Strange Notepad Documents Has Appeared In C Drive

Jan 26, 2006

in my "C" drive folder entitled "Oscar" and when I open it all it say's inside is "Oscar Was Here" Now who the heck is Oscar and what is this, have I been hacked at?

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Strange Folder Appeared On Desktop - Sub-folders Are Empty.

Sep 17, 2005

I have noticed a folder on my desktop titled %systemdrive% All the sub-folders are empty.

Would it be safe to delete it? I know it has something to do with the operating system.

I am running Windows XP

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Strange Window Appeared While Attempting To Download Lab Methods

Aug 2, 2005

I was attempting to download lab methods from NC State Lab and athis appeared Explorer user prompt. Script Prompt enterpassword I have no clue what this is.

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Strange Characters In Documents

Jun 5, 2005

I open files to read them from the web--whether from MSN or from someone's website--they read fine except for the odd looking Japanese looking character.This mainly seems to happen on the letter "s" and usually at the end of words.At first I thought it was an error on the personal website I was looking at, but it was also in Yahoo and a Google page. It's very annoying.

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Strange Drive Letters - Reformatted My Hard Drive

Jan 4, 2007


IDE drive; SATA drive; misc USB drives and card readers p4 (2G) Foxcon board (w/ SATA support); 2G Ram...


XP Pro SP2; Partition Magic 8; (& misc apps)

I bit the bullet and reformatted my hard drive after problems with a corrupted W98 partition. (My testimonial to XP is that w/ W98 I did this sometimes twice a year or more; I've run XP without having to re-format for over two years.)

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Really Strange Not Work - Hard Drive Stopping

May 2, 2007

I just built myself a brand new PC last week. Two times now, I've woken up and had this message on the screen from AVG Free Edition: "Something bad has happened to the application...". I click ok, and go about my business, but nothing works. I open My Computer, and it comes up, but sits there with its little search light forever. It seems as though my hard drive has stopped, but things left in memory continue to work. Some things open (like things I used the day before), some dont. The things that open don't really work, they just open and sit there. I hit the reset button on the case and everything works when the PC boots back up. This is Windows XP Pro. I DO have the option of Stopping both of my hard drives, the same as you'd stop a USB flash drive, etc. I've never run SATA before, so I assume it has to do with that? I do not have it set to stop my hard drives in the power options.

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Moved My Documents To Partitioned Drive E

Jun 18, 2005

Using XP, I have moved the My Documents folder to a new drive "E". Seemed OK, but I was thrown by the fact I still have a "My Documents" folder listed under "Documents and Settings/myusername" In his folder, I also have folders for Cookies, Desktop, Favourites and Start Menu.

Q1. Should I delete this duplicate My Documents folder and or is it correct to leave it there as a copy (according to propertiesit is located on the C drive)

Q2. Should I move the other folders too?

I have also posted seperately a similarly related question about the program Folder

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Can't Find My Documents On Old Hard Drive

Jun 28, 2005

I've installed Win XP on a new drive and am now using my old boot drive as a slave, which I will now use for backup. Before I format my old drive and wipe it clean, I would like to copy the files from My Documents on the old drive and save them to my new drive. But I can't find those files on the old drive. Where is the My Documents folder on that drive?

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Need More Space On My Drive - What Can I Remove From Documents & Settings?

Mar 12, 2006

I'm using Windows XP. The 18Gig drive in my laptop is almost full & I need more space. There are almost 2 Gigs in my Documents and Settings (D&S) folder. I do not have any other users but years ago I did setup for two users. I have eliminated the other user but I still have Administrator, users and other settings in D&S folder. Can I combine them into a single folder and eliminate a lot of unneeded files. How do I decide the ones I need and the ones I can get rid of? Please don't tell me to format the drive and start over I just purchased a 100Gig external USB drive and moved all my data files but I would like to free up more space to record audio files. I have used XP resources to eliminate files and have painstakingly looked at each folder and eliminated where I could.

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Move Documents And Settings Folder From D To C Drive

May 7, 2005

My OS is Win XP Pro installed on D drive. Win 98 on C drive. Can I move documents and Settings folder from D to C drive.

