Restoring Chkdsk Data Back To Explorer Again?

Jul 24, 2006

i got somethin that is called ''A delayed writing failed''(my translation?) at E: S(with dollar tag over S)mft chkdsk manage to repair and delete the bad filepost-segement so i could acces the drive again. but now the problem is thath around 150 Gb of files has instead got hidden on the drive and can't be directley accesed with windows explorer..the files are recovered by chkdsk and the files works

however I can acces thoose files with Nero Burning Room LOL and R-Studio Data Recovery for example.first i tryed to copy thoose files to another hardrive with R-studio and back to orginal harddrive. the problem is that thoose hidden 150 Gb:s is still left on the my discspace is insufficient to succed to copy them back

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Restoring From The Recovery Data In The Hd Partition?

Oct 27, 2007

i want to restore my computer to its original configuration. i know the in the partition named -: (yeah, its like that) lies the information for it, but the computer on startup will not give me that choice (like pressing f10 to restore)... my question is "how do I restore manually using all that data in there?"
any thoughs or comments welcomed

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Restoring Harddrive Data - HD Partitions

Nov 1, 2009

i just formated my old hard disk with all the important data and installed windows over it.i really don't know what to do!right away after i finished to install windows i discoverd the mistake!there is a way to restore evertying?
some details:the old version that was installed on the HD was XP Pro and the current is XP Home editon. the HD has two partitions C and D, now there is only C.
i chose the Quick NTFS formmating option.

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Restoring Back Up File After Re-installing XP

Apr 24, 2007

After messing around with some 3rd party software, my XP pretty much crashed¦missing task bar, can’t move files (paste option gone), F5 (search) only see that little dog on the bottom, cant install or uninstall programs (error saying something about Windows installer is not working), Safe mode doesn't work, and the list goes on.My only option (with my knowledge) was to re-install XP. Luckily, few days before the crash, I backed up All information in this computer” using Windows system tools.

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Restoring Hard Drive After Crash- Get Files On Back

Feb 18, 2006

i have a comaq presario computer with win 2k. Due to a virus ,my hard drive crashed . When i try and boot up i get the blue screen of death telling me there is an error and i need to consult manufacturer . Is there a way i can restore my hard drive and get my files on there back even though the hard drive has crashed, if so can you tell me the steps.

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My Music Folder Image - Restoring It Back To Normal?

Sep 25, 2008

In winamp, all my songs that are in my music folder all have the same, incorrect album art unless they are in another subfolder with their own album art.I narrowed down the problem to the fact that when I put my documents folder into thumbnail view, the art appears on my music folder, rather than the default my music folder icon.I have looked everywhere in this folder for this image, which was originally on some music my brother was downloading and deleted a long time ago and cannot see a way of restoring it back to normal.
This is what it is like in my document and the album art on the my music folder is on every song inside that isn't in a subfolder:gured out why. I had to turn on display system files and delete them manually. I guess I shouldn't have just tried show hidden files

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Delayed Write Failed;chkdsk Fail;recover Lost Data?

Jan 17, 2007

"Windows Delayed Write Failed Windows was unable to save all the data for the file E:$Mft"started getting this error pop in in WinXP every 10 or 15 minutes for a couple days on my desktop..i would click 'ok' and things seemed fine..however i eventually googled it cuz it's not the most attractive (comforting) mssg

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OS Damaged, Trying To Get Data Back?

Jan 23, 2007

XP Pro had the OS go bad. It would only start to load and then say the needed files were damage or missing. I removed the hard drive and read it on another XP machine but could find no data (pictures) anywhere under Documents and Settings or anyplace else. So I reinstalled XP Pro to the c:windows directory and it works fine, but can still find no data. Is the data being hidden? How can I get it back?

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Way To Recover Old Data After "restoring"?

Aug 20, 2005

I know this is a longshot, but here goes: My wife's notebook had a terrible virus that hijacked the entire machine and the network connection. It wouldn't allow me to restart the machine in safe mode, or restart it at all for that matter. My only choice (after talking to Dell and Microsoft techs) was to use Dell's "System Restore" disk to reinstall XP and start over. Needless to say, we lost a lot of important data, the most vital of which included several MS WORD files filled with notes and contact names for family finances, etc.

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How To Precious Data Back Again From Drive?

