7ghz, 512 ddr ram, cd and dvd writers and two hard drives. I am running windows xp pro with all the service packs and upgrades. I even flashed the bios with no apparent improvement. On immediate rebooting all is well for about the same time before it freezes again. What am I overlooking?

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Disable The Middle Mouse Button - Scroll Wheel

Dec 15, 2007

All i want is to disable the middle-mouse button click while on firefox/internet explorer. (ie. you click your scroll wheel and a little circle with two arrows pops up and you just move your mouse around to scroll)

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working Because Of Any Virus

Mar 8, 2008

I am having issues with my keyboard and mouse(hence the title). My keyboard works fine while in the bios and while booting, but once the Windows Bar stops going from side to side and I start to see my desktop load, the screen is in 640x480 resolution or something (like safe mode) and I can't use my keyboard or my mouse, even though the lights on both are lit(so they have power). Earlier, I was having problems with my hal.dll (long story, but I ended replacing it from my MCE OEM CD in the recovery console((which I have in my MBR Boot menu)), and now I am here). I think that that might be the contributing issue here, but I have no clue what to do next. The same thing happens when I enter safe mode. I would just boot from my XP DVD and do a repair, but DELL gave me a DVD-ROM OEM disk with my XPS 600 even though the only drive I can boot from is my CD-RW DRIVE as far as I know. I have checked my boot order in my bios. I can boot from USB or Onboard or Removable Hard drives and Cd Drives.

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No Mouse Or Keyboard: On Turning Off & On The Antivirus?

Feb 12, 2008

I have recently installed anti-virus on my other computer. I turned it off last night and this morning I turned it on to find the mouse and KB don't work. I noticed the optical light is on until the windows loading screen shows up and then it immediately shuts off. I have looked in the bios everything is enabled, I tried to boot into safe mode and that doesn't work either, as soon as windows starts loading the mouse shuts off. I tried repairing windows and when it reboots to re-install, the mouse light goes off again. Later, an error pops up looking for a file iaStor.sys, which i cannot locate because my mouse does not work.

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Resume From Hibernation With Ps2 Mouse Or Keyboard

Jan 23, 2008

After hibernation, cannot resume from ps2 keyboard or mouse. Resumes OK by momentarily pressing power button. Intel MOBD D915GAVL, WXP OS. No options in BIOS.

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Keyboard And Mouse Not Working - Installed SP3

Dec 12, 2008

so we just installed SP3 for XP. At first the boot was failing, made some hardware changes and all was good seemingly... now the keyboard and mouse no longer work, but they work when the computer just starts up. They just stop working shortly after. I plugged in a USB mouse and that works, so I was thinking it may be a problem with the PS/2 ports.

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