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Old Hard Drive - New Computer - Documents Are All Locked Up

Jan 7, 2006

I recently got a new PC and stuck my old hard drive in. I can now open all my files except the ones under Documents and Settings. Access is denied comes up when i try to do anything with them. I tried the windows help, and it told me to go to the Security tab under options and take ownership, but there is no Security tab. What do I do? (Running XP Media Center, Old hard drive is set to D:)

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Documents Access Denied Hard Drive Transfer

Aug 19, 2008

Read a similar post, but resetting system preferences and "taking control" didn't work. Windows XP laptop

1. His board is fried
2. took hard drive out, put in enclosure
3. transferring data to another external Hard Drive
4. when attempting to transfer "documents" he gets an access denied read out
5. Says he has no option to change system preferences
6. "taking control" hasn't worked
7. right clicking etc. hasn't worked
8. says when he tries to view documents he gets a "documents empty" read out and there is nothing there

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Using System Restore Point To Move My Documents Folder To Another Drive

Nov 11, 2008

I'm using Win XP Pro SP3. When my files in "My Documents" outgrew my hard drive's capacity a while back I bought a new hard drive and decided to move my "My Documents" onto the new F: drive, leaving everything else on the original hard drive. It seemed like the simplest solution to my problem at the time. The situation does create a few syntax problems revolving around the question "When is the 'My Documents' folder not really the 'My Documents' system folder?" Most of the time I don't have any problems with the arrangement, but there are a couple of anomalies. At present my command line environment variables do not have any easy way to point to "My Documents" because (for example) %userprofile%My Documents points to the folder on c: that used to be the 'My Documents' system folder rather than to the current location of the system folder.

That is not usually a big deal but it may be related to the more frequent problem. A few ill-behaved programs expect to find and store files in %userprofile%My Documents (which is on C: drive) rather than in the actual system folder "My Documents" on F: which makes it harder to find these files when I search for them. Just to 'simplify' the situation I thought about setting a reparse point in the old "My Documents" folder ( %userprofile%My Documents ) that points to the actual system folder (which is F:My Documents ) Tinkering with settings like this has potential to break things in unexpected ways so I thought I'd ask whether there are any obvious problems with the 'solution'. Or are there better ways to keep the user documents on a second hard drive?

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Access My Documents Folders Form Older Hard Drive - Won't Boot

Sep 16, 2005

I am trying to access the My Documents folders form an older hard drive that is no good (something is corrupted within Windows and the machine won't boot). I am going to replace the hard drive, it's time for that anyway. I have the old hard drive connected to another computer as a second drive. I can see the file structure on the drive, but I can't see the files and folders in My Documents for my old profile. How can I access those files adn copy them to the good drive?

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Renaming My Documents Folder: Immediately Reverts Back To Username's Documents?

Jun 22, 2005

I have a user's My Documents folder redirected to a share on our domain controller. The name of this user's My Documents folder is username's Documents. Whenever I try to change this to My Documents, it immediately reverts back to username's Documents.However, if I open a command window and say dir, I see My Documents which is what I would expect.

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Repair - Notepad Missing

Jun 25, 2005

Notepad has gone missing, the computer is running sluggishly (I have checked for viruses, Spyware ect and run defrag) and desite loads of earlier dates System Restore goes through the motions and then tells me that it is not possible to restore to any of them. I am guessing that my windows Xp is corrupted. Because i dont want the hassle of re-loading all my other programs and files, is there a safe way to repair windows Xp rather than completely reinstalling it?

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Notepad Stays Minimized

Sep 2, 2005

I just ran across this problem on a computer and can't figure out how to fix it. When I start Notepad it starts up minimized on the taskbar and will not come up no matter what I try which isn't much. I just stays minimized. I can right click it and get Maximize, Restore etc. but it just stays there.

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Redirect My Documents: Change The Path That The Explorer My Documents Use?

Jul 20, 2005

I keep my docs and importante files on a hard drive separate from my C: hard drive where I have XP Pro SP2 installed. On my second hard drive (E I have a folder called My Documents. I know that the normal My Documents link in explorer is some kind of dynamic link because it points to Document and Settings user My it possible to change the path that the explorer My Documents use to point somewehre different than the Docs and Settings path.

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Deleting Shared Documents Folder W/o Removing My Documents

Apr 17, 2008

I want to remove the shared documents folder from everywhere but I want to keep the my documents folder in my computer.i am using winxp sp2.

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Classic Start Menu - How Under Documents Can View MY Documents

May 20, 2005

Im using XP and the classic start menu. I like how under documents I can view my documents but I dont like how it shows recently used documents. How can I make it so that it does not show this.