Mar 24, 2006

I was forced to rebuild my XP OS on my main/primary hard drive a few days ago, but I "apparently lost" something incredably Precious to me...and Really need some skilled advice, I have 2 hard drives on my computer. Both were partitioned into 2 "drives" each, for a number of reasons. My primary HD had my "old" XP OS on it, and now has my fresh install of XP Pro on it. I used PartitionMagic to merge the 2 drive partitions on that primary HD into one to simplify my system. My slave(2nd)HD only had data on it, in 2 partition drives. Since merging the 2 partitions of my primary HD had gone so successfully(losing nothing in my newly installed XP OS, I decided to also merge my slave(2nd)HD data partitions into one.

Here is the problem. In the process of merging the data HD partitions, it apparently made my computer not recognise that I even have a secondary/slave HD in the My Computer panel....and a "Search" in my Start Menu can not find any of the precious important "data" that was on one of those partitions. What I am missing now, and possibly have lost are many, many Gigs of home movie video and precious moments of my 4 children over 17 yrs growing up from birth to high school. This is(would)be a Huge Lose!! and I am devistated at my stupidity for not burning them to DVD before messing with the partition that contained them. But PM is supposed to, and did, not affect the data when merging my partitioned primary HD, so I thought I'd be safe with the 2nd HD too.

But the weird thing is that even though My Computer and system searchs show NO 2nd HD, or video data......the PartitionMagic program still shows them to exist. PM shows one near 60 Gig C: drive having my OS and a few programs....AND another near 60 Gig "D: drive" with about 27Gig of data on it(which are the family videos). Can someone skilled on this forum, or other areas PLEASE tell me How to get my computer to recognise my 2nd HD D:, and be able to access all it's content video, etc. on it? (unfortunately, I'm at work now and not at that home computer, but Very Much Need to start getting skilled advise about what to do as Soon as I get home to get those precious movies of my kids growing up back again)

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Activation Time Expired: PC Locked-up/get My Data Back?

Oct 20, 2006

If I RE-INSTALL XP again, will it give me 30 more days? All I need is a few hours, actually, because all I want is to get my stuff off the drive and be done with it...if we're able to do that, we'll probably subsequently give the machine away or sell it for cheap and let somebody else buy a copy of windows for, if I were to re-install XP again, would it give me more time? Also, would there be a way to install the OS without formatting the whole drive (so that my files, pics, etc aren't written over)? If I were to install something like Windows ME, which I'm told doesn't need to be activated, could I retrieve my files THAT way? Or would it have to reformat the whole drive?

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Recovering Data Back From NTFS Hard Disk?

Sep 16, 2006

I am having a problem with my 400GB HDD not displaying correctly - it displays as 127GB - in a new install of Windows XP on a seperate drive. My original setup was as follows:400GB SATA HDD with Windows XP as the Operating System plus Data - Single Partition - NTFS. 300GB SATA HDD with purely data - Single Partition - NTFS.I bought a new HDD today (SATA 320GB) and installed it in the PC. The original XP install saw it was installed and offered formatting options from Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management - no formatting options were taken.I then installed Windows XP (non-SP2 install, SP2 has been installed afterwards along with Video Card and Motherboard drivers) to the new HDD without removing the old drives first.

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Hard Disk Crashing: Taking The Data Back?

Mar 1, 2010

[spoiler][/spoiler]my hard disk chrashing my data to loset. how to recvery in my data

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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System Wont Boot / Getting Lost Data Back?

Apr 5, 2008

i have a windows xp system. it is a desktop (gateway). yesterday my computer crashed, and it wont load windows at all. it comes to the black screen with the options off booting windows normally, last known config, safe mode and the others. i cant boot windows in any of these config's.i have everything for school, my bills, my music and pictures. i need to back up all of my data but i cant get into windows at all

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Lost Two Days Of Data While OS Reverted Back To Earlier?

Aug 19, 2005

Lost 2 days of data because in the middle of the day my windows date reverts back to Jan 2002. I have changed the date back to the actual date twice already

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Reinstalling The Operating System / Unable To Find Way To Back Up Data?

Jun 5, 2005

I have some minor glitches in my system. I've been thinking about reformating the HD and reinstalling XP Pro. 2 questions: 1st is; if I back up my HD and then do a restore after reinstalling the os, won't I just restore the glitches I'm trying to get rid of? 2nd question; Since I've never done a reinstall and restore; will all my programs be restored just as if they have been installed (Drivers, programs, etc.); or do I have to reinstall all my programs and then do a restore so I get all the data that changed after they were installed?