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Target Folder Location - Shared Documents - Pc1's Documents

Jul 27, 2007

im using winXP i go to desktop and double click "My Computer" in my computer i see:
Shared Documents pc1's Documents (Local Disk C:) (Local Disk D:) i have already manage to change the target folder location of "My Documents" (c:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) --> (d:Documents and Settingspc1My Documents) now the problem is; i want to change the target folder location of "Shared Documents" from(c:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments) (d:Documents and SettingsAll Users.WINXPDocuments)

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Notepad / EXE. Opens All Program Files?

Jun 15, 2005

my computer's desktop shows shortcut as the type of file and when i click on icon to open program, it opens in notepad and the page or program is in symbols. It says this program can not open in DOS mode. How do i get it back to its original state. I have no CD or back up files to access.

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None Of The Word Processors Save Notepad

Sep 25, 2007

None of the word processors on my computer, save notepad, work at all. When I double click the application, it shows the hourglass for a split second, and it disappears again, as if I'd never clicked anything. Actually, MS word worked. Except it always had some random error and just exited itself. So as far as I'm concerned, I can't use any of my word processors.I ran a CHKDSK scan, it took several hours to complete, but I did it, and the problem persisted.So I decided to get a HJT log. I downloaded HJT.

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Mp3 Player - Notepad File - BOOTEX

May 28, 2006

Well my problem is i use my mp3 player to carry around my school work. This was fine until today when it decided to screw me over. NOw the problem is i have a folder full of filemaker and PDF files inside it. The folder has now from what ive seen to be no apparant reason it has turned it into a "file". I dont no what it is inside the properties it just calls it a file. All the other files and folders inside my mp3 player are fine. After i had seen that this had happened to my folder i had noticed that there was a new notepad file called BOOTEX. inside this file was

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Commands Associate/launch With Notepad

Mar 2, 2005

I was hijacked, cleaned everything out and got my browser up and running again. Now, in a bizarre twist, every single app i have automatically opens with Notepad. Everything--even RUN--opens with notepad. Yahoo, Run, Norton, all antispy programs, turbo tax, you name it.When I boot up, instead of having a bunch of programs load and sit on my toolbar, i just get 10 Notepad windows of spaghetti. Hence, even run commands are not going to cut it.

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Notepad Window Size Deep

Apr 15, 2010

My notepad document window is too deep and I can't grab the bottom edge to pull it up.

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Free Word Processor / Notepad

May 17, 2010

I have Windows XP on my computer. Does anyone know the web site of a free word processor or something similar to Microsofts Notepad? Thank you. user470

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Cannot Save Notepad Text To Desktop

Sep 15, 2008

I am no longer able to save notepad text documents to the desktop. They just disappear. When I try to resave them there I am told they already exist on the desktop, but I cannot acess them and they do not appear in the desktop contents list in My Computer. The desktop is not overcrowded - there is space for new icons.

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Unable To Forward Attachments With Pictures / Comes Up With Notepad?

Aug 9, 2006

I have been having a problem forwarding attachments with Pics. The window comes up note pad with many many lines of junk. I have tried all I know which isn't much to over come this problem. Any assistancs would be appreciated. Also can't recieve some attached pics also.

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Wont Open JPG Files : Getting Notepad Instead Of Pictures?

Jan 23, 2006

I'm running WinXP/SP2. All of a sudden, every time I try to open a JPG file all I get is a notepad with gobbledegook. What has happened, and how do I fix it?
I can open any other type of photo or video with no problems.

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Boot.ini Can't Working - Opens File In Notepad

Aug 5, 2008

Having a problem with booting into safe mode on my SONY WinXP Pro computer, I searched on the internet for a solution....This opens the boot.ini file in Notepad.

- One line should end with "/fastdetect" (NOT "/fastdetect /sos"). Copy that line.
- Paste the line you just copied below the original line. Change "WINDOWS=Microsoft XP Professional" to "WINDOWS="Safe Mode" and add the following text to the end of the line: /safeboot:minimal /sos /bootlog
- Save the file and click OK to exit the dialog boxes. Note: If you named the Windows XP installation folder something other than WINDOWS when you installed XP, that name will appear instead of WINDOWS in step 6.

Before following the instructions, I created a backup copy of my boot.ini file. I then proceeded to do as instructed. Unfortunately, I needed access to the internet which this didn't allow for. I then copied the origional boot.ini information back to my boot.ini file in Notepad and saved it. However, when I boot, it still goes into the basic Safe Mode.

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