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Internet Explorer 6 Data Store Folder

Jun 17, 2005

Where is the IE6 folder/data stored in the windows folder? Or is it even stored there? i looked around a little, wasn't to great of a search.. but does any one know? and not mind yelling at me for it.

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Data Execution Prevention - Crashes Explorer.exe

Apr 25, 2006

When i browse to certain directories, mainly ones with video files, i get the following "Data Execution Prevention - Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close." I have tried disabling DEP for windows explorer and now i dont get the DEP message, but i still get "Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close." I've had a similar problem with my old computer where certain video files would cause windows explorer to crash, and i believe the same thing is happening here except that my new CPU uses the DEP feature.

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Explorer Will Not Show Application - Data On External Hard D

Jul 19, 2005

Doing a search reveals that both my C drive and E drive (Maxtor external
hard drive) have the folder Application Data.I have chosen under Folder Options to allow all files to be shown. Indeed, all files appear for the C drive, but not all appear on the E drive.What can I do to have to do to view the E drive hidden files?

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Explorer Address Bar Not Visible - Get Back ?

Apr 14, 2005

my address bar on explorer is no longer visable ,any ideas how i get it back please ? the address is ticked and the word address is on the tool bar but i cant seem to get it to display , i have tryied right clicking etc but still no joy

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Explorer Connot Get Back Button ..

Jun 21, 2005

left & right buttons work fine, but i cannot get the back & forward buttons to work. I re-install the 5.2 intellimouse software, but still have the same problem.

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Explorer Back And File Edit Gone?

Apr 5, 2007

i open the explorer i get a single window with no File edit and everyhting on the top even the back and forward icons are gone,

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Back Button Not Working - Just Downloaded Explorer 7

Mar 16, 2008

I just downloaded Explorer 7 I think it is. Problem I'm having is when I hit my back button or "backspace," explorer doesn't always respond. Why is this?
It gets really annoying because in some instances I will have to hit the back button several times for the previous page to load

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Internet Explorer History Comes Back After Deleted

May 4, 2006

I am running XP Home. Once I delete the internet history from the internet options, close IE, re-open IE and the history I just deleted comes back to life? Scanned my system using Norton System Works and Internet Security. Supposedly no virus or spyware or such.

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Can't Get Internet Explorer To Go Back To Regular Size

Sep 4, 2005

I had right clicked on the taskbar, then clicked on cascade windows.Now I can not get my internet explorer window to go back to regular size when I click on the internet explorer E (not sortcut) on my desktop (I have to manually resize it).I want to be able to click on it & have it open to max size How can I get it back to normal?

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Exit Internet Explorer And Load It Back Again / Cookies Are Deleted

May 12, 2006

I've got a problem with Internet Explorer (thought this question belongs to this forum). Well, everytime I exit Internet Explorer, then open it back again - I see that all my cookies were deleted. Why does that happen? Is it some wrong configuration in IE? If so, how and where can I change it?

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Asks To Press F1 When I Start / When Internet Explorer Opens Calender Goes Back

Aug 19, 2008

Each morning when my comp is switched on it asks me to press F1 to continue. When internet explorer opens, the calender has gone back to December 2001.It won't let me do anything till.I we have put the current date, month year and time. Once this is done it works fine.

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Window Explorer Keeps Reverting Back To ICON View Instead Of DETAIL View?

Apr 3, 2008

Ever since I did a factory reinstall 3 months ago, every time I close my machine down and restart, my Windows Explorer settings keep getting reverted back to ICON view instead of my saved DETAIL view.I'm using the button under tools and folder options, View Tab, and Apply to all Folders.Is there something else I'm missing?

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Recover Data From Corrupt HDD: Not Allowed To Copy Data?

Dec 31, 2006

I had a bad HDD failure which corrupted part of my WinXP OS with the result that I am unable to boot into Windows. I have reloaded Windows on another HDD and I will be able to recover most of my data from backups. However, there is still some recent data on the bad disk which I am frantic to recover. I am able to find the "Documents and Settings" folder where I believe the "Outlook Express" data is held

I am unable to get into the folder as my username on the computer was passworded (the password is known). Neither am I allowed to copy the folder to my new drive. I cannot access the folder from my new OS even when I password myself with the same username / password. I have attempted to repair the bad drive's copy of Windows but that wasn't successful. I don't want to replace the bad copy with a fresh as this would reformat the drive taking with it the folder I want (and can't copy). Any work on the folder would need to be on the bad drive, it seems. I have run out of ideas.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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